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#245836 Kill Zone mercenary PSVITA

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 13 September 2013 - 12:20 PM in General Gaming

It's the best handheld shooter ever.....first or third person.

#243918 PC game suggestions

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 03 September 2013 - 12:31 PM in General Gaming

Don't Starve, Unepic, Terraria, You Sir are Being Hunted, Fist Puncher, Papers Please, Monaco, and Torchlight 2.  That should hold you for a while.

#243861 anybody else sick of GTA?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 03 September 2013 - 08:47 AM in General Gaming

I do like this feature but it hardly makes it a fresh experience. It is the same thing but you split your time With 3 guys. More of a gimmick really. But a good one.

That is what is Funny about GTA.

Reviewer "ok. We know this is basically the same as the original but this time you have a helicopter! 10!"

Next game comes out. "Ok we know this is the same game but you have a motor cycle! 10!"

Next game. "Ok. We know this is still the same game but you gave a jet! 10!

And to the other guy. ... what is wrong with Knack? Have you played an early build? It doesn't look ground breaking but looks fun. I guess we will see. I have it preordered. More excited about knack then GTA.



See I think Rockstar gets a pass from me on the old rehash argument.  This is the company that invented the idea of the huge open living and breathing world.  I cannot even imagine the amount of work that goes into a game like this.  To strip it down and make statements exactly like tyou would make about the yearly CoD installment simply does not apply to a game of this magnitude.  I think that the three protagonist thing is an awesome new addition.  However, I just realized what it is about GTA that really keeps it fresh for me.  It is about seeing the City that they create, and making that new locale your playground for random occurrences and mayhem. 

#242666 anybody else sick of GTA?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 29 August 2013 - 12:41 PM in General Gaming

The idea of playing any of three protagonists while the lives of the other two go on at the same time make this a completely fresh experience.  Count me in big time.

#239620 is there a problem with Nintendo's Online Infrastructure?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software


You know I have PZ downloaded off Desura, and I love the concept.  The problem is that it has so many bugs that it was virtually unplayable for me.  I basically gave up on it until they release it on Steam because I know it will be more polished.

#239608 is there a problem with Nintendo's Online Infrastructure?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 09:24 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe it's lack of networking infrastructure (knowledge). Seems they/Nintendo struggled with HD, maybe they/Nintendo are struggling with online aspects.


On another note. How To Survive, a zombie survival game that is in development for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, has now been announced for Wii U, minus the online MP acpects.



https://twitter.com/...391365782024192 My Twitter response! 


No wonder games are failing to sell.


Cool.  I really like the isometric view and the simple but effective looking crafting system.  It actually looks more fun than State of Decay imo.

#239585 The Next Super Smash Bros. Won't Have a Story Mode or Cutscenes

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 06:54 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I have pretty much reserved any doom and gloom forecasts for the Wii U until after Xmas.  At that point the new consoles will be coming out and the Wii U will have the makings of a strong exclusive lineup in comparison to the others.  If the Wii U tanks with all of that going for it then I will worry.  Until then my excitement is brimming over at the prospect of getting the full version of The Wonderful 101 in my hands next month.


Also, it is hardly fair to compare those two Mario games because there are 100million Wii's out there right now, and only 4million Wii U's.

#239577 Steamworld Dig

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 06:07 AM in General Gaming

Yeah from what I have played so far it is actually my favorite Eshop game.

#239573 The Next Super Smash Bros. Won't Have a Story Mode or Cutscenes

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 06:00 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Its a bad move on N part to deny potential customers what they want for..no logical reason whatsoever. Including the Story mode would not detract from the Multiplayer. Not having the Story mode just ticks a percentage of customers off. The proof will be in the pudding though. We will see how this new SSB sales compares to Brawl. I would bet that it is way less!

Its a bad move on N part to deny potential customers what they want for..no logical reason whatsoever. Including the Story mode would not detract from the Multiplayer. Not having the Story mode just ticks a percentage of customers off. The proof will be in the pudding though. We will see how this new SSB sales compares to Brawl. I would bet that it is way less!

It does not matter if we are in the Minority! This is not a election! It is business! In business you want to sell the most units of whatever it is you are selling! If the decision not to put in a Solid story mode drops your sales even 10-20 % from the last outing than that is a major fail!

Also I do not think that SSB is "just another fighting game" just about all other fighting games have characters that are basically just fighters whereas SSB has a collection of characters that are adventurers! When you bring together  such characters some of us have an expectation of cool story. Especially coming from the N stable of characters!


I don't think that 10-20% of the potential SSB buyers will care about this news, and that is my point.  Also, as a side note I'll bet that this game ships with some kind of great single player mode, and this news will be a distant memory.

#239567 The Next Super Smash Bros. Won't Have a Story Mode or Cutscenes

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 05:30 AM in Wii U Games and Software

So yeah I am not alone in this opinion and as one poster commented "Nintendo is losing touch with its Western Market" I am starting to agree!



