If Atlus goes under JRPG gaming may be dead as we know it. Face it FF15 is an action game and X lacks true grinding (I'm not saying it's bad i'm just saying it's more adventure based) so without Atlus RPGs will be a thing of the past. It was my favorite genre too. Your thoughts?

Is true JRPGs dying?
Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:20 PM
Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:27 PM
Monolith has done a great job from what I know.
Edited by Colinx, 27 June 2013 - 12:27 PM.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:29 PM
If Atlus goes under JRPG gaming may be dead as we know it. Face it FF15 is an action game and X lacks true grinding (I'm not saying it's bad i'm just saying it's more adventure based) so without Atlus RPGs will be a thing of the past. It was my favorite genre too. Your thoughts?
Do we really know that X is strictly adventure based? Also, JRPGs don't only include strategy games.
- Blake likes this
Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:48 PM
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 27 June 2013 - 12:58 PM
Depends on what you need to be a JRPG. The genre has been eithier dying or evolving for some time. At least in the west. Consider the differences though in how the two nations play. The arcades never really died over there, they have here.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:15 PM
In a way, arcades are still alive here; there was House of the Dead 4 and Street Fighter 4, as well as mobile games getting arcade versions. Not to mention Dave and Busters is still big. They aren't dead, but they are on Life Support. But this is me trying to be optimistic.Depends on what you need to be a JRPG. The genre has been eithier dying or evolving for some time. At least in the west. Consider the differences though in how the two nations play. The arcades never really died over there, they have here.
Edited by TheUltimateWaddleDee, 27 June 2013 - 01:16 PM.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:32 PM
In a way, arcades are still alive here; there was House of the Dead 4 and Street Fighter 4, as well as mobile games getting arcade versions. Not to mention Dave and Busters is still big. They aren't dead, but they are on Life Support. But this is me trying to be optimistic.
lol indeed it is. I wish they were truely big here. But I've worked for a Dave and Busters and I can tell you its a business model thats only JUST working right now in a lot of ways. Even with them though its nothing like Japan, have you been? Its insane how much they are thriving and how communities build around specific games in arcades over there, it blew my mind. I loved it. I wish we had that here. I honestly feel its a culture thing, we are very individualistic and isolationist in the states - we are completely antisocial. Kind of makes me sick. There is a weird akwardness here to escribe it. There you get on street fighter, and some other dude will pop in a coin and play against you without a word. The game was designed for this. I got to meet some really cool people this way. Here there is like this akwardness about it. Your expected to ask first, nervously, and you usually think twice about doing that. There are deffinite down sides to our "everyone mind your own business" attitude. Down sides to the community over the individual mindset too but thats to deep a debate for this topic.
The JRPG has been changing and adapting things from the western RPG genre, espicially in western ported games but even in Japan the standard everyone stand in a line and fight one at a time model is dying. I don't feel that means JRPGs are dead, the genre is just evolving as all genres do. This is nothing to get upset about. I've been there. One of my favorite genres is the beat em up and for a long time the only thing close to it we had was stuff like God of War. But you have to realize there are hundreds of these games per genre and more ways to play than ever - even if you don't like how the genre has evovled I'm almost 100% certain you haven't experinced every classic JRPG. There is still a lot of content, and this is one genre the indie scene is very keen on. The Sega Genesis got like four or five new JRPG style games in the last few years. You read that right, its not a typo. The Sega Genesis.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:40 PM
Yuuuuup, they're totally dying.
Edited by Blake, 27 June 2013 - 01:41 PM.
- SolxBurst, Hank Hill and magiciandude like this
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:40 PM
Somebody has never played Xenoblade............... Also, level grinding isn't supposed to be the main factor of a JRPG. Just because of one famous company that makes JRPG's doesn't mean that the whole genre is going to die.
