I just thought I would see what everyone wants or expects.

What do you want in Zelda U?
Posted 02 February 2014 - 06:37 PM
Posted 02 February 2014 - 07:08 PM
More open world a la Wind Waker.
A good plot that takes itself seriously.
Seriously imagination-stretching uses for the Gamepad.
In other words, I love you
Posted 02 February 2014 - 07:38 PM
Eh no real demands. If I had to hope for anything be a more open world and the open world every area meant something not empty dead space like TP. The older games kinda let you explore on your own with no hand holding. All I can ask if being fair. No Wii waggle
If I am to just ask any old thing fairness be damned and entitled gamer to not save the day. Keep the old school artstyle from the NES era and make the world very bright and stylish. Anyone can make a huge realism world but Nintendo can make a huge stylized NES era artwork world and make it great. Oh and for good measure..remember the ambiguously gay clowns from TP...instead of the clowns bring back Bagu & Error.
Yes we had LBW and is a dream come true but now with Wii U's power in HD
Edited by Ryudo, 02 February 2014 - 07:57 PM.
Posted 02 February 2014 - 07:55 PM
wii motion plus better be an OPTION for the sword play. That stuff worked really well in skyward sword and it can only be better on newer hardware. As far as the world is concerned I'm thinking something like Link Between Worlds meets Skyrim. I want it to be a dense world and a big open world, but not quite Skyrim big. Zelda isn't a pure sandbox game and it shouldn't try to be. I would like a huge world to explore, but think like maybe 2x the size of Twilight Princess with the density of stuff like Skyward Sword ought to be good.
I'd like to see multiple Hylian villages instead of just Kakariko and Castle Town. It would be nice to get a feel of what living in Hyrule is actually like so it means something to save it. In that sense I would like them to learn from Skyrim, but don't make insanely huge open world just because (though I don't think they will). I'd like to see other things like spontaneous events happening in the open world. Quests that involve side dungeons and caves and things like the little corners of Link to the Past and Link Between Worlds.
- Hunter likes this
Posted 02 February 2014 - 08:10 PM
Posted 02 February 2014 - 08:15 PM
I want to play Skyrim if Skyrim had a good story and a likeable, not generic main character.
And I want it to be gamepad only for the controller..... no more of this wii motion + shenanigans.
If nintendo removes the amazing motion controls from skyward sword, instead of improving upon them, I will probably never touch another zelda again. It will just be so backwards and depressing. I hope to gunpei they dont give in to these jaded troglodytes who are no longer capable of learning new things.
- lucario23, storabajskorven, Hunter and 2 others like this
Posted 02 February 2014 - 09:45 PM
Motion controls. In the 120 hours over 3 playthroughs I spent in skyward sword, I only had to stop to recalibrate the controller once.
Bring back some of the special sword moves from TP besides the impaling one. I loved the draw attack.
Item management and other things via the gamepad. Would be great to have it used more.
Going along with the above, bring back the harp, and put the strings on the gamepad's screen for playing it. The harp was severely underused and simple in SS. I want it to be fleshed out and be able to pluck individual strings and play actual songs. Give this instrument a second chance and use it to show off the gamepad! Win-win.
Item upgrade system like SS. There's something cathartic to me about gathering some items and using them to increase my weapon's power.
Minimal hand holding, please. I don't need so many things explained to me.
High quality visuals. This will be the first official main Zelda for Wii U, I don't want Nintendo to hold back. If I had to pick an art style I'd say either like the E3 demo a few years ago or the SS style. I feel that there is a lot of untapped potential in the SS art style.
Large but dense world. Doesn't have to be gigantic, but I would like to feel like its not some absurdly tiny kingdom.
More orchestrated music.
Nonlinear dungeon progression. It would be highly welcome.
A sidesuest area like Shark Island in Windwaker. The Cave of Ordeals in Twilight Princess and the Treacherous Tower in Link Between Worlds were both good, but nothing beats a un-ending stream of enemies in a single room with my back against the wall. Combine that with proper motion controls, and I would have an absolute blast.
Semi serious and semi complex story. I don't need anything groundbreaking, but I would like if there are things at stake, and that there are some decent reasons for why things happen beyond, "I'm evil, lol"
Now, this last one is gonna sound strange, but hear me out: Voice acting. Obviously, none for Link, but for other characters. I have two ideas for how this could work:
1) Similar to Fire Emblem Awakening. Little snippets of voices just to add a little character to people, with some exceptions made for cutscenes.
2) All voices done in the fake hylian language. This way it wouldn't require dub-overs, and it would still get the job done. Maybe combine this with number one.
This one is pretty low on my desire list, but I think there's a line that can be walked for Zelda, rather than all voices or no voices.
Well, that's all I have to say. More than I thought I had to say.
Edited by Lightning_Ninja, 02 February 2014 - 09:46 PM.
Posted 02 February 2014 - 10:02 PM
Motion controls. In the 120 hours over 3 playthroughs I spent in skyward sword, I only had to stop to recalibrate the controller once. Could take it or leave it.
