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Posted by LeagueMaker on 21 December 2012 - 11:36 AM in Wii U Hardware

I used it and it was just as I thought, sort of useless. (Whom was it that said it would stream TV from another room to your Wii U? I told you so. I told you so. I told you so. :P Okay, time to be sort of serious. xD) Yeah, I can turn on my console to have it change channels for me when my remote can do the same thing. I really do not see the value in wasting electricity having a console on to watch something being provided from my receiver. Hooray, I can post comments on Miiverse, Twitter, or Facebook while watching TV. Yet if I wanted to do that I could just use my computer or cellphone for the two if I had accounts for either & soon enough use Miiverse on either device as well. (More so my cellphone if I was going to use anything to post considering it is always on ready for a call or quick searches out and about) I guess, the only benefit would be someone cyber stalking you of what shows your watching? Though if the show is live with no advertisements are you really going to look away if you're interested in said show? Seems more like a distraction & utterly useless when watching television in my opinion.

Yes it supports DirecTV channels.

I don't know about you but I'd rather have everything on one screen/remote.  Why would I not take advantage of the opportunity to meld all my devices into one user interface.  I can now seemlessly switch from Netflix to TV to searching the internet, to Hulu.  This sounds like a great bonus to the Wii U, it doesnt need it for me to get a Wii U but I'll take it.

#150045 Metroid Metal!

Posted by LeagueMaker on 20 December 2012 - 12:05 PM in The Café

Holy Crap, Look Up Metroid Metal on Spotify, crazy good guitar versions of metroid songs and their actually pretty good at it. Give it a try and then come back and praise em here.

#149575 7000 Wii Us stolen!

Posted by LeagueMaker on 19 December 2012 - 09:28 AM in The Café

Was looking at this article on ign but rather make my comments here:


Alot of the peoples comments are that why would anyone steal Wii Us because their just paper weights and not worth anything and other such nonsensical comments.

The article says the police are waiting to hear about a sell of 7000 usnits and then they will find their theifs. If the thiefs are that stupid then yes they will get caught but chances are if they are capable of stealing 7000 units uncaptured with no witnesses they will have a better plan.

I want to know what your plan would be, here are my thoughts:

If the theifs are patient, they can sell them one at a time on 4 different accounts on ebay and 4 accounts on Amazon, no more than 50 units per month. They should also be sure to sell other things other than Wii U units. They could also set up an Amazon account.

What the cops should do is hunt down the serial numbers of the units if that is part of the shipping manafest, if it's not then their pretty much SOL unless they find out info from an informant. If the serial numbers are known they should be able to hunt down the source by hunting down the path that one of those Wii U's was purchased.

What do you think?

#146611 Rock Band DLC migration

Posted by LeagueMaker on 11 December 2012 - 09:53 AM in Wii U Hardware

Anything new on this?, I am also planning on being able to play RB3 with my downloaded songs when I get the Wii U later this month. My guess is that if it is still an issue, Rock Band could release a new game for Wii U and perhaps address the old DLC from there?

#145434 What's your job?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 08 December 2012 - 08:13 AM in The Café

I heard it from Teacher, the channel 4 TV show I think.

I bet the PE teacher at that school really appreciated he comment, lol. There are a few PE teachers out there that suck, i.e. the ones who "roll the ball out"

#145392 What's your job?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 08 December 2012 - 04:52 AM in The Café

Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't teach, teach PE. :>

lol, I've heard that before from somewhere, can't remember. I would love to see someone thrown in to my gym and have 80 students file in and they keep order and develop a successful lesson, it would be a disaster. The thing is, I get paid the same as a classroom teacher except im not miserable and grumpy like 80% of them lol. Best job in the world. After my masters I'll get paid 50K+ and have a heckova lot of time off to spend with the family, and that in itself is worth a ton, I only work 180 days a year!

#144961 Goodbye.

