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Iwata : The other companies online is to far developed for Nintendo to Catch up.

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#21 Crackkat



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Posted 13 June 2012 - 01:35 PM

well the miiverse thing in itself was pretty revolutionary, remember these business guys don't know as well as devs do about what's practical and what's not, i'm not gonna go making judgements until i've seen the final online system
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#22 Lord Pickleton

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 01:39 PM

I can just imagine a game where people are competing with their best hacks, so whoever has the best cheats wins lol.

I actually want to see some of these matches to see how many last the whole match. I wonder how long until they get tired of cheating.


#23 Happy Monk

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Posted 13 June 2012 - 01:40 PM

Friend Codes aren't really that bad y'know... It's not the codes themselves, it's the way in which they are used. We currently have no way of searching for other players online, while other systems do.
I think the Miiverse will alleviate this problem largely.
Without a search feature, typing in an account name is still hassle. (Admittedly less hassle than the firend codes).
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#24 Zebra


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 02:10 PM

This is not shocking at all. Look at how long Sony and Microsoft have had their online systems. Now, that does not mean Nintendo's will be terrible.

#25 Joshua


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 11:07 PM

Gah, not a very good sign indeed. Although, what will convince me the most into buying a Wii U is it's games, since day one.

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#26 Lain


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Posted 13 June 2012 - 11:12 PM

I hoping your right because each time I force myself to convince myself to buy a wiiu these articles show up still what does he mean but not able to compete WHAT IS IT. I'm so sorry if im pissed it's still sounding like we are getting the same thing as wii and 3ds online wise where it truly matters the games .

I personally wouldn't put too much weight on this. Wait until they're ready to reveal what they do have (probably in the next Nintendo Direct), and make your judgements there.

#27 Alianjaro



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Posted 14 June 2012 - 04:48 AM

Still I care little for Miiverse I just want to be able to play lag free online but apparently that not a smart move by Nintendo so instead their main online things sounds like miiverse: a FAQ Board which is really what it is .
I know many of you are going to try to spend this in a positive light I just can't im saddened by this I mean what is so hard about trying to something similar to Playstations online.

I just don't understand I considering Sony online pretty barebones for online . The only things I can seem to think of is Its quality and performance during online play which isn't even saying to much .

If they can do that, don't you think the online has to be really good? I mean, it's really a question because I don't know if these things are related.
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#28 10k


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Posted 14 June 2012 - 06:17 AM

I think Nintendo has learned from this past E3 to keep expectations low. If they say "don't expect Xbox live like levels of online" then we don't get too disappointed. Most Nintendo gamers prefer single player games anyway (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Pikmin, etc.)

Lets not forget that PSN was crap for is first few years as well and didn't start coming into its own until year 3 (2009) so give the Wii U online some time. Having day 1 digital games is a big plus and an improvement over Live and PSN launches.
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#29 Usman Mohammad

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 10:55 AM

Reading between the lines, I am getting something positive from Nintendo. Reading it front it is something negative, that Nintendo can't catch up to what PSN is doing. However when they mean that they're trying something new with Mii Verse I believe it's not just friends lists. I think there's heavy focus on communities, PSN and XBL have a small section for recently met palyers, the Mii Verse seems to take that a few steps further. I think what Iwata is trying to say is that the features are different. As long as the online is stable like PSN (I don't see the difference between PSN and XBL when just playing online), and Iwata is talking about online features then I don't mind.

The points being made are:

I think that what we see in terms of online gaming networks on existing dedicated gaming platforms is not particularly well suited to the approach Nintendo has taken

The optimistic view is that the way current networks work don't take the approach that Nintendo is taking with MiiVerse. Example: Current networks make you join a random lobby and play, then leave then join a new lobby. Just popping in and out.
I think and hope they're doing is focussing matches on people within your MiiVerse, other console networks don't team you up with the same people by choice, so I think that's what mean (from an optimistic point of view).

