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Crysis 3 not coming to Wii U:(

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#1 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:39 PM


"Not a fat chance"

I was starting to really like EA and Crytek then Crytek says it's not coming to Wii U and says "Not a fat chance" I mean like really?, Nintendo better be getting the third party support they promised.

#2 Bane



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:43 PM

Are you kidding me? I agree, Nintendo must deliver the promised third party support.

#3 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:45 PM

Are you kidding me? I agree, Nintendo must deliver the promised third party support.

I just read a guy's post and he said "Now hold on maybe there is a secret behind this statement. "Not a Fat Chance" is a double negative which means there is a good chance?"

The quote is kind of confusing, it could be it's coming but the way he said it could mean anything...E3 2012 I NEED YOU.

#4 Bane



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:51 PM

Yeah plus i am sure we will get a big exclusive form EA anyway, like a Dragon AGe Wii U or something. Still, there is no reason Crysis 3 can't come to Wii U.

#5 Joshua


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:53 PM

I thought EA and Nintendo were buddies now?

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#6 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:54 PM

Either way the Wii U will be out before the game comes out.


#7 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:54 PM

Yeah plus i am sure we will get a big exclusive form EA anyway, like a Dragon AGe Wii U or something. Still, there is no reason Crysis 3 can't come to Wii U.

We'll have to see at E3 2012, I have a PS3 but I was willing to wait for the Wii U version to prove third party games do sell and that kind of stuff, but if it is not coming I won't buy Crysis 3, I will forgive them though if Crytek is giving the Wii U an exclusive.

#8 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:55 PM

This is a little disturbing to me. If in fat this game doesn't come on the Wii U there is a meaning behind it. Like I said before I've never seen a console pre-launch with so much back and forth and confusion. Its been like a rollercoaster of excitement and disappointment.

#9 10k


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 01:59 PM

It's called an NDA people. He was smirking when he said it. It was a double negative for a reason. It will be downgraded as hell, and probably a rainbowty version like Crysis for consoles, but mark my words, Crysis 3 will end up on Wii U.
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#10 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:04 PM

Downgraded from PC version but better than 3f0 and PS3 you mean right?

Yeah...Wii U needs an exlusive new IP from a big 3rd party that blows this gen best out the water. That's "IF" nintendo really wants the hardcore back and want to get those PS3 and 360 gamers to buy there system at launch.

Edited by TRON, 24 April 2012 - 02:07 PM.

#11 10k


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:14 PM


To be clear: IF Crysis 3 doesn't come to Wii U, it's not AT ALL because of a hardware reason, from what i know, the system can run the latest CryEngine optimally. At 720p, but optimally.

Consider this a fact, and spare me the "blablabla ideaman blablabla i doubt him blablabla" ><

There. Cheer up. Confirmed by both wsippel and IdeaMan. Crysis 3 can run on Wii U at 720p, if it misses out on Wii U it's not a hardware issue. It's an NDA issue where Crytek can't say anything until E3. Why do you think we haven't heard about anything Wii U wise from the big companies like EA or Ubisoft? (Killer Freaks updates have not happened since being revealed last E3)

Downgraded from PC version but better than 3f0 and PS3 you mean right?

Yeah...Wii U needs an exlusive new IP from a big 3rd party that blows this gen best out the water. That's "IF" nintendo really wants the hardcore back and want to get those PS3 and 360 gamers to buy there system at launch.

Yeah I mean that it will probably run it at 2xAA and 720p with lower textures and a lower fps. Still awesome, but laughable compared to the PC version that will have high resolution textures, AF, 8xAA, 60fps, and true 1080p.
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#12 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:14 PM

It is a double negative though, he says "Not a fat chance" but people would ususally say "Fat chance" if something was not happening so is he saying "It's not a fat chance of it coming" which could mean it's coming but in the video he said "where not planning a Wii U version".

Edited by Meelow100, 24 April 2012 - 02:15 PM.

#13 Nollog


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:25 PM

I said an hour, the first one happened in 5 minutes.

"Not a.... Fat Chance."
He pauses, it's not a double-negative, it's him saying "I don't think it's possible".

I felt this went without saying, but apparently people are stupid:
Crysis 3 has been in development for years, before Nintendo decided to share the fact they have a new console, it was always unlikely to arrive on Wii U unless Nintendo paid them.
It's not about power, it's about development time.
You can't magic a game in a few months, games like crysis, and even call of duty take at least 2 years to make.

Edited by Nollog, 24 April 2012 - 02:25 PM.

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#14 Bane



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:29 PM

It's called an NDA people. He was smirking when he said it. It was a double negative for a reason. It will be downgraded as hell, and probably a rainbowty version like Crysis for consoles, but mark my words, Crysis 3 will end up on Wii U.

This could very well be. 720p? is that like a certain version of CryEngine 3 like the latest 3.4 version or it can only run CryEngine 3 at 720p period? It doesn't matter to me just curious.

#15 Reaper Pin

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:40 PM

There is a God?
Thank you, God.
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#16 Crackkat



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:42 PM

i have been talking with others about this for a while now on other forums and i could write an essay on it :P there are many thoughts that come to mind about this, im going to spew them all out.

