I noticed several times before that the users have often mentioned how they would like banner changes and updates, but with the staff activity, we have been a little slow with things.
Now that I'm an admin, I would like to know you opinions on the matter so we can take action to update the banner and have things look nice.
I have heard suggestions of a random banner, monthly banner changes, and even weekly banner changes. The banners, of course, would be created by the users, but added by me. What I would like to know is how you all would prefer to have the system work.
Would you like there to be weekly/monthly voting or selections on the banner, or would you prefer the month/week to correspond with a recent released WiiU game?
Now, we don't have to stick to one or the other, we could give both a try. I would just like to know your thoughts for now and possibly open up a poll if there is enough discussion about what we can do.