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There have been 104 items by TheDoctor_13 (Search limited from 22-September 23)

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#309841 How To Make Your Own Clay Kirby

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 28 February 2015 - 10:19 AM in The Café

Can you give me the steps for a Yarn Yoshi?  :wacko:

Yarn Yoshi:

1) Get a nice and talented Grandma

#312653 Happy Happy Joy Joy

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 06 May 2015 - 11:43 AM in Introduction Central

Oh boy, WE GOT A NEW MEMBER Everyone~ Welcome welcome. 

#312995 Gorgeous New Footage of 90’s Arcade Racer for Wii U

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 13 May 2015 - 09:31 PM in Wii U Games and Software

When I first saw this game coming, I'll admit I wasen't verry interested, but that footage does look pretty nice.

#317571 Gift for Hype

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 26 December 2015 - 12:55 PM in The Museum

Here you go. A picture because I was busy but i can scan it when I get home, maybe even color it if you want. Enjoy!



#310345 Game Freak and Sega teasing something

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 March 2015 - 01:31 PM in General Gaming

I'll admit I am a little dissapointed, game looks decent. 

#310079 First Print Run of Rodea the Sky Soldier for Wii U will include Wii version

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 04 March 2015 - 08:37 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Hmm I picked up NIGHTS for the Wii a while back and I can't say I enjoyed it, it was a cool idea, but kinda meh. I am thinking about this one, was thinking digital if available, but the first print run with the wii version is tempting just to have it and see how its like.

#310029 eShop WayForward sale March 12 - 19, three games 75% off

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 03 March 2015 - 08:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I don't really know what Mighty Switch Force is, but at those prices.. haha. I agree that Shantae still seems a little steap.

#310807 eShop WayForward sale March 12 - 19, three games 75% off

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 19 March 2015 - 10:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Totally forgot about this, I really need to use sticky notes... I just hope there is a semi-good/decent deal again sometime. :/

#310843 Earthlock Wii U RPG

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 20 March 2015 - 11:49 PM in Wii U News

Looks bland and boring, the only thing that might redeem that could be the combat system.

Well it is only the Alpha build, so hopefully it will improve along nicely. It make sense for combat to be one of the things they try to get most done first.

Pretty cool that this is coming to Wii U because there isn't a lot of games like it for the console, and #Nindies of course. 

#313595 Dr. Mario 3DS Reveal Trailer - Nintendo Direct JP

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 31 May 2015 - 01:51 PM in General Gaming

Still don't know why they brought this game back from the dead, but I guess some people like it. Strange that they didn't announce Amiibo too haha. 

Nintendo can bring back its own Tetris (since Ubi is .. Ubi, seriously who let them have the tetris license), why not bring back Wave Race and their own sport titles since their not getting any and their more popular.

#310314 Does Nintendo NEED new IPs?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 10 March 2015 - 07:23 PM in General Gaming

Pretty much all the time you'll hear "Nintendo needs new IPs!" or "They re-hash Mario / Zelda, thats all they come out with!" or most likely both. But does Nintendo really need New IPs?

I say they do a good job at keeping old franchises fresh, even sacrificing New IP potential for a old IP, Mario Galaxy probably could've been something, Kirby's Epic Yarn defiantly, and more. Not saying thats a bad thing, but does give fuel to the fire. I think their doing a good job now, Pushmo/Crashmo, Dillions Rolling Western, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball, Splatoon, Codename Steam, BoxBoy, Harmo Knight, I'm probably forgetting some. Ok maybe a little heh to include like Rusty, BoxBoy, and Harmo Knight. 

Though I think they can do old IPs also, most are forgotten or well just so old you have full creative realm.  Kid Icarus was a good hit return. Ice Climbers can come back as a Never Alone like title. Theres Star Tropics which can be a third person Action-Adventure. Custom Robo. Always been a fan of Balloon Fight. They can maybe turn Pilot Wings into a more realistic simulator, but not too far. 

Then of course there is like Sin & Punishment, F-Zero, 1080*. 

#310318 Does Nintendo NEED new IPs?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 10 March 2015 - 08:41 PM in General Gaming

tI'm not saying the NEED them. I know their coming out and have came out with loads of new IPs, I gave examples in the op.

Of course they need New IPs to survive, I wasen't suggesting to get rid of them, that would be mad lol. Just saying that those people that say that kinda stuff are wrong, as ryudo pointed out the new ips to years number. I'm just saying they've released plenty of new ips that they can put some focus on re-imagining old ips.

