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Would you play on a Wii U Forums Minecraft server?

Minecraft Azuras Wii U Forums

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#1 Feld0



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Posted 30 July 2011 - 06:35 PM

One of the great things about having a VPS is being able to install whatever software I want on it. After I moved to Azuras (that's the name of the server Wii U Forums and Wii U Go are on), a friend and I started experimenting with playing Minecraft on it. It runs great and we've already built a few pretty crazy things, but the world can feel just a little too empty at times with only two of us in it, so I wanted to ask around here if anyone would be interested in having an official Wii U Forums Minecraft server open to all of us.

A couple of things to keep in mind: Minecraft is one hell of a resource hog and Azuras is currently equipped mostly just for handling websites, so if there's a lot of demand for a Minecraft server, I'll need to upgrade Azuras to be able to take all the extra load that a popular Minecraft server would create. I may need to ask for a monthly donation from anyone who wants access to MC, and the exact amount may vary depending on how many people are interested. Please let me know how much you'd be willing to chip in, if anything at all.

Second, what kind of environment would you actually want to play in? Survival or creative mode, for example? Any specific mods I could install? Anything other considerations? Feel free to let me know what you would actually want to do if I started a Minecraft server for all of us.

P.S.: Do not try to access the server as it is right now. It's currently set to whitelist mode.

Also, I attached some screenshots of a few of the things my friend and I built while testing the server out.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 2011-07-30_19.41.33.png
  • 2011-07-30_19.42.40.png
  • 2011-07-30_19.44.12.png
  • 2011-07-30_19.44.48.png
  • 2011-07-30_19.46.21.png
  • 2011-07-30_19.46.58.png

#2 Bill Cipher

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 07:16 PM

I would gladly pay to play with People from here.
When Discussing Mods, one has to Mention the Aether. That Mod is basically the Nether but In Reverse. Sadly, It's not out yet, but I would strongly suggest downloading it once it is released. Also, When It comes to game play modes, I would suggest Survivor, only because in Survivor if you want to be successful, you have to collaborate with others. Plus, playing Survivor makes the end project( which could be a giant Yoshi statue) feel much more worth it.

Anyways, here's the link to the Aether that I was talking about

Click me to win a free Minecraft game

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

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#3 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 07:20 PM

I'm not interested, but if other people want it, go for it.
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#4 nintendo3DS


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 07:28 PM

I would like to play on the server. But, I'm on a tight budget right now, I don't think I would want to pay money for a game I don't really play. Yes, I do have an account also.

#5 BazzDropperz


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 08:40 PM

I think it would be better to have an existing server as our "official" server.

Edited by BassDropper, 05 December 2012 - 09:51 PM.

#6 Feld0



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Posted 30 July 2011 - 09:21 PM

I would gladly pay to play with People from here.
When Discussing Mods, one has to Mention the Aether. That Mod is basically the Nether but In Reverse. Sadly, It's not out yet, but I would strongly suggest downloading it once it is released. Also, When It comes to game play modes, I would suggest Survivor, only because in Survivor if you want to be successful, you have to collaborate with others. Plus, playing Survivor makes the end project( which could be a giant Yoshi statue) feel much more worth it.

Anyways, here's the link to the Aether that I was talking about

Click me to win a free Minecraft game

Nice to hear that there is one person at least who is willing to financially support a server upgrade. Azuras should be able to take a small number of people as it is right now (probably no more than 5 at a time), and I wouldn't mind providing free access as long as Minecraft will run within the tight limits I've set for it. But if a server upgrade is necessary, we might be able to work something out so we have a core group of donors who cover some of the costs, and let other people play for free. MIGHT.

Aether looks very, very awesome by the way. Thanks for letting me know about it. If we get a Wii U Forums server going, I'll install that for sure. I think Survival mode would be fun as a group, too, especially since we'd be able to delegate certain tasks to each other.

