Instead of putting money into developing some games they spent all their budget on Muppets of themselves. Bravo Nintendo, bravo.
Yeah, I guess they had no budget left over after the puppets. Yeah that's what they did. What a terrible business decision... All their resources... just gone like that...
Yea, tbh they really didn't even treat Starfox like a franchise we haven't seen in years. If they would have unveiled that last as the big surprise I think many people would have looked at the conference differently.
As goofy as it was I felt the intro was pretty hype and a good way to start the show and lead into SFZ. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion but it really wasn't that bad. Certainly not marginally better or worse than Xbox or PS. We're just spoiled because last year Nintendo owned E3. I'm a little let down to because I expected the same as last year but there's some great games coming. Yes, along with crap... crap I don't want or asked for but ppl are really overreacting IMO. It wasn't mind blowing but not god awful as ppl are making it out to be.