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#61 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:11 PM

Well that interesting but clearly people have hijacked for their own purposes. Do you know which Youtuber it was, I can imagine this affected him badly? 


This guy (Bogie2988):


You have repeatedly, over and over again, said the harrasmnet, sabatoge, and derailment of the study was OK, because it was going to be used to call gamers muh soggy knees anyways. IE (In other words) You thought it was about 'sjw style diversity' instead of what it was actually about, which was game content diversity. Which, to no surprise, is the same exact mistake the rest of gamergate made.

And I quote: Wydra(YOU) 'Also the behavior isn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be. The results of a pseudoscience study have purposely been skewed by the people it would most likely have been used against. Oh no.'

How the hell else, would it be used against gamergate, if you werent saying the study was by 'SJW's about GAMERS BEING MYSOGYNIST.' or god damn whatever you think would be said against gamers. How the hell is more types of game genres and different things other then shooty bang bang going to be used against gamergate. How?


You are a child who has no concept AT ALL, of the wide ranging ramnifications of destroying that granted project could have had, you selfish, ignorant, little prick. You think grants for studies like that fall from damn trees? You think tenure is just magically there for everybody all the time?

Of course you do. You are a child who has no clue what you are talking about.

Also, 4chan came up with the idea to contact a Baldwin in their burgers and fries raid IRC:

I already explained how SJW's could very easily use the results of the study for their purposes, even if it wasn't their study. If more genres is solely what the study was about that's one thing. If it's about gender and race, that's a whole other thing. And you're the one who said it did.

Seriously dude, you need to calm the heck down. Calling me a selfish ignorant prick? What the heck is your problem. This is a debate. I am not insulting you personally. You have an opinion. I have an opinion. They are different, okay, but so what. That doesn't give you permission to act like a massive vegeta. I don't like your opinion either but i'm stooping to the level of insulting personally insulting because I'm smart enough to realize that people are allowed to have their danged opinions and that i don't have to go off the rails at them because there's differs from mine.


Not only have I lost almost all respect for you, but if I were Mourn, I would consider removing you from the mod team. Your behaviour is that of a problem-causer, and not a problem solver. (Mourn I hope you're seeing this).


I will not responding to anything else you have to say.


Also thought I'd add: You have a lot of nerve to come in here strutting around, talking about how telling someone to suck your dick is "harassment" and disgusting behaviour, and then decide to start call people ignorant pricks.

Talk about a hypocrite.

Edited by WydrA, 13 October 2014 - 10:15 PM.






#62 3Dude



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Posted 13 October 2014 - 10:39 PM

This guy (Bogie2988):
I already explained how SJW's could very easily use the results of the study for their purposes, even if it wasn't their study. If more genres is solely what the study was about that's one thing. If it's about gender and race, that's a whole other thing. And you're the one who said it did.
Seriously dude, you need to calm the heck down. Calling me a selfish ignorant prick? What the heck is your problem. This is a debate. I am not insulting you personally. You have an opinion. I have an opinion. They are different, okay, but so what. That doesn't give you permission to act like a massive vegeta. I don't like your opinion either but i'm stooping to the level of insulting personally insulting because I'm smart enough to realize that people are allowed to have their danged opinions and that i don't have to go off the rails at them because there's differs from mine.
Not only have I lost almost all respect for you, but if I were Mourn, I would consider removing you from the mod team. Your behaviour is that of a problem-causer, and not a problem solver. (Mourn I hope you're seeing this).
I will not responding to anything else you have to say.
Also thought I'd add: You have a lot of nerve to come in here strutting around, talking about how telling someone to suck your dick is "harassment" and disgusting behaviour, and then decide to start call people ignorant pricks.
Talk about a hypocrite.

Thats not even remotely close to the same thing. YOu r actions, the actions you casually condone, without thinking have MASSIVE EFFECTS on peoples REAL lives, and you dont give a rainbow. Its just a god damned game to you.

Lol 'fight the sjw's guys' 'lol its the final boss guys!' 'Lol were winning!'

Your social ineptitude is staggering.

These are people I know. Some of them, I god damn know personally. Or did you forget what I used to do before I ditched the dead end job in the stagnant industry for a much higher paying job with better hours?

NO. They didnt fake it. NO, it hasnt been debunked.

