is it bad to not like your own country
Posted 12 July 2014 - 04:23 AM
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Posted 12 July 2014 - 05:12 AM
Well, I'm Canadian, right now I'm living in Newfoundland. Canada is great, and if you really don't like it in the states you should move up here imo. I might move to the states someday, hopefully New York.
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Posted 12 July 2014 - 07:01 AM
1) It's very hip not to like the US right now. Per Nollog's post, it is more likely that people are riding the cool wave and letting themselves be indoctrinated into anti-US sentiment than the other way around, as patriotism (towards America at least) currently requires more of a social sacrifice than self-loathing.
2) For those in this thread talking about moving, here's a news flash: you can't just pick up and "move" to another country like we can move between states in the US.
Edited by Kokirii, 12 July 2014 - 07:02 AM.
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Posted 12 July 2014 - 07:31 AM
1) It's very hip not to like the US right now. Per Nollog's post, it is more likely that people are riding the cool wave and letting themselves be indoctrinated into anti-US sentiment than the other way around, as patriotism (towards America at least) currently requires more of a social sacrifice than self-loathing.
2) For those in this thread talking about moving, here's a news flash: you can't just pick up and "move" to another country like we can move between states in the US.
#1 Guess I been on a trend for 31 years
#2 Duh
Posted 12 July 2014 - 08:23 AM
All i'm going to say is that I am thankful that i'm in a country that is considered developed and that I have freedoms.
- Bill Cipher, Gruff, Kardibask and 2 others like this
Posted 12 July 2014 - 10:55 AM
So yeah, I myself, would never contemplate leaving the US; we have pretty much everything here. A country full of flaws but isn't ashamed that it's people know about it, therefore can be changed and hopefully will better itself.
Edited by LinkKennedy, 12 July 2014 - 10:58 AM.
- Kokirii likes this
Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:00 AM
#1 Guess I been on a trend for 31 years
#2 Duh
It's been an increasing trend since WWII really.
Country's clearly improved since then. Clearly.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 12:26 PM
Well then Canada must be terrible since Justin Bieber is from there.
Bieber lives in the U.S. now doesn't he?
by chance
Posted 12 July 2014 - 12:26 PM
Every country has problems, and nowhere is gonna feel perfect unless you just blind yourself to it's faults. The US is just the most famous and easiest country to hate on. On topic, I think most people hate their country of origin at some point in their life, so I wouldn't say it's bad to dislike it. Part of life really.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 12:47 PM
It's been an increasing trend since WWII really.
Country's clearly improved since then. Clearly.
Nah this anti US trend is from the internet the last 10 years. It's mainly a internet thing where the minority make themselves so vocal they seem like the majority.
For me there is so much I don't care about. Just the cynic and wierd part of me. The things I do like I love. My perspective esp changed in 2010 when the health issues knowing then I was a deadman and since then I care less about the world and focus more on what I like for whatever time I have left 5 years 30 years dunno could drop today or a long while form now. I was never a pride in the US person but when my perspective was changed it was less about not caring about my country and more making my world much smaller with friends family and passion. Everything else is out of my circle and don't care.
- Kokirii likes this
Posted 12 July 2014 - 01:39 PM
Yeah it can be a bad place to live.
Seriously... Get your head out of your ass. When I say a country in Africa, you know what I'm talking about. I know there better African countries, but there are many countries, many of the poorest in the world, that are just plain terrible.
Well then Canada must be terrible since Justin Bieber is from there.
The only one with crap on their head is ypu. I do indeed know what you're talking about. You're talking about the part of africa you see on tv. Yes that part of africa is bad, but much of it is good, and many countries you would see in those ads would looj just like the pictures i posted. The fact is you only know one very small part of poverty in africa and you're just assuming the whole continent is like that. Also there are several places that just like the pic you posted in countries outside africa, but you wouldn't mention them because you've seen the better parts of them as well.
Well, I'm Canadian, right now I'm living in Newfoundland. Canada is great, and if you really don't like it in the states you should move up here imo. I might move to the states someday, hopefully New York.
From someone living in Canada, it has its pluses for sure. But when it come to services like internet and phone, Canada is hell. Also 99% of the country is incredibly liberal. Don't support abortion or gay marriage? Better keep your mouth shut about it. I also feel like Canada is in a way just as proud of their country as america. They're just don't like to show their pride so blatantly because they see how annoying it is when america does it. But I know a lot of Canadians think their country is the best in the world.
Then there's the fact that Canadians don't think racism exists/is a problem in theor country, so even when blatant racism like calling a workmate a niqqer every day and then hang black figurine in a noose in the window is defended and said not to be racist because it just CAN'T Happen in Canada. This also means people do racist things and just consider it not racist because that's impossible in Canada.
On a similar note, it's a seriously white washed country. You have to go to pretty big cities if you want something from a country thart isn't canda or america.
They also suck at the majority of sports. Haven't been in the world cup since the eighties where they couldn't get pst goup stages
and scored a grand total of 1 goal. Or maybe it was zero...
The only thing they really do decently at is winter sports.
But it's a peaceful country with practically no crime. People are generally friendly and respectful. The whther is nice in summer. Standard of living is very high and cost of living isn't bad. Also the education system scores considerably higher than America's (though lower than the scandanavian countries and asian countries). Free healthcare that nobody moans and whines about. Strict gun control so you don't have to worry abput ypur kid getting shot up. Also lower rates of things like mental health issues (most likely because of the lack of privatized everything like america). Most of the major american and international chains are around and the economy didn't take as much of a hit as america and europe, so i think the job market is better.
Also minimum wage is like $10 so that's cool.
