Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?
Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:03 AM
Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:15 AM
Posted 08 August 2013 - 10:20 AM
I don't know if this is true or not, but it seems that Xbox One and PS4 will be getting all the old franchises, while Nintendo is getting a bunch of new stuff. Is it possible that soon people will get tired of playing the same games over and over again each year, and the Wii U will be well positioned with lots of fresh new games?
Which old franchises are we talking about here?
Also, I don't like this thing where I have to buy other consoles for multiplatform titles. I want the console I buy to get all multiplatform titles and then the reason I choose one console over the other is mainly down to exclusives and first party titles. But as you can see from the poll results, that will never probably never happen with Nintendo because the majority of people use the console as a "bonus" console since they have gotten so used to getting crappy ports of multiplats or hardly any multiplats at all.
Instead of buying Watch Dogs on PS4 maybe owners of the Wii U should buy it for the Wii U. I have seen a lot of people saying they are buying it for PS4 for even though no console specific footage or details have been released.
Edited by Hunter, 08 August 2013 - 10:28 AM.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:48 PM
I have had most of the Nintendo consoles over the years, but there has been a decline in the third party games for each subsequent Nintendo console, i now can no longer justify buying a £250+ console for a handful of games over the consoles lifetime.
People keep going on about how bad CoD & FIFA etc are as they are just the same game over & over again but with better graphics, but with the WiiU all we have heard from Nintendo is "for the first time ever you can play Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Kart (insert any-other Nintendo franchise here)" NSMBU is basically the same as SMB on the NES the only game in the series that have been different is Mario 64, Sunshine & the two Galaxy games, the same can be said for all the other Nintendo first party games, well most of the old ones anyway.
GTA 5 will be the biggest selling game of the year no doubt followed by CoD, why don't Nintendo make games that appeal to this huge & wide audience ?
I hate this. Why on earth do people want console gaming to be completely homogenous. What is the point in having multiple consoles if the games are all the same?
Who the hell cares about buying more games if they are all middling multiplat crap instead of awesome generation defining exclusives? This is the crap that turned this gen to the crappiest in gaming history, and people are so used to being shoveled feces they just lewve their mouths gaping waiting for more terds to be shoveled in.
Name one WiiU game that is a generation defining exclusive ?
Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:56 PM
Name one generation defining exclusive the PS360 had at the same point in their lifespan.I have had most of the Nintendo consoles over the years, but there has been a decline in the third party games for each subsequent Nintendo console, i now can no longer justify buying a £250+ console for a handful of games over the consoles lifetime.
People keep going on about how bad CoD & FIFA etc are as they are just the same game over & over again but with better graphics, but with the WiiU all we have heard from Nintendo is "for the first time ever you can play Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Kart (insert any-other Nintendo franchise here)" NSMBU is basically the same as SMB on the NES the only game in the series that have been different is Mario 64, Sunshine & the two Galaxy games, the same can be said for all the other Nintendo first party games, well most of the old ones anyway.
GTA 5 will be the biggest selling game of the year no doubt followed by CoD, why don't Nintendo make games that appeal to this huge & wide audience ?
Name one WiiU game that is a generation defining exclusive ?
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:27 PM
I have had most of the Nintendo consoles over the years, but there has been a decline in the third party games for each subsequent Nintendo console, i now can no longer justify buying a £250+ console for a handful of games over the consoles lifetime.
People keep going on about how bad CoD & FIFA etc are as they are just the same game over & over again but with better graphics, but with the WiiU all we have heard from Nintendo is "for the first time ever you can play Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Kart (insert any-other Nintendo franchise here)" NSMBU is basically the same as SMB on the NES the only game in the series that have been different is Mario 64, Sunshine & the two Galaxy games, the same can be said for all the other Nintendo first party games, well most of the old ones anyway.
GTA 5 will be the biggest selling game of the year no doubt followed by CoD, why don't Nintendo make games that appeal to this huge & wide audience ?
Name one WiiU game that is a generation defining exclusive ?
