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League of Legends Meta Breaking!

Notice me senpai LoL League of Legends Meta Breaking

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#1 Chaos


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 01:56 PM

So recently me and some college friends have been playing the game League of Legends just to break the meta. It has proven to be very successful multiple times. I will continue to update this thread every time I find a new way to break the meta.


This thread will be about me explaining the benefits of each thing we do as well as some of the weaknesses.


Pantheon and Mundo Bottom Lane: By taking these two bot lane you usually have no trouble shutting down adc's very early game. Pantheon starts with his stun and you just wait in the bushes. Whenever the enemy adc get close enough Pantheon can stun them long enough for Mundo to get in close and both of them to do a very decent amount of damage. The weakness of this lane composition lies with Pantheon though because he is very weak early game and if the enemy team has a tanky adc or a kill lane support they can easily kill Pantheon before he can do enough damage. This composition is also weak to champions that poke really hard like Ezreal and Varus.


AD Blitzcrank: AD Blitzcrank is really hard to build and is very vulnerable throughout the game. He is very mana hungry too. I recommend building Ravenous Hydra first and then boots and a Manamune immediately afterwards. after that you can either build tank items on him or attack speed. AD Blitzcrank is effective because his "E" has a 2 to 1 ratio on his attack damage and also works on structures. The Hydra along with the passive ability on his ultimate allows him to clear lanes very fast and with the short cooldown on "E" at max level plus the attack speed from his "W" makes him a very good duelist against low health champions. If you are doing really well with him, I recommend building a Trinity Force on him. So far AD Blitzcrank is more effective in 3v3 because of how slowly he builds.


Rammus Support: Rammus is a very good support champion for adcs that need rely on skill shots such as Ezreal and Varus. His taunt and knock up allow this to happen very easily. His ultimate also forces the enemy champions to keep their distance from your adc if they don't want to take damage.


Twitch Jungle: Twitch Jungle is not about farming your own jungle or making strong ganks. It's about making sure the enemy jungle cannot farm their jungle to prevent the enemy jungler from leveling. You have to start off with your stealth mode and the teleport summoner spell. This way you can buy your items and a ward and immediately teleport to the mid tower and run to which ever buff the enemy jungle will be starting with and ward it and then hide and wait. Once the enemy starts attacking the monster, stealth in and wait until the monster is low enough and then smite it from over the wall. The problem lies with whether or not the enemy pulls the monster away from the wall. Twitch cannot sneak in and smite it at that point without risking getting killed. After that ward their other jungle buff and do the same thing.


Lux and Morgana AP Bottom Lane: The only weakness to this lane composition is a lot of early ganks from the enemy jungler or a full enemy tank team (no adc, or squishy champions). This is because Lux and Morgana rely on doing a large amount of damage in such a short time that it cannot be tanked. Rush a Mejai's Soulstealer on both of them. Once one you them locks down the adc or support the other one needs to immediately line up their shot and lock them down again. If timed correctly they will be locked down for up to 4 seconds at level 1 and you will be able to do a massive amount of damage within that time.


AD Malzahar: This one requires a good support with a lot of cc. (My support of choice would be Leona). Malzahar's abilities do a decent amount of damage even when not building AP. This is effective because the minion that Malzahar summons has 1 to 1 based on your bonus AD and no one thinks to focus it. Just play semi aggressively and watch your mana because you will have no mana regen items. (I am still working on what to build, but so far it has won 100% of the games using Leona support).





If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you have any ideas please post them. As stated before, I will update this thread as I go along and whenever I discover something new.

#2 tboss



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Posted 11 February 2014 - 08:56 PM

have alot of college friends that like league, i still think it is terrible. closest game i do play is starcraft if that says anything.

#3 Chaos


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Posted 11 February 2014 - 10:37 PM

have alot of college friends that like league, i still think it is terrible. closest game i do play is starcraft if that says anything.

everyone has their own opinion lol. The community is enough reason to not play the game.

#4 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 12 February 2014 - 11:59 PM

everyone has their own opinion lol. The community is enough reason to not play the game.

I just avoid the community except for in game.

If there's one thing league needs, it's a kick option in champion select- having to sit out because someone decided mid or feed is in no way entertaining or funny- if people get kicked enough, they get banned. Could help improve the community.

Also congrats on 700 posts.






#5 Chaos


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Posted 13 February 2014 - 12:43 AM

I just avoid the community except for in game.

If there's one thing league needs, it's a kick option in champion select- having to sit out because someone decided mid or feed is in no way entertaining or funny- if people get kicked enough, they get banned. Could help improve the community.

Also congrats on 700 posts.

That would be nice. Although I play with 3 other friends so every time the one random person says they will feed we tell them that we are premade and that they will automatically receive 4 reports and possibly reports from the other team. I've never once see a person threaten to feed and follow through after telling them that. Or you can just say, "go ahead and feed, I just screed shotted you saying you would and I will be reporting you after the game with actual evidence". Also thanks, I didn't even realize I had 700 posts lol.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Notice me senpai, LoL, League of Legends, Meta, Breaking

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