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#233195 The creators of Pokemon teases a new project.

Posted by IvyT on 19 July 2013 - 09:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Oh my glob, I hope this is the Pokemon RPG for home consoles that everyone has been begging, even if it's not an MMORPG.

#232902 Pokemon RPG for Wii U

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 01:59 PM in Wii U Games and Software

I really liked what they did with Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, so yeah it could totally be successful in a home console, it's just probably Game Freak doesn't want that. 

#230874 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 05:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Does Portugal have gift Visas?


I don't think so, at least not that I've heard about. Are they some sort of prepaid credit cards?

#232684 Get The Wii U Now, Be A Late Adopter To PS4 / XBone

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 12:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

I was a very late adopter to the PS3 (only got mine last year) and I don't feel like I missed out on anything from the experience. Multiplayer communities from older games are still somewhat relatively active, especially if the MP is good. Still have lots of benefits from PS+, I barely have to buy new games, really. And the games are pretty cheap right now, so I can afford a couple of them every now and then.

#230823 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 02:30 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Are you sure they are sold out as opposed to just not selling it? My local Game hasn't stocked any new wii U games since MH3. And supermarkets sell the sme 5 launch titles they have since the system launched.


I'm having the same problem in multiple shops where I live (Portugal). Most stores are selling launch titles only, with outdated (and inconsistent) prices. There's no where I can find Lego City, for example, and nowhere I can pre-order Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 or Wind Waker HD. And to top it all, Nintendo doesn't sell eShop cards in my country either.


So my only options are either asking for my mom's credit card, as I only own a debit card, to buy on the eShop or order things online.

#230995 Game & wario sold out

Posted by IvyT on 12 July 2013 - 04:45 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Yeah. here you can get them at grocery stores and gas stations. You might be able to find out, go to Visa and mastercard's (but mastercard gift cards are crappy so avoid if possible) websites and they should tell you if they're available and where.


Never saw them on sale in any store here but I'll definitely check it out, see if I can get them somewhere. Thanks for the tip!  ^_^

#230242 XBox One or PS4?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:09 PM in General Gaming

I'm not sure if or when am I getting a 'next-gen console', since I just recently bought my Wii U and I'm pretty happy with it, but the obvious choice will always be PS4.

#230532 Miyamoto: Wii U Is Even Easier Than Previous Consoles To Develop For

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:07 PM in Wii U Games and Software

These are certainly great news. I think it might also be easier because the hardware is pretty similar with the architecture of hardware that's been standard in the gaming industry for a few years now, and it certainly allows Nintendo to take more liberties, to push further and that must certainly make it easier for them. They just needed to get used to all the power they have on their hands now  :P

#233759 Mario World 3D ... Wish It Was Really 3D

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 11:01 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I seriously doubt there will be 3D TVs without glasses for an extremely long time ... This is because of the sweet spot needed and only possible with a hand held due to distance from the device (very short distance), it simply will not work with a TV and the distance you sit from one.

The term Gimmick seems to be thrown around quite a lot these days and carries a negative tone ... There are many that say the Nintendo Wii, the Wii U, and the 3DS are all Gimmicks because of the use of the Wiimote,the Wii U touch pad controller, and 3D effect without glasses.

Call me crazy, but if every system that Nintendo has come out with recently is a Gimmick then I guess I love Gimmicks, especially when it comes to gaming.


Well, until then, you're not convincing me to get a 3D TV. But that's just my opinion.


And yeah, those are all gimmicks but gimmicks can be good. 3D is a gimmick too but imo it's a bad one. I don't enjoy it on movies, I think it's pretty much pointless and I've given up on paying extra every time I go to the movies to see the 3D version. Again, it's just my opinion. I know a lot of people who enjoy it.

#230267 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:32 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Honestly this trend of 'we won't develop games because they won't sell' is getting a bit annoying. One of the reasons the Wii U isn't selling is exactly because it's lacking games. Sometimes we need to invest and take a risk and maybe the profit won't be there right away but I do believe that with the success FE: Awakening had on the 3DS, now would be a great time to try and bring new people to the Wii U, lure them with an amazing FE game and make them stay for all the other amazing Nintendo first-party exclusives.

#233747 Mario World 3D ... Wish It Was Really 3D

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 10:31 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Imo, 3D is still a gimmick and one that doesn't really work that well yet. The 3D on the 3DS is only impressive because they managed to do it without glasses... and if I was to buy a 3D TV, it would have to be glasses-free too.