Peoples personal information has been made public to the entire internet, by gamergate, they have been forced from their homes, because for all you little kids giggling about your games, THERE ARE SICK WiiERS IN THERE WITH YOU WHO TRULY BELIEVE WHAT THEY ARE SAYING.

And this is what can happen when they find out where you live.



See this face? This is the face of a boy who was MURDERED, because he was doxxed. His name was Matthew Pyke. His public information was made available online by doxxing, And then, the obsessed murderer, traveled across countries, to his apartment, and stabbed him to death, over ADVANCE WARS.

See this face? His name is Sunil Tripathi. This man is dead because 4chan and reddit internet detectives wrongly accused HIM of being the boston bomber, because they actually have no idea what they are really doing and they think its all a game.

He was abducted and his dead body found floating in a river. He was identified by dental records.

So yeah. You have no idea what you are doing or the ramnifications it potentially has, and the fact you are a smug little obnoxious prick about constantly dismissing all the wrong gamergate takes part in, and the danger it puts people in, FOR NO REASON, because as usual, 4chan is god damned WRONG, yeah it is disgusting.

To you its a fun little game. How much fun are they having?

Oh. None, because they are dead. But its no big deal man, its not like its going to scar them for life or anything. Or is two dead people not enough for you? Only two dead people meaningless to you? 'ITS ONLY one post you showed' 'Its ONLY one NAZI'.

Do you want me to show more people this 4chan/reddit/whatev plays detective games BS got killed? Ive got lots. How many dead faces do you need to see?



#63 Xiombarg


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 12:12 AM

The difference here, 3dude, is that you're no longer criticizing gg, but the actions of 4chan and reddit communities, for something they have been doing for years, even back with the advent of "anonymous." 4chan mods have doxxed their own userbase in recent weeks.  It seems as if users are doxxed on tumblr now regularly.  This issue isn't exclusive to gamergate.


You're painting the picture of wydra sitting down purposfully laughing at his computer screen at the thought of people in pain.

#64 NintendoReport



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 05:05 AM

This rainbow's heavy......

It's a wetodid double rainbow

Edited by Sorceror12, 14 October 2014 - 05:06 AM.

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#65 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:13 AM

The difference here, 3dude, is that you're no longer criticizing gg, but the actions of 4chan and reddit communities, for something they have been doing for years, even back with the advent of "anonymous." 4chan mods have doxxed their own userbase in recent weeks.  It seems as if users are doxxed on tumblr now regularly.  This issue isn't exclusive to gamergate.
You're painting the picture of wydra sitting down purposfully laughing at his computer screen at the thought of people in pain.

Where the do you think gamergate came from? Gamergate is 4chans latest pet project Gamergate IS 4chan, now 8chan, and a bunch of people who, like always, jump on the band wagon after its been set up. 4chan has ALWAYS doxxed its own userbase. Its a cess pool.

Thats where it was created, thats where it is organized, thats where the words that are coming out of wydras mouth were printed up with lists of what to say. Thats why he keeps asking about twitter. And to be clear, Im not saying HES on 4chan, Im saying he is the result of channers spreading the propaganda they were told to take out to create, grow, and sustain gamergate. Thats why hes constantly repeating 4chan propaganda, while never being a part of 4chan.


And im not saying hes laughing at peoples pain, im saying hes laughing at his little crusade game hes having so much fun with, oblivious to any of the real world damage its causing, because as I specifically said, he has no clue what hes really doing, and no concept of responsibility or accountability, and all the crap he keeps dismissing as harmless, and wont hurt anybody, DOES hurt people, it already has, and what Im calling him out on, is his complete lack of a capability of recognizing that, and his complete and casual disregaurd of it. Im showing how far it has gone in the past. It has gotten people killed, because all it takes is one person whos mentally not right to get access to the information they think is just a game and would never REALLY do anything harmful with... and then go obsessive stalker. 'Lol, its just one nazi!'.

This is just one guy, who took advance wars WAY too damn seriously.

And when that happens. If it reaches that point, which it has, in the past, over faaaaar less heated subjects (Advance wars?) Its too late to shrug your shoulders and say, 'but it was just someone who used the same hastag, I didnt have anything to do with it! We thought it was all harmless name calling/insults, we didnt think anyone REALLY believed it!'



