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Xbox One unveiled... Diminishing returns?

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#21 DexterousGecko


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:27 PM


Xbox fanboy - " Well the Xbox One has 8 gigs of Ram "

Nintendo fanboy - " The Wii U only runs one OS "

Xbox fanboy - " Well we can run 3! "

Nintendo fanboy - "derp"

Xbox fanboy - "herp derp herp derp"

Nintendo fanboy - "herp derp herp derp"

PS fanboy "herp derp herp derp"

PC fanboy "herp derp herp derp"


fixed it for you

#22 Kyle1503



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:28 PM

Wii U looked so much better than Xboxone

#23 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 12:56 PM

How do the specs of the Xbox 1 compare with the PS4 and Wii U? I know that they PS4 amd Xbox 1 both use x86 amd 8 gb of RAM (although they are different types), but do we know anything else?

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#24 Brando67854321



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:00 PM

I just want UE4 on wii u yet no one will port it!:(

#25 Xef



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:02 PM

I agree, I didn't expect a massive boost in graphics either. Neither the PS4 nor the Xbox One are the powerhouses people seemed to think would blow the Wii U away.


They are powerhouses that can blow the Wii U away if used to their full extent which they won't be able to in the start, also the real problem is that they are using most of their power to multi task. The Xbox nOne is going to switch between game, movie, skype etc. instantly. So say good bye to a lot of that 8gb ram ;) 

#26 routerbad



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:07 PM

They are powerhouses that can blow the Wii U away if used to their full extent which they won't be able to in the start, also the real problem is that they are using most of their power to multi task. The Xbox nOne is going to switch between game, movie, skype etc. instantly. So say good bye to a lot of that 8gb ram ;)

Even if used "to the full extent" they wouldn't blow away the WiiU.

#27 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:27 PM

Even if used "to the full extent" they wouldn't blow away the WiiU.

So how exactly does it compare? I know you know your stuff, and they have released a spec sheet detailing some important info.

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#28 Xef



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:32 PM

Even if used "to the full extent" they wouldn't blow away the WiiU.

I'm talking about PS4 5 years from now vs Wii U now with better engines and knowledge of hardware, which of coarse isn't a fair comparison.
But if you cut all the multitasking from PS4 it would be far above Wii U (but you could do the same for Wii U to compensate. I'm just talking hypnotically, not like they'll do any of this)

Or from what we have learned of them, for all we know the PS4/Xbox One specs sucks compared to Wii U and they only beat it in ram so they can pretend they are better ;P (Not saying it is like that, but we can't know for sure until someone opens the PS4/Xbox One)

Edited by Xef, 21 May 2013 - 01:35 PM.

#29 Mitch



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:37 PM

I'm talking about PS4 5 years from now vs Wii U now with better engines and knowledge of hardware, which of coarse isn't a fair comparison.
But if you cut all the multitasking from PS4 it would be far above Wii U (but you could do the same for Wii U to compensate. I'm just talking hypnotically, not like they'll do any of this)

Or from what we have learned of them, for all we know the PS4/Xbox One specs sucks compared to Wii U and they only beat it in ram so they can pretend they are better ;P (Not saying it is like that, but we can't know for sure until someone opens the PS4/Xbox One)


So what you are saying is that assuming the PS4 is far superior to the Wii U it would be safe to assume the PS4 is superior to the Wii U?? :P

#30 Xef



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:40 PM

So what you are saying is that assuming the PS4 is far superior to the Wii U it would be safe to assume the PS4 is superior to the Wii U?? :P

YES! Don't you just love a philosophical, pointless and confusing way of thinking? ^^

#31 Jeremygts



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:46 PM

This will be interesting. I wonder how much memory is used for OS and gaming? Multitasking takes ALOT of memory... I bet 1-2 GB dedicated to just gaming and the rest for OS/Muli tasking. If thats the case then you wont see much difference out of the three.

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#32 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:47 PM

This will be interesting. I wonder how much memory is used for OS and gaming? Multitasking takes ALOT of memory... I bet 1-2 GB dedicated to just gaming and the rest for OS/Muli tasking. If thats the case then you wont see much difference out of the three.


Kinetic 2.0 alone is 2 gig according to Kinetic SDK.

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#33 routerbad



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:48 PM

I'm talking about PS4 5 years from now vs Wii U now with better engines and knowledge of hardware, which of coarse isn't a fair comparison.
But if you cut all the multitasking from PS4 it would be far above Wii U (but you could do the same for Wii U to compensate. I'm just talking hypnotically, not like they'll do any of this)

Or from what we have learned of them, for all we know the PS4/Xbox One specs sucks compared to Wii U and they only beat it in ram so they can pretend they are better ;P (Not saying it is like that, but we can't know for sure until someone opens the PS4/Xbox One)

It's not just an unfair comparison, there aren't any games that really showcase the WiiU potential at this point, other than perhaps NintendoLand, but in very small ways.