I would like to play on the server. But, I'm on a tight budget right now, I don't think I would want to pay money for a game I don't really play. Yes, I do have an account also.

See my reply to Lord N. I may be able to provide free access if demand is low, or we may be able to work something out so that everyone can play for free but donors get special benefits or something.

I think it would be better to have an existing server as our &quot;official&quot; server. I'm an admin on duffcraft.net so I could put a word in with the owner (BindMind) if you want.

Why do you say that? I'm sure duffcraft.net is great, but if we're going to have a Wii U Forums server, doesn't it make sense to have all of its hosting completely controlled by us? Don't get me wrong, but I don't want to rely on a third party for something that is our "official" anything. I'm looking into getting our very own Wii U Forums Minecraft server started, not sending all of Wii U Forums to represent this forum on another site. The server environment's all ready to go, actually, complete with an automated backup script that runs every 15 minutes. I've also set Azuras up with CraftBukkit, which I understand makes modding much easier.

I'm not trying to be defensive, by the way; just making a point. I do want to know why you think it would be better for us to use duffcraft.net.

#7 BazzDropperz


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 10:10 PM

Nice to hear that there is one person at least who is willing to financially support a server upgrade. Azuras should be able to take a small number of people as it is right now (probably no more than 5 at a time), and I wouldn't mind providing free access as long as Minecraft will run within the tight limits I've set for it. But if a server upgrade is necessary, we might be able to work something out so we have a core group of donors who cover some of the costs, and let other people play for free. MIGHT.

Aether looks very, very awesome by the way. Thanks for letting me know about it. If we get a Wii U Forums server going, I'll install that for sure. I think Survival mode would be fun as a group, too, especially since we'd be able to delegate certain tasks to each other.

See my reply to Lord N. I may be able to provide free access if demand is low, or we may be able to work something out so that everyone can play for free but donors get special benefits or something.

Why do you say that? I'm sure duffcraft.net is great, but if we're going to have a Wii U Forums server, doesn't it make sense to have all of its hosting completely controlled by us? Don't get me wrong, but I don't want to rely on a third party for something that is our "official" anything. I'm looking into getting our very own Wii U Forums Minecraft server started, not sending all of Wii U Forums to represent this forum on another site. The server environment's all ready to go, actually, complete with an automated backup script that runs every 15 minutes. I've also set Azuras up with CraftBukkit, which I understand makes modding much easier.

I'm not trying to be defensive, by the way; just making a point. I do want to know why you think it would be better for us to use duffcraft.net.

Well nobody here would have to pay to go on it, and the server can certainly handle more than 5 people.

Edited by BassDropper, 05 December 2012 - 09:52 PM.

#8 Andy


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Posted 30 July 2011 - 10:52 PM

I've never played Minecraft before. How much does it charge to download/play it? If it costs anything I doubt my parents would let me.
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#9 Reaper Pin

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Posted 30 July 2011 - 11:30 PM

A friend gave me his Minecraft game so I don't have to pay for it :P
But I'm super duper poor right now dude... It's not because I don't want to pay but if I had the money...
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#10 Feld0



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Posted 31 July 2011 - 12:41 AM

Well nobody here would have to pay to go on it, and the server can certainly handle more than 5 people. We already have a bunch of admins and enforcers (the lowest staff rank) so you wouldn't have to worry about managing all of the people. We also have all of the standard plugins, plus a bunch of others. The owner wants more people on his server, so it would benifit both communities. Do what you want though, I'd still go on the official server a bit even if it wasn't duffcraft :D

All good points, but I still think there's a certain charm to having our own homegrown Minecraft community here.

The 5 people number I have was a random guess, by the way. I actually have no idea how many Minecraft players Azuras can handle in its current state, as I've never had more than two people in there at a time.

I've never played Minecraft before. How much does it charge to download/play it? If it costs anything I doubt my parents would let me.