The last system I can remember that did that at launch was xbox and ps2 with ico and halo. Those days are gone. Long gone.
Ive been through 8 generation changes, of course im irritated that there is nothing to play on my new wii u. But I knew this would be the case, its something you have to accept when you buy around launch. Though its probably multiplied that ive gone 7 years owning 3 mostly worthless consoles, 2 of which have 99% the same exact library, and I have played less games for combined than 2 or 3 years of either/or ps2/xbox. My 360/ps3 collection is a JOKE compared to my xbox/ps2 collection. I am tired of the redundant crap. It was starting to get old at the end of that generation, and is now 7 years past the point of being sick of it.
Plus I spent 7 years waiting for the last guardian, and its all but vapor ware now. That made me grumpy.
But ANYWAYS, I dont expect an end of generation size library within the first couple months, this aint my first time on this map.
That said, wii u actually already have 2 games I know will resonate with me as exclusive titles that will define wii u for me this generation.
X and Viewtiful Joe 3d- er, Wonderful 101.

Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:50 PM
Name one generation defining exclusive the PS360 had at the same point in their lifespan.
Uncharted. Can't say as much for the 360 as I know next to nothing about that system's exclusives.
I'll probably run this generation like I ran last generation. I'll get the console exclusives that interest me on each system, and for multiplats, it'll come down to which system has what features that I prefer most.
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:50 PM
The last system I can remember that did that at launch was xbox and ps2 with ico and halo. Those days are gone. Long gone.
Ive been through 8 generation changes, of course im irritated that there is nothing to play on my new wii u. But I knew this would be the case, its something you have to accept when you buy around launch. Though its probably multiplied that ive gone 7 years owning 3 mostly worthless consoles, 2 of which have 99% the same exact library, and I have played less games for combined than 2 or 3 years of either/or ps2/xbox. My 360/ps3 collection is a JOKE compared to my xbox/ps2 collection. I am tired of the redundant crap. It was starting to get old at the end of that generation, and is now 7 years past the point of being sick of it.
Plus I spent 7 years waiting for the last guardian, and its all but vapor ware now. That made me grumpy.
But ANYWAYS, I dont expect an end of generation size library within the first couple months, this aint my first time on this map.
That's the thing that baffles me with people bashing Nintendo over and over again: are they forgetting just how many first years for a system were completely dry? It's been the norm for YEARS and yet people stamp their feet and act like Nintendo wasn't allowed to NOT be an exception to that. It's amazing. For the love of god, the PS2 had NOTHING it's first year except its ability as a DVD player. Same thing with the PS3, which had SEVERAL years of being considered a joke among gamers. Why are people ignoring history like this? This is ridiculous
Halo 3, The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, I could probably go on.
Halo 3 came out TWO YEARS after the 360 launched. Uncharted 2 wasn't until THREE years after the PS3 and The Last of Us was a few months ago. You can't compare that to the Wii U's first year, because in the PS3 and 360's first years, they had jack. Freaking. Squat.
Edited by Aiddon, 08 August 2013 - 01:54 PM.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:59 PM
Halo 3 came out TWO YEARS after the 360 launched. Uncharted 2 wasn't until THREE years after the PS3 and The Last of Us was a few months ago. You can't compare that to the Wii U's first year, because in the PS3 and 360's first years, they had jack. Freaking. Squat.
Jeez, don't freak out. It's only vidja games. Misread what UltimateWaddle said and went from there.
Edited my post, in any case.
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 01:59 PM
Halo 3, The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, I could probably go on.
He said in the same point in the console lifetime as the wii u.
None of those existed within the first couple months of ps360.
Most of them are mid and enders.