PS4 and WiiU will continue to have similar looking games throughout the generation, because they both support all of the same rendering technologies.  There will be minor limitations that Wii U brings to the table eventually I'm sure, but it won't be enough to change gameplay or even visuals in a substantive way.

#34 Guy Fieri

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:49 PM

I personally don't care about graphics. So either I have to bring a microscope out to see the little changes in graphics, or nothing has changed at all. I don't follow console specs either, but I would imagine that all 3 are roughly the same. Each with their ups and downs. 


 As for the console itself, it looks cool. So does the controller, slightly reminds me of the OUYA controller for some reason. But none of the games interested me. Just a bunch of currently confirmed EA, Ubisoft, and Activision games we all knew were gonna be released on it. Microsoft has never interested me because most of their first party games are just shooters. Plus One will probably have the same 3rd party support at the PS4, give or take a small amount of games. All Microsoft needs to sell me on a One is Banjo Threeie. Or some other big game that's not a shooter.


 I'm not on board with the "pay to play used games" idea, even though it is better than no used games at all. But there's the thing. Considering most used games retail for about $5-$10 less (if they're a recent release, older releases vary), Microsoft could very well make this the price range for playing used games. Making the idea of playing something used, practically pointless. With the exception of out of print games. Shame to see it's not offering backwards compatibility. As if I were to get a One, I'd like to try some of the games I missed out on the 360. Seems that Nintendo is the only one with backwards compatibility this gen. Great to see that DRM isn't required. But I wouldn't be surprised if EA or other devs include it in their games.


 Annoying to see that EA is making a partnership with Microsoft, after unjustifiably breaking their tie with Nintendo. Just goes to show that EA will always go for the "popular bro gamer" consoles. I'm not saying all gamers that game on those consoles are like that, but a large amount of them are. I'd love to see EA's reaction if the One has bad launch sales (probably not, due to it's popularity), and continues to support it. Just to show their hypocrisy and bias against Nintendo.

#35 Jeremygts



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:50 PM

Kinetic 2.0 alone is 2 gig according to Kinetic SDK.

Wow so 2 gig for just Kinect... then say 2 more for gaming. thats half the system memory right there. Then the other 4 for multitasking and OS.

#36 routerbad



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 01:51 PM

So how exactly does it compare? I know you know your stuff, and they have released a spec sheet detailing some important info.

They'll all be about the same, they all support the same techniques and features.  XBOX One is probably very slightly more powerful, but those extra cycles will be used up for multitasking and peripherals for the most part.  Other than that, WiiU will not do some things quite as good as PS4 and perhaps XBOX1, but not in a way that will make a noticeable difference.

#37 Alex Atkin UK

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:13 PM

Eh, thats a pretty old rumour man, and one that looks to be seriously sq
uashed if not aalready and long ago. In fact... ms didnt really say much of anything about specs... It was eerily..... Nintendo like of them.

We know it has a soc with an 8 core jaguar cpu, 8Gb ddr3, 25Mb embedded ram on gpu (color me surprised, strike up one point for wii u) and 3 freaking operating systems (wtf really?).... And a power draw of less than 100 watts. barely more than 360/ps3 slim.... And thats it.


Where did you get that information about the ESRAM as Engadget claims 32MB.  Then again they also say Kinect 2 is 720p when its actually 1080p.


I have to say I am very let down by the reveal, it was pretty much EA Sports and Call of Duty, I'm interested in neither of those things.  The only thing that interests me is Forza 5 and as the new controller is WiFi based I need to know if my stupidly expensive Fantatec Forza wheel will be compatible over USB seeing as they seem to not support Xbox 360 peripherals.  If it doesn't then they killed the console for me.

E3 should be interesting at least, but I get the feeling I will be waiting to see how the multi-platform games compare before siding with anything.

Seems you were spot-on with your complaints about wasting CPU/RAM on services though.  Three operating systems?  WTF?  It didn't even make sense as the Windows 8 Kernel is not an operating system its PART OF the core operating system.  Although it still doesn't explain what the second operating system is, perhaps its running on an ARM core as its pretty clear the PS4 is running at least two operating systems.  Then again, you could claim the Wii was too if you are desperate for marketing BS.

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#38 Xef



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:28 PM

Wow so 2 gig for just Kinect... then say 2 more for gaming. thats half the system memory right there. Then the other 4 for multitasking and OS.

 The Wii U is using 1gb ram for games and 1gb for OS this is confirmed, and I picture Xbox nOne is using 2gm for games and rest for OS, and PS4 using 3gb for games and the rest for OS. Just a prediction, but I suck at stuff like this so don't quote me on it. (unless I turn out right of coarse, then quote teh rainbow out of me ;D)

#39 3Dude



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:44 PM

Its 3Gb for os. I guess
1Gb per os.



#40 Soul



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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:45 PM

The conference was meh.

Though, I like that people won't be able to say "microsoft has no exclusives" anymore.

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