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#153656 1080p

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 29 December 2012 - 04:39 PM

Black ops 2 is something like 880x720 on wii u which is the same resolution as the 360 and PS3 versions. This could be the cause of the texture issue.

Most likely Is the game trying to catch up with the display or something?

#141447 next assasins creed could have co op

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 01 December 2012 - 10:24 AM

No thanks

#140054 Iwata interview: Zelda/Mario 3D WiiU will come / Day 1 patch apologise

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 28 November 2012 - 08:28 PM

The sequel was NOT a copy of the first game... it was better than the first game... why? 'Cause it had yoshi. Enough said.

I don't consider "placing blocks" gamepad support... I wish it used it better...

Being able to play it on the game-pad is technically game-pad support and one of the largest innovations if not the largest I have ever seen from a controller.

#140043 U Play app for Wii U (pictures and details)

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 28 November 2012 - 08:13 PM

I wish Ubisoft and Nintendo would partner and make this the official Nintendo Trophy system.

#140006 Iwata interview: Zelda/Mario 3D WiiU will come / Day 1 patch apologise

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 28 November 2012 - 07:40 PM

NSMBU didn't use the gamepad in my opinion... meh...

Thats just ignorance.

#139954 Hissing sound on Wii U

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 28 November 2012 - 06:27 PM

Put it in the microwave and sell it on ebay.

#139925 Iwata interview: Zelda/Mario 3D WiiU will come / Day 1 patch apologise

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 28 November 2012 - 05:20 PM

I hope its like Super Mario 3d U or a sequel to sunshine or something like Super Mario 64.

#137724 3rd Party support discussion.

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 24 November 2012 - 10:56 PM

I also think Rockstar should release their rockstar collection for the Wii U. It would be a perfect marketing plan for porting games.

I cant tell you how much it means to me to not have to miss out on third party games anymore, lets just hope that Nintendo can get back some classic IP's like Banjo Kazooie. We have all heard what happened with Nut's & Bolt's so the next Banjo Kazooie hopefully won't stray to far from what made it a game changer.

Yeah Banjo wont come to the wii u anytime soon. Microsoft has that IP in a vice grip from what Ive heard.

#137703 3rd Party support discussion.

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 24 November 2012 - 10:00 PM

Nintendo is turning over a new leaf. With launch of the Wii U this might be the Big N's most hardcore console since the 64. While sticking to their roots with Mario they have added the more adulterated Zombi U being an exclusive to the console that features excessive violence and other themes. This is something Nintendo heavily shyed away from with the Wii but with titles like Ninja Gaiden:Razors Edge and Bayonetta U being exclusives, does this mean that Nintendo is finallly taking a step in the right direction to hold hardcore gamers like me? The problem is 3rd party support.

In the past nintendo has had publishers give them their games but in a very very low res version due to the sheer lack of power in the wii and due to lack luster to near pitiful sales the publishers didn't give Ninty the rights to publish their games again.
Some names stick out though that stuck it out with the Wii and that is Activision, 2k, and EA. Call of duty came out for the wii every year and games such as the 007 series and skylanders are always on Nintendo systems so this tells me that Activision's games will be coming to the wii u. NBA 2K has always been on the wii so this makes me think that games like borderlands or bioshock might finally come to Nintendo systems due to the wii u showing power.

Gearbox has already put their upcoming ALIENS game on the wii u so only time will tell. EA has put their largest product on the system already in Mass Effect so maybe they will also port games like Battle-Field 4 or Dragon Age 3. (Even if its for the cash). Once devs get their hands on the full power of the wii u I can see so many possibilites, and yes they are endless.THQ is a suporrter but a question mark due to the fact that Darksiders 2 and Metro last light are making their way to the consoles, despite the devs of last light claiming they couldn't put it on wii u due to work being stretched with lay offs a THQ. Think about the possibility of Rockstar bringing their big hitters to the wii u. If Nintendo can get these devs in their system for the long-run the Wii U will no doubt be the superior console.


#137693 NSMBWU Can't progress - Soda Jungle

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 24 November 2012 - 09:18 PM

Do a barrel roll

#114011 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 30 September 2012 - 05:27 PM

woot yay I'm so glad your going to get the Wii U I was gonna make you muh first friend on it so if you didn't get it I was gonna be sad's

The only reason im off about it kind of is because my Vita which i was super excited for is collecting dust. :( It was mind blowing for about a month

#112810 Breaking Bad Video Game Concept

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 25 September 2012 - 08:09 PM

Have you ever watched something and said Hey this could be a video game? Well I was watching Breaking Bad for practically 2 days straight and came up with a scenario to where this could be a real deal block buster triple-a game.
Breaking Bad- Give the game more back bone. Rockstar would be the ideal devs for this series, the
talking would be just like the cut scenes in La Noire and there could be gun fights like Max Payne 3 offers. A smart idea would be to use Walt and Jesse as a co-op team with Jesse as a look out and Walt as the guns of the operation. The story should be new and fresh and not stick to the script this way the added fighting and shooting doesn't feel shoe-horned into the television show but rather ends up being a new twist on the situation entirely.

Walt and Jesse could start out in the R.V. and you work your way
up eventually working for los pollos Hermanos. During the game after each mission Walt and Jesse get cash rewards plus
heisenburg points that add up to get higher cash rewards and skill points in which you can use to upgrade perks such as cooking or trickery. Like in La Noire you are talking to a lot of people figuring out what they know and many times getting questioned your self. If you give your self away the missions are failed and for every hint of information you give to the DEA or other people you lose points. During Shoot outs the game will be in a 3rd person cover shooters style where Walt and Jesse will have limited bullet supply and have to use the objects around them. The game would also rely heavily on Cut-scenes since there is so much going on in the story. Different Missions include Walt and Jesse doing delieverys for Saul Goodman, Jesse being Mikes body guard, and Walt riding around with Hank to find out clues about Gustavo.
Breaking Bad would be an excellent game for the minds at Rockstar to create.

#110916 Wii U Gamer-tag equivalent?

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 21 September 2012 - 06:29 AM

The wii u chat bundle comes with a pigeon where you tie a note to its leg and send it to your friend.

#110667 COPY-CATS

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 20 September 2012 - 03:55 PM

The post I was informing you on wasn't even about a controller having a screen on it. All I was saying was that he didn't mean what you thought he meant. Don't come at me with your fight, especially not when it has nothing to do with what I said to you. Take it to someone who cares about what company has what gimmick.

Now to give you what you may or may not want to hear, their all gimmicks who cares, it just turns out that some gimmicks help gaming in a positive way. Touch screens and dual screens were a gimmick when the DS was released and it turned out to be great for gameplay in several ways. 3D is a gimmick yet in some games such as Super Mario 3D Land it allows you to see things that aren't seen in 2D. Motion controls are a gimmick but create unforgettable experiences in various genres by making it feel like you are actually there, especially FPSs since it gives you the best precision next to a mouse. They are all gimmicks each and every one, it just depends on how developers implement these gimmicks to create a better gaming experience.

Calm down im not fighting with anyone?

#110449 Tecmo announces Fist of the North Star: Kens Rage 2

Posted by Mushlikeahusky on 20 September 2012 - 10:03 AM

If you ever played any samurai warriors games or most koei games It's pretty much the same. So tons of beating the pulp out of baddies

I haven't played many samurai games but this one just looks fun. I love hack-n-slash

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