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Koch Brothers: Funding $67,042,064 to groups denying climate change since 1997.


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#1 ZombiCarolyn



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:39 AM





So if you know any of those "it's a hoax" people, let them know that the fossil fuel industry has been paying the same people who manufactured lies about the safety of tobacco from 50 years ago to lie about the climate change.  All at our expense.

[sarcasm] But I'm just going to sit and let somebody else fix the problem.  Democracy is a passive thing somebody else does for me. [/sarcasm]


#2 routerbad



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:15 AM





So if you know any of those "it's a hoax" people, let them know that the fossil fuel industry has been paying the same people who manufactured lies about the safety of tobacco from 50 years ago to lie about the climate change.  All at our expense.

[sarcasm] But I'm just going to sit and let somebody else fix the problem.  Democracy is a passive thing somebody else does for me. [/sarcasm]


To the contrary, "green" organizations and overzealous politicians have been funding the research into "global cooling" then "global warming" then "climate change" since the late 50s.  They've created the equivalent to a kabal in which you are labeled a "denier", an "outcast", or a "non believer" when you are skeptical about science that is bought and paid for by politicians and governments that would gain immensely by being able to literally tax what we exhale, and what every vertebrate has been exhaling since the dawn of time.


Independent scientists have been coming out against "climate change" science for a very long time, though they don't have the support of the people who would gain the most from climate regulations and taxation, they are still there.  


IPCC scientists found to have deliberately faked climate data to get more funding from world governments, no that's not a problem at all.  Someone is skeptical and decides to help fund honest scientists, what an outrage!


you have to see things holistically, read some of the dissenting information, see how even NASA has been providing fraudulent temperature data, and how the earth enters warming and cooling trends based on solar activity, regardless of carbon dioxide or any other "greenhouse gas" atmospheric density.


Also look into how the warmest and coolest periods in earth's history, according to core samples and fossil records, happened before mammalian life evolved beyond rodent species.


To the video, its a conspiracy video with cherry picked information, quotes, and creative editing.  Nothing more than the loose change video or any number of "America created 9/11" or Zeitgeist stuff.

Edited by routerbad, 28 May 2013 - 08:17 AM.

#3 Elric


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:22 AM

I still don't understand why people deny global climate change. It has been scientifically proven that climate is changing due to pollution. 




#4 routerbad



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:35 AM

I still don't understand why people deny global climate change. It has been scientifically proven that climate is changing due to pollution. 

No, it hasn't.  Politicians and the crony scientists who fake climate data to secure funding from governments love that you believe them though.  They love that people have turned climate change into a religion rather than a scientific pursuit of answers and information.  


What has been scientifically proven is that the sun controls our climate more than we ever could, despite our actions.  Moreso in fact than politicians like, because they can't control it or tax it.


We have been on a cooling trend for 11 years now.  That's right, a net DECREASE in global temperature.  This was why "gobal warming" was renamed "climate change" because warming didn't fit the narrative anymore.


Much like it was "global cooling" eleven years before that, but that narrative changed as well.


Solar cycles last 11 years, would you look at that.

#5 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 03:58 PM

I still don't understand why people deny global climate change. It has been scientifically proven that climate is changing due to pollution. 


It's been scientificly proven that the global tempreture fluctuates every few hundred thousand years and we are due a rise about now. Where I live the weather is crap but it was once tropical, AND I LIVE IN THE UK!

#6 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 06:44 PM

I still don't understand why people deny global climate change. It has been scientifically proven that climate is changing due to pollution. 

Those people are going to feel awfully stupid when they are drifting in the middle of the ocean.


#7 stardust



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:11 AM

"climate change" is one of the biggest hoaxes invented on the people.

#8 routerbad



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 11:18 AM

Those people are going to feel awfully stupid when they are drifting in the middle of the ocean.

No, see it doesn't work that way.  It's sad that you bought into the "polar ice caps melting photos AAHHHHH" hype when all they were showing you was natural seasonal fluctuation in ice cap density throughout a single year, every year.  Ice freezes, melts, refreezes constantly.  They were showing summer photos and still do to "prove" that the ice caps are melting.  And they like to show polar bears on ice rafts, when polar bears happen to be the best mammalian swimmers in the animal kingdom.  They intentionally get onto ice rafts so they can peer into the water and spot schools of fish.

#9 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:04 PM

"climate change" is one of the biggest hoaxes invented on the people.

Denial is a hoax if anything. We got science on our side.


#10 routerbad



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:12 PM

Denial is a hoax if anything. We got science on our side.

Actually, you don't.  What you have are faked numbers, manipulated data, political agenda, and scientists desperate for government funding.  Scientists that you would call "dissentors" and are actually the majority of scientists, are not getting paid to speak on climate change, while climate scientists who are using climate change to further their own narratives and agenda are being paid millions in climate research grants by governments all over the world, then they call it 'science' and 'consensus' where there is neither.


The earth was in a warming trend from 85 to 98, we've been on a cooling trend since then, not rapid, it's very gentle in fact.  That bright ball in the sky that you've probably been spending most of your life avoiding is the cause of all of it.

#11 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 12:26 PM

Actually, you don't.  What you have are faked numbers, manipulated data, political agenda, and scientists desperate for government funding.  Scientists that you would call "dissentors" and are actually the majority of scientists, are not getting paid to speak on climate change, while climate scientists who are using climate change to further their own narratives and agenda are being paid millions in climate research grants by governments all over the world, then they call it 'science' and 'consensus' where there is neither.


The earth was in a warming trend from 85 to 98, we've been on a cooling trend since then, not rapid, it's very gentle in fact.  That bright ball in the sky that you've probably been spending most of your life avoiding is the cause of all of it.

What do the skeptics have. I don't see their numbers.


#12 routerbad



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Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:19 PM

What do the skeptics have. I don't see their numbers.

That's what you got out of that?  You want to find out "their numbers"?  This isnt a war of attrition, its about science.  If you must know, there was a petition to the IPCC that acquired the signatures of over 50,000 geologists, climatologists, and meterologists, the petition was for the IPCC to stop referring to a phantom concensus and to allow scientists to speak on the subject rather than call them "non-believers".  IPCC was refusing to allow certain scientists to receive peer reviews on much of their work if it was not in lock step with the global warming narrative at the time, this was before the emails were leaked showing primary IPCC board members were actively revising information to fit their narrative.

#13 Elric


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 04:24 PM

Evidence of climate change caused by humans can be seen from shrinking ice sheets, ocean acidification, and the warming of oceans. National Geographic states that human activities that emit heat-trapping carbon dioxide has raised the average global temperature by about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past century. The warming has occurred from the surface to a depth of about 2,300 feet. NASA states that the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layer of the oceans is increasing about 2 billion tons per year. 



 Current examples of the effects on climate change can be found from the extreme droughts in the U.S. The Washington Post states that the drought has been the biggest in 50 years in the United states. Climate change according to the environmental protection agency in the future it is predicted that it will increase the acidity of the oceans. Negative effects on the environment come with side effects. For example, to due the drought in the U.S it has effected agriculture, which is a big part of the U.S economy.  


We can obviously see that pollution does in fact have a negative effect on the environment. 

Edited by Elric, 29 May 2013 - 04:51 PM.




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