I'm with 3Dude.....you and the one guy on that thread that agrees with you are clearly in the minority.

#239565 Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 05:19 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I absolutely love this game, and am cherishing my demo play throughs.  I'm not having any trouble pulling off unite combos, and if anyone is having trouble with the controls it is easy just to stay put in the beginning and practice your moves before facing off against actual enemies.  I do have one move that I have yet to be able to execute though.  Does anyone have a sure fire way to execute the unite chain?  I get the sword every time I try.

#239562 Steamworld Dig

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 16 August 2013 - 05:08 AM in General Gaming

Has anyone else checked out this game?  If not and you think that you world enjoy a hybrid of games like Terraria, Metroid, and Spelunky with an Oddworld type theme then this is the game for you.  I can safely say that the game is an Eshop bargain at $8.

#238057 Wonderful 101 direct thread

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 09 August 2013 - 09:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Had twenty mins playing this and tbh I'm not sure, seems to be about mashing buttons and following a set path, will give it another go later, sound is good,graphics are nothing to shout about animation wise but the art style looks fresh out of a comic.

Watch this and I doubt that you will worry about repetition





I'm absolutely speechless and that rarely happens :laugh:

I'm more hyped about this now then Donkey kong country or 3D world. This game looks so unique and ridiculously good that... Gah I WANT IT!!!


I'm now more hyped for this than Grand Theft Auto lol

#238056 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 09 August 2013 - 09:28 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Except the PS4 and XB1 are in unfamiliar territory. The upcoming year is their FIRST YEAR, and everyone who has studied gaming history knows what that means: first year doldrums. More than likely Sony and MS will experience the same big launch as the Wii U followed shortly thereafter by slow, plodding months where the systems don't sell all that much. People keep SAYING that "oh, that won't happen, that won't happen!", but that has been said at TONS of system launches only for it to ring hollow. Like they say, two's coincidence, three's a pattern. And that pattern has held itself from the Playstation 1 launch to every system launch from then on. Nintendo, on the other hand, is entering their second year with the Wii U and have shown they'll be going all guns blazing. Not exactly a lineup I'd be wanting to bet against.

I hope you are right...it really does look like it might be worth the wait.  After watching the IGN combat video of TW101 my hopes are now through the roof.

#238011 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 09 August 2013 - 04:55 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Because ultimately 3rd parties are lazy. Nintendo did the exact same thing with the 3DS and held their 1st party stuff back because, let's face it, 3rd parties practically throw tantrums whenever a 1st party title shows up. And yet, despite having a SIX MONTH BUFFER, they wasted their chance and Nintendo had to come in anyway, thus humiliating 3rd parties like EA and Ubisoft who wrote the system off too quickly and paid for it. Now the system can pretty much sustain itself on Nintendo titles with ease, along with a healthy array of Japanese 3rd party titles.


I just find it funny how the people Nintendo should be pandering and courting are in fact the biggest spoiled brats in the industry. Ubisoft, Activision, EA, and lots of other 3rd parties practically sabotaged their own efforts with sub-par releases and then stamped their feet like children when their sloppy, milquetoast efforts were rightfully shunned and even scorned. It's pathetic.They have officially given up any right to whine about not selling on Nintendo consoles since they didn't put forth the effort, unlike Nintendo who always gives it their all. I have freaking had it with 3rd parties.


Excellent points man, and I hope it does play out that way, but there is one huge X factor.  I know there are definite similarities between the early performance of the 3DS and the Wii U.  However, the competition that the Wii U has is a far different animal.  Did you ever have any doubt that the 3DS would kick the tar out of the Vita?  Sony bungled the hell out of it's handling of the Vita and practically handed the victory to Nintendo on a silver platter.  Nintendo can afford to say eff them and shrug off third party support on the 3DS, but something tells me that MS and Sony will not be so generous in the console race.  The Wii U is not the Wii.....far from it.  The Wii was basically a surprise fad.  The Wii U caters to core gamers, and let's face it, Nintendo has all but wasted the huge advantage that they had by launching first.  

#237837 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 08 August 2013 - 09:46 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Wrong, because, like I said, they might get ONE publisher on their side, but then everyone else would demand money as well, so the effort would have been pointless. 3rd parties are probably the biggest and most entitled brats in the industry right now, ESPECIALLY Western ones who can't even wipe their own ass.

Well they already seem to have Activision, Ubisoft, and Capcom to a certain extent and we all see how far that is getting them.  i just don't see how Nintendo can hope to compete this time around without a compelling gimmick for the casuals or the big third party releases.  Your strategy of humiliating the third parties with first party exclusive sales just won't hold water I'm afraid.  How exactly would that work?

