Thats funny, because you are by far the loudest and most obnoxious on this subject. Everytime, on any remotely reachably approachable topic, you run as fast as you can, to shart in your hands and throw it all over the place, making sure EVERYONE knows, EVERY TIME, how bad America is, and constantly and obnoxiously tell us how obnoxiously loud the conveniently mysterious group of 'americans' called they is. You are quite literally the personification of everything you are Daisying about.
Kangaroos are arseholes and you know it.
I'll agree i'm probably the most obnoxious on the subject, but that doesn't make what i'm saying less true. Fact is i hate america almost as much as you hate ea, and i've very little patience for subtlety and beating around the bush these days. So when people try and defend america and american laws, and the try to tell me i'm just against it because i'm tryig to be cool, i become easily irritated.
Also i'm very much NOT what i hate about it. I have no single allegiance to any particular country. Born in the Caribbean (and raised with mostly Caribbean values) moved to britain while still young, the moved to canada after a coupe years. No matter where i go in the world, i am not one of them, and so i have no allegiance. Therefore i don't go around shouting that my country is the best since it's non-existant. If someone insults one f the countries i don't like, i very much consider the possibility they are right, and often agree with them. I DON'T Tell them they're just tryng to be cool.
The fact is, socially, america is a messed up country. If I can avoid it at ll in anyway i will live in i thin just about any other first world before america. I know this because i hve spent a lot of time in america, i have many american relatives who are american, and living in canada, when anything is broadcasted nationally for you, i hear about it. This is lso how i know that the group of americans you've deemed "mysterious" exist. I've encountered them in their natural habitat.
No, I already got stereotypes, you don't need to say them again.
I didn't stereotype. At most i generalized by saying america, instead of "parts of america" or by saying americans instead of "certain people in america". I didn't do that for two reasons.
1. It's stupid
1.5 It's essentially just a formality, much like political correctness. If you're being rational you know i don't mean every single pwrson living in america.
2. I'm writing on a Wii U gamepad and hate touch screen.
I think there were attempts to deport him. But now it seems that the two countries have decided to lock him up in jail then forget about him; just they're fighting over who's jail.
honestly If you're able to shop around it's a bit better, but if you live in the countryside you're pretty hooped. I get my cellphone through Koodo and have a (1yo) grandfathered plan that is unlimited nationwide calling, text, etc plus 2GB of data for $56/mo ( only $51 in 11 months from now), and my internet is through Teksavvy where I pay $29 (excluding modem payments for first five months) for 7.5mbps and a cap of 300gb/mo. I know it doesn't compare to most countries, but it's a lot better than what most people have.
It's simply when we compare ourselves to other countries, and we generally don't speak any of the nordic languages
Sure, if you're comparing it to the surface of the sun
Our internet speed rates come in at like 80th or something i think. we pay waaaayyyy more than we should. Ever been to britain? Unlimited internet is like 15 pounds. Cell phone service? Forget about it. rollover minutes were standard 10 years ago. Ratees are loads cheaper and there are plans fr everyone. TV? 999 channels is actually affordable, and doesn't bring tears to your eyes when you see the bill. I think the only countries we beat in money to quality ratio are third worlds.
The United States is a very large country, and contrary to popular erroneous beliefs demonstrated with oft frequency here, is actually divided into a large number of seperate territories called 'States'. Many of which THEMSELVES are larger than several european countries combined.
Referring to the entire US with sweeping generalizations is naive, foolish and erroneous, As things like violence vary incredibly widely on a state by state basis, with many states actually having considerably less crime and violence than european countries.
In fact, Canadas crime rate per 100,000 people is actually twice as high as the United States. Hooray for stabbings.
As much as I enjoy seeing yet another cringeworthy concrete example of the Dunning-Kruger in full force, its time to put the rampant misinformation to bed with a dose of reality.

Unfortunately for narrative pushers, the US missed getting in on this list, coming short with 466 incidents per 100,000 citizens.
Australia is at a peaceful 92. But people die on the side of the road when their car breaks down... desperately trying to drink coolant to last long enough for rescue services... And games prices are robbery!!
I wanna see more than just a picture. I want to see its source. I have trouble believeing this study when i hear you guys account for about 50% of shootings in first world. And have a way more serious gang problem than pretty much wvery country there.
I have also lived in 3 non-american countries (currently living in Guatemala) and visited many others in very different parts of the world (Asia, Middle East, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Latin America, etc). Perhaps with the exception of France, I have been treated with kindness and decency wherever I've been. I have also had conversations with people who were critical of the US government but didn't have to make such ridiculous, sweeping generalizations about "America" (and by extension, Americans) like you're doing here.
And then every now and then I run into people like you who have a real chip their shoulder. You are the loud, annoying minority.
The vast majority of what I've seen, though, is that people everywhere are inundating themselves with American culture. They're watching our movies and TV, listening to our music, learning our language, importing and buying our consumer goods, trying to get visas to move to our country, trying to come study at our universities, etc. If everyone everywhere hates us, they sure have an odd way of showing it by begging to basically be American in any way possible!
That could very well be true. You could be treated with respect wherever you go, but that doesn't mean pople don't dislike your country. Many smaller countries don't insult americans for many reasons. Tourism is one. Slave trade is another heard of (though that's less common).
On the oppoite side of what you've said, everyone i've talked to on the subject doesn't like america and will willingly admit much of the country is messed up.
And american culture is evrywhere because america is the most powerful country in the world. Look up neo colonialism and the westernization of culture. This isn't because everyone loves americans.
Also english isn't your language, and it sure as heck isn't popular because yoy speak it. The English language, believe it or not, was is the language of the English. And it was them who spread it to one third of the world's population through colonialism. America is just one of the colonies it was spread to.
Everyone is coming to your country because it's better than where they live now economically speaking. Also if you've ever read the grapes of wrath, you know how everyone thought there were jobs in California long after all the jobs had disappeared? I think that's very much the american situation, with opportunity taking jobs' place.
Just like the rich douche i described, people will still suck up to him if it gets them what they want.
also, please read what i said above about generalizing.
I'm critical of america and its buisness run government and military, but I don't hate it. You need to recognize the good and bad, it's not hell on earth.
It's just as bad as the crapholes that are canada or europe.
Okay, have fun
I think you mistook what's going on here. Everyone else is saying "i LOVE america and you're (i'm) just jealous"
but i agree. A completely ridiculous sentiment.