#66 MatrixChicken


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 12:15 PM

I don't care to take part in #GamerGate in any way, but I do want to state my opinion...


I don't see how anybody in their right mind can say what Zoe Quinn did was fine. Obviously it was wrong for the few psychopaths that did to send death threats, but a threat (that I think most people would agree wasn't going to be followed through) is not as bad as what ZQ did. This isn't (in my mind) about whether girls or guys are better, it never was, until ZQ and the rest of the anti-GGers twisted it that way. It's about how ZQ did something bad and she should feel bad. If I said anything factually incorrect, please let me know.



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#67 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 12:42 PM

I don't care to take part in #GamerGate in any way, but I do want to state my opinion...
I don't see how anybody in their right mind can say what Zoe Quinn did was fine. Obviously it was wrong for the few psychopaths that did to send death threats, but a threat (that I think most people would agree wasn't going to be followed through) is not as bad as what ZQ did. This isn't (in my mind) about whether girls or guys are better, it never was, until ZQ and the rest of the anti-GGers twisted it that way. It's about how ZQ did something bad and she should feel bad. If I said anything factually incorrect, please let me know.

Relationsips arent that black and white. But yeah, cheating on her boyfriend wasnt a great thing, and no one has ever said otherwise.

They said it was personal, private, and in no way shape or form, has anything to do with videogame industry corruption, which, as facts turn out, they were right, it doesnt, which is why GG is so keen now to steer talk away from Zoe.

Also, it was death threats, doxxing her, finding out where she lived, doxxing her freinds, family, harrassing her family, finding her dads work, harrassing her dad, finding naked pictures of her, and distributing them openly all over the internet, and all over twitter.

Yeah, breaking off a relationship is WAY worse than that.

Because, you know, she broke up with a guy she wasnt even married to by going to someone else.
And then a huge made up conspiracy was created about it. Did horrible things to her, her freinds and loved ones, And it ended up being completely wrong and now isnt talked about because of that.

Zoe was totally way worse. Yup.



#68 Blake



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 01:47 PM

i gagree thank kid

#69 SteventheSlayer



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 03:00 PM

This is why I stay on this site.

I don't even...

#70 MatrixChicken


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 03:16 PM

Relationsips arent that black and white. But yeah, cheating on her boyfriend wasnt a great thing, and no one has ever said otherwise.

They said it was personal, private, and in no way shape or form, has anything to do with videogame industry corruption, which, as facts turn out, they were right, it doesnt, which is why GG is so keen now to steer talk away from Zoe.

Also, it was death threats, doxxing her, finding out where she lived, doxxing her freinds, family, harrassing her family, finding her dads work, harrassing her dad, finding naked pictures of her, and distributing them openly all over the internet, and all over twitter.

Yeah, breaking off a relationship is WAY worse than that.

Because, you know, she broke up with a guy she wasnt even married to by going to someone else.
And then a huge made up conspiracy was created about it. Did horrible things to her, her freinds and loved ones, And it ended up being completely wrong and now isnt talked about because of that.

Zoe was totally way worse. Yup.


No need to get mad, but thanks for the info. I wasn't aware the attacks were to that extent.



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#71 DexterousGecko


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 04:19 PM

tldr; a bunch of guys are misogynistic? how is this news?

#72 Raiden


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 05:41 PM

Man when did holding a piece of plastic in your hands that vibrates and gives you joy and pleasure become such a political tool for hatred towards others?


Can't we all just get along?

#73 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:10 PM

Man when did holding a piece of plastic in your hands that vibrates and gives you joy and pleasure become such a political tool for hatred towards others?


Can't we all just get along?

Well that's what happens when you bring politics into anything. Especially if those politics also involve feminism.






#74 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:52 PM

Well that's what happens when you bring politics into anything. Especially if those politics also involve feminism.



This isnt feminists threatening to kill everybody in a school, this people like you who go make 'sjw' rants on the internet, accuses everyone who disagrees with as being 'sjw', is god damned 'sjw' paranoid, BUT who DONT KNOW WHEN TO STOP.

No, ITS NOT harmless. YES some people REALLY DO MEAN IT. And you enable them.

So, when is it going to be enough?