Bring back some of the special sword moves from TP besides the impaling one. I loved the draw attack. Why not.
Item management and other things via the gamepad. Would be great to have it used more. So you want to use motion controls ala wiimote and also use the gamepad simultaneously?
Going along with the above, bring back the harp, and put the strings on the gamepad's screen for playing it. The harp was severely underused and simple in SS. I want it to be fleshed out and be able to pluck individual strings and play actual songs. Give this instrument a second chance and use it to show off the gamepad! Win-win. Ughh no. I hated that damned harp. An instrument is fine, but why not go with the flute/ocarina. It's way more iconic
Item upgrade system like SS. There's something cathartic to me about gathering some items and using them to increase my weapon's power. This would be nice.
Minimal hand holding, please. I don't need so many things explained to me. Of course.
High quality visuals. This will be the first official main Zelda for Wii U, I don't want Nintendo to hold back. If I had to pick an art style I'd say either like the E3 demo a few years ago or the SS style. I feel that there is a lot of untapped potential in the SS art style. Obvious
Large but dense world. Doesn't have to be gigantic, but I would like to feel like its not some absurdly tiny kingdom. Agreed. People keep referring to Skyrim. I'm not sure why they want a huge and mostly empty world where the only thing to do is walk from place to place. I'd rather have a small and interesting world rather than a large and large blah one any day.
More orchestrated music. Again, obvious.
Nonlinear dungeon progression. It would be highly welcome. Wouldn't mind as long as its done well. At the same time I wouldn't mind a set dungeon order as long as I can do other things out of order.
A sidesuest area like Shark Island in Windwaker. The Cave of Ordeals in Twilight Princess and the Treacherous Tower in Link Between Worlds were both good, but nothing beats a un-ending stream of enemies in a single room with my back against the wall. Combine that with proper motion controls, and I would have an absolute blast. Could take it or leave it.
Semi serious and semi complex story. I don't need anything groundbreaking, but I would like if there are things at stake, and that there are some decent reasons for why things happen beyond, "I'm evil, lol" Don't really see the point. Complexity just for the sake of complexity is never good. Just like being 'dark' for the sake of being dark. A story can be simple and still be well told and interesting.
Now, this last one is gonna sound strange, but hear me out: Voice acting. Obviously, none for Link, but for other characters. I have two ideas for how this could work:
1) Similar to Fire Emblem Awakening. Little snippets of voices just to add a little character to people, with some exceptions made for cutscenes.
2) All voices done in the fake hylian language. This way it wouldn't require dub-overs, and it would still get the job done. Maybe combine this with number one.
This one is pretty low on my desire list, but I think there's a line that can be walked for Zelda, rather than all voices or no voices. No...just no. I don't want to see all of the Other M drama again.
Well, that's all I have to say. More than I thought I had to say.
Honestly, I just want to see them go outside the box for this one. I want to see them dare to be ambitious once again with Zelda. Try to make this entry a series defining one like Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time instead of just treading tried and true ground again. Don't be afraid to up the ante.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 12:00 AM
I want them to go somewhat advanced with the tech in the game (like the bow using a reader of some sort, but using fairy light or some random fantasy shiz as a power source, or a launcher for bombs that could be used as a battering ram as well). Maybe give Link that "I'm a badass inventor" feel. Dunno, always wanted Link to be an inventor of sorts, be a subtle parody of Shigeru.
Make a really large Castle Town that feels like you just stepped into the biggest elvish city of all time, all glittery and golden and putting the emerald one to shame, with so many places to explore that Hyrule Field feels midget.
A Hookshot upgrade later on in the game that lets the chain become limp and like a vine swing, that and the ability to make it straight rigid again, so you can cross gaps in many different ways. Also, pick up and slam enemies.
Actually, just make the Hookshot the main weapon. Just do it.
The option to attack with a second sword. Being able to attack faster may lead to killing an enemy before they back off or guard. Can't defend though, so you get easily countered. Mostly used for dealing with shrimp levelled enemies.
The ability to make your own bombs/arrows/medicines etc.
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 03 February 2014 - 12:28 AM
I want the sense of exploration from the original Zelda, along with that great feeling of finally making progress after being stuck for a month, plus the overall emotional setting of Majora's Mask. These are my two favourite Zelda games.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 01:49 AM
motion controls
big open world with lots of sidequests/secrets
a story as good as SS
upgrade system
Posted 03 February 2014 - 02:55 AM
1. Bring back the WindWaker art style. Aside from the fact that it's an approachable and memorable style; the resources you save from not forcing hyper realistic graphics can be used to add even more complex details (like ripples or stuff)
2. item renting. It was horsing awesome
3. avoid a layout that requires dedicated save points. It made sense in SS and ALBW because the dungeons were part o the over world, but it was a royal pain in the ass having to backtrack because you need to save and quit in a hurry
4. probably a more emotional plot. nothing too sappy, but enough that it really gets you hooked on the game
5. No central dungeon that you have to keep returning to
6. I've been pretty happy with the use of the gamepad in WWHD, but maybe tweak it a bit for faster access to needed stuff.
