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would you guys want a smash tournament a few weeks after the game comes out?
Sep 11 2014 10:52 AM
Yeah that's true, I'm not saying an IRC is /hard/ I'm just saying those ten minutes are ten minutes more than it takes to figure out an on-forum chat. Also when you come to the site you can already see how many people are in chat, and if there's no one there, then you ca go in and wait and anyone who comes on can see you're waiting. There's no question on forum chat is marginally better.
Anyway it's of little consequence, since we can't get that chat back...
Aug 28 2014 09:32 PM -
until feld0 decides to be a big boy and do the right thing.
Aug 28 2014 09:32 PM
they probably only made it so those "competitive" smash players stopped Daisying.
May 29 2014 11:30 AM -
start using the pro controller
May 29 2014 11:40 AM -
@Goom, what Blake said. The problem with wireless controllers is that when there's a lot of Wii U consoles and cell phones, it tends to cause a lot interference which results in lag with the wireless controllers.
May 29 2014 05:46 PM
Pokemon hasnt had the same negative influence on the entire RPG genre to make everything else seem like copy/pasted clones...
May 07 2014 03:19 PM
Happy Birthday, Feld0! Thank you for creating such a wonderful forum and for being the best admin ever.
May 03 2014 02:15 PM
least one of the biggest Melee players also plays brawl competitively to this day. And Brawl competitives play no items because that's how every smash game HAS to be played competitively. Once items are on, it's instantly not competitive any more because it's random. I think of competitive as people who play the game by the competitive ruleset, for the reasons the rules were put in place. So that the game is skill vs skill as much as possible. That's what THE definition for a...
Apr 11 2014 03:30 PM -
a competitive player is.
Apr 11 2014 03:30 PM -
Guys, can we just agree to disagree and let the horrible snobby competitives play their boring glory mode and let the skill-less filthy casuals play their fluffy colorful fun mode? >_>
Apr 11 2014 03:59 PM
Yeah guys, it unscrambles to be Donkey Kong if you really think about it.
Mar 20 2014 12:17 PM -
still need to convince miiverse that the Ice Climber's names are Yaoi and Yuri
Mar 20 2014 12:49 PM