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Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?

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Poll: Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways? (73 member(s) have cast votes)

What games do you usually buy?

  1. Virtually only Nintendo games (2 votes [2.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.74%

  2. Nintendo games and some exclusives (8 votes [10.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.96%

  3. Nintendo games, exclusives and some multiplatform games (34 votes [46.58%])

    Percentage of vote: 46.58%

  4. I buy them with the intention of playing all games on the same console (17 votes [23.29%])

    Percentage of vote: 23.29%

  5. I have multple consoles for playing different games (12 votes [16.44%])

    Percentage of vote: 16.44%

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#1 grahamf


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 07:08 PM

I just thought I should ask this.


I'm looking at the whining that the Wii U won't be getting games like Call of duty and such and I realized: I personally don't care.


My Wii collection is:


Blue are exclusive third parties, red are multiplatform. The only multiplatform I like is Sonic Unleashed.


I'd be perfectly happy with just Nintendo games. I did have an Xbox, but I found I didn't really care for any of the games available.


What about you?



#2 nbond3040



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Posted 07 August 2013 - 07:46 PM


I agree with you but, for people who can only get one console and want the Nintendo exclusives it sucks because then they can't play some of the great multiplatform games like GTAV 

#3 Xiombarg


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 07:55 PM

I'm not the biggest gamer.  Nintendo has specific games that Microsoft and Sony haven't quite been able to match yet, like anything in the Mario series, Zelda, or Super Smash bros.  Those are fun games I like to play.

Not only that, but Sonic games typically come to Nintendo, sometimes there's an exclusive (like Colors or Lost World).  I don't really play too many other games, except the occasional game, like Rayman.


After that, I stick with PC, seeing as most games I may be interested in will come out to the PC.  And with Steam and their sales, I don't have to pay much to get a lot of content.


I'm not a big fan of FPS games.  I can recognize that the Halo series is pretty good, but for an FPS, I have any option on the PC (TF2 being the only one I play).

Bethesdia games come out on PC, Ubisoft, SEGA is releasing PC versions, and so on.

Skullgirls was originally out on XBLA, but I knew it was eventually come to PC. (Most of those sorts of games are likely going to come to Steam, though)


The games I typically only miss out on are great games like the Team Ico games.


I don't have an issue with some games not making it to WiiU because I already don't care about them from the beginning.

#4 Gaymer


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 07:57 PM

I sure as hell don't. I bought a Wii U for the first party games. Anything else is just extra.

#5 Big Boss

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 08:35 PM

 A lot of people can only afford a single console, so most go for the one with the widest variety of games. Sooooooooooooooo.

#6 Aiddon



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Posted 07 August 2013 - 08:53 PM

when 3rd parties are this lazy, half-assed, and cowardly, I can't say it should surprise people why most games bought on Nintendo systems are made by Nintendo.

#7 Gimbal



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Posted 07 August 2013 - 09:14 PM


I just thought I should ask this.


I'm looking at the whining that the Wii U won't be getting games like Call of duty and such and I realized: I personally don't care.


My Wii collection is:


Blue are exclusive third parties, red are multiplatform. The only multiplatform I like is Sonic Unleashed.


I'd be perfectly happy with just Nintendo games. I did have an Xbox, but I found I didn't really care for any of the games available.


What about you?


The Wii U will be getting games like Call of Duty. Your argument is invalid.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#8 Portal



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Posted 07 August 2013 - 10:21 PM

I mainly play first-party games. A lot of third-party games don't even interest me, or they're rated M. The past year or so I've dabbled with some third-party on the eShop, but that's pretty much it at this point.

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#9 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 10:23 PM

I bought the Wii U for half an half.


This console will get all the games, just give it time. No one is patient enough.


#10 PipoPito


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Posted 07 August 2013 - 11:43 PM

I hate when people say that. Look, if the Wii U had the other games, u would have less reasons to buy the other console, so instead of wasting money for the other consoles, you could use the money to buy more games.

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#11 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:09 AM


Edited by BrandedSwordsman, 20 May 2018 - 01:53 AM.

#12 Ixchel


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:11 AM

Well... yeah I'd prefer to be able to only have a Nintendo system for the majority of a generation and be able to play a nice ratio of first, second, and third party games without needing to upgrade my PC 2x a generation. I mean I'd buy a PlayStation regardless when they finally release a true, non PC exclusive I want (Sony did pretty bad this gen for PS3, but I had a huge backlog anyways), but at least then it feels like a complete experience until that point.

