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#64132 Nintendo patent reveals 'environment sensor unit' for Wii U

Posted by chipvader on 29 February 2012 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

I don't know if that would be such a good idea. If you live in a place like Hawaii the temperature stays about 75 degrees year round, so you would never make it in that cave. And it probably just annoy people if they have to wait several months to get in that cave. Especially people who rent games.

im sure it'll similarly pokemon black and whites season system

#64118 Nintendo patent reveals 'environment sensor unit' for Wii U

Posted by chipvader on 29 February 2012 - 09:40 AM in Wii U Hardware

i defiantly didnt see this coming
things just got a little more interesting

#57978 What will Ur username be in Nintendo Network for the Wii U?

Posted by chipvader on 27 January 2012 - 06:41 PM in Wii U Hardware

im going for chipvader

#57707 New Wii U news: Wii U will have a individual account system, and more

Posted by chipvader on 26 January 2012 - 07:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

this is purely awesome, i wonder how the competition will react
this is going to be one awesome gen

#55281 additional add ons "gimicks " down the track

Posted by chipvader on 17 January 2012 - 05:12 PM in Wii U Hardware

I always wondered how technology could produce certain tastes and smells. Or if even that kind of technology exists. :P

well those senses are chemical based but it may be possible to trick the brain but would taste and smell really be good thing in video games

#54590 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by chipvader on 15 January 2012 - 12:18 PM in Wii U Hardware

Are you comparing Mario rpg to Final Fantacy, metroid to halo get serious. Both are legendary games but neither are on a mature level as others in their categories.

no, i wasnt making that comparison, but i have a question, what makes you think metroid isnt as mature as halo?
and the mario rpg isnt necessarily meant to be mature, it's meant to be humorous and fun, im just saying the climax of the rpg games get serious

#54586 Wii UHardware Performance - Thoughts

Posted by chipvader on 15 January 2012 - 12:11 PM in Wii U Hardware

The WiiU must be quite powerful without being able to ever show it really.
As the WiiU controller is asking for a stream all the time, this is quite a performance already, looking at the graphics etc.

I just hope Nintendo will go with at least 50GB of disc space.
Or at least let their selfs being able to go above the 25GB of space they told us to have,

Recent big titles really needed it.

single layer is 25 gb, duel layer is 50 gb

#54585 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by chipvader on 15 January 2012 - 12:03 PM in Wii U Hardware

Just Ideas guys. Being A loyal Nintedo fan since nes. Just wanna see something different from Nintedo. Their franchise titles are the only ones that make them stand out. I doubt if they'll bring another franchise character to their roster just to make a new mature franchise. So why not imagine  one of their current franchise characters in a more mature setting. Graphics aren't going to matter for next generation systems because, let's face it, good graphics are good graphics. It
will come down to the details and the interactions of the games. Innovatively, Nintendo
has already won that fight with it's current wii
controllers and the upcoming wii u controller(it can't be out done by Microsoft or Sony). Third-party companies will flood the wii u with mature titles but will nintendo lead the way or will they be the ones supplying only the casual(sometimes kiddy) gamers.

you clearly havent played any metroid or zelda games
even mario rpg games tend to get serious at their climax

#52980 they said I was crazy... PS4 and next box at E3 2012

Posted by chipvader on 09 January 2012 - 07:39 PM in Wii U Hardware

this is sad

#51260 PS4 and 720 more powerful than Wii U?

Posted by chipvader on 04 January 2012 - 11:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

You are right that GCN and those older consoles was the most powerful then but even if Nintendo puts in a really fast processor and gpu. Sony and Microsoft won't wanna lose their style (having stronger consoles than nintendo and then say that nintendo is for kids) so I think they will have stronger consoles than Nintendo. THe Wii u is rumored to use a a Radeon HD 4770 which a three year old gpu and was the mid range card. they also use a tri core processor which isn't that fast. The ps3 used the fastest gpu in the world you could find (When they builded it) a gtx 7800. So if sony uses a quad core processor which is standard in desktops since long and maybe just a mid range 2012 gpu then there will be the same gap in power just like with the wii and the ps3. *Copy paste the same thing about the xbox 720.

you do realize that those companies said that they would be over powering their consoles because lots of people lost lots of money

#50347 Idea: Super Mario U

Posted by chipvader on 01 January 2012 - 03:56 PM in Wii U Games and Software

All we can do is hope really. I love Nintendo and the things they have created over the past, but sometimes I do not like it when they have an idea set in their heads, and are dead against online play and hd graphics / physics.

um im pretty sure the wiiu is hd and maybe it will have great physics considering how much power it has

#49846 Idea: Super Mario U

Posted by chipvader on 30 December 2011 - 11:27 AM in Wii U Games and Software

i dont see why they cant do this since sun shine had cutscenes and the galaxy games were pretty cinematic and climactic

#49784 Idea: Super Mario U

Posted by chipvader on 29 December 2011 - 09:08 PM in Wii U Games and Software

why not have it similar to mario 64 ds where, when you save the main characters, you could play as them and they could do things you couldnt. you could also bring stories and characters from the other mario series  like wario land and the star children from yoshi's island and so on