And while I agree with most of those (except uncharted, I take exception to Sony wasting naughty dogs talent on that bubblegum marketeering created drivel. Each one of those could have been a last of us quality title. Thank Kaz Cerney is doing everything possible to steer away from that.) And most likely most of what you woukd continue to label, they will be a tiny drop in the very large bucket compared to the awesome console exclusives (3rd party or otherwise) on the ps2/xbox, which is the point that started this.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:02 PM
I don't know if this is true or not, but it seems that Xbox One and PS4 will be getting all the old franchises, while Nintendo is getting a bunch of new stuff. Is it possible that soon people will get tired of playing the same games over and over again each year, and the Wii U will be well positioned with lots of fresh new games?
Its not true. Both the Xbox One and PS4 are getting both additions to old franchises as well as new IP's. If anything Nintendo is getting a lot more of the old franchises.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:04 PM
I agree with you but, for people who can only get one console and want the Nintendo exclusives it sucks because then they can't play some of the great multiplatform games like GTAV
I always found myself getting bored of the Grand Theft Auto games after about six hours. Once the initial shock value wears off the game starts to get mind-numbing, it's like half the shows on [adult swim] in that respect.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:08 PM
I just found myself not caring about anything they did past vice city/san andreas.I always found myself getting bored of the Grand Theft Auto games after about six hours. Once the initial shock value wears off the game starts to get mind-numbing, it's like half the shows on [adult swim] in that respect.
Started adding too much garbage i had to go through.
I still boot up vice city (usually vice city stories) for a joyride every now and then. Fun without strings.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:12 PM
That's the thing that baffles me with people bashing Nintendo over and over again: are they forgetting just how many first years for a system were completely dry? It's been the norm for YEARS and yet people stamp their feet and act like Nintendo wasn't allowed to NOT be an exception to that. It's amazing. For the love of god, the PS2 had NOTHING it's first year except its ability as a DVD player. Same thing with the PS3, which had SEVERAL years of being considered a joke among gamers. Why are people ignoring history like this? This is ridiculous
Halo 3 came out TWO YEARS after the 360 launched. Uncharted 2 wasn't until THREE years after the PS3 and The Last of Us was a few months ago. You can't compare that to the Wii U's first year, because in the PS3 and 360's first years, they had jack. Freaking. Squat.
That's absolute and utter rubbish. There were plenty of great games through out the life span of the 360 and PS3 including the early years and launch window. The Wii U's first doesn't compare in the least with those two consoles. You obviously have no clue what was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
He said in the same point in the console lifetime as the wii u.None of those existed within the first couple months of ps360.Most of them are mid and enders.And while I agree with most of those (except uncharted, I take exception to Sony wasting naughty dogs talent on that bubblegum marketeering created drivel. Each one of those could have been a last of us quality title. Thank Kaz Cerney is doing everything possible to steer away from that.) And most likely most of what you woukd continue to label, they will be a tiny drop in the very large bucket compared to the awesome console exclusives (3rd party or otherwise) on the ps2/xbox, which is the point that started this.
The Uncharted games were far from drivel and some of the best games of the last generation. They certainly weren't a waste of Naughty Dog's talent and actually showed what great games can be made with such talent. You are certainly in the minority with your view on them.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:21 PM
when 3rd parties are this lazy, half-assed, and cowardly, I can't say it should surprise people why most games bought on Nintendo systems are made by Nintendo.
its not that they are cowardly its that the WiiU has an install base of like 3.5 million and for games that have a niche audience, unless Nintendo pays them, what sense does it make to bring a game to the WiiU if there is not going to be any profit. Also, it's on Nintendo for making a significantly weaker console making it hard for the 3rd parties to make games for the console.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:30 PM
its not that they are cowardly its that the WiiU has an install base of like 3.5 million and for games that have a niche audience, unless Nintendo pays them, what sense does it make to bring a game to the WiiU if there is not going to be any profit. Also, it's on Nintendo for making a significantly weaker console making it hard for the 3rd parties to make games for the console.
And whose fault is it for sitting on their ass and not releasing product which could have helped raise the install base? Oh, right, 3rd parties. If you want sales, if you want something to grow, YOU HAVE TO MAKE AN EFFORT. It is NEVER delivered to you on a silver platter.