Posted by LeagueMaker on 07 December 2012 - 08:17 AM in The Café

"whoever" is me :)

#144960 What's your job?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 07 December 2012 - 08:15 AM in The Café

Just curious and I totally understand if you'd rather keep it to yourself, some of us are secret agents I understand.

I'm a Health & Physical Education Teacher for a K-5 Elementary School and have been at it for 6 years.

I also coach Cross-Country at the High School and Track & Field at the Middle School.

I'm currently pursuing my Masters in HPE at Jacksonville State University and it should give me a 5,000 raise as soon as I finish it in December 2013 :-)

How bout you guys, anybody working out there or are you still getting your education, if so, what are you planning on going into?

#144958 Just flushed my XBOX 360 down the GameStop Toilet

Posted by LeagueMaker on 07 December 2012 - 08:09 AM in General Gaming

Mature may be the wrong word to use, what I'm saying is more respectful. XBOX live is flooded with the dumb masses. I'm sure the Wii U will have it's share but from what I hear alot of those people are getting banned, lol. I'll have to revisit this thread after I've had some personal time with my system, It's gonna be a busy holiday break for me :-)

#144925 Just flushed my XBOX 360 down the GameStop Toilet

Posted by LeagueMaker on 07 December 2012 - 05:48 AM in General Gaming

Yesturday I read the following article http://www.ign.com/a...s-social-gaming and was convinced that it was officially time to trade in everything I own that is XBOX to make room for the Wii U that should arrive this Christmas. I agree with the writer that the online community is full of ignorant, whiny kids that are full of themselves and completely rude. This article pretty much told me in a nutshell, "If your looking for a more mature and moderated online community that does not put up with foolishness than you will enjoy the experience of Wiiverse"

I recently had my first child and my wife is not much of a video gamer however, when I do get her gaming it is usually a Wii game. I bought the Kinect thinking the familily would enjoy that but we have probably played it 5 times since it came out and it just feels more like a gimmick.

So yesturday, I bit the Bullet and traded in my 250GB XBOX with Kinect and about 15 games and came out with COD: BOII and $240 in store credit for future games. I feel good about it and am also excited about not paying $10 amonth for GOLD anymore.

I have a sweet PC so when the next XBOX and PS come out, I'll still be able to play the blockbusters, except for the 1st party games of course but that's what friends are for :-)

Maybe it was a drastic move but I just see my xbox becomming worth less and less and dident have the patience to sell it privately, I was just ready for the divorce to be over :-)


#144923 Goodbye.

Posted by LeagueMaker on 07 December 2012 - 05:44 AM in The Café

If your worried about your progress in video games, you probably need to reevaluate your priorities. If I were you, I would take a break from digital media all together for about 6 weeks. I know it sounds impossible to do, but you will return refreshed and have a better prespective on what the digital world is all about, it should be used as a tool to have fun and socialize, it should never feel like a job which is what it sounds like it has become for you if your worried about your game progress. Good luck, hope I didn't offend you, I truely want you to consider my advice, it's for the best; I've been where you are before.

#144569 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 06 December 2012 - 11:06 AM in General Gaming

Delete Please, Moved it.

#116642 My Mario Kart Wii League

Posted by LeagueMaker on 11 October 2012 - 06:08 AM in The Museum

Here is an old file I made from way back when mario kart wii was new. I made a league and this is the sheet we used to keep up with everything, I'm hoping the Wii U makes things at least a little bit easier. What do you think of it? Would you have been intrested in participating? I'm hoping to do this in the future with the WiiU, thus the name.


#116641 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 11 October 2012 - 05:57 AM in General Gaming

I'm going to go by console:

PC:  Striders - Half Life 2
NES: Mario - SMB 3
SNES: Chrono - Chrono Trigger
N64: Old Link - OOT
Gamecube: Samus - Metroid Prime or Freaky Rob Zombie type guy in RE4
Wii: Mii  :-)

#116633 Known facts

Posted by LeagueMaker on 11 October 2012 - 05:05 AM in Wii U Hardware

There is a video where someone is playing Black Ops 2 in front of a crowd on the game pad while another player is playing on the TV. Kinda like Goldeneye except one player gets the TV and one player gets the gamepad instead of cutting the screen in half, this will also be the case for mariokart too probably. I'm pretty sure you can play black ops II on the game pad itself while the rest of your family is watching TV, pretty cool.

