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Member Since 01 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2012 11:05 PM

#82001 Star Fox/Metroid Crossover is FAKE!

Posted by Nollog on 30 May 2012 - 06:22 PM

I don't understand why everyone hated this concept. I was really looking forward to it.

CoD teaches us that people don't want new things, they want the same thing every year.

#81737 E3 2012 Expectations

Posted by Blake on 29 May 2012 - 08:33 PM

Eh, at this point all I am thinking about is: MY BODY IS READY, OH YES MY BODY IS SO READY.

So yeah, I honestly don't have the brain capacity to be thinking about what my expectations are at the moment.

#81426 3DS vs Vita in power

Posted by Nollog on 28 May 2012 - 04:38 PM

It doesn't matter.
One has games, the other doesn't.

#81708 Success

Posted by Gruff on 29 May 2012 - 06:07 PM

Retro Studios. Or Rocksteady.

Retro Studios is first party.

#81421 Will Nintendo show off next-gen graphics?

Posted by neverwinteru on 28 May 2012 - 04:28 PM

well seeing as though the wii u will be a next-gen console, im sure it will have next-gen graphics.

#7490 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by Narcidius on 16 June 2011 - 06:01 AM

Yeah, the terms "casual" and "hardcore" are very ambiguous.  While I affirm the posters above who define "hardcore" as people who play games often or buy a lot of games, I think a helpful distinction in software would be between games that are complex (or "deep") experiences with a LOT to do, a lot to learn, and a lot to master, and games that are intentionally created as simple (or "shallow", but not in a pejorative sense) experiences (i.e. easy to understand, easy to play, not overwhelming in terms of scope).

The hardcore gamers that are not just whining incoherently are usually asking for DEEP experiences - for games that are difficult to master and have a lot to discover (by this definition, even Pokemon could count, and I think it does, but Monster Hunter is a better example).  Lots of hardcore gamers also happen to want their games violent and gritty (for personal taste reasons), but I don't think this deserves to be included in the category as part of the definition.  I love me some Resident Evil... but I've logged FAR more hours into Pokemon.

I think that Nintendo has already proven that they will have great support for casual gamers.  There are the Mii apps (Chase Mii and Battle Mii) demoed at E3, as well as the inevitable WiiSportsU, Mario Party U, etc.  I hear your worries, OP, but I think you can rest assured that Nintendo will not ignore you.  They have a lot of new fans who want to play casually, with friends and family or just for some quick entertainment in the evening, and they will not ignore that fan base!

#7339 wii u to hardcore for me?

Posted by MagmaBeatles on 15 June 2011 - 08:05 PM

The term "hardcore" has lost its meaning over the years.  A hardcore gamer is someone who puts a lot of their time into games.  Playing them, researching info about them, you name it.  They generally have a wide knowledge of games.  It is NOT someone who just sits there and plays CoD online all of the time.  

A hardcore game can be anything that isn't a family/party game.  So yes, games like Super Mario Bros., Pikmin and Donkey Kong are all hardcore games.  A game doesn't have to have a lot of blood and violence to be hardcore, it just has to be a game that takes a lot of skill, is really challenging and isn't just a one-time thing.  

So if you aren't into the games that you mentioned, that doesn't mean you don't like hardcore games.  It just means you aren't into those sorts of games.  

Anyways, I'm sure there'll be some casual games on the Wii U like Wii U sports and Wii U play.

#7438 what do think of the look of the console?

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 16 June 2011 - 03:00 AM

Didn't people complain about the look of the Wii too when it was first shown?  "Ewww, it looks like an external DVD drive".

Microsoft designed the Xbox 360 based on looks and look where it got them, it overheated.  Had they just worried about functionality they would have made it slightly bigger and we wouldn't have had the red light of death fiasco.

Are people seriously sitting staring at their console instead of playing the games?

My only complaint about the WiiU is I wish they had kept Gamecube support as its a far better control pad than the classic controller and I hate the fact I am going to need to keep my Wii hooked up to just the play Gamecube games.