And another thing, when the HELL did companies start caring so much about power? The PS1 was dead last in the the power department, same thing with the PS2 (the original XBox for instance was several times more powerful than the PS2), and the 360 wasn't on the same level as the PS3 and yet 3rd parties happily gave that preferential treatment for the initial 7th gen years. And I don't even need to explain the royal asskickings that Nintendo's handheld division gave each of its competitors. It used to be that developers just worked with something regardless of processing power, so where the HELL did this sudden hunger for power come from?
Nothing about the actions of 3rd parties makes any sense to me. The only conclusion I can come to for their sudden stupidity and change in priorities is that they've all been huffing paint for the past few years.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:31 PM
That's absolute and utter rubbish. There were plenty of great games through out the life span of the 360 and PS3 including the early years and launch window. The Wii U's first doesn't compare in the least with those two consoles. You obviously have no clue what was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
The Uncharted games were far from drivel and some of the best games of the last generation. They certainly weren't a waste of Naughty Dog's talent and actually showed what great games can be made with such talent. You are certainly in the minority with your view on them.
The wii u isnt the point of comparison here. The ps2 and Xbox (one but not 1... the first one... damn it microsoft....) is.
The art direction is top notch naughty dog. No denying it. Technical work. Fantastic. Music, fantastic. Game was servicable gunplay, with strwamlined/qte-ish melee (still pretty close to tlou). Repeated to tedium, and on hyper linear game design.
A pretty, simplistic popcorn action game with a vulgar budget, designed to tittilate adolescent males.
As an exploration adventure fan hot off of an excellent and grandiose generation of adventure with jak and daxter. It was not what one expected from naughty dog. Wouldnt get something worthy out of naughty dog in that regaurd for seven years.
Id imagine if all youve ever known naughty dog to do is shallow, big budget hyper linear dudebro games, theyd be the best in the genre. Well they are the best in that genre. I just think that genre is garbage and WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY oversaturated. And I know naughty dog is capable of more. The last of us is proof.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:45 PM
I have had most of the Nintendo consoles over the years, but there has been a decline in the third party games for each subsequent Nintendo console, i now can no longer justify buying a £250+ console for a handful of games over the consoles lifetime.
People keep going on about how bad CoD & FIFA etc are as they are just the same game over & over again but with better graphics, but with the WiiU all we have heard from Nintendo is "for the first time ever you can play Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Kart (insert any-other Nintendo franchise here)" NSMBU is basically the same as SMB on the NES the only game in the series that have been different is Mario 64, Sunshine & the two Galaxy games, the same can be said for all the other Nintendo first party games, well most of the old ones anyway.
GTA 5 will be the biggest selling game of the year no doubt followed by CoD, why don't Nintendo make games that appeal to this huge & wide audience ?
Name one WiiU game that is a generation defining exclusive ?
this is a list of all the highest selling games of all time and look at how Nintendo owns the first 15 slots on that list. Also Mario Galaxy is the highest rated exclusive of all time ever there is no exclusive rated higher than it. I do agree with you on the same old game new graphics thing though
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:46 PM
That's absolute and utter rubbish. There were plenty of great games through out the life span of the 360 and PS3 including the early years and launch window. The Wii U's first doesn't compare in the least with those two consoles. You obviously have no clue what was released on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Power of wikipedia, I DO know what was released on the PS3 and the 360 for their first years AAAAND...not exactly anything to write home about. The 360 had, MAYBE, three truly big titles in its first year: Oblivion, Dead Rising, and Gears of War. Everything else was....basic. The PS3 was the same. In its first year it had Virtua Fighter 5 and Uncharted. Aside from that, its library was pretty much a copy-paste of the 360's and it didn't really have any truly big reasons to get it until MGS IV which STILL didn't help it fully recover.
Posted 08 August 2013 - 02:52 PM
Elder Scrolls 4 Gears of WarName one generation defining exclusive the PS360 had at the same point in their lifespan.
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