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If 3D World fails to boost sales, I'm going to start to worry...

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#21 Socalmuscle


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:06 PM

Actually sales were boosted immensely by WW hd.

So no reason to worry.

#22 Hunter



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:12 PM


I have had a WiiU since launch here in the UK & most shops have dropped the console & only a couple even bother to stock WiiU games, i have given up on it now, well i did some months back actually, just get over it.


Thats funny because I have seen Wii U being stocked in many shops.


My local Tesco Superstore (medium sized tesco) stocks some Wii U games.

My nearest Tesco Extra (giant tesco) stocks quite a few Wii U games and the Premium console.

My nearest GAME stocks Wii U consoles and pretty much all the major games (and this is a fairly small shop)

My nearest Toys R Us stocks the console and most of the games, it also has a demo unit.

My nearest HMV stocks the console and most games.


So I'm not really sure if someone is giving you false information, or if you just live in a tiny village with nothing but newsagents and a co op.


OK so Asda, the UK's second biggest supermarket doesn't stock it in stores currently, but it is still being sold on their website. Majority of people will buy games consoles online anyway and for the few that don't the UK's biggest supermarket chain and the UK's biggest video game chain both stock the Wii U in stores, along with the others I mentioned.




I don't have a problem with people criticising the Wii U or commenting on the situation it is in right now, but I do have a problem with people spouting out false information just so they can moan about the Wii U.

#23 alan123


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:30 PM

the only shops by me that have WiiU consoles are GAME & Toy R US, they also have a few games as does the HMV near me, none of the supermarkets by mave have any WiiU consoles or games.


the fact is that the WiiU has been out a year & has very little market penetration, one game is not going to solve or change anything. 

#24 magiciandude


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:38 PM

Cool, but why not actually link it to SM3DW instead of generic Super Mario

Thought the Wii to be discontinued in Europe, japan. Not sure about US

Nope. In fact, Nintendo's next marketing genius plan is to launch the Wii Mini for the holidays in the US.

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#25 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:16 PM

Just saw two 3d world commercials in last 10 minutes while watching jumangi

Make that 3 commercials in 25 minutes lol
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#26 Zinix



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:25 PM

Hey OP what are you going to worry about if 3D World lifts WiiU sales ?


Who cares ?


I am going to be pretty blunt, but the WiiU is finished, the third parties have deserted & won't be coming back, WatchDogs will be the last major third party game for the WiiU.


Just enjoy your WiiU & the games you have for it.


I have had a WiiU since launch here in the UK & most shops have dropped the console & only a couple even bother to stock WiiU games, i have given up on it now, well i did some months back actually, just get over it.

What do you mean who cares? Obviously developers do, since they won't put anything on this because its selling like crap. 

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#27 Chrop



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:49 PM

Why buy a WiiU when you can buy a Wii for much much cheaper? "Parent logic"

Because their kids will want 3D world and force mommy and daddy to buy a Wii U for it.

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#28 NintendoReport



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:01 PM

Because their kids will want 3D world and force mommy and daddy to buy a Wii U for it.


and I assume a great number of these kids already had or have a wii.

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#29 CUD


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:02 PM

Lets see



Pikmin 3

Wind Waker HD 

Wii Play U

Sonic Lost Worlds 

The Wonderful 101



all failed to help boost sales, there was a slight bump, but it fell a week afterwards. If Nintendo doesn't have an excellent marketing campaign for Christmas to advertise 3D World, I'm going to begin to worry..  Even the 3DS picked up once Mario Kart and 3D Land came out. 

Well those were released after the 3DS' price drop that occurred less than a year of being released so it wasn't those titles alone that boosted sales but it's highly likely they would have had a significant impact on sales without the price drop which led me to believe the price drop was done way too soon and just a panic move by Nintendo. 3D World should hopefully see a boost in sales but if it doesn't cause a considerable enough increase then I'd say a Wii U price drop is on the horizon.


Nintendo is definitely going to have to do something now that it has two new consoles to compete with.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

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#30 Happy Monk

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:07 PM

The Wii U will sell more this Christmas, and be pushed further when Donkey Kong comes out early next year, with Mario kart 8 and Smash Bros hopefully not too far behind. The sales of the Wii U almost doubled worldwide (still bad numbers, but better is better) after the release of Wind Waker HD and Pikmin 3. But people do not buy games consoles to the same extent in the summer or early autumn as they do for Christmas.


If Nintendo play their cards right, this Christmas could act as a kind of second launch for the system and its games.


But do not expect a huge amount sold. I'm guessing that it will go up to hopefully around five million. Which could be built on.

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#31 Zinix



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:11 PM

Well those were released after the 3DS' price drop that occurred less than a year of being released so it wasn't those titles alone that boosted sales but it's highly likely they would have had a significant impact on sales without the price drop which led me to believe the price drop was done way too soon and just a panic move by Nintendo. 3D World should hopefully see a boost in sales but if it doesn't cause a considerable enough increase then I'd say a Wii U price drop is on the horizon.


