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is it true the wii u will be destroyed by ps4?

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#41 GAMER1984



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Posted 09 March 2013 - 02:21 AM

yeah the RAM is going to be the "BOTTLENECK"

#42 Plutonas



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Posted 09 March 2013 - 02:41 AM

xbox720 goes in the same path as wii U (8gb ddr3 with 32mb of EDRAM)... ram wont be the bottleneck.... the 8 jaguar cores will be the " bottleneck"  lol



if you benchamark today a 6 core /12 threads cpu... vs a 4/8 core cpu (all the other specs the same) in a pc....  the 4 core cpu destroyes the 6/12 cpu!


by 15-25% in the games. And I speak about intel, the most advanced tech.... NOT for 8 underpowered amd cores.

Edited by Plutonas, 09 March 2013 - 02:48 AM.

#43 Keviin



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Posted 10 March 2013 - 01:17 PM

Yeah, X and Killzone both look impressive.  Then you have to remember that the really impressive bits of Killzone were all cutscene and X was all gameplay.  It isn't my problem if you weren't impressed by the technically more demanding demo.

Zelda looked impressive, but impressive for 2011, not 2013.  X even in it's current state blows it away based on a number of factors.  The Zelda demo was simply there to show off the lighting capabilities of the platform, and was using really early prototype hardware.

Killzone had some impressive looking Gameplay too. The part where the action starts is obviously gameplay, and to me it looked really really good. I just rewatched X trailer, and still haven't really changed my opinion. It looks really good yes, but this would be achievable on my Xbox 360 as well I think (however, the environments are huge and there's no awkward loading stuff, you have a clear view over anything like with the flying robot thingy scene.. yeah that impressed me). Killzone and Zelda still look better to me. 

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#44 routerbad



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Posted 10 March 2013 - 03:25 PM

Killzone had some impressive looking Gameplay too. The part where the action starts is obviously gameplay, and to me it looked really really good. I just rewatched X trailer, and still haven't really changed my opinion. It looks really good yes, but this would be achievable on my Xbox 360 as well I think (however, the environments are huge and there's no awkward loading stuff, you have a clear view over anything like with the flying robot thingy scene.. yeah that impressed me). Killzone and Zelda still look better to me. 

I can understand that.  Keep in mind too the engine they used to deliver Zelda was made for the Wii.  It was beefed up of course, but it was an old engine putting out things that looked crazy good for 2011.  Killzone looked fantastic, even the gameplay, but those things are also doable on current consoles.  A little more detail here and there, though.  PS4 will be a great system, but the Wii U will hold it's own in the visual department.  They'll eventually take advantage of the extra power to make something stunning on the PS4, but it won't be anything the Wii U can't accomplish with the same assets until much later in the generation.  This isn't going to be the graphics generation like the last, and I think that will hurt FPS games unless they do something groundbreaking with them, I think RPG's might make a comeback as the games of choice.  That or 3D platform adventure games.

#45 GhostDrive



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:15 AM

I doubt it, Nintendo has too much of a large fan base for that. I think once Nintendo releases more first party titles the system will sell more. Since hopefully by this holiday season we'll have the new 3D Mario/Mario Kart game, the system should sell more. Even with the new Yoshi yarn type game, Pikmin, and some far future titles like Super Smash Bros, I doubt Nintendo will "lose" against the ps4.

#46 3Dude



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:34 AM

Killzone had some impressive looking Gameplay too. The part where the action starts is obviously gameplay, and to me it looked really really good. I just rewatched X trailer, and still haven't really changed my opinion. It looks really good yes, but this would be achievable on my Xbox 360 as well I think (however, the environments are huge and there's no awkward loading stuff, you have a clear view over anything like with the flying robot thingy scene.. yeah that impressed me). Killzone and Zelda still look better to me. 

We are clearly talking about the scale, the ability to go anywhere, and no loading when we talk about X.

Not only could 360 not do that, it cant do it with the doo doo assets of games like skyrim.... It couldnt hope to do it with the high quality assets x is using.

Now, if you remove all computational overhead and make an on rails shooter like what killzone showed for its impressive, then sure, 360 could match x visuals.