I think Nintendo could easily incorporate 3D into the game but it's probably just not on their list of priorities since 3D TV are just not that popular yet. Remember how Nintendo decided to not go HD with the Wii because by that time HDTV's were still not widespread yet?

#232003 Why is NintendoLand panned as bad?

Posted by IvyT on 15 July 2013 - 11:46 PM in Wii U Games and Software

To me it doesn't feel like a full game just a dozen of mini-games put together. It's like Wii Sports and Game & Wario, these game just don't appeal to me, they feel rather superficial.


I feel the same way.


This game is fun with friends and family but having to buy additional controllers for a bunch of people is pretty much a waste of money, since they'll only be used for that one game, since most of the time I'm just playing by myself.


It does feel like a better offer than Wii Sports though. I had fun playing some of the minigames for the first couple of days before I got something else to play. It's just a shame that some of them are multiplayer-only, it was a dumb move on Nintendo's part. I don't have a lot of friends, and in my family the only other person who will play with me is my brother.

#230234 EA: "Wii U is a Box that’s out of sync for EA’s online future"

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 01:57 PM in Wii U Hardware

I'm out of sync with EA's douchery that's what. If I can I'll try and avoid giving any more money to them. Any game developed/published by them is being boycotted by me, even if it means not playing one of my favorite franchises anymore (Mass Effect).


EA seems to be looking at strictly the number of players playing their games on Wii U in multiplayer, however, for me, the Wii U is the most social gaming system I have ever owned - I feel immersed in Miiverse and love it. I hardly ever send notes to other players on my Vita or PS3, but the way Nintendo set up Miiverse, I'm constantly dropping notes and pics into the community and feel connected to the communities.


I feel exactly the same way. According to my daily log, I spend almost as much time on Miiverse than I do playing. I've owned many gaming systems, and the Xbox Live (considered the biggest online community) made me feel the 'loneliest' of all the online experiences I've had. Miiverse was such a nice surprise when I got my Wii U, I wasn't expecting to engage this much in the communities, for the people to be so nice and responsive and just how easy and fun it is to connect with others through our favorite games.

#230531 Nintendo: Fire Emblem on Wii U would need to sell 700k to justify development

Posted by IvyT on 10 July 2013 - 01:03 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Something they should have considered when discontinuing FE on Wii.  That game was going for $70 on ebay a couple years after release because it was gone from retail shelves.  The game could have sold for years but the plug was pulled far to quickly. 


Nintendo also needs to figure out a good way to market the Wii U to their 3DS userbase.  There is no reason that Nintendo shouldnt be able to strike a chord with the 30 million 3DS gamers out there.  So when a game like Fire Emblem does better than expected on the 3DS, then that should be an indication that the game might be something that could presuade 3DS gamers to buy a Wii U.  Its insane how well the 3DS is doing while the Wii U is barely staying afloat right now.  Why is nintendo unable to sell a Wii U to those who bought a 3DS?  The market should be theres for the taking. 




I've certainly done that: buying a console for a franchise that I'm a fan of in another system... and that new console ended up being one of my favorite gaming systems, and I invested on a lot more games for it.


Nintendo could really use the momento from FE's success on the 3DS to bring it to the Wii U and sell the console to 3DS owners.

#230255 EA: "Wii U is a Box that’s out of sync for EA’s online future"

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:26 PM in Wii U Hardware

The beauty is each community sticks with a particular game and you can access that community within the game instantly .... No searching for a thread or anything like that, and at some points in some games after an accomplishment, the systems asks if you want to post to Miiverse ... Its all fun and as you say, unexpected really. Now that the E3 community is gone I hope they put a general Nintendo community up so we can talk about things beyond particular games.

Hey IvyTamwood, I added you to my miiverse , add me as well if you like.


Yeah, there was a few posts in the E3 community (including my own) who expressed the wish for a general Nintendo community. I'd really love to see a community where we could talk about Wii games too.


(I'm adding you as soon as I turn on my Wii U :)

#233742 Miyamoto wishes Nintendo went HD sooner with the Wii

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

You skipped the Wii? How did you survive knowing you were missing out on exclusives like Smash Bros and Zelda?


Please tell me you've gone back and bought a bunch of them for your Wii U...


I skipped the Wii too but now I'm redeeming myself and playing all those exclusives I missed... and hitting myself for being such a fool.


maybe they wouldn't of been in the mess they are with the WiiU if they had gone HD before.


i still think it is a none excuse, just makes Nintendo look like idiots coming out saying they found the transition difficult, other devs went HD years ago.


