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Monster Hunter 3 Demo... why do i hate it?

Monster Hunter 3 demo Wii u Nintendo 3ds

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#21 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:34 PM

Chrop, on 09 Apr 2013 - 07:43, said:A giant sword about half the size of a person hitting that bear in the face 5 times... yes thats not going to hurt it at all!

It will definately hurt, especially once you learnbto put some power into your swings instead of spamming useless combos. The ears and head armor will actually break off if you get some good hits in.

To put things into perspective with real life large animals. At the turn of the last Century a Grizzly was killed in the Wyoming Territory. The Territorial Government posted a $10,000 in gold reward for this bear. It terrozied the countryside for twenty years before the reward was claimed. When it was finally brought in, it was learned that: It had over a hundred rifle bullets in its body. Besides the kill shot (a .30-40 Krag slug between the ears) it had five different medium and large bore pistol bullets lodged in the brain. None of them had killed it. All five had been fired into the brain from the bottom of its head. Those hunters never came back. I'll leave their possible fate to your imagination.

Edited by 3Dude, 09 April 2013 - 01:37 PM.



#22 Goom


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:40 PM

Chrop, on 09 Apr 2013 - 07:43, said:A giant sword about half the size of a person hitting that bear in the face 5 times... yes thats not going to hurt it at all!

It will definately hurt, especially once you learnbto put some power into your swings instead of spamming useless combos. The ears and head armor will actually break off if you get some good hits in.

To put things into perspective with real life large animals. At the turn of the last Century a Grizzly was killed in the Wyoming Territory. The Territorial Government posted a $10,000 in gold reward for this bear. It terrozied the countryside for twenty years before the reward was claimed. When it was finally brought in, it was learned that: It had over a hundred rifle bullets in its body. Besides the kill shot (a .30-40 Krag slug between the ears) it had five different medium and large bore pistol bullets lodged in the brain. None of them had killed it. All five had been fired into the brain from the bottom of its head. Those hunters never came back. I'll leave their possible fate to your imagination.



That's one tough bad ass bear.

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#23 Chrop



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:41 PM

It will definately hurt, especially once you learnbto put some power into your swings instead of spamming useless combos. The ears and head armor will actually break off if you get some good hits in.

To put things into perspective with real life large animals. At the turn of the last Century a Grizzly was killed in the Wyoming Territory. The Territorial Government posted a $10,000 in gold reward for this bear. It terrozied the countryside for twenty years before the reward was claimed. When it was finally brought in, it was learned that: It had over a hundred rifle bullets in its body. Besides the kill shot (a .30-40 Krag slug between the ears) it had five different medium and large bore pistol bullets lodged in the brain. None of them had killed it. All five had been fired into the brain from the bottom of its head. Those hunters never came back. I'll leave their possible fate to your imagination.

yaa... i never knew grizzly bears were tanks o.0, and i was sitting here thinking 1 shot to the head would kill it...

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#24 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:43 PM

Chrop, on 09 Apr 2013 - 07:55, said:yaa... i never knew grizzly bears were tanks o.0, and i was sitting here thinking 1 shot to the head would kill it...

And Zangeif wrestles them!!!



#25 Chrop



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 01:45 PM

And Zangeif wrestles them!!!

I need to give Zangeif more praise :o

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#26 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:51 PM

Chrop, on 09 Apr 2013 - 07:43, said:A giant sword about half the size of a person hitting that bear in the face 5 times... yes thats not going to hurt it at all!

It will definately hurt, especially once you learnbto put some power into your swings instead of spamming useless combos. The ears and head armor will actually break off if you get some good hits in.

To put things into perspective with real life large animals. At the turn of the last Century a Grizzly was killed in the Wyoming Territory. The Territorial Government posted a $10,000 in gold reward for this bear. It terrozied the countryside for twenty years before the reward was claimed. When it was finally brought in, it was learned that: It had over a hundred rifle bullets in its body. Besides the kill shot (a .30-40 Krag slug between the ears) it had five different medium and large bore pistol bullets lodged in the brain. None of them had killed it. All five had been fired into the brain from the bottom of its head. Those hunters never came back. I'll leave their possible fate to your imagination.

Dang nature, you scary.

#27 umegames


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:57 PM

So i got the Monster hunter 3 demo a few weeks back on the 3DS because there was this giant fanbase for it, so i thought i was going to be a good game, didn't like it

Then i heard Monster Hunter 3 helped the WiiU sell a ton more, so i thought i would check the game again seeing if i missed something out, but instead i got the Wii U Demo, hated it again

Invisible walls, long walks (sitting there holding up on the pad for a minute sometimes), worst of all the Hunt (bosses?) you would think something that small would take 5 stabs to the face and die... nope, 100 stabs? NOPE, 1000 and its finally dead, am sitting there hacking and slashing this boss over and over and over and over and over and over dodging then hit, dodging then hit. getting bored after the 200th stab... 

Need a potion? sure let me drink it then lets Celebrate the fact i drank a potion while a Yeti tried to murder me! (he literally drinks the potion then Flexes his muscles after doing so!)

ooh stuck in a snowball, lets break out of it then Celebrate the fact we broke out of the snow ball (flexing his muscles again)

is this the entire game? spamming the A and X button then 20 minutes later it dies? how is this game so blessed? am i missing something Obvious here? AM i doing the Wrong thing??? or is this the entire game and i have offended a bunch of people? 

