Its a collection of reported crime statistics released from each countries government. You are not prepared for this. You are completely ignorant, and as such completely and absolutely incompetent for even recognizing the requirements for knowing what you are talking about. You are a child running off of hearsay, xenophobia and good old media sensationalism. But sure, lets do this, with a heaping helping of Canadian xenophobe bs style thrown back in your face on top of the facts.I wanna see more than just a picture. I want to see its source. I have trouble believeing this study when i hear you guys account for about 50% of shootings in first world. And have a way more serious gang problem than pretty much wvery country there.
That could very well be true. You could be treated with respect wherever you go, but that doesn't mean pople don't dislike your country. Many smaller countries don't insult americans for many reasons. Tourism is one. Slave trade is another heard of (though that's less common
You cant figure out why you have a higher violent crime rate even though you have less guns? That would be because you STAB THEM TO DEATH or BEAT THEM TO DEATH instead of using a gun, or instead of shooting the person trying to stab or beat you to death in self defense.
So tell me Canuck is your own god damn government recording your own damn crimes trustworthy enough for you?

oh calm down canuck. Im going to stop you before you try and make up any stories about data you dont understand, because your xenophobia controls you. This is total number of reported voilent crimes for the 400 million people in the United states, AND an estimation of unreported crimes added in, that you canucks didnt feel the need to bother with on your report. In order to get the crime per 100,000 citizens like your canadian graph shows, you would need to divide 400 million by 100,000, and then divide the resulting number by the 1,200,000 figure shown in the graph. WHich gets you 300 voilent crimes per 100,000 US citizens, and thats voilent crimes, as compared to canadas voilent crimes, the light blue line ending between 8-900. 3x LOWER than you psychotic, murderous, barbaric probably canabalistic and blood drinking (I mean, why else would you murder so many people when you dont even have guns to mind control you into doing it?) I mean, you maybe havent seen any, but ive seen them IN THEIR OWN ENVIRONMENT, practically ALL the canadians I have seen are blood drinking cannibals, or at least 900 out of every 100,000 and so ive seen plenty, and when they dont have knives, they use their hockey sticks to break open peoples skulls and eat their brains. I dont need to point out thats its only some, thats stupid its basically all you canadians with your beady eyes and flapping jaws, youre all alike, and yet deceptively incredibly polite.
Yes thats right, the recent reports show violent crime has fallen in america EVEN MORE than the reports the 2009 picture you had a problem with show. Violent crime in canada also dropped, by about 3%, but not enough to close the new gap instead of increasing it, making america now, 3x less voilent than canada in crime.
Good enough for the Xenophobe? ITS YOUR OWN 'PEOPLE' RIGHT? its from 'ONE OF YOU'. So you dont have to worry about some lying gun carrying, gangster american constantly spouting patriotic quips (Yo dawg, America the beautiful Yo, lets go shoot somebody with our guns we are allowed to have!). making it up.
There are what, damn near FOUR HUNDRED MILLION Americans. And only 40 million canadians. There are 10x the amount of people and therefore potential criminals, all having access to mind controlling guns, and yet you canadians have thrice the violent crime rate AT TEN TIMES LESS THE POPULATION, and WITHOUT GUNS.
That means, if you were in canada, particularly if you had the unfortunate luck of being an American in Canada, which is irrationally hating and xenophobic of Americans as you constantly demonstrate without any justifiable reason beyond stereotypes, generalizations, and complete and absolute lies that they tell everybody is the truth, like how voilent america is compared to them, you would be EIGHT TIMES MORE LIKELY TO BE THE VICTIM of a violent crime in canada or MURDERED BY BEING STABBED OR BEATEN TO DEATH by a canadian screaming about how arrogant you americans are and how violent you are, and how guns make people murdering savages WHILE THEY ARE BEATING OR STABBING YOU TO DEATH, than you would be in America.
Plus if you were in America, you would have a chance of defending yourself against said assailent by owning a gun in your home.
Welcome to reality Canuck. Dont let this news upset you so that you go out and perform a violent hate crime, probably against an innocent american who probably wandered over to canada for the free healthcare as he couldnt bear the impossible oppressive weight of obamacare, whom you hate for things they have never actually done but you have convinced yourselves is true through repeatededly saying the same unicorn tongue until people started believing it. I know you canucks are apparantly prone to voilence, I mean after all, 3x *Whistles* Restrain yourselves Canada, you cant solve all your problems by killing people.