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The Hunger Games: Wii U

hunger Games MMO Wii U

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#1 jono



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 04:04 PM

So I recently finished Mockingjay, and it got me thinking about how a Hunger Games video game could work, especially on the Wii U. I've come up with several ideas. You create a character (using the Gamepad's camera if you want to help speed things along) and then choose the district your character will be from. Each district has different specialties that may or may not help them in the arena. For example, district four (fishing district) is great with tridents and nets. District 2 (peacekeeper district) is the most strong, but not as quick. Etc, etc. You can train as much as you want with the abilities that people in your district know how to use. In the arena, if you come across something you don't know about, you have to learn on the fly.

The game, in a sense, is an MMO. When you join a game, it pits you against 23 other randomly picked contestants also joining a game from around your country into a randomly picked stadium, out of 50. You have no way of knowing what the stadium will be, what arena-based challenges there will be, and what weapons will be in it. Unlike in the books, there is a time limit, or else they will kill everyone. in-game time it would be two weeks; it would actually be an hour. So, you have an hour to kill everyone on the map, or else you die anyways.

Unlike most multiplayer games like this, you only have one life. If you're killed, you're killed. That's it. That way, you have to make choices like the people did in the books. Do you go for the bloodbath that is the Cornucopia? do you try and make an alliance to help stay alive, despite the fact they may kill you? Speaking of which, this is one thing where I think the Wii U could really help out. Communicating via the touch pad would be easy as if it was on PC. And microphone support, for those who want it.

The game would control fairly simply. I haven't ironed out all the details, but I was thinking it could be a bit like AC3. But everything is destructible; if a knife is thrown at you and you're running away, it could get lodged in your backpack. Everything effects the player some way or another. You could stab someone with a stick, if you want. Every weapon controls differently, and takes practice to use well. The bow, for instance, you would have to turn the Gamepad sideways and point the sensor at the screen, then pull back the right amount using the touchscreen and then let go; similar to the tasunoko's castle thing in Nintendoland.

Similar to ZombiU, getting something out of your backpack would be dangerous. You'd have to unzip everything using the touchscreen, before finally choosing what to use. If someone attacks you at that time, you'd have to either drop the backpack (and therefore your supplies) or rezip everything, and therefore die.

If you win enough, then you unlock the option to go play in either easy or hard. Once you win even more, then you may only play in hard. from there, every ten times you win, you get the option to be a gamemaker. You can join any random game before it starts, and you have a variety of different traps and tricks you can set off in the arena, instead of a computer controlling it like it usually does.

You guys have any ideas?

#2 Mitch



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 04:13 PM

How about instead of that they just make a game where you get to tie the actor who plays Peeta to a post and beat him to death, id buy that game... maybe have some DLC where you could buy Justin Beiber or Dwayne the Rock Johnson

#3 jono



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 04:34 PM

How about instead of that they just make a game where you get to tie the actor who plays Peeta to a post and beat him to death, id buy that game... maybe have some DLC where you could buy Justin Beiber or Dwayne the Rock Johnson

OR, the entire crew of one direction? only fifteen dollars for that DLC!

#4 Hyrule's Samurai

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 04:58 PM

Yes, this is a good idea. But, this should not always be online. Sometimes it's better to fight CPUs. The game needs to have a storyline and world map to it, but you know, based off the book. Also, character customization needs to have the ability to choose your weapon and any special trait. Pretty good idea though.

#5 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 05:41 PM

Yes, this is a good idea. But, this should not always be online. Sometimes it's better to fight CPUs. The game needs to have a storyline and world map to it, but you know, based off the book. Also, character customization needs to have the ability to choose your weapon and any special trait. Pretty good idea though.

OR, the districts could work like classes in TES IV where if u don't like them u can create a custom class


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#6 Link707



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 07:34 PM

Children killing each other. Definitely never going to happen

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#7 Blake



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 07:42 PM

I have thought about this before, but it sadly won't happen.