#6743 "The Wii U Controller Needs Analog Sticks and Triggers"

Posted by Mukkinese on 15 June 2011 - 03:29 AM

Firstly, I think the complaints about the circle-pads instead of thumbsticks is nit-picking, at worst, it's a minor irritation. The change of a control from analogue to digital is slightly more important, though again, not the end of the world. The touch-screen and gyros can easily help replace any missing analogue controls. Surely the obvious solution, in a racing game, would be to map the brakes and the accelerator to one of the analogue circle pads, steering could be taken care of by the gyros?

Having said that, one thing that seems to be missed by most journo's commenting on the Wii U is that it offers more controller options than any other console. Okay, only the Wii-tablet-thingy comes with the base unit, but the Wii U will support the Wiimote for motion social/party gaming, the Wiimote and nunchuck, the Classic controller/classic controller pro and the balance board, as well as the new controllers range of options; touch-screen, gyros, accellerometer, mic camera, etc. With the exception of the balance board, non of these are going to break the bank, so each players favourite control option is, at least in theory, available.

#6677 "The Wii U Controller Needs Analog Sticks and Triggers"

Posted by Jubies on 15 June 2011 - 12:33 AM

My only problem with the triggers is that a new Luigi's Mansion wouldn't be great without it being able to tell how hard I'm holding it down. Not that they're going to make a Luigi's Mansion 3 anyway.... I think I would be the only person that would want it.

#6254 Wii U to support 4 SD video streams.

Posted by Bill Cipher on 14 June 2011 - 02:47 PM


So apparently it is now able to stream SD quality video feeds to 4 controllers. Would be awesome if true, I think its time for nintendo to just come with it and tell us tbh :D.
There's also some more info on the systems actual specs.

Blashempy, the true blog is Wiiugo

#5549 The Wii U is 50% more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3?

Posted by raney150 on 14 June 2011 - 05:01 AM

That's a pretty good thing to estimate right now, but as you said we need to wait for Nintendo to crawl out of their shell and give us the technical features, the overall performance of the console, and the power it possesses.Most likely that will happen before the month of July ends, so I guess guys, we wait! Again!

They haven't even released the specs for the 3DS so it may be a while lol.

#4536 Could the Wii 2 be outdated soon?

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 June 2011 - 10:01 PM

I'm sure it could but it would have to be with low settings, lol.

I was impressed with the background but something about the bird just seemed off...idk what it is.

Anyways, that was a tech demo, not representative of graphics during actual gameplay.

Remember the Quantic Dream's tech demo for the PS3 that had everyone's jaws dropping to the floor? Well it took Quantic Dreams 4 years to actually to be able to make a game with those visuals (Heavy Rain) and even then it wasn't on par with that original tech demo...and to even get close to it, the entire game had to be done in QT events.

Other than Heavy Rain, no game has even come close to what they showed off in that Tech Demo for the PS3 and we're well into the systems life cycle...if games were going to be able to do it, they'd have done it already.

It's entirely possible (if not likely) that it'll be the same for the Wii U with it's tech demo's.

Not that it would be a bad thing, it's still a MAJOR step up from the original Wii and short of people who made the massive mistake of actually buying into all the b/s pre-reveal hype no one expected a modern day graphical powerhouse from Nintendo.

I'm not against Nintendo, I love me some Zelda, Mario, DK and Kirby. I'm against people who try to irrationally overrate products or features of products.

You have to look at Nintendo's attitude regarding tech demos and general tech specs. Really the reason Nintendo stopped releasing technical specs regarding its systems is what happened with GameCube. Sony and Microsoft give the media fluffed specs regarding their consoles, which simply wasn't possible in a full game setting. Nintendo on the other hand were more honest and openly discussed the capabilities of the GameCube and the whole situation soured on them. This isn't Sony or Microsoft where consistently you can expect them to show case a tech demo simply not possible on the hardware in a game. Nintendo's tech demos for certain franchises for instance often end up not quite as impressive as the finished product and it wouldn't be like Nintendo to show case a demo that didn't represent what the console is truly capable of pulling off.

#4463 Wii U Graphical Demo in case you missed it.

Posted by Jikayaki on 09 June 2011 - 03:19 AM

My impression is that its graphics capabilities are not far beyond the current competition.  That is probably plenty enough power anyway, but at the same time they don't want to reveal specs because people would judge the system on the fact that the specs are similar to five year old products, despite that you shouldn't.