I have tried the sword and shield guy, the claw woman and the bowman (more of a gun then a bow)

don't worry, i was in the same boat, wanted to like it, tried it twice on wii-u, just couldn't gel with it. I'm sure i'm missing out on something great, but it sadly just isn't for me.

#28 NintendoReport



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 07:00 AM

More great help for noobs like me, this was uploaded yesterday. Subscribe to this guy, he will set you straight on the path of understanding and enjoying this amazing game!


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#29 dvl666


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 07:14 AM

More great help for noobs like me, this was uploaded yesterday. Subscribe to this guy, he will set you straight on the path of understanding and enjoying this amazing game!



This guy has been invaluable for me as a "noob" to the series, thanks for posting up part three didn't realise he had got round to it :)

#30 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 04:46 PM

This game takes a lot of patience and skill, I thought I hated it as it's a very aquired taste, but then I brought the full game and I loved it, trust me the Demo does not do it justice.

#31 Robotnik


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Posted 10 April 2013 - 04:48 PM




#32 Soul



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 06:20 PM

How is that relevant^

#33 DexterousGecko


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Posted 11 April 2013 - 05:28 PM

Monster hunter is one of the most skill based games I've ever seen. If you think it's a hack and slash game, then you are definitely missing something.


That said, it is a very slow paced grindy Japanese game. If you watch videos of people who are really good at MH, they make it seem so easy, but that's only because they have put in hundreds (heck thousands I'm sure) of hours into it. It is NOT a game for someone who wants to put 40 hours into a game and then move on to the next game.

#34 Kimtastic



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Posted 11 April 2013 - 10:05 PM

The game is called "Monster Hunter" for a reason. The main purpose is to hunt monsters. Either small or large-scaled ones. Honestly, the demo was demonstrating hunting two individual monsters. (Lagombi in Easy, Plesioth in Hard) There's more to the game than just hacking and slashing the thing. Most monsters are the same, while others are different. They live in different habitats, have different movesets, etc. You can capture or hunt the monster down, then carve it when it is dead to make materials for a new weapon or a nice set of armor.

Online and offline play are different. If you strictly play the game offline, it'll bore the hell out of you. Playing online with either strangers or friends is a lot of fun. Not saying playing offline is boring overall. I actually enjoy playing both, but if you want to get some nice armor/weapons and raise your Hunter Rank, it's best to play online. Not only are the monsters you fight more difficult, but you get to fight it with others. Capturing the monster, hunting it down, collecting materials to combine better items. That's what the game's about.

If you love exploration, then this game can be pretty fun. You have a whole 50 minutes during any guild quest, to gather materials for potions or bombs as well as bugs, or you can go straight to hunting. Trapping monsters is my favorite thing to do, but what's the harm of making the large monster face you, and with such skill, you quickly throw a flash bomb right onto their face, making them dizzy? Well, that's something that's fun for me. Hunting monsters can be a pain sometimes.. especially when you're dealing with more than one large monster in a map and you're not experienced. The game is difficult, but with practice and patience, you'll be an expert in no time. Dodging is important!



Anyway, I could go on, but like I said.. There's much more to the game than just hacking and slashing.

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#35 Hunter



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Posted 12 April 2013 - 05:22 AM

You didn't like it because it is an extremely overrated bad game.

#36 Alianjaro



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Posted 13 April 2013 - 07:00 PM

I'm so, so, so sorry you don't enjoy Monster Hunter. It's such a great game, but a demo cannot demonstrate anything, and this demo is known to suck. But I'm in love with the series, I don't know for you...

You didn't like it because it is an extremely overrated bad game.

Wait... what? What??

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#37 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 13 April 2013 - 08:28 PM

Wait... what? What??

He didn't like the demo and has decided that the game is terrible and we should all feel bad for liking it.  I don't think anything other than putting time into the full game will change his mind, so don't worry about it.

#38 Klobb



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Posted 13 April 2013 - 08:54 PM

You didn't like it because it is an extremely overrated bad game.

Sir, is your flame shield readied?

If you think Smogon ban stuff

"Just because they can't beat it"

You clearly don't play OU

You clearly have no knowledge of the metagame

And you clearly don't deserve to have an opinion.

#39 Hunter



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Posted 13 April 2013 - 11:03 PM

He didn't like the demo and has decided that the game is terrible and we should all feel bad for liking it. I don't think anything other than putting time into the full game will change his mind, so don't worry about it.

Actually, I played Monster Hunter Tri on Wii as well.

It's still a terrible game.

Sir, is your flame shield readied?



Edited by Hunter, 13 April 2013 - 11:04 PM.

#40 Alianjaro



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Posted 14 April 2013 - 08:08 AM

He didn't like the demo and has decided that the game is terrible and we should all feel bad for liking it.  I don't think anything other than putting time into the full game will change his mind, so don't worry about it.

Aww, I see... That's unfortunately a sign of a fatal disease called "hardgamesarenotkewlysis". We can't help.

Actually, I played Monster Hunter Tri on Wii as well.

It's still a terrible game.

Ouch... I feel bad for ya, but I'm not gonna flame lol. I was assuming that you called yourself "Hunter" referring to MH...

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