I hate to jump into a random conversation I haven't even read, but is this seriously just a reaction to some people realizing how corrupt the industry is and trying to fix it in a really stupid way? Hilarious how it's called gamergate, but I didn't read much about actual games. Play games and don't give too much of a crap about the industry and journalism. Works out pretty well for me.
Almost. They never cared about corruption, which is why theyve never brought any actual corruption to light, despite many, MANY oppertunities. 4chan found some information they thought they woul be able to use to hurt someone they already hated, and decided to hide it, extremely poorly, behind some 'journalistic ethics' which they very clearly know nothing about.

This was immediately and irrevocably disproven, and made gamergate look incredibly bad, so they adapted by not talking about it, or even mentioning Zoe's name, which is why the call her literally who now.
I looked at the twitter links and Saw about 25% of the posts for GG having insults, with 20ish% being StopGamerGate
Not going to bother to quote your post, but it does bring up a valid point.
By claiming that
Is a complete and utter lie. Now, I'm not GOING to say that SJWs aren't morons at moments. Trust me, I read TumblrInAction. The ideas that WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL AND AUTOMATICALLY DESERVE TO DIE AND THEN EVERYTHING WOULD BE FIXED, as well as the ideas that Mental Disabilities are something to be flaunted around like a sticker are so stupid I'd be tempted to think that these people would support an alien race coming down, destroying all the countries with white people in them, and then setting up a new regime BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL.As a Cis guy, I KNOW We've done some straight up NASTY crap throughout history, but the past is the past. We can't Fix it by killing the opressors, we have to work to make a system where there ARE no oppressors.
However, to lump SJWs as the driving force behind the Anti-GamerGate movement is stupid. I'm an EQUALIST. I believe in Social Justice(And equality, in case my thing wasn't clear). You're right, that a large part of GamerGate WANTS active change and isn't part of the harassment. But let me tell you a story:
Germany, following the end of WW1, was under heavy heavy losses. They, despite NOT being the instigator, had been fined with the entire guilt of the war and the costs with it. This wasn't fair, and many people underneath the Weimar Republic began to try and fix the problems. One of these groups was the Nazis. Now, in NO WAY am I comparing GamerGate to Nazis, but this analogy works for this story.
Part of the reasons why the Nazi Party was ABLE to be successful was not racism, or prejudice, or those various negative factors. Those were important, but the NUMBER one reason IMO that they were successful is that they gave the Geman people an IDEA to strive towards. Instead of pitying itself and being inefficent, like the Weimar Republic had been, Nazi Germany was able to bounce back from being in the worst place it had been to being one of the most powerful countries in the world over the span of 15 Years IIRC.
This sense of community is what I see in GamerGate. They came together with a common goal: To try and FIX the corruption in the Gaming Industry much like the Nazi's rose into power by trying to fix the issues with Germany and the Weimar Republic. However, this is the main reason why I chose to use this example: The good turned into crap QUICKLY due to there being some underlying factors in the entirity of the foundation.
In the Nazi's case, this was the racism they had. The head of the Weimar Republic CHOSE to form a joint union with Hitler because IIRC Hitler was able to be controlled. Hitler, being HITLER, then pulled off a bunch of stuff to corrupt the system. Once again, this isn't a perfect analogy as the Nazi Party had a LOT more crap going on at the start, but I'm still using it. GamerGate, which like the Nazi's gathered a substantial following, had crap beginning to leak through it.
The point of this very long winded thing(which I'm trying to shorten now) is that what starts off as a noble idea can become corrupted VERY, VERY quickly. I do not doubt that a portion of GG believes they are doing the right thing, just like a portion of Nazi Supporters believed that actions taken would be the right thing for Germany. ONCE AGAIN, not comparing GG to Nazi Germany. The idea of Communism, for instance, is one that ultimately sounds ideal(At least to me): Everyone is Equal economically and socially. However, this idea got interpretted by the USSR and various other communists to become "Everyone is the SAME." There's a story about Telephone in here somewhere, but I've got no time for that.
In Summation, GamerGate is a noble idea in theory: Weed out the corruption in the gaming industry. However, just like any good idea, this idea can become co-opted and used for less then savoury means. It doesn't MATTER if there's still a group of people who believe in it's core ideas, the entire subject itself is a rotten apple. As I said, I'm an equalist, and since most people inquire what I mean, I have to explain it. By saying I'm a socialist economically, you WOULD not believe the crap I get. I've chosen to move on from it and have begun to use the term Equalist. GamerGate, I think, would do well to do the same. Burn the ship, start over, and create a new movement based around this. Focus on the corruption between the various promotions and companies, focus upon the idea that reviews are supposed to be SUBJECTIVE(you can't write an objective review if it's art. That's not how it works.), or the very ideas that PR Managers tend to be taken from Journalism sites. This is WHAT the DoritosGate Thread on GAF was for, but it got hijacked by the GGers.
Just to bring some final bit of information to light. it was NEVER a good movement. I say this as someone who has been screaming about corruption every chance I got on these forums for years. Naturally the first thing I did before I said word one about this was dig down all the way to its roots and gather intelligence and information. What can I say, Im an extremely incredulous person. It was always a lie. A complete and absolute lie.
The corruption lie was just a vehicle made to look attractive to people they could use to add volume to their noise BECAUSE it COULD have been a genuine good idea. Of course, thats simply not good enough for 4chan. They cant just lie and trick people who genuinely believe their cause, they have to make fun of them at the same time. For keks.
Something about the mascot and the logo, especially the logo and why they were being instructed to use it they way they were, which was, preferrably over a pic of their actual face like 'goggles' was always suspicious to me. And it was finally brought to light today, and now the 'raped face KEK KEK KEK KEK' in jokes the 8chan black boards make finally make some sense.
That would be this purple and green logo by the way:

Like the mascot, the logo is a rape meme called the 'Daily dose':
Vivian James page:
http://knowyourmeme....es/vivian-jamesScroll down to this paragraph above the picture:
"It took a series of polls to eventually reach the final character design and her name. Afterwards the character design was sent over to TFYC, who subsequently shared Vivian James and her final design on their Twitter account (shown below). Some aspects present in Vivian James’ visual design represent 4chan’s /v/ board,
such as her striped sweater being green and purple, a reference to the infamous daily dose images, and the four-leaf clover on her headband."
where it describes vivian james color scheme represents the 'Daily Dose' Daily dose is a hyper link, leading to the meme page. It is heavily, HEAVILY, censored, still, ntsfw just because of pure subject matter. I am warning you right now, you dont want to see it uncensored. And you dont need to, either, to understand whats being done here.
4chan, uses the colors purple and green as a replacement for the gif, its a rape representation they try to sneak whenever they can, like with mascot vivian james, as explicitely stated, her shirt basically represents rape to its designers. As described by the memes page itself. Again, HEAVILY CENSORED LINK, but STILL NTSFW.
http://knowyourmeme....es/piccolo-dickAs described here: "Images related to the gif are often not aimed at representing the GIF, but instead just contain the colors green and purple. The idea of this is to make the combination of the two colors evolve as a trigger in a person’s subconscious that results in him being reminded of the gif each time he sees those colors."
Which is what the mascot and logo are, they are daily dose rape memes.
They request unwitting followers to put the logo over their face, so they can laugh about it, because to them it represents them 'Raping thier face'.
The 'movement' was always, down to the design of its mascot, and logo, completely rotten, all the way to the core. Which was way before gamergate.