The reason I don't respond to many of your threads is you simply have no connection with reality, you are the nutter on the bus that most people avoid.
However just to make this super clear I will try to make this super easy for someone even like yourself to follow;
First of all integer performance is dealing with 0 and 1's only its much easier for a cpu to deal with integer performance than floating point so its something the spe's do to a higher level than floating point. This is nothing hard to understand. A nice summary of integer peformance for various cpu's is here;
For ps3 they state;
PS3 Cell BE (PPE only) 10,240 MIPS at 3.2 GHz (not including the seven spe's (six for games)
Each spe has a theoretically maximum of 25.4gflops each and the spe can do 2 integer operations for one single precision floating point operation. However the real world figure given for the cell processor in total is around 30,000 for integer operation. You only have to look below to see how much of the cell is dedicated to spe's to see its not going to be a low figure. Look at the size of it. One is mapped out to enable high yields. Considering just a small area of the cell is generating over 10,000 dmips who in their right mind wouldn't believe 30,000 dmips in total as a bare minimum. This is a figure given for real world performance I believe. I'm sure the theoretical integer performance would be much higher. The reality is with the cell though that there is a large divide between theoretical and real world figures but I have not used any theoretical figures. When the cell is fully optimised even with the ps3's weaker gpu it can surpasse the 360 by some margin. How would it do this is the cell wasn't significantly more powerful when its gpu and memory configuration is weaker? Clearly though the spe's can be used for either floating point and integer calcuations and most of the time floating point would be used to assist the ps3 graphically. Integer calculations may be used for logic and sound and of course the ps3's background operating system which is mainly integer.
Many games don't make use of the spe's at all so spe use is mainly integer for the operating system. Many just use it for sound processing which is often integer use in addition to the operating system. I remember reading that Orange box made no use of the spe's at all but then the pc engine was a bit dated anyway and ran well enough on the two threads of the PPE.
Xbox360 IBM "Xenon" (Triple core) 19,200 MIPS at 3.2 GHz
(thats full xenon integer performance)
AMD FX-8150 (Eight core) 108,890 MIPS at 3.6 GHz
This is not jaguar cores but the earlier cores, the jaguar performance is in the range of 10-40% better.
So this would be 48,000 dmips at 1.6ghz and then depending how much you add for jaguar performance. It's at least 10% more I believe you end up with a figure of a minimum of 50,000 plus. Obviously there are some sources with slight variation of these figures. The figures I gave before actually seem a bit conservative but are in the ballpark figure.
Wii u performance is easy its already been discovered that core 0 operates only for wii mode and all cores are the same and are as per the original gamecube and wii cpu's but with more cache (needed for the low memory bandwidth) so you have a figure of about 8,400 if you use the powerpc 750 from that list which is basically the architecture for gekko, broadway and expresso. This figure may be conservative but it will be well within 10,000 dmips. I think 8,800 was given on neogaf by someone.
Can you please stop writing your utter tripe about wii u cpu performance, it has absolutely no connection with reality. The AMD jaguar's cpu performance may not be amazing but properly written multi-threaded games optimised for the cpu and the fact the gpu's in the ps4/xbone massively assist the cpu anyway create a serious jump in performance over wii u/360 and ps3. The wii u's cpu is inferior to the 360 and PS3 and only because of the wii u's gpu does it offer comparable performance to those consoles although currently the wii u is weaker on average most of the time.
Again what is the point of your posts, they bear absolutely no relationship to how the wii u is performing. It's no point arguing with me until the wii u starts performing to a higher level than it currently is. Even with its more advanced gpu that assists the cpu the wii u is struggling not to drop frames. The idea that the wii u cpu is competitive with ps4/xbone is so utterly ridiculous when its struggling against near end of life consoles.
Edited by Desert Punk, 02 June 2013 - 03:11 AM.