I'm considering to help out. I want my name in the credits. Lol
Is that confirmed? Not that I doubt, but I haven't seen the footage myself yet and I know someone wikl say "Wii U can't run this." So I'm just asking to be clear!
If you watch the video, all of the context controls are WiiU buttons, and IGN confirmed after the fact that it was footage from the Wii U version of the game. Also, they made it a point that they were running the latest CryEngine, and that it was an awesome engine to use.
It does! Let`s hope more studios use it since Nintendo was giving them for free!
I hope to see more Wii U previews on multiplats in the future. They weren't giving away CryEngine for free, but they have been giving away some dev units, and there have been lots of twitter traffic from newly minted licensed developers for the platform!