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Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

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#1 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:27 AM

Its fair to say that as electrical goods manufacturers go, nintendo are one of the biggest in the world. Agreed?
Then why oh why after years of research leading up to the launch did they not beef up the power??????
I know the recent outburst from that EA employee is completely out of order, but he does make games and he probably knows more about the inner workings of wii u than all of us, it scares the shat out of me, and now one of my favorate games ever, fifa, isnt being made!!!!
Im confused and finding it increasingly hard to understand that a huge games and console manufacturer like nintendo would not make a more powerful machine! I enjoy my wii u but its feels like im clinging on to a dying pet i love. :(
E3 better be good !

#2 Fiery



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:32 AM


#3 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:33 AM

1. The Wii U likely is much more powerful than the EA person will have you believe.

2. It seems Nintendo took an energy efficient approach.

#4 alan123


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:35 AM

the price is why nintendo did this.

#5 Nollog


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:39 AM


They made it as powerful as they felt it needed to be to meet their expectations for the next 5-6 years.

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#6 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:49 AM

i dont care, they must of had a clue at what sony and microsoft were making, and they no to make things easier for developers to produce big cross platform games to make a console on a par with whats coming out, and ive stated this a million times THEY PROMISED THEY WOULD WIN BACK GAMERS BY WORKING WITH DEVELOPERS TO GET BIG TITLES RELEASED ON NINTENDOS NEW PLATFORM!
I spent £350 as i trusted nintendo on there statements, i have been loyal for over 15 years and i feel that they have lied to us.
They are not stupid ! They new what the next gen consoles would need power wise to make developers want to make big cross platform games , and they stuck 2 fingers up at them and i hate to say it, us!
If the next gen sony or microsoft costs the same as what i paid for my wii u, i will not buy another nintendo product until the guys running nintendo have gone.
That hurt me to say it but its how i feel.

#7 ChrisTerror



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:10 AM

i dont care, they must of had a clue at what sony and microsoft were making, and they no to make things easier for developers to produce big cross platform games to make a console on a par with whats coming out, and ive stated this a million times THEY PROMISED THEY WOULD WIN BACK GAMERS BY WORKING WITH DEVELOPERS TO GET BIG TITLES RELEASED ON NINTENDOS NEW PLATFORM!
I spent £350 as i trusted nintendo on there statements,


Im sure you will get ripped apart by the fanboys here, but i pretty much agree with this and feel like im sitting in the same boat as you.

#8 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:23 AM

The fact the fan boys aint ripping me apart says it all, im a fan boy and have had nintendos for over 15 years! I just cant believe tech giants at the top there game can let this happen. Heres what really bugs me,
Nintendo at the end of the wiis life obviously pitched wii u to investors, promising HD next gen graphics, like they did to us, they wanted to bring back core gamers, wowed us with clips of games (that have been canned now) and yet nobody has said "where is all this?" Win back core gamers ! What a joke, forget no gta5 theres no blooming fifa ! Mario kart aint gonna save Nintendo this time, and if heads dont roll at nintendo there properly f..........

#9 Mushlikeahusky1


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:35 AM

I think they are trying to get the 3rd party devs we will know by this E3 and such. I think we pretty much have all the nintendo games revealed already I mean how many more games can they make?

#10 MorbidGod


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:41 AM

Let's make something clear. Nintendo didn't go to AMD and IBM and said how can we make our next generation console less powerful than the others? I also highly doubt, that at any point in time, Nintendo themselves purposely made the Wii U less powerful than the PS3 and 360.

However, what probably did happen is Nintendo knew they would launch first. They wanted to have the hardware ready (and in truth, they failed - which is the real problem here folks). So they started developing the hardware earlier than the others. Makes sense, though, right? Of you plan to release in 2012, and the others 2013, then your competition has time to wait for newer tech and you don't.

Nintendo wanted to make a console HD. They wanted it probably to be efficient and low power. These are things, from what we see so far, that every console manufacture wants.

So then Nintendo backs away and gives each chip maker a budget. They give input after this sure. They are paying AMD and IBM's paycheck.

So, at this point, do you think AMD and IBM are going to drop the ball and make a system less powerful then the 360? Why would they do that? I'd they do, they won't have a job next time. And AMD needs to keep Nintendo desperately. They are banking in next Gen to save them.

So, AMD starts with a card that ends up being the basis for every card going forward. That's right. What the PS4 and 720 are using was originally bases off the same chip that Nintendo and AMD started with. Then AMD and Nintendo can add what they need to support the next generation engines. And then boom. That's it.

IBM had a challenge to make it backwards compatible with the Wii. Doing that meant they were somewhat limited. But they added a lot of technology in that processor.

And remember, Nintendo is small compared to the others. Sony and Microsoft gets money from other sources. Nintendo relies on games only. So I don't consider them larger than the others.