#315307 Disney and Nintendo strike deal for films games toys and more - RUMOR

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 June 2015 - 03:36 PM in General Gaming

What about doing something meaningful Nintendo, like striking a deal with third parties or something. 

Who says they haven't tried? Before Wii U's launch Nintendo tried to strike deals with EA, Criteon and more. And technically Activision (SuperChargers) and this are third party deals. 


Never used it. What's  wrong?

Just a bit annoying, on normal android devices you have to have the app store file sent to your email, install that, then install the nintendo games, though you can not unistall the app store otherwise all the apps you installed through the app will no longer work. For normal apps, updates are usually pretty late, if not just unexistant. Just Google Play / Apple App store will reach more people and include better services for the user. And the app is clunky and odd to use. 

#315303 Disney and Nintendo strike deal for films games toys and more - RUMOR

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 June 2015 - 03:13 PM in General Gaming

Amazon App store? No. NO. NOOO.

#313996 Counterfeit Amiibos are hitting the market

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 07 June 2015 - 06:39 PM in General Gaming

Really hope parents won't fall for it, but they are nice copies, and un-suspecting people have been fooled with less. I might bite though on some rarer ones (if available) for looks. 

#312708 concept: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door HD?

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 07 May 2015 - 09:44 PM in Wii U Games and Software

As much as I would love Paper Mario on the Wii U, the 3DS port does make more sense, more than Sunshine 3D anyways. It's paper, you can make it look more crisp, but it won't be omg its so much better. But I want it on Wii U more then 3ds. GAH. :P

#313586 Chibi-Robo Platformer and Amiibo Releasing in 2015

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 31 May 2015 - 11:37 AM in General Gaming

Ohhh, I hope this comes to America!! Also was the begining footage part of this game, or from a previous title in the series? I never played a Chibi Robo game before.

#317720 Book of unwritten tales 2 headed to Wii u retail

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 24 January 2016 - 03:05 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I wonder if the first one and small expansion will be included in this.

#316265 Big Splatoon Update Coming August 6th

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 27 July 2015 - 10:58 AM in Wii U Games and Software

IS this friends battle splitscreen at all? If not, then I don't really care that much. 

#317238 Best gaming CASE(clamshell case) this gen.

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 12 November 2015 - 05:34 PM in General Gaming

I think Wii Us packaging is best. pS4&Vita seem to busy/cramped, Xbome is nice and sleek, maybe too clean though, 3ds is boring.

#309388 Aonuma says Zelda Wii U will push the hardware to its limits

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 21 February 2015 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So not very big then, probably won't be as big as Skyrim lol

#317123 Android

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 29 October 2015 - 09:27 PM in The Café

Yup, think I made at-least $20 from it.

I guess for games some more classic games are Ski Safari, Temple Run, World of Goo, Monument Valley, threes. Some other stuff I like are the One More Line / One More Dash, Duet, Microtrip, Geometry Dash, Impossible Road, Unpossible, Pudding Monsters, Icebreaker viking, Jack Lumber, Smash Hit, and the Rayman and Sonic games, QuizUp.

#317119 Android

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 28 October 2015 - 10:22 PM in The Café

Nova is a launcher replacement, and I highly recommend the payed version. Its brilliant.

Also go into developer options (enable by going into about phone and tapping the build number 7 or so times.) (there is also a Easter egg if you keep tapping the version number). then go scroll down to animation settings, set them all to .5x or how you like, makes it faster, or well seem faster.

You'll also likely want an app like Screen Dimmer / Twilight if your going to be using it in the dark. 

MX Player for videos is fantastic. A file manager would be good to have, I personally like File Wrangler but there are plenty of good choices. 

Get Google Opinion Rewards for free Play Store money. If you want you can download "Android Auto" and use the tablet as a dashboard for you car.

Any kinda apps you think you want, or types of games?

#312254 Amiibo Tap - Greatest Bits

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 22 April 2015 - 08:35 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I have to agree on why does this exist. Almost everyone owns Smash so this does seem redundant, I kinda like the randomess, but I do think this should've just got the whole game.. 

#314179 3DS Hyrule Warriors

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 11 June 2015 - 12:23 AM in General Gaming

I kinda hope it would be N3DS exclusive, I can't imagine the performance on regular 3ds -shudders-. Though this has at-least lost Nintendo 7 or so Wii U sales that I know of,

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