7. Windwaker's island setup was actually pretty awesome. But make the islands bigger, and maybe have something that could really be classified as a village (sorry, but ten houses is a hamlet)
8. Not as much hand-holding. Solicited hinting would still be nice, but I'd like to be able to explore the area without being locked to a sequential chain of events.
9. include a online multiplayer mode. Like throughout the map there are minigames where you are actually playing against real people on the internet (friends or strangers), such as Four Swords style puzzles or Phantom Hourglass battle modes.
10. Actually MARKET the game
Posted 03 February 2014 - 03:59 AM
Ideally I'd like a Zelda designed around the three timelines, set af the end of the timeline of the Twilight Princess era (with a slight Steampunk theme) where to save the fabric of reality Link must travel through time and reality itself to bring all three timelines into one, meanwhile Ganondorf aims to do the same but for his own means.
Graphically I'd like something similar to Shrek, Toy Story, or Tangled in art design which allows realistic effects and lighting, but also allows the characterture like character models to not look out of place either. Look at Link form Super Smash Bros to understand where I'm coming from.
Gameplay I'd like a huge world map containing three continents with three main dungeons and several mini dungeons that aid Link in his quest to complete the three. Once all three are complete a fourth dungeon in the ruins of Skyloft becomes available.
I'd like the worlds to be a rich tapestry of unique areas that Link can explore or ignore with plenty of side quests to keep completionists busy for a long, long time.
The main gamepad is used as the usual map, inventory etc however Link can use the lens of truth to see other realities in which he can travel using either a new musical instrument or the master sword to travel to allowing Link to reach areas and collect items required to pass dungeons in his world.
Link can use several transports including evolved Loftwings, Trains, Epona and Boats to get around
Set challenges and side quests for other Miiverse users
Send messages ala-tingle bottle into other players games
Possibly have two player co-op on some dungeons such as situations where it requires two characters (aka Wind Waker)
Link is customisable, possibly even in gender and race.
Link is an anti-hero, at the beginning he and Ganondorf are thieves that raid dungeons for loot, however ganondorf betrays Link and Link is caught up in an adventure to save not only Hyrule, not only the planet but the entire multiverse.
Ending is bittersweet with timelines merged but Ganondorf lives, sealed away for the next adventure.
Edited by Penguin101, 03 February 2014 - 04:01 AM.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 04:20 AM
Make it first person, with the bow as your main weapon so it's like a first person shooter.
Then have multiple characters with different stories that you play as, all the stories come together at the end to beat the baddie.
Replace Epona with a tank, named tankowna.
Replace Moblins and other baddies with Nazis.
Fully voice-acted, with Jesse Eisenburg as Ganondorf (although, Ghirahim needs a makeover to make him look more Nazi).
Scarlett Johannesson as Zelda.
Miley Cyrus as Ghirahim.
Ben Affleck as Link.
All faces scanned from real actors, ripped straight from Beyond: Two Souls.
Zombie outbreak in Hyrule, Link gets bit and has to fight against time to find the cure.
Link rides around on a bus to fight the zombies.
Massive, bland world filled with NPC's reusing the same "arrow in the knee" line.
Future theme.
- Auzzie Wingman likes this
Posted 03 February 2014 - 04:26 AM
I want THIS since freaking 2011.
Молоту войн и рокоту гроз вольные рати верны, где ветром могучим из братины звёзд рунные стяги пьяны.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 04:40 AM
I want a game like the first Zelda game.
Search for the worlds, secrets, hearts, hints.
Now that was a great Zelda game.
Posted 03 February 2014 - 05:33 AM
I want them to go somewhat advanced with the tech in the game (like the bow using a reader of some sort, but using fairy light or some random fantasy shiz as a power source, or a launcher for bombs that could be used as a battering ram as well). Maybe give Link that "I'm a badass inventor" feel. Dunno, always wanted Link to be an inventor of sorts, be a subtle parody of Shigeru.
Make a really large Castle Town that feels like you just stepped into the biggest elvish city of all time, all glittery and golden and putting the emerald one to shame, with so many places to explore that Hyrule Field feels midget.
A Hookshot upgrade later on in the game that lets the chain become limp and like a vine swing, that and the ability to make it straight rigid again, so you can cross gaps in many different ways. Also, pick up and slam enemies.
Actually, just make the Hookshot the main weapon. Just do it.
The option to attack with a second sword. Being able to attack faster may lead to killing an enemy before they back off or guard. Can't defend though, so you get easily countered. Mostly used for dealing with shrimp levelled enemies.
The ability to make your own bombs/arrows/medicines etc.
You uh, you heard of a game called pandora's tower?
Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:30 AM
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 03 February 2014 - 07:45 AM
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