Edited by Fieryguns, 27 June 2013 - 01:42 PM.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:43 PM
Yeah, I really want to go to Japan one day, and I wish arcades were like how they were in the 90s. Almost every genre has taken things from RPG's: skill trees, level ups, XP, etc. The RPG has evolved into games like The Elder Scrolls and Mass Effect, but that doesn't mean I miss the days of old school, turn-based RPGs. I don't really follow homebrew games, so I don't know anything about those games. JRPG's have always had trouble evolving for some reason. It's usually that players today don't like the combat systems in most of them. Games like The Last Story did it well, heck it even has an online competitive mode. That's when you know you did something right. If Final Fantasy does something like that (and looking at 15, it's on the right track), then it will get better. That being said, a battle system like that runs the risk of becoming an action game like Mass Effect became. The Last Story avoided this fate, but it's hard to stay considered an RPG than an action game or a indeed it is. I wish they were truely big here. But I've worked for a Dave and Busters and I can tell you its a business model thats only JUST working right now in a lot of ways. Even with them though its nothing like Japan, have you been? Its insane how much they are thriving and how communities build around specific games in arcades over there, it blew my mind. I loved it. I wish we had that here. I honestly feel its a culture thing, we are very individualistic and isolationist in the states - we are completely antisocial. Kind of makes me sick. There is a weird akwardness here to escribe it. There you get on street fighter, and some other dude will pop in a coin and play against you without a word. The game was designed for this. I got to meet some really cool people this way. Here there is like this akwardness about it. Your expected to ask first, nervously, and you usually think twice about doing that. There are deffinite down sides to our "everyone mind your own business" attitude. Down sides to the community over the individual mindset too but thats to deep a debate for this topic.
The JRPG has been changing and adapting things from the western RPG genre, espicially in western ported games but even in Japan the standard everyone stand in a line and fight one at a time model is dying. I don't feel that means JRPGs are dead, the genre is just evolving as all genres do. This is nothing to get upset about. I've been there. One of my favorite genres is the beat em up and for a long time the only thing close to it we had was stuff like God of War. But you have to realize there are hundreds of these games per genre and more ways to play than ever - even if you don't like how the genre has evovled I'm almost 100% certain you haven't experinced every classic JRPG. There is still a lot of content, and this is one genre the indie scene is very keen on. The Sega Genesis got like four or five new JRPG style games in the last few years. You read that right, its not a typo. The Sega Genesis.
Edited by TheUltimateWaddleDee, 27 June 2013 - 01:46 PM.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:59 PM
Its a genre that to be honest I have always WANTED to like but could never leech onto. I have terrible ADD for things like that. I've, in truth, only ever beaten 2 JRPGs. Pokemon Red Version, and Grandia II. They were both excellent, Grandia II is one of my faovorite stories period, but every time I try another JRPG, even another one in the Grandia series, I can't stay connected and interested. =( I always feel like I'm missing out but I just lose interest when I have to start grinding.
Posted 27 June 2013 - 03:11 PM
If Atlus goes under JRPG gaming may be dead as we know it. Face it FF15 is an action game and X lacks true grinding (I'm not saying it's bad i'm just saying it's more adventure based) so without Atlus RPGs will be a thing of the past. It was my favorite genre too. Your thoughts?
You can't really say if X has true grinding or not, we know basically nothing about it...
Project X Zone, X, FF15, KH3, FE:A, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Tales of Xillia, Bravely Default, FFXHD, and Rune Factory 4.
Yuuuuup, they're totally dying.
Don't forget Pokemon, Blake. Pokemon is one of the most Japanese RPGs out there. And also, of all the games Blake just listed, only one was an Atlus game. And while Atlus does make a lot more than most publishers, there are obviously a lot more JRPG styled games still being developed.
On a side note, with the whole "Atlus dying" thing. I'm pretty sure that Atlus is a rather profitable company for the most part, and so I'm pretty sure someone will buy them out... Possibly Nintendo with how buddy-buddy they have been lately, but I'm not sure who would buy them out if needed.
"...A well written villain is a hero in his/her own world..."
Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:07 PM
I have a feeling they won't get bought out as a whole, but rather seperate franchises to different companies. I see Nintendo gwtting Shin Megami Tensei so the crossover with Fire Emblem can still occur, and Sony might nab Persona.You can't really say if X has true grinding or not, we know basically nothing about it...
Don't forget Pokemon, Blake. Pokemon is one of the most Japanese RPGs out there. And also, of all the games Blake just listed, only one was an Atlus game. And while Atlus does make a lot more than most publishers, there are obviously a lot more JRPG styled games still being developed.