Then again if you did that on wii u you could also come up with something more comparable to kz4



#47 Smertrius



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:53 AM

ps4 will never beat wii u because so far sony are really copied copycats of lot nintendo gadgets, just like the playstation motion play and motion camera  was copy of wii remote plus and nintendo motion camera. nintendo were the 1st to have a dance mat in released it in 1988 as the Power Pad. nintendo were the 1st to have wireless games controllers in days of Super Nintendo, nintendo were the 1st to have vibrating games controllers in days of the nintendo 64 and with help of wii u you can play games  on wii u gamepad while never missing favourite tv programs at the sametime

Edited by Smertrius, 11 March 2013 - 06:54 AM.

#48 NegaScott128



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 08:57 AM

Really, if you think about it, the only thing Sony ever did that was unique was the PS Eye camera back on the PS2. It was Kinect before Kinect was lame.

#49 Gamejunkie



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:15 AM

ps4 will never beat wii u because so far sony are really copied copycats of lot nintendo gadgets, just like the playstation motion play and motion camera  was copy of wii remote plus and nintendo motion camera. nintendo were the 1st to have a dance mat in released it in 1988 as the Power Pad. nintendo were the 1st to have wireless games controllers in days of Super Nintendo, nintendo were the 1st to have vibrating games controllers in days of the nintendo 64 and with help of wii u you can play games  on wii u gamepad while never missing favourite tv programs at the sametime

What's that got to do with anything. Sorry but that makes no sense nor is there any logic in that. Besides there is precedence for this in the previous generation where the PS2 outsold the GameCube by a significant margin. I'm not saying the PS4 will do the same to the Wii U but at the same time no one can say the opposite either unless they have a crystal ball that looks into the future. The PS4 will likely hold its own against the Wii U as it offers several features and experiences the Wii U doesn't. Unless the Wii U gets strong third party support its going to have a tough time as Nintendo's first party games are not going to be enough to make it successful. Unlike the Wii its not aimed primarily at the casual and non-gamer market but is competing far more with the same the market as what Sony and Microsoft traditionally have aimed their consoles at.

#50 Smertrius



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:39 PM

ps2 outsold the gamecube because u can play dvds on the playstations 2 and u cant play dvds on gamecube, gamecube just play its games, but the gamecube has better graphics then ps2 and xbox Resident Evil 4 proves it, for Resident Evil 4 to on ps2 and xbox capcom had compress version of Resident Evil 4 to fit on ps2 and xbox systems, according to review of gamestm magazine when they review for Resident Evil 4 on ps2 and xbox came out


ps3 sold more because of bluray and bluray players were  more expensive when ps3 came out

#51 Abcdude


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Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:47 PM

The PS4 will shove a stick of dynamite in the wii U while it's in sleep mode.


#52 Smertrius



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:27 PM

Really, if you think about it, the only thing Sony ever did that was unique was the PS Eye camera back on the PS2. It was Kinect before Kinect was lame.

that ps eye camera on ps3 not ps2 , kinect wasnt lame much supior to ps3 and wii,  kinect give the user to play games without use of game controlers, just didnt work well out when u on fps, kinect is hard to handle when playing an fps game



Edited by Smertrius, 11 March 2013 - 03:40 PM.

#53 Guy Fieri

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:33 PM

Obviously the Wii U will win. It's got The Croods: Prehistoric Party for crying out loud!



But in my actual opinion, I don't know for sure. But chances are the Wii U isn't going to be " destroyed" by the Playstation 4. It might get outsold, but not enough to literally be done for.

Edited by Firejonie, 11 March 2013 - 03:36 PM.

#54 NegaScott128



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Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:21 PM

that ps eye camera on ps3 not ps2 , kinect wasnt lame much supior to ps3 and wii, kinect give the user to play games without use of game controlers, just didnt work well out when u on fps, kinect is hard to handle when playing an fps game


I meant EyeToy. Kinect sucked for EVERY type of game, since there was at least a second of lag with almost every game made for it (Child of Eden being the only exception that comes to mind), let alone the problems that come with only having your body as an input device.

