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There have been 104 items by TheDoctor_13 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#317214 Nintendo Direct Thursday

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 November 2015 - 06:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

What they will not announce - Badge Center coming to EU/US. Well I guess they might talk about it still

#316433 WUF Member check roll call (All Members)

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 August 2015 - 08:22 PM in The Café

B-B-but I don't want to go. D: I did bookmark the site incase the site really does shut itself down..

#310731 Post your steam library!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 18 March 2015 - 05:32 PM in General Gaming

Do you have time to hear about our Lord and Savior HumbleBundle?

Haha, my $600? Some of the games were free, or just a really good deal. I would never spend no where near that much for games. I have bought some stuff from the Humble Bundle store, and Humble Bundle for Android, which I've got none of my games from, I can't get the retrieval method to work. 

#310728 Post your steam library!

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 18 March 2015 - 05:00 PM in General Gaming



According to my SteamGauge its:
- 513.6 hours

- 45 items

- $593.62

- 220.3GB
Fnaf 1-3, Goat sim, and a few others arn't mine but my brothers. And most of the time is probably him too.  


#310682 Say Hello To A Forum User With A Matching Image

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 17 March 2015 - 11:46 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

Hello MatrixChicken!

Find the loser user here: 


And I'm putting the image in a spoiler as it a real, kinda distubing image. Nothing like NSFW or anything.


#315224 Monolith Soft - Working on New Game, Says to “Ask Sakurai” X char in Smash

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 22 June 2015 - 07:53 PM in Wii U Games and Software

1) The next Xenoblade
2) A new Disater game (highly unlinkey, but could end up being a great unique franchise, especially for Nintendo.
3) Whatever that old promo tease was for.

#314430 Xbone gets XBox 360 Backwards Compatibility?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 15 June 2015 - 12:53 PM in General Gaming


Backwards compatibility is coming to current-gen gaming.

Well.. thanks engadget... 

I guess its still good news, I always thought it was ridiculus how you couldn't, emulation or not.

#315303 Disney and Nintendo strike deal for films games toys and more - RUMOR

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 June 2015 - 03:13 PM in General Gaming

Amazon App store? No. NO. NOOO.

#317123 Android

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 29 October 2015 - 09:27 PM in The Café

Yup, think I made at-least $20 from it.

I guess for games some more classic games are Ski Safari, Temple Run, World of Goo, Monument Valley, threes. Some other stuff I like are the One More Line / One More Dash, Duet, Microtrip, Geometry Dash, Impossible Road, Unpossible, Pudding Monsters, Icebreaker viking, Jack Lumber, Smash Hit, and the Rayman and Sonic games, QuizUp.

#314179 3DS Hyrule Warriors

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 June 2015 - 12:23 AM in General Gaming

I kinda hope it would be N3DS exclusive, I can't imagine the performance on regular 3ds -shudders-. Though this has at-least lost Nintendo 7 or so Wii U sales that I know of,

#317119 Android

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 28 October 2015 - 10:22 PM in The Café

Nova is a launcher replacement, and I highly recommend the payed version. Its brilliant.

Also go into developer options (enable by going into about phone and tapping the build number 7 or so times.) (there is also a Easter egg if you keep tapping the version number). then go scroll down to animation settings, set them all to .5x or how you like, makes it faster, or well seem faster.

You'll also likely want an app like Screen Dimmer / Twilight if your going to be using it in the dark. 

MX Player for videos is fantastic. A file manager would be good to have, I personally like File Wrangler but there are plenty of good choices. 

Get Google Opinion Rewards for free Play Store money. If you want you can download "Android Auto" and use the tablet as a dashboard for you car.

Any kinda apps you think you want, or types of games?

#315307 Disney and Nintendo strike deal for films games toys and more - RUMOR

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 June 2015 - 03:36 PM in General Gaming

What about doing something meaningful Nintendo, like striking a deal with third parties or something. 

Who says they haven't tried? Before Wii U's launch Nintendo tried to strike deals with EA, Criteon and more. And technically Activision (SuperChargers) and this are third party deals. 


Never used it. What's  wrong?