On a side note, with the whole "Atlus dying" thing. I'm pretty sure that Atlus is a rather profitable company for the most part, and so I'm pretty sure someone will buy them out... Possibly Nintendo with how buddy-buddy they have been lately, but I'm not sure who would buy them out if needed.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 28 June 2013 - 08:47 AM
I have a feeling they won't get bought out as a whole, but rather seperate franchises to different companies. I see Nintendo gwtting Shin Megami Tensei so the crossover with Fire Emblem can still occur, and Sony might nab Persona.
Problem with that is that Persona is a part of Shin Megami Tensei. For example, Persona 4's full name is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4.
- Gaymer likes this
"...A well written villain is a hero in his/her own world..."
Posted 28 June 2013 - 09:15 AM
Yeah, I just rembered that. I want Nintendo to buy it so the crossover with Fire Emblem will happen, but Sony might want it for Persona 5.Problem with that is that Persona is a part of Shin Megami Tensei. For example, Persona 4's full name is Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:55 AM
For me, jrpg's died the second ffvii hit and traded exploration and adventure for flash, lousy pre rendered videos, and pretty set peices. And then everything else followed it. Straight into the ground, and then began burrowing into the ground.
Oh, there have been sparks of life here and there, but for the most part, dead.
For me, jrpg's just had a rebirth from nowhere with xenoblade, and looks to only be getting better with X.
Atlus rpg's like persona.... contain pretty much absolutely none of the things i used to enjoy about jrpg's, and are pretty much collections of all the garbage i would put up with just for the things i enjoyed in my jrpgs.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:09 PM
Posted 30 June 2013 - 12:35 PM
Monolith Soft, XSeed, and Mistwalker will keep the JRPG alive.
Monolift takes everything out of the golden days of RPGs such as turn based strategy and hardcore grinding. Who the hell is Mistwalker. Xseed is the exception and RPG's true last stand.
What I just said above.
depends on what jrpg's mean to you.
For me, jrpg's died the second ffvii hit and traded exploration and adventure for flash, lousy pre rendered videos, and pretty set peices. And then everything else followed it. Straight into the ground, and then began burrowing into the ground.
Oh, there have been sparks of life here and there, but for the most part, dead.
For me, jrpg's just had a rebirth from nowhere with xenoblade, and looks to only be getting better with X.
Atlus rpg's like persona.... contain pretty much absolutely none of the things i used to enjoy about jrpg's, and are pretty much collections of all the garbage i would put up with just for the things i enjoyed in my jrpgs.
FFVII was gold. It featured long lost battle mechanics and had a groundbreaking epic story that was movie like. The FF that killed them was FF11.
You can't really say if X has true grinding or not, we know basically nothing about it...
Don't forget Pokemon, Blake. Pokemon is one of the most Japanese RPGs out there. And also, of all the games Blake just listed, only one was an Atlus game. And while Atlus does make a lot more than most publishers, there are obviously a lot more JRPG styled games still being developed.
On a side note, with the whole "Atlus dying" thing. I'm pretty sure that Atlus is a rather profitable company for the most part, and so I'm pretty sure someone will buy them out... Possibly Nintendo with how buddy-buddy they have been lately, but I'm not sure who would buy them out if needed.
X is bound to lack grinding. You pilot a gun toting robot!
Posted 30 June 2013 - 12:46 PM
Monolift takes everything out of the golden days of RPGs such as turn based strategy and hardcore grinding. Who the hell is Mistwalker. Xseed is the exception and RPG's true last stand.
What I just said above.
FFVII was gold. It featured long lost battle mechanics and had a groundbreaking epic story that was movie like. The FF that killed them was FF11.
X is bound to lack grinding. You pilot a gun toting robot!
Mistwalker is the developer of The Last Story. XSEED published it. Grinding is truly a pain in the ass, and it artificially extends the game length. I don't remember the last time I told myself when playing a game, "Oh boy! I get to fight the same enemies and do the same actions over and over again! The JRPG needed to evolve, and Monolith saw this, and they made the best RPG in this generation.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 30 June 2013 - 12:48 PM
Mistwalker is the developer of The Last Story. XSEED published it. Grinding is truly a pain in the ass, and it artificially extends the game length. I don't remember the last time I told myself when playing a game, "Oh boy! I get to fight the same enemies and do the same actions over and over again! The JRPG needed to evolve, and Monolith saw this, and they made the best RPG in this generation.
I actually love grinding. Perhaps i'm too old school for the hip crowd. I will stick to FFVII and Earthbound for my RPG fix.
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