Splatoon Is A Bad Unfinished Game
Posted 31 May 2015 - 03:46 PM
Nintendo slacking, not a good sign.
Nah, they had a hard deadline and had the content polished to high heaven upon release. Slacking would of been releasing all of the content that was not polished or ready, stuff that doesn't meet their usual quality standards. Then having people female dog and moan about all of the glitches, bugs and poor design choices.
People seem to prefer quantity over quality around here, not sure why. I'd take quality first.
- Chaotix, Hunter, MatrixChicken and 2 others like this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 31 May 2015 - 04:32 PM
Assasins Creed,Call of Duty are bad unfinished games of the same old crap but people buy them every year regardless.
Splatoon is a fresh take and people judged it before release because it's not like everything else and not exactly what they wanted without knowing what they want. Splatoon is people acting entitled. It's shunned and shat on.
Watch Star Wars Battlefront sell millions even tho Oh I don't know it's gimped as hell and a bunch of stuff removed from previous games.
Posted 31 May 2015 - 04:50 PM
But by releasing it "unfinished" instead of delaying it, we all have something new to play on the Wii U right now.
I dunno about you but I know I would certainly rather have something than nothing.
I would rather pay $60 dollars and get the full game outright instead of waiting for my money's worth over the course of months.
Assasins Creed,Call of Duty are bad unfinished games of the same old crap but people buy them every year regardless.
Splatoon is a fresh take and people judged it before release because it's not like everything else and not exactly what they wanted without knowing what they want. Splatoon is people acting entitled. It's shunned and shat on.
Watch Star Wars Battlefront sell millions even tho Oh I don't know it's gimped as hell and a bunch of stuff removed from previous games.
Splatoon is really comparable to CoD in terms of content. Both have the structure of a story mode and a online mode. But CoD still manages to beat Splatoon in content in every way. For example, Splatoon comes with 1 online mode, and CoD comes with over a dozen. In my experience of CoD, the online is really polished, unlike the mess of an online that Splatoon has.
Just because Splatoon is a unique and fresh take on a genre doesn't excuse 1 online mode at launch and a total of 5 maps. It's pathetic
- SolxBurst likes this
Posted 31 May 2015 - 05:30 PM
Splatoon is actually a good game tho. More feces is still feces. Plus Cod online is a bunch of 11 year olds screaming ogre. Splatoon is getting a ton of free DLC.
Posted 31 May 2015 - 06:04 PM
Posted 31 May 2015 - 11:29 PM
People seem to prefer quantity over quality around here, not sure why. I'd take quality first.
The comparisons to COD show that this is definitely the case.
If people aren't happy buying an "unfinished" game then why didn't they just wait until we get all the free DLC and then buy it?
- Raiden likes this
Posted 31 May 2015 - 11:39 PM
The comparisons to COD show that this is definitely the case.
If people aren't happy buying an "unfinished" game then why didn't they just wait until we get all the free DLC and then buy it?
Was about to ask this question. Did Nintendo not make it clear in the splatoon direct that this stuff would be the case on release of the game. If that was the case OP should have just waited. It is in no way a "BAD" game but te content is incoming. I do think there is enough to do to keep people happy. but whatever I guess.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 12:20 AM
I thought some American developer made this game.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 04:00 AM
There are so many things wrong with Splatoon, it's just not even fun.
I'm not sure we're playing the same game
The only thing I could do without is the mandatory news breaks. But that, to me, isn't worth making a thread over... even if this is the internet after all, the apparent venue for such things
Everything else I want they tell me is coming in August and that is plenty soon for me. Much of my summers are spent off screen.
Edited by Merky_Water, 01 June 2015 - 04:01 AM.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 04:06 AM
Nah, they had a hard deadline and had the content polished to high heaven upon release. Slacking would of been releasing all of the content that was not polished or ready, stuff that doesn't meet their usual quality standards. Then having people female dog and moan about all of the glitches, bugs and poor design choices.
People seem to prefer quantity over quality around here, not sure why. I'd take quality first.
Disagree entirely.
Polished or not imagine MK8 released fully playable out the box (as it was) with only 4 tracks and a handful of characters/karts. Difference between a great game polished with lots of content versus a polished but underwhelming game with not much effort put into it.
The features missing here compared to most modern shooters is staggering.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 06:20 AM
There are so many things wrong with Splatoon, it's just not even fun.
1. No Lobbying with friends.
2. Only One Online Mode
3. Unbalanced Weapons
4. Only 5 Maps in total, LOL
5. No Option for Pro Controller
6. Unable to Exit Lobby
7. Limited Custimization
8. Unable to change wepaons without leaving lobby
9 Do I even have to mention no Mics?
Yeah the game mechanics work and the game looks pretty. But it's a bad game.