Just a bit annoying, on normal android devices you have to have the app store file sent to your email, install that, then install the nintendo games, though you can not unistall the app store otherwise all the apps you installed through the app will no longer work. For normal apps, updates are usually pretty late, if not just unexistant. Just Google Play / Apple App store will reach more people and include better services for the user. And the app is clunky and odd to use. 

#312891 The console needs to die and Nintendo should be the one to pull the trigger

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 May 2015 - 07:45 PM in General Gaming

Isn't Sony trying this with the PSTV kinda?

#310026 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 March 2015 - 08:34 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Everytime I see the title, I think Legend of Korra is coming to Wii U. But oh well, I'm happy some old school game I haven't heard of is coming too, especially at that price, I liked that gen of games. Would love to see the remaster gameplay though.

#308099 Legend of Kay Getting Remastered for Wii U , PC

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 February 2015 - 07:36 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Neither have I, but I want to see how the remaster is going. I'm interested

#313297 Project Cars struggling to hit 30FPS on Wii U... devs might wait for NX

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 25 May 2015 - 01:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Maybe they should ask Shi'en for help, lol

#308950 Smash Bros Rayman - confirmed FAKE

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 14 February 2015 - 05:25 PM in Wii U Games and Software

have the game on both 3ds and Wii U. surprisingly I haven't played it that much on the U.

Not sure what that has to do with this, but I am the other way around. :P

I would love love to see Rayman Playable, he's one of my favorite third party characters, and its so good to see, I probably would get rid of a few characters if thats what it meant to add him. 

#315996 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 12 July 2015 - 04:05 PM in General Gaming

Wait this is real??? It can't be :( He was supposed to be getting better... I feel so bad, I mean I always liked him but he was always criticized

#316006 Satoru Iwata passed away

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 12 July 2015 - 04:37 PM in General Gaming

I don't even know how to respond to this. Who's going to be Nintendo's president? Did they have someone get ready in case this happens? This is just all so sudden. May he rest in peace, and my condolences to everyone who knew him personally.

I heard some guy that starts with a T (sorry can't remember), and Miyamoto for now until they find a permenant replacement. 

Still hasen't set in to me yet, I don't want to believe this is real

#311538 So this Splat Toon thing...

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 05 April 2015 - 01:21 PM in Wii U Games and Software

i'll wait for reviews, im not much of a shooter person

Neither am I, heck usually to almost always dislike them. But Splatoon looks pretty fun. I'm excited, kinda weird that it is at $60, I feel like it needs more than what we know about to really make it that price, but whichever, still will probably get it.

#311339 Who are YOU voting for?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 01 April 2015 - 07:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

- Rayman
- Issaac
- Inklings
- Wonder Red

- Paper Mario
- Shovel Knight

I might be able to get behind Nana/Popo as just one character. 

#312563 Yooka-Laylee, revealed, officially planned for Wii U

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 02 May 2015 - 07:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Lol so I look back at the kickstarter page for the first time considering pledging.....


No need at all. Already smashed every record in the book. I think maybe I'll just buy when it comes out. Good job 3D platformer fans, we need to revive this genre.

Well there is now 2 new ones, one is a N64 shader mod, and a rap by GK, and the second is a developer playthrough. We should atleast hit the first one, the second one is heh, but this game is hyped so it would probably go past anyways, haha.



I still think his name should be Yook (producing Yook 'n Laylee). Yooka seems to me to be a bit more of a female name, and I actually thought Yooka was a girl.

Do they have Gender, do we know the gender? 

#309388 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 21 February 2015 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So not very big then, probably won't be as big as Skyrim lol

#311782 Splatoon Voice Chat... the reason we wont get it

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 09 April 2015 - 11:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Meh I never chat. I think it could be cool to plan stratergies in Splatoon, a shooter where I think its more needed, so it should be a option disabled at default. 

#312754 Splatoon Global Testfire

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 08 May 2015 - 11:20 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I did the whole hour, went faster then I thought it would. I think I got defeated more times then not overall, and got stuck on the warehouse mostly. After that 1 hour though I cant imagine the one map for 4 hours once it releases.  It was fun though, gyro was ok, was terrible at first, but then I hardly noticed. Connection was pretty great, a few errors but not much, and for one match there was some ink lag. For the first one, it went pretty well. I liked the roller the most, splatter gun second, charger last. 

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