The current price during beta is 14.95 Euros, which is around $20. Trust me - it's well worth it.

A friend gave me his Minecraft game so I don't have to pay for it :D
But I'm super duper poor right now dude... It's not because I don't want to pay but if I had the money...

Judging by the results of the poll so far, making it a community-funded initiative isn't gonna happen. In that case, I honestly do not mind hosting a Minecraft server for free but we'll have to stay within my current limits as I cannot upgrade very far beyond what Wii U Go and Wii U Forums themselves are able to pay for.

I've set aside 512 MB of RAM for Minecraft right now, but it's running on a machine with two quad-core Xeons and 15k RPM SAS hard drives in a RAID10 array, with the whole thing sitting on an enterprise-class 100 Mbit uplink. If anyone is able to make a ballpark guess at how many players that could handle, it would be appreciated. I could also just open the server up and see how it goes.

#11 AMAC



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Posted 31 July 2011 - 02:00 AM

I've never played Minecraft before, but I would like to try it. At the moment I wouldn't pay to use it. Partly because there's a lot of 3DS games I'm saving for, and partly because I don't know if I'd want to pay for Minecraft. It's possible that in the future I'd be prepared to pay for it if there's a need to upgrade the server, but I'm not making any promises.

#12 HaHa-No


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 04:28 AM

I would love playing on a Wii U Forums server.
But I couldn't afford paying for it :/. I hope you understand putting things like saving for animation equipment in mind, it'd be hard to stretch £2 a week to pay for accessing a server.
I would like the server to be survival on a side note. Plus I'm SURE Aether isn't multiplayer compatible. Plus on lower end computers it can make you pretty laggy. I run it fine, but my friend gets like 1 frame a second. I'd advise adding a money mod if we make it survival. So we can have shops.

EDIT: We could make a Yogscast-ish sort of server. Get someone to record, have people act as other... people. Have 2 main 'adventurers' and make it humorous.

Edited by HaHa-No, 31 July 2011 - 10:43 AM.


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

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#13 BazzDropperz


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 05:24 AM


Edited by BazzDropperz, 13 July 2014 - 10:59 PM.

#14 Homer Fanboy

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 08:59 AM

I've never played Minecraft, so I don't know if I would like it. I'm not sure if i want to commit to paying for it, and I think around 5 people in the room at a time would be enough.

#15 Bill Cipher

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 09:53 AM

All good points, but I still think there's a certain charm to having our own homegrown Minecraft community here.

The 5 people number I have was a random guess, by the way. I actually have no idea how many Minecraft players Azuras can handle in its current state, as I've never had more than two people in there at a time.

The current price during beta is 14.95 Euros, which is around $20. Trust me - it's well worth it.

Judging by the results of the poll so far, making it a community-funded initiative isn't gonna happen. In that case, I honestly do not mind hosting a Minecraft server for free but we'll have to stay within my current limits as I cannot upgrade very far beyond what Wii U Go and Wii U Forums themselves are able to pay for.

I've set aside 512 MB of RAM for Minecraft right now, but it's running on a machine with two quad-core Xeons and 15k RPM SAS hard drives in a RAID10 array, with the whole thing sitting on an enterprise-class 100 Mbit uplink. If anyone is able to make a ballpark guess at how many players that could handle, it would be appreciated. I could also just open the server up and see how it goes.

Judging by how my friend currently runs a server of his desktop( He has a AMD X4 Processor) and he can have at least 12 people. I'd be willing to gues that the server could reasonably handle around 24-40 players without any major issues

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#16 Andy


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 11:11 AM

The current price during beta is 14.95 Euros, which is around $20. Trust me - it's well worth it..

Just two more questions. Is it a one time payment, or is it a monthly/yearly thing? Can I buy a copy of the game at retail, or do I have to download the game off the Internet?

Edited by Andy, 31 July 2011 - 11:12 AM.