1) It's very hip not to like the US right now. Per Nollog's post, it is more likely that people are riding the cool wave and letting themselves be indoctrinated into anti-US sentiment than the other way around, as patriotism (towards America at least) currently requires more of a social sacrifice than self-loathing.
2) For those in this thread talking about moving, here's a news flash: you can't just pick up and "move" to another country like we can move between states in the US.
Lol do you guys really believe people hate you because it's "cool"? I've lived in 3 non american countries, and visited numerous others. Everyone hates you. You know that loudmouthed douche who walks around telling people he's the best because he's rich, and made that single good play in the national championships but is just fat and lazes around all day then complains because pwople won't suck uis dick? That's you. That's america. And you're incredibly proud of it.
Also it's been "trending" for more than 31 years. My grandpa is 80 and he's hated america pretty much all his life.
It's been an increasing trend since WWII really.
Country's clearly improved since then. Clearly.
Yeah but pretty much every country in the world has improved since then. Even the poorest of the poor, so that diesn't really mean anything. Fact is they were at the top once, they're not anymore in anything positive except money and military.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 02:09 PM
you don't hate the country. you hate the people. like the people who mooch off welfare, everyones sex obsession, government, yea. i hate them too.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 02:54 PM
The only one with crap on their head is ypu. I do indeed know what you're talking about. You're talking about the part of africa you see on tv. Yes that part of africa is bad, but much of it is good, and many countries you would see in those ads would looj just like the pictures i posted. The fact is you only know one very small part of poverty in africa and you're just assuming the whole continent is like that. Also there are several places that just like the pic you posted in countries outside africa, but you wouldn't mention them because you've seen the better parts of them as well.
Your not listening to me. Africa has poor countries in it, I had to take a social studies class 12 times, so I think I know. Anyways more than half of the African countries are poorly developed and only a small handful are decent. But that is not the point. The point was, I was comparing life in one of the many POOR (not the decent countries) countries in Africa to life in the US. I was not saying Africa is a terrible continent I was just saying that it has a large number of countries that have a living standard that are not comparable to the life in the US.
And the pics stated where they were taken. (Not outside Africa)
Bleh eh eh.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:03 PM
Nah this anti US trend is from the internet the last 10 years. It's mainly a internet thing where the minority make themselves so vocal they seem like the majority.
For me there is so much I don't care about. Just the cynic and wierd part of me. The things I do like I love. My perspective esp changed in 2010 when the health issues knowing then I was a deadman and since then I care less about the world and focus more on what I like for whatever time I have left 5 years 30 years dunno could drop today or a long while form now. I was never a pride in the US person but when my perspective was changed it was less about not caring about my country and more making my world much smaller with friends family and passion. Everything else is out of my circle and don't care.
Ehh I should have said Vietnam War. I get what you're saying though
Yeah but pretty much every country in the world has improved since then. Even the poorest of the poor, so that diesn't really mean anything. Fact is they were at the top once, they're not anymore in anything positive except money and military.
Everyone hates you.
Explains why there are so many people risking their lives and breaking laws just to enter the country.
Edited by Big Boss, 12 July 2014 - 02:59 PM.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:06 PM
People Africa is not a country. It's a continent.It's made up of several countries. Yes a good many are ravaged by civil wars poverty and flat out wars and cartels. Brazil is developed but does not stop the massive cartels and great divide of the poor and the problems it's having now. Developed with buildings doesn;t stop a country from having tons of slums. You will find a lot of it in China even tho it has some big developed areas. Does not hide the fact many poor families have fathers working a job sorting through toxic electronic waste for salvage parts for a living.
- Big Boss likes this
Posted 12 July 2014 - 03:28 PM
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
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Posted 12 July 2014 - 04:06 PM
Never really cared too much about living in the US. The government seriously needs to get over how much money they make and how much they have to pay for taxes. Freedom? Please, there are places like New Zealand that have more freedom than Murica. I'd move back there too if I could afford it lol
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Posted 12 July 2014 - 05:51 PM
Your not listening to me. Africa has poor countries in it, I had to take a social studies class 12 times, so I think I know. Anyways more than half of the African countries are poorly developed and only a small handful are decent. But that is not the point. The point was, I was comparing life in one of the many POOR (not the decent countries) countries in Africa to life in the US. I was not saying Africa is a terrible continent I was just saying that it has a large number of countries that have a living standard that are not comparable to the life in the US.
And the pics stated where they were taken. (Not outside Africa)
What I'm essentially trying to say to you is:
People Africa is not a country. It's a continent.It's made up of several countries. Yes a good many are ravaged by civil wars poverty and flat out wars and cartels. Brazil is developed but does not stop the massive cartels and great divide of the poor and the problems it's having now. Developed with buildings doesn;t stop a country from having tons of slums. You will find a lot of it in China even tho it has some big developed areas. Does not hide the fact many poor families have fathers working a job sorting through toxic electronic waste for salvage parts for a living.
You said better than living in Africa, meaning it's inherently a bad thing. It's not. It's a whole continent, and there is a huge range of living conditions just like every other (populated) continent.
Explains why there are so many people risking their lives and breaking laws just to enter the country.
Dude you think if people have the choice between having children shot and having no money but having lots of nice people around and being rich having boatloads of opportunity and dealing with people bragging stupidly (also still possibly getting shot (gotta luv dem murican gun lawz)) they won't take the latter?
Heck no one in my family would to live in pretty much any first world country above america, but we still go there to shop, and did up to last weekend. You guys will learn your country sucks a whole lot more than you think soon enough. Us coming there will barely speed things up.
Edited by WydrA, 12 July 2014 - 05:53 PM.
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