I too am waiting for something more 'unique' about this game. It looks like SSBB in HD with new characters which could have been DLC. The only interesting aspect is the handheld-console connectivity, which hasn't been explained that well yet. I was expecting more info on gameplay shared at E3, and not just a bit of footage. Sure, it looks good, but it's so far not as amazing as I hoped. Also let me put it this way... people that don't buy COD games because they're "all the same" couldn't possibly be looking forward to this.

SSB4 a boring rehash?
Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:03 AM
Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:06 AM
All of this angry, strong dislike for a game we know next to nothing about.
It makes me laugh.
- Bill Cipher, Kokirii and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:15 AM
I understand the concern. The lack of new characters being revealed is a bit disheartening. It's even more disheartening that they decided to make the rosters the same between both versions, meaning that the Wii U version will inevitably be limited by the 3DS version.
I'm still watching this game and can't see myself not wanting to get it when it comes out, but I am much less hyped than I have been for any entry in the series. The bars have already been set low, hype would be more unwise than ever.
Edited by Envy, 27 September 2013 - 06:15 AM.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 06:23 AM
I may get a ton of hate for this but I think SSB4 will be just a bland rehash. My reasons of thinking this is that when characters are announced they are just returns and Nintendo makes a big deal about them. That makes me think there will be even less fighters! Plus they took out story mode making less substance already. I smell a downgrade. Let the hate begin.
That's not true. How exactly are Nintendo making a big deal about them by quietly announcing them on a website most people don't visit regularly and then speaking no words on the topic except maybe in a minor interview. They're not making a big deal about these characters at all. The characters they made a big deal about were the new characters who were shown at E3.
Edited by Cymbal, 27 September 2013 - 06:25 AM.
- lucario23 likes this
"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014
Posted 27 September 2013 - 12:32 PM
Even if this were the case, you just nuked your argument.
*reads thread*
Yet another sterling example of people with incredibly poor perception jumping to incredibly poor conclusions.
whats new in smash bros 4, its the same game with new characters.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 12:38 PM
whats new in smash bros 4, its the same game with new characters.
This has always irked me but is that really a problem? There isn't any reason for a developer to stray from a winning formula, they can just expand upon it and make the style of gameplay they created the best it can possibly be. Oh yeah, as I've said already, the game isn't even out yet and we have nowhere near enough info at present to make an assumption that it will be "just a rehash".
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
- You're so money and you don't even know it!
- D-Dude, don't get me wrong, okay? It's just guy love, right? Between two guys?
Posted 27 September 2013 - 12:44 PM
So far so good with the releases that people have been waiting for on the Wii U- Rayman (I know, available on other systems, but has great reviews for the gamepad), Pikmin and W101......, I actually think this will be a great release.
Edited by Rockodoodle, 27 September 2013 - 12:44 PM.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 01:00 PM
whats new in smash bros 4, its the same game with new characters.
Smash (like other fighters) is all about choosing the character your best with and beating the crap out of people.
Since you can't change the "beating the crap out of people" part and keep the identity of the genre, one must change the characters around to make the game feel new.
That's not true. How exactly are Nintendo making a big deal about them by quietly announcing them on a website most people don't visit regularly and then speaking no words on the topic except maybe in a minor interview. They're not making a big deal about these characters at all. The characters they made a big deal about were the new characters who were shown at E3.
^ this.
To the OP:
They announced 3 new characters for a game that's around a year from launching and everyone is completely upset they aren't doing enough. They announced 3D World 6 months before launch. By your logic you wanted to know the theme of each of the worlds in 3D world in a special Christmas 2012 announcement. (maybe you did for all I know )
relax. this game isn't coming out tomorrow. We were teased and you have clearly shown you want more. Guess the teaser worked.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
Posted 27 September 2013 - 01:19 PM
Smash Brother games have been so great that I don't know how much they can improve.
so then you have to look to new characters. And they are really nailing that.
but then again, I get the feeling Nintendo is feeling the market pressure and are trying to get the games out faster than ever.
And there are concessions being made (with laughable reasoning behind it - thus giving more credbility to the idea that they are hurrying without "rushing") such as the lack of story mode, etc.
It will be a great game, but there may not be very much in the way of NEWness other than characters. and that would be just fine.
Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:14 PM
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 29 September 2013 - 07:31 PM
Because it was fresh.