We're rapidly approaching a threshold where graphics across the board are going to be impressive and they simply won't matter anymore.  There will still be improvements, but they won't be defining systems like they were a decade ago, when everybody was debating what system had the best capabilities.

The industry in the modern era is about marketing, software, and services.  Hardware matters more in form than raw tech specs.

What's most important about Wii U on the technical side is its architecture.  Work on the system to an extent carries over from the current generation.  Don't expect visuals of Wii games to get much better than you see in their first year.  Developers already know how to achieve results with the hardware because they've worked on the Xbox 360 for years.  Of course they aren't identical, but they're going to find all the ins/out/tricks a lot faster this time.

Your impression is quite off then. Both demos to some degree showcased effects simply impossible to replicate with current generation consoles. That's without mentioning that both demos where running at 1080p native resolution in real time while pulling off Global Illumination, high quality textures, and ext. Literally only a few PC games on their highest settings can do some of the things being done in both demos. The more impressive demo the Japanese Garden Demo is specifically stated as being based on an older version of the hardware and Zelda tech demos always are worse than the final product. Their choice regarding the demos perhaps wasn't the best. It would of helped get the capabilities of the console around to specific crowds of individuals if one demo had been a realistic urban setting (a FPS ext). We've more or less already meet the threshold where most individuals have a hard time telling several of the current improvements in graphics compared to the capabilities of the current consoles. That has a lot to do with the fact majority of it is very subtle and that no developer has really embraced tessellation. What improvements can be seen for next generation consoles also really need to be seen in person or the original video files as recordings lose quite a bit of detail.

#4274 I think there's a handheld better then the 3DS.

Posted by Wertville on 07 June 2011 - 03:26 PM

I don't know where your getting your ideas from but they are wayyyy off base. The Vita is miles ahead of the 3DS in graphical capability and is only behind the PS3 in the amount of background detail that can be displayed. Kojima showed MGS4 on Vita without downgrading graphics at all.

Cool. The main difference between the Wii and PS3 is HD, though. Which is moot on a handheld. The Gamecube could do Anti-Aliasing and background things that the PS2 couldn't do; Yet you once claimed that the graphics of the two were practically the same?

Ummmmmmm....what? The PSV games are Sequels or Ports? All on PS3 as well? The franchises are on PS3 but the games are entirely new, none are ports and none are "sequels" but independent games in the universe of the franchises (similar to what God of War on the PSP was). And even if they were what's your point? That's ALL That's coming to 3DS...your bias is astounding and your being blatantly hypocritical. You praise the what was it...4...5 new games Nintendo showed all coming 6 months from now for the 3DS then bash the PSVs library for being "Sequels" of established franchises when literally every one of those games Nintendo showed.....was an established franchise! lol.

Umm... What? I'M being hypocritical? I'm admitting that the 3DS has mostly remakes. However, YOU were the one who pointed that out. So I just decided to return the favor. I guess using sequel was a bad term; I'm used to using that against Shooter only fans who like to see the same game released yearly. None of the new games (Or at least, not many that were shown at E3) have exclusivity, is what I meant by port, BTW. As for Remakes, Ninty Fanboys like me (And probably a good sized chunk of the early adopters) have never owned a Sony Console, and therefore love it when developers abandon the PS2 and give an advanced port to a Ninty console :D

The WiiU was not a slap in the face to the PSV, now your just being absurd. The PSV isn't for playing in bed...I played my PS3 in bed...the PSV is for playing when your not at home.

It will be for playing in bed if they don't give it a 2+ hour battery life and make it pocket sized :/

And on that note, there have been some comments coming out suggesting that the WiiU remote has to be in the same room as the console to work, therefor your point is moot anyway.

Not sure how they would go about testing that. I won't doubt it, but I'll wait for an announcement from a press source and/or Nintendo.

Take the fanboy glasses off for a second and become an actual gamer that appreciates any platform from any company, you'll be glad you did;).

I do enjoy games from all companies. I play them all the time at friends houses (Though they all(Cept' one) enjoy playing my Wii much more :)).

However, once people start up console wars... I have to side with Nintendo. I enjoy talking about one console or another, but once someone says 'X is better than Y' I come out, Objection!s blazing.

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