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#313509 Japan Centric Nintendo Direct

Posted by DéliopT on 30 May 2015 - 05:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

They only have Yoshi and Mario Maker planned for the Summer in Japan. Maybe they will announce Art Academy for Summer, too.

I don't see them focusing on MM with E3 in a few weeks, though.


I'll try to watch it just to see if there's any surprise... maybe a SNES Remix!

#313494 Kung Fury! 80's are back!

Posted by DéliopT on 29 May 2015 - 10:34 AM in The Café

Started seeing but it's so great that i'm going to buy it when i can to finish seeing it.

It deserves!

#313478 RUMOR: Another New LEGO Title on the Way?

Posted by DéliopT on 28 May 2015 - 03:40 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Yep, it does. Fits lego well actually. Kind of excited and hope this comes to fruition. 

Yeah! If there's a game that fits perfectly into that type of game, it really is Lego.
Amazing that it took this long to make a game like that when people still build stuff LEGO even today. :)

#313469 RUMOR: Another New LEGO Title on the Way?

Posted by DéliopT on 28 May 2015 - 05:11 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Is it me or that looks like Minecraft?

#313417 Yoshi’s Woolly World supports more than 40 amiibo

Posted by DéliopT on 27 May 2015 - 04:22 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Could this be the cutest game made by Nintendo?

Those Yoshis laughing was really funny to watch. :)


This could very well be my most anticipated game for this year, now that Zelda is gone.

#313257 Project Cars struggling to hit 30FPS on Wii U... devs might wait for NX

Posted by DéliopT on 25 May 2015 - 05:15 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think that it all depends on what he has heard.

If it was something that was supposed to come out in 2017 and wouldn't be talking about a next gen version of the game.

#313139 Bowser is Nintendo of America’s new VP of sales

Posted by DéliopT on 20 May 2015 - 03:54 PM in General Gaming

That's just... funny! :)

#313121 Possible SURPRISE 3rd party titles announced at E3?

Posted by DéliopT on 19 May 2015 - 05:47 AM in E3 2015

I just can't see who else would want to support Wii U besides Ubisoft, Activision and Sega.

Ubisoft is out, Sega pretty much too. If Activision does anything else it's got to be a remaster like they did with Goldeneye. A CoD remake of the MW trilogy makes sense: new generation, two of the most loved CoD games.

#313070 I can explain Reggie's eyes.

Posted by DéliopT on 17 May 2015 - 07:19 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games


I need a Virtual Boy...


And not just because i want to death-ray my enemies and all those who oppose me, it also has amazing games!




Reggie's words not mine!

#313059 I can explain Reggie's eyes.

Posted by DéliopT on 16 May 2015 - 10:54 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

I need a Virtual Boy...


And not just because i want to death-ray my enemies and all those who oppose me, it also has amazing games!

#313044 Nintendo Has Unannounced Wii U Titles Which Will Launch Before April 2016

Posted by DéliopT on 16 May 2015 - 05:02 AM in E3 2015

I think the only thing that would move consoles would be a beautiful Metroid game, a FPS/Destiny kind of game, Mario Galaxy 3/Super Mario 64 remake.

#313011 Nintendo gone Mobile/Nintendo NX system

Posted by DéliopT on 14 May 2015 - 10:27 AM in General Gaming

Something crossed my mind today after reading the Q&A.


We all know that the NX talk isn't new, that Nintendo already talked about its new consoles early 2014.
The question is, why did Nintendo, at the press conference with DeNA, said "dedicated gaming device" and not "dedicated gaming devices"?; Why singular and not in plural if everyone already expected that?
And they still used that expression in singular form during the lates Investor's meeting.


Iwata's reply to a NX question:

"Your question also included the "current notion of thinking about home consoles and handheld devices." When it comes to how dedicated game systems are being played, the situations have become rather different, especially between Japan and overseas. Since we are always thinking about how to create a new platform that will be accepted by as many people around the world as possible, we would like to offer to them "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept" by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country. This is all that I can confirm today."


Remember how he also mentioned how he wanted to change how HW is sold to consumers?

Then, what if, Nintendo really is just making one platform that will come alive through different type of HW?
Iwata already mentioned that he would like to increase the form factors, how he sees both handheld and home consoles for next gen, as brother and sister.


This could very well mean that the HW will execute the brand new concept Nintendo has for its HW but Nintendo could also release variants of the same HW ala Steam Machines/mobile devices.


If this is true it actually goes in line with AMD's statement of a 2016 deal that goes beyond gaming.