It was like a kid playing with stuffed nitnendo characters, because that was the storyline, without it being told to you.
1 for one used to do that when I was a little younger, not much younger of course since I'm only 6.
Melee was okay.
Bigger budget happenings.
Brawl was better.
The online is going to improve for this. Hopefully with input from Namco(?) and Koizumi might talk to Sakurai about how online is awesome in these multiplayer games.
What do you want from a fantasy fighting game? I just want to be yoshi and pwn noobs.
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Posted 30 September 2013 - 04:58 AM
There's too much factors here for me to cast a judgement call this early on Super Smash Bros. 4. From my viewpoint, I believe it will be like no other Smash Bros. we've seen before; this Wii U is a completely different console than the Wii and GameCube were. Yes, the Wii and GameCube were also different consoles, but both had limited memory which caused a limitation on the game either way. But with this Wii U, who knows?
For instance, I was just finishing up Tekken Tag Tournament 2 last night, and that game had a plethora of things you could do on there, notably character customizations. Seeing how Namco Brandi is behind Super Smash Bros. 4, we could very well see this feature carry over to the next game.
There could very well be much more playable characters, much more assists, much more... Everything, honestly. The Wii U can actually handle a lot more than what the GameCube or Wii could only dream of.
But like I said, it feels way too early for me to call a judgement on this game, but I do believe that this Smash Bros. entry will be the greatest entry within the Smash Bros. series.
- Gaymer likes this
Posted 06 October 2013 - 02:45 PM
All of this angry, strong dislike for a game we know next to nothing about.
It makes me laugh.
The fact that we know so little about it is the reason it doesn't hype me like other games. There must be some genius twist to the game, but they didn't reveal it yet.
Posted 06 October 2013 - 03:30 PM
The fact that we know so little about it is the reason it doesn't hype me like other games. There must be some genius twist to the game, but they didn't reveal it yet.
It's not supposed to hype you. It's a game that's probably not supposed to come out for another year and a half, of course they're not going to reveal everything about it.
Frankly, you should be amazed they're showing anything.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 06 October 2013 - 04:55 PM
no, it wont be. but i do think it gets a little overhyped :3
Posted 06 October 2013 - 07:18 PM
I understand the concern. The lack of new characters being revealed is a bit disheartening.
The game is not going to be out for a looooong time. They can't just drop all the surprises now. There's plenty of time left to make big announcements about new characters.
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New Super Mario Bros. 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Posted 06 October 2013 - 07:36 PM
I agree with Alex I think it will be more or less the same game with better graphics kind of sounds like a game that we all make fun of Call of Duty except without the yearly releases
I too am waiting for something more 'unique' about this game. It looks like SSBB in HD with new characters which could have been DLC. The only interesting aspect is the handheld-console connectivity, which hasn't been explained that well yet. I was expecting more info on gameplay shared at E3, and not just a bit of footage. Sure, it looks good, but it's so far not as amazing as I hoped. Also let me put it this way... people that don't buy COD games because they're "all the same" couldn't possibly be looking forward to this.
Smash Brother games have been so great that I don't know how much they can improve.
so then you have to look to new characters. And they are really nailing that.
but then again, I get the feeling Nintendo is feeling the market pressure and are trying to get the games out faster than ever.
And there are concessions being made (with laughable reasoning behind it - thus giving more credbility to the idea that they are hurrying without "rushing") such as the lack of story mode, etc.
It will be a great game, but there may not be very much in the way of NEWness other than characters. and that would be just fine.
There isn't much that you can add to Smash Bros except for an online mode that is decent. Most fighting games are going through this: you can really only balance and tweak mechanics now.
For me, two things alone make this worth buying.
1. actual, reliable online
2. Patches. The possibility of a WELL BALANCED SMASH GAME?!!?!?!!!?!11/1!?1/1?11!?1///1???1/!?/!?!?
Posted 06 October 2013 - 08:01 PM
The game is not going to be out for a looooong time. They can't just drop all the surprises now. There's plenty of time left to make big announcements about new characters.
One year is not quite a "looooong" time. Especially since they're revealing veterans (including unlockable ones) left and right. You'd think they could spare us one newcomer.
Posted 06 October 2013 - 08:15 PM
It's hilarious how Saturn runs when he makes these topics because he can't come with a proper rebuttal.
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