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#13 Nollog


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 03:15 AM

I bought it with the intention of buying most games that interest me on it.

I currently have just 3 disc games because Nintendo didn't feel like releasing scribblenauts in Europe for 9001 years, so I bought it on PC.
This is my plan going forward.
Games I can get on Wii U for a decent price (trine 2, cave etc.), I'll get on Wii U, otherwise I'll get it for steam in a sale (tomb raider, dishonored etc.).

Edited by Nollog, 08 August 2013 - 03:16 AM.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#14 3Dude



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 04:13 AM

I hate when people say that. Look, if the Wii U had the other games, u would have less reasons to buy the other console, so instead of wasting money for the other consoles, you could use the money to buy more games.

I hate this. Why on earth do people want console gaming to be completely homogenous. What is the point in having multiple consoles if the games are all the same?

Who the hell cares about buying more games if they are all middling multiplat crap instead of awesome generation defining exclusives? This is the crap that turned this gen to the crappiest in gaming history, and people are so used to being shoveled feces they just lewve their mouths gaping waiting for more terds to be shoveled in.



#15 Envy



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 04:33 AM

While the majority of games I play are Nintendo titles, there are a few third party series that I really like to keep up with, and I would have loved to have gotten all titles on the Wii U, instead of having to buy two consoles.




#16 wombateer


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 07:49 AM

I just thought I should ask this.


I'm looking at the whining that the Wii U won't be getting games like Call of duty and such and I realized: I personally don't care.


My Wii collection is:


Blue are exclusive third parties, red are multiplatform. The only multiplatform I like is Sonic Unleashed.


I'd be perfectly happy with just Nintendo games. I did have an Xbox, but I found I didn't really care for any of the games available.


What about you?


But the Wii U is getting Call of Duty. 

#17 Aiddon



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:19 AM

I hate this. Why on earth do people want console gaming to be completely homogenous. What is the point in having multiple consoles if the games are all the same?

Who the hell cares about buying more games if they are all middling multiplat crap instead of awesome generation defining exclusives? This is the crap that turned this gen to the crappiest in gaming history, and people are so used to being shoveled feces they just lewve their mouths gaping waiting for more terds to be shoveled in.


Because 3rd parties have been trying to convince consumers of a one-console future for years. Furthermore, companies have always tried to perpetuate that there is only ONE line of evolution for consoles and that is the "just add more power to it!", blissfully unaware of Diminishing Returns, which are now happening as seen with the PS4 and the XB1. The entire reason Nintendo went in a different direction than everyone is because they realized first that just doing the same thing as everyone else wasn't going to work forever.


And companies HATED that. They hated being proven wrong by somebody they wrote off as a has-been, only for Nintendo to come back from the dead and basically humiliate them. They showed that motion controls weren't just a gimmick and that the huge leaps in tech philosophy 3rd parties had been perpetuating for years wasn't the end-all, be-all. It's akin to a fundamentalist finding out that the Bible had huge errors that needed to be corrected. But still 3rd parties have been just making thesame crap for years, terrified of actually putting forth effort or scaling back budgets a bit to focus on what's important.

#18 The Halbird

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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:28 AM

Well, I wasn't going to buy the wii U originally, but my great grandmother purchesed it for me back in May as a... real early birthday present, (My birthday is in Agust), so I'll probably buy most of the multi-plats for the Wii U, unless I can only get them on a computer and then I'd only buy them if my current gaming computer can support it decently. I probably won't buy any more consoles except replacements due to the bad economy and lack of storage.

#19 Gamejunkie



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:41 AM

Personally I bought a Wii U for the first party, second and third party exclusives and third party games which have best version on the Wii U. I've always been a multi platform gamer and fortunately I can afford to own all the consoles and have room for them. There will always be exclusive games whether they be first, second or third party on all consoles so its nice to be able to own all of them. The downside is I end up having too many games and not enough time to play them.

#20 Rickhunter7



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Posted 08 August 2013 - 08:56 AM

My humble opinion on the matter:


First, I chose a Nintendo console before others because I care about some Nintendo IPs more than any others: I LOVE Zelda, I think that Metroid is much better than most FPSs.


Second, I do care about multi platform coming to the WiiU, you see, back in the days when I had a Wii I would always wish I could try out popular multi platform games such as Bayonetta, GTA, COD, etc. but it wasn't possible and it made me feel bad. Now thanks to the Wii U being powerful enough it seems we will be able to enjoy such multi platforms.

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