#115115 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 05 October 2012 - 05:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

That's what I did with Lollipop Chainsaw, I think I was more interested in the fact Jessica Nigri was the "spokesmodel" for the game than the actual game itself, and I traded it not even a week later only after playing half the game.

You might want to keep that to yourself lol :blush: :D

#115110 RISK like game but 100X better

Posted by LeagueMaker on 05 October 2012 - 04:58 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Or Settlers of Catan, don't claim Go is the most ballanced if you haven't played Shogun/Samuri Swords or Catan.

#114913 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 04 October 2012 - 08:58 AM in Wii U Hardware

The last system you will own?  are 89 years old or something?  Technology will continue to grow and morth into new ways to play, granted the next Nintendo will probably be over 5 years away but why would you call it your last?

#114615 RISK like game but 100X better

Posted by LeagueMaker on 03 October 2012 - 07:12 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Have you tried Samari Swords aka Shogun, it's the most ballanced war board game, it's got 12 sided battle dice too :-) The instructions are about 30 pages long lol.

#114110 360 Kinect and FPS gaming idea.

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 08:13 AM in General Gaming

That was my whole point, perhaps it could gain percission by having a certain tracking device at the end of the gun?

#114103 RISK like game but 100X better

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 07:54 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Of course, I don't expect all videogamers to understand the strategy it takes to win, buttonmashing won't work here :-)

#114098 360 Kinect and FPS gaming idea.

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 07:35 AM in General Gaming

Ok, this seems so obvious to me and I don't understand the delay.

Why not release a pistol/nunchuck combo with a FPS made for the kinect?

Basically the player has a pistol in the right hand which the KINECT picks up at all times for aim, the left hand holds an analog stick for controller the on screen players movements.  It's a simple idea that would be so fun.

Another Idea for a game "Snipers"

Have a sweet riffle that coordinates with the kenect, each time you spawn you see a map and are given 100 sniper spots to choose from.  You pick one and are spawned there, you start looking for other snipers to take out, wind is a factor and the maps are open and huge with lots of rock holes/windows/you name it.

Aren't these things possible?  What's with the lack of a FPS on KINECT?

#114096 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 07:29 AM in Wii U Hardware

Good grief, sounds like you've got your entertainment center packed, Can't believe you bought all 3 consoles. I would sell the PS3 toward the wii U. I would not trade the Wii until after you get the wii U so that you can transfer all of your Wii Shop purchases. That's what I'm doing anyways. I was thinking about trading in my 360 but my wife reminded me she likes dance central :-)

#114093 RISK like game but 100X better

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 07:21 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Not sure if this is allowed but it seemed like the appropriate section. If it's not allowed just delete this thread please.

I play on kongregate and about a year ago I played a game call warlight. Now I'm pretty much addicted. It's like Risk except anyone can create different maps and there is a fog of war that keeps the board hidden except for the territories you control and the boardering territories. I'd love to introduce you to it, my name keeps changing but currently it's "OMG - Obama Must Go" You can play it at: http://WarLight.net/...esvbgsTuTvpLuaC

Hope to dominate you soon ;)

#114088 To cancel or not to cancel?

Posted by LeagueMaker on 01 October 2012 - 07:04 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think I would keep it if I were you. It sounds like deep down you like the core nintendo 1st party games which will be in HD and have amazing game mechanics that no other console will currently offer. Boarderlands 2 will just get cheaper and cheaper, if you do not already own a console to play boarderlands 2 with just remember they will probably get cheeper as well. Keep it and keep working :-)

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