They could do it completely right, but they can do it completely wrong.

On-topic: I would definitely buy this game if it existed. It would be a load of fun.

My character would be from District 4. I know I would act like a complete maniac when playing this. :P

Children killing each other. Definitely never going to happen

It would be rated M. Plus, they are teenagers. :P

The book was already adapted into a film, why not a game?

Edited by Blake, 09 August 2012 - 07:43 PM.

#8 Jakester897



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:28 PM

That wouldn't be an MMO. MMOs have persistent worlds. I see where you're coming from, though.

A story mode like this would work way better, in my opinion, if not both single-player and multi-player. Both would hypothetically be pretty sweet, but then you have ragequitters and lag to worry about in a game like this, and that is not a good thing.
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#9 Link707



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 08:35 PM

The online could be a free for all type setting with like 15-20 min games. Start everyone around a circle with the items.

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#10 Alianjaro



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Posted 09 August 2012 - 09:22 PM

Have you ever seen a movie adaptation doing well? I never did, and it's not gonna happen anytime soon IMO.
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#11 AndyG


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 01:21 AM

Im not sure if it would be the best idea to turn the movie into a game, however a game based on the concept that plays similar to DayZ will definitely bring in the big bucks.
However it will be be pretty hard for the devs to develop a smart unscripted AI in order to deliver the immersive gameplay that DayZ can offer us.

Also it would probably have to be third person in order for the parkour to work.

Oh and one last thing it would be great if it was randomly generated and their was a level editor (all though it probably wouldn't work due to the size of the map).
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#12 jono



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Posted 10 August 2012 - 09:45 AM

Yes, this is a good idea. But, this should not always be online. Sometimes it's better to fight CPUs. The game needs to have a storyline and world map to it, but you know, based off the book. Also, character customization needs to have the ability to choose your weapon and any special trait. Pretty good idea though.

I was going to have a section on singleplayer, but had to stop writing. I was thinking there would be 25 singleplayer stages that were bigger, had no time limit, and had more emphasis on survival then hunting.

Have you ever seen a movie adaptation doing well? I never did, and it's not gonna happen anytime soon IMO.

It wouldn't be a movie adaption, because it wouldn't actually be based off the story, just the concept and world.

The online could be a free for all type setting with like 15-20 min games. Start everyone around a circle with the items.

There could be a few stages like this, yes, but that's not at all my vision for the game; that would just be traditional deathmatch, which has been seen many, many times.

Im not sure if it would be the best idea to turn the movie into a game, however a game based on the concept that plays similar to DayZ will definitely bring in the big bucks.
However it will be be pretty hard for the devs to develop a smart unscripted AI in order to deliver the immersive gameplay that DayZ can offer us.

Also it would probably have to be third person in order for the parkour to work.

Oh and one last thing it would be great if it was randomly generated and their was a level editor (all though it probably wouldn't work due to the size of the map).

What's DayZ?

Of course it would be third person! I was thinking kind of like AC, with more destructive environments and smarter AI for singleplayer.

That would be awesome.... I feel like they could make a set amount of stages but every time there are different obstacles.

#13 Link707



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Posted 10 August 2012 - 12:10 PM

There could be a few stages like this, yes, but that's not at all my vision for the game; that would just be traditional deathmatch, which has been seen many, many times.

That's the main point of it though, isn't it?? Everyone fighting to the death. Not much not you could do with online. Once some dies it's going to get boring waiting for the match to end of you only get one life

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#14 jono



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Posted 10 August 2012 - 01:07 PM

That's the main point of it though, isn't it?? Everyone fighting to the death. Not much not you could do with online. Once some dies it's going to get boring waiting for the match to end of you only get one life

Why would you stay watching? I'd think you'd go and join another game. One of the big things about HG is the survival element, not just the combat elements, and that's something that isn't in many multiplayer modes/games.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: hunger Games, MMO, Wii U

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