A Senior White Girl from Illinois posted an offensive tweet that caught on quickly where she felt the wrath of the internet as her reaction to the Ferguson protests against white police Officer Darren Wilson went viral.
The un-named girl (though it might be Lesli based on the twitter account name) wrote "I don't feel sorry for black people. If you hate so much, Go Bach (sic) TO AFRICA. We should have never brought you"
Before long she was receiving a lot of criticism from people calling her ignorant and point out that America had already been populated by the Indians before the white Europeans arrived.
But she didn't delete her post and at one point said "i regret i made a typo" then she went on to point out that Whites own the world and they'd be the majority population now if they hadn't let the minorities live...
Then people took her information and found out what school she went to as now the Oakwood High School was forced to apologize as her opinon doesn't reflect their ideals...but they have yet to decide if she will be punished.
https://pbs.twimg.co...ju_400x400.jpeg (left)
Backlash Tweets -
Apology -
I think people overreacted to this, tbh. People are way too sensitive about the Ferguson case.