The quote you posted wasn't positive towards Nintendo...So, now you are a Nintendo fan, CUD? When did this happen? O.o what's next? buramu dissing the Vita?
Hah, really? If I seem like a Nintendo 'hater' it's only because Nintendo continues to disappoint time and time again. I do not hate for the sake of hating, I voice my opinion where I feel criticisms should be made.You're forgetting this is CUDpwns. A huge Nintendo-hater on the 3DS Forums. He'll say anything negative about Nintendo just because he can.
It's possible it might happen but why would they not mention it by now? I find it hard to believe that they would announce the system's other social functionality and fail to mention online voice chat while playing a game. I'm not sure why you would expect them to have neglected mentioning a feature like that if it is indeed a feature.I don't see why it wouldn't. Not being confirmed definitely doesn't mean "NOT HAPPENING" like you're saying.
It outdoes a 6 year old console? How impressive.Nothing positive like the fact that the Wii U outdoes the PS3 graphically at launch, a very good launch window lineup, the tablet controller, a traditional controller for those who don't want to use the tablet, Nintendo's franchises, and exclusive third party support such as ZombiU. Yeah, nothing positive there at all.

I suppose it's a good launch lineup if you like ports and this...