Everyone says that like the other devs didn't have problems too when consoles transitioned to HD a few years ago.


Are we really forgetting what the first couple of years were for the Xbox 360 and PS3?

#233796 Miyamoto wishes Nintendo went HD sooner with the Wii

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 02:09 PM in Wii U Hardware

So why weren't Nintendo working on HD years ago to, they knew the next Nintendo console was going to be HD, they have no excuse at all, in fact it is indefensible. 


They thought HDTV's weren't widespread enough to make it worth going HD, it's an honest mistake, no one predicted how quickly HDTV's lowered in price.

#228706 First 2 Wii U games to buy?

Posted by IvyT on 04 July 2013 - 04:20 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm in the same situation, but since I already own a PS3, I'm looking to get the Nintendo exclusives first, so NSMBU, Lego City, Monster Hunter 3 are all great options imho. Looking forward for Pikmin 3 and the WW HD remake  ^_^


Oh and Trine 2 sounds like a great experience on the Wii U. Excellent game overall, but from what I've heard there's some extras on the Wii U version.

#233046 Miyamoto wishes Nintendo went HD sooner with the Wii

Posted by IvyT on 18 July 2013 - 08:32 PM in Wii U Hardware

We've gotten so complacent ever since HD became a common thing that we can't even enjoy good entertainment content if it's not in HD and imo that's a bit ridiculous. I'm just sorry for those who refuse to play all these great games on the Wii just because they're not in HD.

#235174 The Wonderful 101 is a 10GB Download

Posted by IvyT on 27 July 2013 - 05:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Well the reviews are saying Pikmin 3 is a short game, so the download size is reasonable. 10Gb might mean W101 has more content and more areas to explore, etc.

#235090 The Wonderful 101 is a 10GB Download

Posted by IvyT on 26 July 2013 - 04:48 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Wow, didn't expect it to be much bigger than pikmin 3. Wasn't it around 3-4 gig?


Wait, so how big is the Pikmin 3 download? I was assuming both titles to be around 15GB, actually.

#233741 I don't think sales will enough to fix the third-party support issue

Posted by IvyT on 21 July 2013 - 10:16 AM in Wii U Hardware

Nintendo has always had issues with third-party devs supporting their home consoles since the GC days. I agree, even if the sales pick up, most devs still won't bother supporting it, either because the architecture is different and they think it's weaker/more difficult to develop for, or because they're too lazy to integrate gamepad/motion controls on their games or simply because, let's admit, the industry is incredibly biased at this point and most look down at Nintendo as worthy competitor in the home console field.

#230250 What is the saddest ending you ever seen in a movie?

Posted by IvyT on 09 July 2013 - 02:18 PM in The Café

Moulin Rouge and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (can't remember anything else but I'm a big crybaby usually)

#228801 Ex-Vigil employee who said " Wii U is horrible", now changed his mind.

Posted by IvyT on 04 July 2013 - 11:43 AM in Wii U Hardware

Personally, I think this has been a trend with Nintendo consoles these past few years. Nintendo isn't afraid to put out there devices that are different, that might bring new people to gaming, even if it costs them some of the more "hardcore" audience, because they know, in the end, their contribution is what helps the gaming industry grow and develop further.


When the Wii was launched, the feedback was pretty much the same we're getting for the Wii U now. Same goes for the Nintendo DS and the 3DS. At first, everything new is always met with some kind of reluctance, there's a period of time where support for it is rough until people start getting used to the idea.


The problem with Wii U this time, and as Nintendo themselves has admitted, is the lack of good marketing. Nintendo has always excelled with marketing their products, but I think this time they've lost themselves a little bit too much on the 3DS. Also, I suspect that them being the first "next-gen" console is making them unsure about what to do next until Sony and Microsoft do their moves. They're being careful, but I miss the boldness that has always caracterized Nintendo.


I think E3 has finally shown us that the Wii U has a lot of unexplored potential, and it seems like things are finally moving to a good place, and I think slowly everyone else is starting to see it too.


It might take time but eventually Nintendo grows on everyone's hearts  ^_^

#230752 Ratchet and Clank:Into the Nexus

Posted by IvyT on 11 July 2013 - 07:00 AM in General Gaming

I've been playing Ratchet & Clank since the first game on the PS2 but to be honest the PS3 releases have been crap and this one seems so unnecessary imo. It feels pretty bland, more of the same... instead I'd rather them wait a little longer for a PS4 version.

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