1) Often a publisher chooses the platforms that a game comes to, not the studio. if that is the case here, then crytek may have just not gotten the word from EA to do it yet, and that they just dont expect it. EA has commited to supporting the system and so they could in the near future tell crytek to port the game over.

2) i decided to research this, im not sure about EA's partnership with crytek specifically, but i know that their partnerships with some other studios have been quite weak, meaning EA's power over them might be weak too. if this applies to crytek and EA's partnership, EA might have little power over crytek's games and the systems they come to.

3) EA does now have a partnership with nintendo, however it may be that that partnership only applies to games that are developed from 2012 onwards (or something like that) that means crysis 3 wont have to come, but every game after it will.

4)no system in history has had as much praise as wii u is getting from third parties, usually systems barely get any games at launch so dont be too disappointed if this game doesnt come, its still early in the life cycle, the support is still remarkable for this stage.

5) Crytek makes gorgous games, they like to push graphics, its not like them to settle for the weakest. wii u should be first on their mind after PC, not just 7 year old tech (ps360) so they may well bring this game to the system but just cant say anything yet.

6) nintendo has these beastly NDAs (and ninjas) making sure no one peeps. nintendo im sure was disappointed that third parties leaked project cafe last year. they're not letting any leaks out this time, and it could be that this guy is being made to deny a wii u version, just like capcom with RE6. we've never seen devs being so hushed before this.

7) though he did say a double negative, i dont think its hint at anything, clearly the dude is foreign and his grammer isnt perfect
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#17 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:44 PM

This could very well be. 720p? is that like a certain version of CryEngine 3 like the latest 3.4 version or it can only run CryEngine 3 at 720p period? It doesn't matter to me just curious.

Some people said the Wii U runs the latest version of CryEngine 3 at 720p, we know the 360 and PS3 can't do that and if it's true about it not coming it's not about the hardware it could be about Development time like Nollog said.

This is what Crytek said a few days after E3 2011


"Crytek's support for Wii U is definitely going to happen"

I hope Crackkat is right.

Edited by Meelow100, 24 April 2012 - 02:47 PM.

#18 Reaper Pin

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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:46 PM

i have been talking with others about this for a while now on other forums and i could write an essay on it :P there are many thoughts that come to mind about this, im going to spew them all out.

1) Often a publisher chooses the platforms that a game comes to, not the studio. if that is the case here, then crytek may have just not gotten the word from EA to do it yet, and that they just dont expect it. EA has commited to supporting the system and so they could in the near future tell crytek to port the game over.

2) i decided to research this, im not sure about EA's partnership with crytek specifically, but i know that their partnerships with some other studios have been quite weak, meaning EA's power over them might be weak too. if this applies to crytek and EA's partnership, EA might have little power over crytek's games and the systems they come to.

3) EA does now have a partnership with nintendo, however it may be that that partnership only applies to games that are developed from 2012 onwards (or something like that) that means crysis 3 wont have to come, but every game after it will.

4)no system in history has had as much praise as wii u is getting from third parties, usually systems barely get any games at launch so dont be too disappointed if this game doesnt come, its still early in the life cycle, the support is still remarkable for this stage.

5) Crytek makes gorgous games, they like to push graphics, its not like them to settle for the weakest. wii u should be first on their mind after PC, not just 7 year old tech (ps360) so they may well bring this game to the system but just cant say anything yet.

6) nintendo has these beastly NDAs (and ninjas) making sure no one peeps. nintendo im sure was disappointed that third parties leaked project cafe last year. they're not letting any leaks out this time, and it could be that this guy is being made to deny a wii u version, just like capcom with RE6. we've never seen devs being so hushed before this.

7) though he did say a double negative, i dont think its hint at anything, clearly the dude is foreign and his grammer isnt perfect

Maybe Nintendo rejected Origin on Wii U and EA is now butthurt?
It's a possibility. Or maybe it could just be that stupid NDA.
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#19 Crackkat



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Posted 24 April 2012 - 02:51 PM

Maybe Nintendo rejected Origin on Wii U and EA is now butthurt?
It's a possibility. Or maybe it could just be that stupid NDA.

thats a good yet worrying point :( i forgot about the whole origin thing, in all honesty though, i doubt it, no other dev is but hurt that nintendo isnt giving them special deals, EA must realise that asking nintendo to put origin as the online is a very big favour and not something they should be upset about not getting. and remember, that was just a rumour, EA might have never even asked about origin on wii u. we do know they helped make the online though
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#20 Meelow100


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Posted 24 April 2012 - 03:06 PM

thats a good yet worrying point :( i forgot about the whole origin thing, in all honesty though, i doubt it, no other dev is but hurt that nintendo isnt giving them special deals, EA must realise that asking nintendo to put origin as the online is a very big favour and not something they should be upset about not getting. and remember, that was just a rumour, EA might have never even asked about origin on wii u. we do know they helped make the online though

The postive thing of that is it would get Steam and full Valve support.

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