That's not really true. White people just get far less extreme forms of racism in Europe and North America. Probably most other places too. Either way Black People have it worst.
I'm not white, so I could be wrong, but in those places, I'm pretty sure there is a pretty big part of the population that would say they've never experienced racism.
1. Asked me if I was black.
2. Refused to believe I was a race.
3. Etc.
Let's start with the fact that neither of these things make me racist. Asking what race someone on the internet is like asking for gender, hair colour, weight etc. If you want to know about it, you have to ask.
As for why i asked you things, that's because 1. it's very easy to blow racism off or say that other people experience problems at the same level as black people when you're white. Not so easy to say when you're black. 2. I asked for proof because well, first off the thing I just said, second of all your Miiverse ID is white, and that's the only image of you I can really go by.
Every race, creed, religion, faith, person has been held under a more powerful person at one point.
The ability to rise above, and get over those past events is what separates a great person from a bitter person looking for an excuse.
Yeah everyone has experienced it, but black people have experienced it quite possibly (almost definitely) the most. Certainly more than white people.
I agree it's important to rise above past events, but let's be honest. First of all, there is still a lot of racism. It's more subtle, and it's not as frequent, but there is still a lot of it. I've had it happen to me quite a few times in my pretty short life. I've seen it on the news more times than I count in my short life. Ever noticed that North American news channels will practically never show white people's dead bodies, but if it's another race (in another country) it's ok? Pictures of genocide? Broadcast 'em. Pictures of 9/11? Sorry, you want to do what?
Secondly, I hope by getting over these events, you don't mean forgetting them. Yes, the things people did long ago do not reflect the current state of society, and the decendents of those people will not necassarily behave in the same way as their predecessors.That doesn't mean we should just pretend those things didn't happen. It's an important part of history. Like you said, "The ability to rise above... is what separates a great person from a bitter person looking for an excuse." Well, blacks in north america fought their way from slavery to equal members of society (at least legally speaking) over the course of decades, and through a lot of great people. I think those great people, like any, deserve to be remembered.
Let me begin my third point by saying I personally have no problem with any race. I have lived surrounded by pretty much every race my whole life, and have always been taught to look upon them equally, and so I do so as best I can. I admittedly stereotype sometimes, though. It's something I try not to do, but sometimes stereotypes have base, and so it's just almost impossible not to. An example is assuming most of the white kids I go to class with weren't spanked as kids. Most of them weren't, and so it's hard to break that stereotype, because I, like anyone else, learn from past experiences.
Which brings me to that last part of your post: "a bitter person looking for an excuse". Now I, in no way condone people who blame everything on "the white man keeping us down", but that doesn't mean that that statement is completely untrue. Like I just said, stereotypes are hard to break. Black people are stereotyped quite often, so of course they will encounter said stereotyping from people who hold oppurtunity or power over them. And sometimes they won't get jobs, or will get in trouble when they shouldn't have because of this. Of course that doesn't meant this is true 100% of the time, and therefore it is quite certainly 100% possible for pretty much every black in north america person to at least make good progress towards getting their family out of poverty. To be honest, this excuse is more of a problem for blacks, because when the blacks you're talking about use this excuse when it is unwarranted, or untrue, it desensitzes people to the argument, and therefore when people use it when it is warranted, ir true we get the response you gave. In fact that response has become an extremely common one these days, which I find somewhat worrying.
On a related note, I think I should remind you (and I'm reminding you because you sound pretty resentful towards those who do make this excuse when unwarranted) that you should try and see where people who say these things are coming from. For the pupose of this specific example, I think it's appropiate to mention I'm talking about more than just blacks. I'll include aboriginals, as well, since quite often they are in a similar position.
Let's say you know this guy/girl (there's a good chance you actually know this type of person in real life) who goes around generally being a scumbag to everyone, beating people up, lying, calling people names, etc. Everyone hates him/her. But then he/she realizes he/she is a pretty big douche and starts trying to change him/herself. Eventually he/she is a pretty nice guy/girl. But there are going to be a lot of people who just still don't trust him/her. The reason for this is quite simple: he/she has done a lot of bad things to a lot of different people and people don't easily forget those things. This is especially true if you haven't really come into contact with him/her much since he was a scumbag. Why should you trust him/her? Just because people say so? Don't think so.
Hopefully you can understand that metaphor (think it was pretty straightforward). Now once again, I'm not saying it's right, but just try to understand at least where that idea comes from. There's no doubt that whites especially have a long, long (oh so long) track record for seriously messing up other races in a lot of really messed up ways, and that a lot of it still causes a lot of messed stuff today. I know generationally speaking, the past few generations have not been nearly as bad as the large number before them, but if you look at the amount of time being -basically- really crappy, to the amount of time not being really crappy, ratio-wise, whites have a lot more negative than positive stuff in their past, and it's gonna take a while more for people some people to get over it (especially when they have constant reminders).
Anyway, this is a pretty touchy subject, and I tried to choose my words very carefully (it's going to be one of the few posts I proof read well before I submit), but there were somethings that were very hard to word to correctly reflect their respective situations. If you have any thoughts, just reply. I'm seriously very interested in hearing your response.
Actually I'm going to specifically ask you respond, cause I spent a crapload of time on this post (I think nearing 1 and a half to 2 hours) ._.