fact 1.. harddrives have moving parts why do you want ““more moving easy to break and corrupt parts in your console HUH...
fact 2... harddrives ware out very quickly...
fact 3... harddrives are 1950s tech seriously you want that in your nintendo HUH!!
fact 4 heat man i canny stand the heat anymore harddrives are HOT HUH!!!
fact 5 ... SLOW LIKE SNAIL flashdrives rape harddrives at load speed compare any ps3 or pc loading from flash vs harddrive flash destroys harddrive at streaming dumping data..
fact 6... noise oh please make 9t stop harddrives are loud flash is silent...
fact 7 heavy man its so heavy harddrives are like a mega-ton in weght...flash is like a postage stamp...
i look forward to TODAYS TECH in my console not 1950s obsolete crap...
Although I believe HDDs need to slowly faze out, I've experienced little to none of these problems (Which might class me as the minority.)
I've had my old 7200RPM 250gb HDD for over several years and it still works fine (I'd really have to check the brand, they were bought off by Seagate some time ago.) As for sound I would say it's fairly quiet all things considering, runs evenly or less along the hum of the processor (Even on my PS3.) Temps are the biggest problem though, internals run around 30C and I have no clue what my external normally runs at; so I guess I'd have to agree on that part.
Another reason for the change may have something to do with HDD prices being slightly higher than normal, where-as flash still seems to be at its normal price/falling.
Edited by Banzai¥, 11 December 2011 - 10:16 PM.