We think that one fun area of possibility, as we have discussed, is for people not just to enjoy the games but also communicate with others about topics relating to the games

#30 Mitch



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Posted 14 June 2012 - 11:07 AM

Its not about good online or friend codes or hardware specs or even games, its about supporting the big N because you know in your heart they're the best and that eventually sometime down the road they are going to get everything right :) :) :) :wub:

#31 Happy Monk

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 02:51 PM

I was right anyway. The problem isn't the friend codes, it's the lack of some sort of search function :P.
Source: http://wiiublog.com/...s-on-the-wii-u/
Don't get too worked up, because I was right.
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#32 blu gamepad

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Posted 14 June 2012 - 04:43 PM

I think CVG is putting words in Iwata-san's mouth. It clearly states, in his words, that Iwata does not think it is proper to just emulate their competitor's approach, and would rather go about it their way with what Miiverse have demonstrated and build upon that foundation with Nintendo Network. Its not that Nintendo can't catch up, but don't want to just bring their internet infrastructure up to speed in the way that everyone expects.

This is nintendo we are talking about afterall. They are not into just tacking on features in a traditional manner. As a gaming company, if its gonna be an additional feature, its gotta feel like a feature that nintendo made regardless of how long it takes to happen. Nintendo are very keen on things working smooth and efficient, and its part of why I think Nintendo didn't jump on things so hastily like online networks up til now.

If the N64 is any indication, they are not gonna jump aboard until they can do it their way, and do it well (notwithstanding, the cons that come with the territory).

oh, and sorry if I ranted a bit up there. tl;drfsr: Stop putting words in Iwata's mouth, professional journalism! ^_^

Edit: *sniff* I'm a goomba? Don't hurt me!

Edited by blu gamepad, 14 June 2012 - 04:44 PM.

#33 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 15 June 2012 - 05:51 AM

If they can do that, don't you think the online has to be really good? I mean, it's really a question because I don't know if these things are related.

No a FAQ board doesn't mean the online will be good its just a feature it could have been done on the wii or even dsi maybe not in the same form with the dsi because of its limited power.

#34 Alianjaro



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Posted 15 June 2012 - 09:48 AM

No a FAQ board doesn't mean the online will be good its just a feature it could have been done on the wii or even dsi maybe not in the same form with the dsi because of its limited power.

I know that but I mean that since the online will be community-based like what we've seen so far, do you think it requires a good online? It links to every Wii U and is the central feature of the console. The only thing PSN and XBL does is connecting you to random people or friends and let you play. The Wii U is the first console to create a social side to online gaming, so I hope they don't screw it up. They can't, and they know it. I'm not stating anything, just hoping that the Wii U gets successful.
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#35 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 16 June 2012 - 05:46 AM

I know that but I mean that since the online will be community-based like what we've seen so far, do you think it requires a good online? It links to every Wii U and is the central feature of the console. The only thing PSN and XBL does is connecting you to random people or friends and let you play. The Wii U is the first console to create a social side to online gaming, so I hope they don't screw it up. They can't, and they know it. I'm not stating anything, just hoping that the Wii U gets successful.

Well its a unique feature their really isn't a requirement to how good your online can be to have this think of it like a large app. It really can be done on most system I wouldn't be suprised if one of the other 2 companies (Microsoft/Sony) will have a update (most likely sony since Microsoft seems determine to make everything like their phones) to add a feature just like what Nintendo is doing since it really won't require a entire new online infrastructure to work it seems like something that can easily be patched in if they want.

#36 CUD


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 07:13 AM

Poor poor Nintendo, giving up already.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#37 Alianjaro



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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:38 AM

Well its a unique feature their really isn't a requirement to how good your online can be to have this think of it like a large app. It really can be done on most system I wouldn't be suprised if one of the other 2 companies (Microsoft/Sony) will have a update (most likely sony since Microsoft seems determine to make everything like their phones) to add a feature just like what Nintendo is doing since it really won't require a entire new online infrastructure to work it seems like something that can easily be patched in if they want.

Oh now I get it! Well thanks buddy :D
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#38 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 16 June 2012 - 08:47 AM

Poor poor Nintendo, giving up already.

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#39 Hinkik


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Posted 16 June 2012 - 09:37 AM

Is it really that hard. They have a lot of money they can just fix this

1. Account system
2. Cross-play voice chat
3. No friendcodes
4. Invite system

That's all it needs imo to make a good online system.


#40 Soul



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Posted 16 June 2012 - 11:30 AM

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