#55 FanboyKilla



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:33 AM

When the PS4 arrives it will destroy the Wii-U and Nintendo so bad that they go into liquidation.   :P

Yeah, destroy lol... you mean like the xbox was destroyed with no games? Or how WIIU ports like Mass Effect 3 destroy Ps3's? Yeah the lies will continue to dispurse as more and more people buy the WIIU... its just that we Nintendo players are actually using our console, not trolling other people's crap. Sony and MS both have their own issues lol. Sony just wants to survive, and MS couldnt care less, ready to subsidize their xbox brand, while Nintendo holds true to their roots... Still the Luck Of Heaven. Still number 1. Still innovating while others take notes, and slightly upgrade their graphics, and imitate Nintendo's innovations lol. Nothing has changed since Nintendo first arrived...

What's that got to do with anything. Sorry but that makes no sense nor is there any logic in that. Besides there is precedence for this in the previous generation where the PS2 outsold the GameCube by a significant margin. I'm not saying the PS4 will do the same to the Wii U but at the same time no one can say the opposite either unless they have a crystal ball that looks into the future. The PS4 will likely hold its own against the Wii U as it offers several features and experiences the Wii U doesn't. Unless the Wii U gets strong third party support its going to have a tough time as Nintendo's first party games are not going to be enough to make it successful. Unlike the Wii its not aimed primarily at the casual and non-gamer market but is competing far more with the same the market as what Sony and Microsoft traditionally have aimed their consoles at.

Funny you mention the crystal ball thing, then assume Nintendo wont survive for lack of 3rd party? lol. Most 3rd p games are crap, and can be played anywhere else...

#56 Klobb



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 01:54 AM

As far as I know, the PS4 isn't really that much more powerful than the Wii U. But even if it is, who buys a Nintendo console for the power? It's about the games.

If you think Smogon ban stuff

"Just because they can't beat it"

You clearly don't play OU

You clearly have no knowledge of the metagame

And you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion.

#57 Keviin



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:22 AM

I can understand that.  Keep in mind too the engine they used to deliver Zelda was made for the Wii.  It was beefed up of course, but it was an old engine putting out things that looked crazy good for 2011.  Killzone looked fantastic, even the gameplay, but those things are also doable on current consoles.  A little more detail here and there, though.  PS4 will be a great system, but the Wii U will hold it's own in the visual department.  They'll eventually take advantage of the extra power to make something stunning on the PS4, but it won't be anything the Wii U can't accomplish with the same assets until much later in the generation.  This isn't going to be the graphics generation like the last, and I think that will hurt FPS games unless they do something groundbreaking with them, I think RPG's might make a comeback as the games of choice.  That or 3D platform adventure games.

Yeah I can agree with you now. I hope Nintendo will give their games they'll show at E3 some serious attention though, graphically. I know they shouldn't need to be put behind the PS4 a lot, but they need to put a lot of effort in it I think. Graphically, Pikmin 3 looks pretty bland (even though the fruits, enemies, ,Pikmin and some plants look amazing, but the textures are pretty boring), but that's only a Wii game ported to the Wii U in fact (given its years of development). On the Wii, Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart looked amazing for its hardware and its time of release, so I can't wait to see how the next Wii U installments will look like. Should be mindblowing.

We are clearly talking about the scale, the ability to go anywhere, and no loading when we talk about X.

Not only could 360 not do that, it cant do it with the doo doo assets of games like skyrim.... It couldnt hope to do it with the high quality assets x is using.

Now, if you remove all computational overhead and make an on rails shooter like what killzone showed for its impressive, then sure, 360 could match x visuals.

Then again if you did that on wii u you could also come up with something more comparable to kz4

That makes sense. Still they could improve things like the horrible water edges, and add some more effects and stuff, but it's only a beta.

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#58 GAMER1984



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:37 AM

i agree Nintendo has a lot of making up to do at E3. not just from graphics but give us NA consumers games we ant to play. they flood the japanese market with every type of RPG they can think of yet the NA consumer gets pushed to the side. Im looking forward to what they have to show. as far as power goes i think they Wii U will be able to compete but i dont know for how long. the RAM differences are just to big to ignore. its going to be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Edited by GAMER1984, 12 March 2013 - 03:38 AM.

#59 Smertrius



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:04 AM

im stick with wiiu and beside i cant afford to buy other gaming consoles, and the ps4 games going about €70- €80 in europe thats too much for a game to buy with rescission still going on

#60 GAMER1984



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Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:05 AM

im stick with wiiu and beside i cant afford to buy other gaming consoles, and the ps4 games going about €70- €80 in europe thats too much for a game to buy with rescission still going on

you wont be disappointed.

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