ALSO, i understand that the WiiU is a gaming platform FIRST, and applications would be few and far between, also for large amounts of energy to be put on applications for the WiiU would be.. a little sad, i mean really its can play awesome games. BUT this will be for faaaantaasy!
So, what applications would you like to see / use on your future WiiU? Are there any specifics to these applications you are thinking of you'd like? How would they be used / controled? Clarity dictates an application has no end goal, and simply allows you to access entertainment or do work easily. There is no game mechanic at all, there are only menus (though that doesn't mean those menus cannot be navigated with a sidescrolling dude, or First Person view)
ALSO, i'd like to take all the easy ideas
(though you can post specifics about these)
Web Browser
... and i wanna suggest Shoutcast application.
So... wudda you think?
Edited by SleepyGuyy, 18 March 2012 - 12:46 PM.