More and more, i'm convinced that NX isn't this or that HW, but it's actually a way to play their games. And i wouldn't be surprised if we saw some deals to incorporate NX into stuff like TV, Blu-ray players, etc.

#313007 E3 / Nintendo World Championships 2015

Posted by DéliopT on 14 May 2015 - 09:17 AM in Wii U News

Enjoy this Digital Event because it will probably be the last time it replaces a press conference. Yes, i am betting NX will be revealed and launched next year.

Even if that happens, it would be great if they could keep the DE forever. Just to see vídeos like these! :D


Love the vídeo! It's even funnier than last year.

The best moments:


Bill Trinnen being fired;

The kid;

And, to me, Reggie's face when he is working out and puts his hans above his head. That smile is just awesome! :D


I was betting on a Splatoon tournament and we'll get a Nintendo World Championship! Great.

I actually thought there would be another Best Buy event but just for Mario Maker seems a bit weak. Hope they announce more games.

#313004 Gorgeous New Footage of 90’s Arcade Racer for Wii U

Posted by DéliopT on 14 May 2015 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I really liked playing Daytona and Scud Race in the árcades and because of that i have been anticipating this game for a long time.


Hope it gets released this year and that it's a hit - so much that will make Sega release Daytona 1/2 and Scud Race on Wii U!

#312968 Nintendo will reveal their E3 plans tomorrow

Posted by DéliopT on 13 May 2015 - 03:38 AM in E3 2015

They will probably do another TreeHouse thing, but i hope they change it a bit.

Last year they had a lot of (new) games to do the event. This year, everything is pointing at a repeat for some games (mainly because they won't be out by the time E3 starts) like Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Yoshi. New games for the show will be Starfox and the incoming Q1 2016 games.


Will that be enough to kep the event fresh?

#312931 Nintendo Has Unannounced Wii U Titles Which Will Launch Before April 2016

Posted by DéliopT on 12 May 2015 - 03:51 PM in E3 2015

That could mean 3 games (one for each month).

And some also use the gamepad... hmm...


These are my five bets of what those 3 games could be:


Animal Crossing, Advance Wars, new franchise, Captain Toad 2, Pilotwings.

#312909 Nintendo will reveal their E3 plans tomorrow

Posted by DéliopT on 12 May 2015 - 09:48 AM in E3 2015

^ What they are doing at E3.


My guess: Smash Tournament, Digital Event 2.0, Splatoon Tournament, TreeHouse event.

#312903 Nintendo will reveal their E3 plans tomorrow

Posted by DéliopT on 12 May 2015 - 07:59 AM in E3 2015

It's about time.


I think that's around 5PM UK time, right?

#312839 More Mario Kart 8 DLC on the way

Posted by DéliopT on 10 May 2015 - 03:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I think it's clear that mario kart 9 or 10 needs to really be more nintendo themed. smash bros it up.


For DLC it could really be a great idea.

Being able to play on some Earthbound, Kirby, Metroid tracks would be pretty cool. And if you could have those characters, even better!

#312828 Japanese Wii U sales surge thanks to Xenoblade Chronicles X

Posted by DéliopT on 10 May 2015 - 11:48 AM in Wii U News

I'm just surprised XCX caused such a boost!
Good indicator for Nintendo to invest in more core games that japanese fans like.

#312730 E3 2015 Nintendo Predictions?

Posted by DéliopT on 08 May 2015 - 02:06 PM in E3 2015

Actually the only title that could sell systems during the holidays is coming out in September: Mario Maker.


E3 better have a killer title or else...

#312729 More Mario Kart 8 DLC on the way

Posted by DéliopT on 08 May 2015 - 01:52 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Not that i mind more tracks, but i can't feel that this might be too much and that the next game will feel a bit slim when it comes out...

#312719 Wii U Reaches 9.5 Million Sold, As Best-Selling Games Revealed

Posted by DéliopT on 08 May 2015 - 08:14 AM in Wii U News

Great to see them return to profits, this fiscal year.


Too bad that the best years of Wii U and 3DS are now gone.

#312686 Nintendo Teams Up With Universal Parks and Resorts

Posted by DéliopT on 07 May 2015 - 09:01 AM in The Café

This could be really big for Nintendo.

Too bad it's only for the US market.

#312654 Happy Happy Joy Joy

Posted by DéliopT on 06 May 2015 - 03:28 PM in Introduction Central

Fresh blood!!


*cough  cough*


How do you do? Nice to make your acquaintance, my good sir.

Enjoy your Splatoon game and many other that are to come, i highly suspect (Wii U has great games waiting for you).


Have a jolly good day!

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