1. Coming soon.
2. Also coming soon, like probably today...
3. Eh, not really. Just git gud.
4. Whaddaya know, also coming soon!
5. That is a fact, yes. Not really relevant as the gamepad is the superior control option anyway...
6. Also a fact... That's to prevent people from leaving and making a match take forever to start.
7. How so? Weapons are put in sets to ensure that balance you're so worried about. Clothes customization is pretty good IMO... Legwear would be nice though.
8. Also to prevent matches taking a long time to start.
9. Oh boy more voice chat whining... If you're talking about full-on public voice chat, I can't even take you seriously any more. The amount of stupidity people would be spewing isn't even funny, me included. Not to mention, half the people you play with are gonna be foreigners and voice chat would be useless with them. I can agree that the option for voice chat between friends would be nice.
Splatoon, as of now, might be a short game. A game lacking content. But the core gameplay is what's important, and I dunno about you, but I think it's amazing. I'm super happy that Nintendo released this "unfinished" game. It means I can have fun with this game 3 months (at least) early! And the added content will only make things more awesome.
- Chaotix, storabajskorven, Raiden and 1 other like this
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Posted 01 June 2015 - 07:38 AM
In my opinion, Hyrule Warriors did the same thing but didn't get called out for it.
Posted 01 June 2015 - 12:16 PM
Poor single player campaign that lasts 6-7 hours that includes fun boss battles keeps getting thrown under the rug.
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 01 June 2015 - 01:13 PM
Poor single player campaign that lasts 6-7 hours that includes fun boss battles keeps getting thrown under the rug.
I'm probably the only one who bought it primarily for the single player campaign
- NintendoReport and Raiden like this
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Posted 01 June 2015 - 02:20 PM
10. No invincibilty when you spawn makes for easy spawn camping
11. Can't choose to play on the same team with your friends
12. Only 2 Maps every 2 Hours is just so stupid.
13. Weapon Locked Abilities.
Just to answer more questions here
10. Kraken
11. Playing with friends comes out in August.
12. Nintendo just announced one new stage.
13. Weapon locked abilities only relate to amiibos and you can also buy weapons from other mii's that you've played in the game.
You make it seem like the worst game ever by your standards but you forgot that it's unfinished that will only get better with more updates and considering the lack of multiplayer of WII U that I would take this unfinished that anything at this point cause SSB4 and MK8(Both of those games that u could only do so much with and after a while it gets boring).
I wish ppl be more pateint and be happy that we got a game that we can enjoy playing online with people(friends soon).
Posted 01 June 2015 - 02:47 PM
I think the problem a lot of people are having here is that the game isn't finished in terms of content, even if said content is being added later on. If literally any other company besides Nintendo released a game light on content but said the rest of it is 'coming soon over the next few months' and released it at the full $60 anyway, the gaming community (and I'm sure this includes a few people here, too) would be in an uproar. And really, making a game where most of the focus is on the multiplayer anyway only have one game mode and five maps at launch is...kinda sad, regardless of the originality of the game itself. I'm pretty sure even the first Call of Duty to support online had more content than that at launch.
It's like if they released Smash Bros with half the characters of the previous title, one game mode, and a third of the stages, but still charged $60 and said "Eeeeh, we'll get the rest out eventually we just want our money." There's no excuse when other companies are releasing full online experiences with their games from the start, and then adding to /that/ at a later date.
I know I'm certainly not buying it until they add more content and I can get a few other games off of my Nintendo backlog first. (Though that last part is really no fault of Nintendo's, I'm just a lazy bum with a large Playstation backlog too >_>) But that is to say, I'm sure it's a great game. It seems wildly original and a lot of fun, it's just not worth my $48+tax at this point.
Like other people in this thread have said, it's just a good, currently-unfinished game with a lot of polish.
The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.
Posted 02 June 2015 - 01:30 AM
First of All, I should not have jump the gun in calling Splatoon A bad game. It does have a lot of potential and the artstyle and game mechanics work great. However, the lack of basic features and content is asinine. Just because Splatoon is a fresh take in it's genre and the mechanics of the game work does not make splatoon a good game. The lack of these basic features is lazyness on Nintendo's part. Today's added features (zapper, 1 new map, and rank battle) were added to the game without an update. This shows us that this content (and more) is already on the Splatoon disc ready to be used. NIntendo for whatever reason is deciding to withhold content that is ready to be used for whatever inexcusable reason. So in Conclusion Splatoon is niether a good game, nor a bad game. Just a very poorly exicuted one.