#237798 What can Nintendo do to fix their relations with third-party developers?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 08 August 2013 - 08:34 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Literally the only way Nintendo is going to get these fickle, cowardly jerks to support them is to basically HUMILIATE them and prove their initial impressions of the Wii U wrong. Like they did with the 3DS. And the only way that's going to happen is with Nintendo's unique software in order to drive sales. Nintendo is not going to throw money needlessly because ultimately it'll be money wasted since 3rd parties are, at the end of the day, mercenaries that would stab them in the back the second they got a chance.

I agree for the most part except for one thing.  Throwing money at publishers to get games like GTA V, Bioshock, Far Cry, CoD, and the EA sports titles would certainly not be considered needlessly wasting money.  At the very least those are essential titles that should be available on all platforms so that potential buyers are not discouraged.  The trouble with the Wii U is that, for people that can only afford one next gen console, it is not attractive because these potential buyers are aware that the Wii U might not get these essential games.  I would love top only have to buy one next gen console, and the Wii U with it's stable of Nintendo exclusives combined with third party support of just the major franchises would have been perfect for me.  I'm not sure that Nintendo will be able to humiliate the competition this time around without some third party support since it appears that they will not have the casual gamers to bail them out this time around.

#237780 IGN: Nintendo should look to new hardware, If Wii U doesn't pick up

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 08 August 2013 - 06:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

You would prefer if they were all negative / all positive?


I think one must be able to see the difference between the platforms current state on the market (with third-party jumping ship, sales being basically non-existent and Nintendo themselves that doesnt seem to understand the situation.. As when they are doing some teasing that ultimately ends up with a "Luigi in Smash Bros!! Yes!! Now please buy our console!" announcements..) and the games themself.. They are certain to be great fun.. IGN and others can and should definetely put some light on that - as they also can AND SHOULD put a light on the current commercial status of the platform itself.


No, I don't mind the differing opinions.  What I do mind are opinions that are so drastically differing.  I mean Rich literally says in today's video that he would not be surprised if the Wii U wins the console war in the end.  Then you have Keza saying that Nintendo should just consider scrapping the hardware.  I think that is ridiculous considering we are talking about articles on the same gaming site about one week apart.  To me that is very irresponsible on their editor's part.

#237773 IGN: Nintendo should look to new hardware, If Wii U doesn't pick up

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 08 August 2013 - 05:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My problem with IGN and their Nintendo coverage is that Keza will write a mindless article like this one which is entirely short sighted.  Then you can hop on over to their site today and see a video in which Rich and Greg discuss why the Wii U matters.  One editor goes off on a doom and gloom tangent while two others applaud the game lineup for the rest of the year and into 2014.  I really wonder what kind of tool bag is running the show over at IGN.

#234644 IGN gives Pikmin 3 a...

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 25 July 2013 - 05:09 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Isn't the w101 meant to take about 20 hours to complete?


I missed this completely, and I'm glad I did because it turned out to be a nice surprise.




This will be my next Wii u game.

#234171 IGN gives Pikmin 3 a...

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 23 July 2013 - 09:13 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I would have been happier if it got an 8.0 and was a 20 hour game that was challenging.  So now we have Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 that are both coming out well after the WiiU launch window since they required additional development time......and the reviews for Pikmin and previews of 101 are complaining about game length.  To that I say WTF.

#233181 What game would kickstart the Vita on the road to success?

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 19 July 2013 - 09:08 AM in General Gaming

A $50 price drop, price drop on memory cards, buy their way back into Capcom's good graces and have them make the best portable MH ever, and an exclusive GTA: San Andreas Stories.  I'll send them a bill later for the free advice

#233180 I need some positivity to curb my WiiU disappointment :(

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 19 July 2013 - 08:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm not thrilled at mine gathering dust right now either Alan, but for a different reason than you.  I'm not happy because I feel like I should have been playing Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 for at least 4 months by now.  They were promised during the launch window and it was not even close.  I think that Nintendo knew that and pulled a rush job to get a full year head start on the competition.  That notion keeps ringing true in my head too when I consider how far off the heavy hitters really are.  I'd be feeling a whole lot better if they just would have waited until development was farther along for their most beloved franchises.  The irony is that by the time the PS4 and XB1 are released, and we look at the worldwide WiiU sales we are going to see that they completely wasted that head start anyway.  They would have been better off waiting and not risking losing the confidence of their most loyal customer base imo.

#222962 The Last of Us Review

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 17 June 2013 - 07:48 AM in General Gaming

The game is a masterpiece, but I do think that all of the perfect scores are far fetched.  The game does have issues in the AI department.  I am not far along at all and have noticed a number of issues already with enemies literally walking right by your AI partners like they are not even there.......practically bumping into them at times.  It is certainly not a deal breaker by any means, but I do think it keeps it from a perfect score.

#221789 Pachter declares the PSVita dead

Posted by BobbyRiddle on 14 June 2013 - 12:11 PM in General Gaming

I wish the media would declare Pachter dead.  The guy is actually a bigger hack than Skip Bayliss and that is saying a lot.

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