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#17 Elric


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 11:48 AM

I would play on a minecraft server for this forum. No, I wont pay for it because im a cheap piece of-..





#18 Feld0



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Posted 31 July 2011 - 11:51 AM

I've never played Minecraft before, but I would like to try it. At the moment I wouldn't pay to use it. Partly because there's a lot of 3DS games I'm saving for, and partly because I don't know if I'd want to pay for Minecraft. It's possible that in the future I'd be prepared to pay for it if there's a need to upgrade the server, but I'm not making any promises.

Okay. Well, at this point, I'm leaning very much towards a free server. Do keep in mind that you'll still need to buy Minecraft itself, though.

I would love playing on a Wii U Forums server.
But I couldn't afford paying for it :/. I hope you understand putting things like saving for animation equipment in mind, it'd be hard to stretch £2 a week to pay for accessing a server.
I would like the server to be survival on a side note. Plus I'm SURE Aether isn't multiplayer compatible. Plus on lower end computers it can make you pretty laggy. I run it fine, but my friend gets like 1 frame a second. I'd advise adding a money mod if we make it survival. So we can have shops.

EDIT: We could make a Yogscast-ish sort of server. Get someone to record, have people act as other... people. Have 2 main 'adventurers' and make it humorous.

Yeah, I understand. Though it would most likely be something like $5 a month, not £2 a week. Still, I say we look and see how much we can get out of Azuras the way it is now.

I'm pretty sure Aether is, in fact, multiplayer-compatible. I wouldn't mind adding a money mod, but is there a specific one you'd recommend?

I definitely think you should make the server survival. There's nothing to do but build in creative and building is more fun in survival anyway because of all the extra blocks. If you do end up making the server would you consider giving me a staff rank? I have a lot of experience moderating MC servers from duffcraft and I enjoy helping people out.

Yep, I'm definitely considering you for a staff rank, NinjaShock. I still have a blog and a forum to run, so I'm sure I'll need some people to help out with Minecraft. Thanks for the vote on survival mode, too.

I've never played Minecraft, so I don't know if I would like it. I'm not sure if i want to commit to paying for it, and I think around 5 people in the room at a time would be enough.

One more vote for a free server. Gotcha. Please keep in mind that I'm only collecting opinions at this point - I haven't even announced that this is gonna happen.

Minecraft is basically a huge sandbox. You get dropped smack in the middle of a world eight times the size of the Earth...and you're free to do whatever the heck you want. Most people who've tried it love it. There's a huge focus on creativity.[/color]

Judging by how my friend currently runs a server of his desktop( He has a AMD X4 Processor) and he can have at least 12 people. I'd be willing to gues that the server could reasonably handle around 24-40 players without any major issues

Do you know how much RAM your friend's running Minecraft with? I'm sure my server's processor, hard drives, and network connection can keep up with it, but I just don't know how many players 512 MB of RAM can take. I can give it a bit more than that, but I'll run the risk of destabilizing my websites.

Just two more questions. Is it a one time payment, or is it a monthly/yearly thing? Can I buy a copy of the game at retail, or do I have to download the game off the Internet?

One-time. You can only download it from minecraft.net.

I would play on a minecraft server for this forum. No, I wont pay for it because im a cheap piece of-..


Got it. :D

#19 Bill Cipher

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Posted 31 July 2011 - 12:13 PM

Do you know how much RAM your friend's running Minecraft with? I'm sure my server's processor, hard drives, and network connection can keep up with it, but I just don't know how many players 512 MB of RAM can take. I can give it a bit more than that, but I'll run the risk of destabilizing my websites.

I just called him to check, and he said he has the same amount of RAM that he's using to run Mine craft. I was just on his server, and he said that he had actually managed to get 24 people on there while still run mostly lag free.

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NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#20 Waller


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Posted 31 July 2011 - 12:40 PM

I won't pay for a server for the same reason I don't have the beta. I don't have a way to pay, sorry.


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