#49296 Idea: Super Mario U

Posted by chipvader on 26 December 2011 - 09:39 PM in Wii U Games and Software

they could make it so the multiplayer is unlocked after a certain point and is a separate campaign that could include things from the other games or something

#45693 Kid Icarus U

Posted by chipvader on 07 December 2011 - 02:11 PM in Wii U Games and Software

thats a though call, seeing as the 3ds game is still hasn't released yet

#44323 Metroid Series: Story, Gameplay, and Future speculation

Posted by chipvader on 28 November 2011 - 08:15 PM in General Gaming

i'd like to see a game after fusion where she's a fugitive

#43089 Wii U power

Posted by chipvader on 22 November 2011 - 05:20 AM in Wii U Hardware


Games built FOR the Wii-U will run at 1080P such as first party and 3rd party exclusives.
But since MS and Sony will be launching after Wii U, their consoles will be more powerful than Wii U (though a smaller gap than this gen).

So games built for 720 or PS4 and ported to the Wii-U will have to be down-scaled for Wii-U since it won't handle the exact same things those consoles can. You know, kinda like games that can run on PC this gen are down-scaled  so they can run on PS360?

Why does no one seem to understand what I'm saying? <_<

i really doubt that they'll need to down scale them selves in order to run the multi plats

#42837 Wii U power

Posted by chipvader on 20 November 2011 - 10:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Wii will most surely be closer to the 720 and PS4 than the Wii is to the current 360 and PS3.

The problem with the Wii is it's ~DX7 GPU didn't have programmable shaders and it didn't have a multi-core CPU which made it extremely hard to scale games down to the system. Next gen though, all the systems will have multi-core CPUs and it'll more than likely come down to WiiU having a DX10.1 GPU while the PS4/720 will end up with a DX11 GPU. We'll have to wait until all the systems are out to see how big of a gap there is between the WiiU and the 720/PS4.

So really in the end, the Wii U should be able to receive better port support. By mid generation (next gen) games running on PS4 and 720 boxes at 1080p and 60FPS can get downscaled to 720p@30fps for wiiu. How good the support is depends on how good a job Nintendo does catering third parties and how well Wii U sells before PS4/720 are released and after.

The gap next gen will be more similar to PS2-GC-Xbox than Wii-360-PS3.

I have no doubt Wii U will get next gen ports since the industry has become so multiplat-dependent. What i'm worried about is how well will devs take advantage of the Wii U tablet. That thing has so much damn potential for gaming it would be an outright shame if it isn't taken as much advantage of as possible.

I'm optimistic that it'll end well though because the tablet isn't a completely new controller like Wii-remote was. It's a familiar dual analog with a screen and other enhancements.

sorry but wiiu runs on 1080p not 720

#24747 Article: Apple To Beat Wii U To Tablet Gaming Market?

Posted by chipvader on 29 August 2011 - 08:45 AM in Wii U Hardware

this is such a fail
ipad is not a gaming console

#24007 IGN sucks when it comes to talking about the wii u

Posted by chipvader on 25 August 2011 - 09:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

well ign is hiring if you guys want to change it http://ign.theresumator.com/apply

#23318 Metroid fans watch this

Posted by chipvader on 22 August 2011 - 09:21 AM in General Gaming

They trying to get people in the metroid they put samuses suit and ship in battle mii.They should have a commercial of a metroid game because if I belive no metroid game ever had a commercial.

they made 1 for other m

#23148 Metroid fans watch this

Posted by chipvader on 21 August 2011 - 01:38 PM in General Gaming

maybe you should be able to have suits being separate like zelda and add upgrades to increase stats (speed, power, defense) and more abilities/add to the current ones, like what they did with the grapple beam in prime 3. heck, they should add more environment interaction for strategy like in bioshock, i remember this atleast once in prime 1 where you release metroids and they attack the space pirates, i personally loved that. also they need to continue after fusion, id personally love to see samus as a fugitive trying to expose/stop the federation and in the game you wont know who you could trust because theyer either with the feds or bounty hunters which means they could turn on you easily

#23137 Pikmin 3

Posted by chipvader on 21 August 2011 - 12:55 PM in Wii U Games and Software

something that i thought of is glow in the dark pikmin for night levels

#16515 Possible leaked Smash 4 Roster Found

Posted by chipvader on 22 July 2011 - 12:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Can you name a few other mistakes? I'm curious as to what they may be.

EDIT: ForeverOrnamentS (FOS) told me that Sakurai is currently putting final touches to the plot for a new Story Mode and will be presenting the outline soon to the small group of people that will begin Smash 4 development on August 4th. I asked her why she keeps trying to tell everyone about Smash 4's progress (mostly the characters) and she said it was "All for fun."

... :P

if what u say is true then what about the differences in the console and handheld versions

#10536 Paranormal/mystery thread

Posted by chipvader on 23 June 2011 - 03:46 PM in The Café

1 time a few years ago when i was in school we were working on a packet and the teacher was having us do it as she went over it with us. i remembered the teacher saying that we were gonna finish up and i thought we did, but the next day we still had 1 page left, well except me.
thats only 1 of afew enigmas that i remember happening happening while i was at elementary school, but afew more have happened since then but the other ones i didnt pay as much attention to/dont remember as well, it could be that i just didnt fully understand what was going on back then or it could be that im not paying as much attention now idk what it was back then

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