Splatoon is actually a good game tho. More feces is still feces. Plus Cod online is a bunch of 11 year olds screaming ogre. Splatoon is getting a ton of free DLC.
Whether or not you use mics makes no difference. It's a basic feature that should be included in every functioning online game. Micing with friends only would have solved the problem everyone is having with the lack of mics. Splatton's so called "DLC" is the rest of the game that should have been ready at launch.
1. Coming soon.
2. Also coming soon, like probably today...
3. Eh, not really. Just git gud.
4. Whaddaya know, also coming soon!
5. That is a fact, yes. Not really relevant as the gamepad is the superior control option anyway...
6. Also a fact... That's to prevent people from leaving and making a match take forever to start.
7. How so? Weapons are put in sets to ensure that balance you're so worried about. Clothes customization is pretty good IMO... Legwear would be nice though.
8. Also to prevent matches taking a long time to start.
9. Oh boy more voice chat whining... If you're talking about full-on public voice chat, I can't even take you seriously any more. The amount of stupidity people would be spewing isn't even funny, me included. Not to mention, half the people you play with are gonna be foreigners and voice chat would be useless with them. I can agree that the option for voice chat between friends would be nice.
Splatoon, as of now, might be a short game. A game lacking content. But the core gameplay is what's important, and I dunno about you, but I think it's amazing. I'm super happy that Nintendo released this "unfinished" game. It means I can have fun with this game 3 months (at least) early! And the added content will only make things more awesome.
1. Lobbying with friends shouldn't have to be coming soon. It's an essential feature in any online multiplayer. Have you ever heard of a game where the main focus is online multiplayer yet decide not to have essential features day 1?
2. Yes, now there are two modes. I'll give you that. but two modes as lackluster as these are still not enough.
3. Are you saying the underwhelming performance of the shot gun and other various weapons is just as good as the roller or Splat Jr? Any player can see that some weapon types are better than others. Make each weapon as good as the other. P.S I'm not saying that Roller and Splat Jr are over powered, they're not. They're just on a totally different level.
4. Now we're up to 6, still a sad number to launch with. We have more maps ready to play at this moment but Nintendo decided to withhold ready to play content for whatever reason.
5. Whether or not the gamepad is supior compared to the pro controller is a matter of opinion and irrelevant. Some people (like me) do not enjoy using the gamepad and would rather play splatoon without motion controllers and the gamepad.
6. With so many people trying to play a game at once it would take no time at all to fill a spot for someone who has just left.
7. I agree the clothes option are fantastic, I too would like to see some customization for legwear. I think having your own weapon loadouts would make splatoon's balancing better. However that is debatable and I see your point.
8. Easy solution, Just have pre-prepared loadouts ready to choose from before each match. Maybe something similar to Smash4's custom loadouts?
9. I'll be honest, I don't think I personally would ever use public mics in Splatoon. However I still believe that it should be a feature that is included in the game. Even if it's in friend games only.
Just to answer more questions here
10. Kraken
11. Playing with friends comes out in August.
12. Nintendo just announced one new stage.
13. Weapon locked abilities only relate to amiibos and you can also buy weapons from other mii's that you've played in the game.
You make it seem like the worst game ever by your standards but you forgot that it's unfinished that will only get better with more updates and considering the lack of multiplayer of WII U that I would take this unfinished that anything at this point cause SSB4 and MK8(Both of those games that u could only do so much with and after a while it gets boring).
I wish ppl be more pateint and be happy that we got a game that we can enjoy playing online with people(friends soon).
10. I'm not sure what the Kraken has to do with spawn camping?
11. Playing with friends should be ready day 1. The game is even advertised to be able to play with friends. I would say borderling false advertising but that may be jumping the gun a bit.
12. Yes but we still only get to play 2 maps every 2 hours. This is a very poor design choice made by Nintendo, I hope they fix it soon.
13. I meant as in custimization ( going back to points 3, and 7). I should have been more clear on that. Sorry for the miss understanding.
I'm all for updates, both Mario Kart and Smash4 have had some great updates that have added to their games. But splatoon isn't adding to it's game with updates, it's trying to finish the game. Nintendo is just using updates and free DLC to hide the fact that the game is unfinished. Playing with friends is the biggest aspect of muliplayer so not being able to play with friends doesn't add to the Wiiu's muliplayer list. And both MK8 and Smash have yet to become boring for me, I have played MK8 bi-weekly and Smash4 bi-dayly dince launch and have yet to get bored of them. But hey that's just me.
I'm glad you can contribute to this dialogue with some dank memes.
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