If we have dead body? Will it be enough then?



#75 Xiombarg


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:10 PM

The huffpost livestream was a bit dissapointing, it was just a battle of egos and sensationalizing things.

I like Hotwheels, but he has his flaws, he went on the show not giving a damn to begin with. Doesn't really help when they were trying to paint him as the leader of gg and compare him to the klan.

Then you have Brianna repeating the same thing from the MSNBC show.  Only thing different was her arguing with hotwheels about the law, which she doesn't seem to quite understand herself.


The only decent thing was Erik Kaine.  He was supposed to be the neutral party and analyzing the history of this completely. They stopped giving him any time to say anything because he wasn't on a side or saying what they wanted.

#76 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 07:15 PM

The huffpost livestream was a bit dissapointing, it was just a battle of egos and sensationalizing things.
I like Hotwheels, but he has his flaws, he went on the show not giving a damn to begin with. Doesn't really help when they were trying to paint him as the leader of gg and compare him to the klan.
Then you have Brianna repeating the same thing from the MSNBC show.  Only thing different was her arguing with hotwheels about the law, which she doesn't seem to quite understand herself.
The only decent thing was Erik Kaine.  He was supposed to be the neutral party and analyzing the history of this completely. They stopped giving him any time to say anything because he wasn't on a side or saying what they wanted.

Wait what, they time censored Erik?



#77 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 08:04 PM

The huffpost livestream was a bit dissapointing, it was just a battle of egos and sensationalizing things.

I like Hotwheels, but he has his flaws, he went on the show not giving a damn to begin with. Doesn't really help when they were trying to paint him as the leader of gg and compare him to the klan.

Then you have Brianna repeating the same thing from the MSNBC show.  Only thing different was her arguing with hotwheels about the law, which she doesn't seem to quite understand herself.


The only decent thing was Erik Kaine.  He was supposed to be the neutral party and analyzing the history of this completely. They stopped giving him any time to say anything because he wasn't on a side or saying what they wanted.

And this is what journalism has turned into. Can't remember the last time I saw something like this actually handled properly on a news show.






#78 Xiombarg


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 08:40 PM

imo, a majority of gg pretty much looks like it's going to die now, or at least the reasonable people or "normals" will start dropping out of gg.  A lot of my friends, who are in gg, feel like its become co-opted and are considering dropping out of it.


From what happened with Wu getting on TV, I'm really not looking forward to Wu, Quinn, and Anita competing to get the most attention now, though. The interviews have just boosted their and 8chan's popularity now, and I can just see the future articles "8Chan Plans Assault on Femisim."


Wait what, they time censored Erik?

I wouldn't call it time censoring, but they gave Wu and Hotwheels more time just to hear meaningless back-and-forth. They probably let Erik talk 2 or 3 times if I remember correctly.

#79 3Dude



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Posted 14 October 2014 - 08:50 PM

imo, a majority of gg pretty much looks like it's going to die now, or at least the reasonable people or "normals" will start dropping out of gg.  A lot of my friends, who are in gg, feel like its become co-opted and are considering dropping out of it.
From what happened with Wu getting on TV, I'm really not looking forward to Wu, Quinn, and Anita competing to get the most attention now, though. The interviews have just boosted their and 8chan's popularity now, and I can just see the future articles "8Chan Plans Assault on Femisim."
I wouldn't call it time censoring, but they gave Wu and Hotwheels more time just to hear meaningless back-and-forth. They probably let Erik talk 2 or 3 times if I remember correctly.

Of course thats what they are interested in.

The rainbow has hit the fan. GG has doxxed Zoe again, finding her new place, and is now organizing trying to get people to sit on her front lawn. Amidst jeers of 'lets just kill her while he have the chance'. Of which many may be bad, sick jokes. But we know for a fact theres always bound to be someone who actually DOES believe it. Just ask Mathew Pyke.

THis is exactly what ive been talking about.

Lets just hope it dies down, before someone actually gets hurt, or some mentally off whacko who cant distuinguis this power fantasy game from real life actually goes and tries to kill someone since he has the information he needs.



#80 Xiombarg


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Posted 14 October 2014 - 08:55 PM

The shit has hit the fan. GG has doxxed Zoe again

Wasn't the post she just made linking to her dox from a month ago?

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