Nintendo is definitely going to have to do something now that it has two new consoles to compete with.

Didn't Nintendo just recently drop the price of the Wii U?  They could of released Mario Kart 8 early and added on stuff to it (DLC, more tracks, characters, etc) later on. Nintendo has done an absolute dreadful job of creating hype for this console and it's been out for a year. They focused on the 3DS too much when the 3DS had already picked up from its slow start, now its coming to bite them in the ass. They had an entire year to prepare themselves for the launch of the PS4/XBone. 

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#32 Happy Monk

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:15 PM

Didn't Nintendo just recently drop the price of the Wii U?  They could of released Mario Kart 8 early and added on stuff to it (DLC, more tracks, characters, etc) later on. Nintendo has done an absolute dreadful job of creating hype for this console and it's been out for a year. They focused on the 3DS too much when the 3DS had already picked up from its slow start, now its coming to bite them in the ass. They had an entire year to prepare themselves for the launch of the PS4/XBone. 

Nintendo haven't gone into direct competition with the other companies since the Gamecube really. Nintendo have done a terrible job at advertising. If the Wii U gets a large advertising campaign (or anything), sales will pick up. The Wii U is not destined for Wii success, but I think it will outsell the Gamecube.


If one looks at the 3DS again, it wasn't until Christmas (when Mario and Kart came out) that the sales picked up considerably. But it is since then that it has become THE thing to own.

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#33 meitantei_conan



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:55 PM

I'm worried as well. I'm sure 3D world will boost sales during the holidays, but the time to worry about is after the holidays. Will wiiu sales drop like crazy? Most of the major 3rd party supporters for wiiu will likely drop support next year. I don't want to be negative but the situation looks bad.  If things don't pick up this might be nintendos shortest generation ever. :S 

#34 Happyfrank



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:05 PM

3rd party support is coming back soon.

Nintendo has zelda hd as it's ace in their pocket that will push gaming into the future.

Not worried at all..

#35 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:05 PM

They mainly need to advertise like crazy.  Tell those families with children that it is a new console, and that is the only way to play the new Mario game.  That should definitely generate some sales for the console.

#36 MatrixChicken


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:26 PM

I'd start to worry, too... But like Lupaie said, there's still Christmas. And I'm sure that there's a good amount of people who are going to wait until MK8 or SSB4 are released.


I really can't believe people honestly think the Wii U is just an addon. Nintendo should just make a commercial that goes like: "You thought the Wii U was an addon for the Wii? Well, you were wrong, nerd!" or something like that. :D



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#37 Nollog


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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:41 PM

ZINIXS BABY MAMA, on 17 Nov 2013 - 11:25 PM, said:
What do you mean who cares? Obviously developers do, since they won't put anything on this because its selling like crap.

Third party developers will never work with nintendo, so there's no point being worried.
It is inevitable for Nintendo to not get third party games.

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#38 GAMER1984



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:51 PM

3d world will help boost sales but i wot worry until after MK8.... last entry sold 30 millin copies it is the most safe proof system seller. Now if that doesnt boost sales significantly then worry.

Edited by GAMER1984, 17 November 2013 - 05:51 PM.

#39 Aiddon



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:16 PM

Third party developers will never work with nintendo, so there's no point being worried.
It is inevitable for Nintendo to not get third party games.

Indeed; their pathological hostility towards Nintendo has really gotten annoying and, in all honesty, a bit creepy. It's like they still believe the ghost of Yamauchi is haunting the place. At this point I've pretty much given up on Western pubs and devs like EA or 2K giving Nintendo a chance (seriously, if the 3DS's numbers can't sway them then nothing will) since it seems to kind of relationship they demand from Nintendo is not a healthy one. They don't want a relationship as equals, they demand they be allowed to be parasitic  to Nintendo. It's just gotten annoying and it's why I have no sympathy for 3rd parties.

#40 GAMER1984



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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:53 PM

Indeed; their pathological hostility towards Nintendo has really gotten annoying and, in all honesty, a bit creepy. It's like they still believe the ghost of Yamauchi is haunting the place. At this point I've pretty much given up on Western pubs and devs like EA or 2K giving Nintendo a chance (seriously, if the 3DS's numbers can't sway them then nothing will) since it seems to kind of relationship they demand from Nintendo is not a healthy one. They don't want a relationship as equals, they demand they be allowed to be parasitic  to Nintendo. It's just gotten annoying and it's why I have no sympathy for 3rd parties.


Someone will always step up. there will always be solid third party development from someone. This gen it might be Platinum... and i welcome that. W101 was great and Bayo2 will be even better. i could care less about EA or any other 3rd party dev/pub lack of support. I will support the quality content that comes to the console from people that give a Sh!%.

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