Anyway ... That's all I gatta say.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#11 Hunter



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:44 AM


As if this thread wasn't dumb enough already, you actually think not getting fifa is a big deal.

Your question has been answered millions of times already, and if you had bothered to use the search bar on this site you would have realised that before making this thread.

FYI power isn't what makes a console good.

#12 DexterousGecko


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:48 AM


As if this thread wasn't dumb enough already, you actually think not getting fifa is a big deal.

Your question has been answered millions of times already, and if you had bothered to use the search bar on this site you would have realised that before making this thread.

FYI power isn't what makes a console good.

so what makes it good? Games? 3rd party support? relying on the loyalty of your past customers? Nintendo has one of those, and you know which one.


edit: fifa 13 sold 14.5 million (around?) copies. That's a pretty decent number. A game like that not coming to a console is a pretty big deal. If none of the EA sports games come to the Wii U it's a huge loss for Nintendo. Whether you think sports games are lame or not is of no concern to someone who wants to buy fifa 14 or madden.

Edited by DexterousGecko, 18 May 2013 - 08:51 AM.

#13 Gruff



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:50 AM

EA said the reason Fifa 14 isn't coming to the Wii U isn't because the system isn't good enough, they said it's because Fifa 13 had poor sales on it. It had nothing to do with the systems power. Nintendo isn't the one letting you down, it's the idiots out their that won't buy a Wii U because they think it's just a Wii. Nintendo said they would get more 3rd party support for the system, but that's hard to do when the developers see the system selling bad and they don't want to develope for it anymore. The Wii U is a good system, but due to it's poor sales it's being pushed away from what it has the potential to be doing.

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#14 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:50 AM

Mushlikeahusky25, on 18 May 2013 - 5:50 PM, said:I think they are trying to get the 3rd party devs we will know by this E3 and such. I think we pretty much have all the nintendo games revealed already I mean how many more games can they make?
but thats the thing, they could have had them from the start if they just made a console developers didnt have to down port everything, making there vision happen as they intended it, not a half baked port using different teams and weaker graphics engines, which costs thousands! Its a bit like making avatar in beautiful HD 3D but realising people can only watch it in black and white!
Its easy to say developers are at fault, they are people at the top of there game who just want to use the tech around to realise there dreams, why should they come up with an amazing concept for a game using tech that is being used in next gen consoles, then have to make a game thats no where near there dream because nintendo were to stuburn to use decent hardware in there next gen console?
Thats not encouraging any body?

#15 Tom


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 08:58 AM

I don't think it's Nintendo's fault that the companies want to give NIntendo the shaft.


#16 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:00 AM

Hunter, on 18 May 2013 - 5:59 PM, said:lol

As if this thread wasn't dumb enough already, you actually think not getting fifa is a big deal.

Your question has been answered millions of times already, and if you had bothered to use the search bar on this site you would have realised that before making this thread.

FYI power isn't what makes a console good.

Oh please stop, FIFA is a great game and has been enjoyed by millions for years so shut it. If nintendo marketed the wii u saying " this machine will have, in time, a few of our new and old first party games in hd, and some ps3 n 360 ports" i could except the wii u as it is now, but they didnt, did they.

#17 MatrixChicken


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:06 AM


*sigh* Where do people get this idea that the Wii U is underpowered? It's got some great looking games on it (Nintendo Land, Need for Speed, Resident Evil, etc.), and as we should all know by now, they will only get better. The Wii U is at the beginning of it's life. I know I'm just reiterating what tons of other people have already said regarding the Wii U's power, but please, don't don't listen to everything an EA employee says.



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#18 Keviin



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:09 AM

Christ, don't be so butthurt.
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#19 djlewe78



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:10 AM

I don't think it's Nintendo's fault that the companies want to give NIntendo the shaft.

#20 Desert Punk

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:12 AM

Nintendo got away with releasing a technically weak console with the wii and it was a huge success. They tried it again with the wii u and it failed. It's really an issue of greed with Nintendo, they want to sell low cost hardware at inflated prices. This time around they misjudged it. They really needed a spec somewhere between 360/PS3 and the next gen sony and microsoft models but instead they went for a very low cost design. What is impressive is how Nintendo have combined very low cost parts with very low power consumption to create console that is competitive with 360/PS3. What isn't impressive sadly is performance. It's weaker in some areas compared to 360/PS3 like the cpu and main memory bandwidth. 


If Nintendo had abandoned wii compatibility they could have achieved greater performance at a lower price. I personally would have prefered this route.


The gamepad is also not ideal It's over-sized and its highly likely a new wii u model will come out with a reduced size screen on the game pad.


Nintendo will fight back and they have a huge advantage in that their console is made of very low cost parts so they don't have to go head to head with ps4 and the new xbox price wise.


It's great news for consumers as Nintendo are now forced to lower prices and bundle more software to sell wii u consoles.

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