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#121 3Dude



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:26 AM

Well guess what? Even if I were to stop MY "belly-aching", it's not going to stop future generations of players from doing the same thing. Do you know why that is? It's because as long as it's an issue, it will be addressed. Whether it's here, or on their website, on a reviewer's site, it doesn't matter. What the hell are forums for if you can't address the good AND the bad? This is NOT just for the sake of Monster Hunter enthusiasts, but for the first timers as well. Any criticism given should be one well noted, not simply disregarded because of its history.
I appreciate the feedback on the camera options. It's extra work on my end, but you take the good with the bad if it's worth it.
As for PendanticGamer, he/she(sorry..idk ><) is absolutely right in his/her judgement in expecting a better put-together port. Honestly, I wouldn't even have to play the previous installments to want the latest upgrades installed onto the ported title. It's called making your buck worth it. Is it wrong to expect results of a higher calibur?And are you completely ruled out if you happen to be new to the series? Depending on your answer...i may or may not choose to respond.

Yeah, you may be completely ruled out if you are new to the series, thats what keep trying to tell people when i say it has the highest entry barrier in gaming.

And what im telling you is in case you decide to go BEYOND being a new member to the series. Ask questions instead of complaining about the game. 99% of the time there is a reason its that way, and its something weve seen hundreds of thousands of times before, and most mh veterans are far happier to answer questions theyve seen before than the damn complaining we have to endure everytime mh gets some media exposure. And trust me, you are going to have questions, so many questions, and finding answers will make MORE QUESTIONS, and MORE QUESTIONS and then you decide to switch from blade master to gunner and the world is upside down and you have MORE QUESTIONS....

If however, you like the IDEA of monster hunter, like pedantic, but can not accept the entry barrier...

I will suggest dragons dogma, its a sister ip to monster hunter, making the sacrifices necessary to add high production values. Because of this some mh fans revile the series. But i appreciate the option to enjoy both the sophisticated old, and modernized new experiences with the fantastic monster hunter concept. I am a bit jealous in the massive shism in production values, but understand why it must be.

Its like mh, but its an open world rpg with excellent streamlined and modernized action controls. If monster hunter looks attractive to you, and you WANT to enjoy it, but just find yourself unable because of design choices or what have you, check out dragons dogma.

Edited by 3Dude, 22 February 2013 - 05:28 AM.



#122 Lord N

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 06:15 AM

Yeah, you may be completely ruled out if you are new to the series, thats what keep trying to tell people when i say it has the highest entry barrier in gaming.

And what im telling you is in case you decide to go BEYOND being a new member to the series. Ask questions instead of complaining about the game. 99% of the time there is a reason its that way, and its something weve seen hundreds of thousands of times before, and most mh veterans are far happier to answer questions theyve seen before than the damn complaining we have to endure everytime mh gets some media exposure. And trust me, you are going to have questions, so many questions, and finding answers will make MORE QUESTIONS, and MORE QUESTIONS and then you decide to switch from blade master to gunner and the world is upside down and you have MORE QUESTIONS....

If however, you like the IDEA of monster hunter, like pedantic, but can not accept the entry barrier...

I will suggest dragons dogma, its a sister ip to monster hunter, making the sacrifices necessary to add high production values. Because of this some mh fans revile the series. But i appreciate the option to enjoy both the sophisticated old, and modernized new experiences with the fantastic monster hunter concept. I am a bit jealous in the massive shism in production values, but understand why it must be.

Its like mh, but its an open world rpg with excellent streamlined and modernized action controls. If monster hunter looks attractive to you, and you WANT to enjoy it, but just find yourself unable because of design choices or what have you, check out dragons dogma.

I can understand there are specific reasons for many things in regards to MH. I highly doubt everything though. The lacking camera and mediocre lock-on system don't seem to be done that way intentionally. I may not know the game, but it's simply not ideal when running around killing monsters. These are just a few examples. To be quite honest and frank, i didn't find much wrong with what I played. I've never been a graphics person, so the smudgy details on the characters and weapons didn't really bother me too much. Focusing on battle was at first...very unattractive. After a bit of trial and error, I discovered the battle system wasn't so bad at all. To me, all that was left was a complaint, not a question. Or if you insist, why isn't there a second analog stick for the camera? My performance seemed to have improved on the Wii U version where a 2nd stick is provided, over using what's given on the 3ds version. Another small peeve is that in order to fix it, you have to mess around with all these different camera options (yes, the very same you mentioned earlier) just to get it to your liking. Very inconvenient if you ask me. Now, entry barrier or not, bad camera work is noticeable if you're a real gamer. So what question would it be this time?

You had mentioned in a previous post that over the years, the camera has been designed around the combat. I'm here to say, i don't like the way they do things, at least on the portables. Sure, that is a matter of opinion, but developers themselves recognize the issue. I'm almost inclined to believe the reason behind integrating the camera to the battle (when used in that manner, because it's not that way by default)is simply their way of creating a workaround for an already existing issue. But me as a player, should not have to settle for work-arounds, comprende? Same reason why PendanticGamer doesn't have to settle for a crappy port. Thus, we're entitled to fuss, and complain all we like because we're paying customers. They are developing for US.

Actually, the way expectations work is it is a measure of expected qualities discerned from previous experiences with the same or similar subject.... so your expectations, if practical and realistic, WOULD BE directly associated with past games. Of course if you dont have those experiences.....

You are right, having unrealistic expectations not demonstrated by any other game in the series, then single handedly pointing this one out is nonsense and a waste of time.

Do not misunderstand. A series like MH will always be under all this scrutiny because they work under the classic ways of their franchise. In this day in age, you'll have old and new gamers develop their own expectations of what they want in the game, regardless of their experience with it. So i understand perfectly well whats going on here. What you should understand is that game flaws like those to exist can't be excused simply because of its history. This is 2013. This is cut-throat buddy. From what you tell me, it seems like the dev team @ Dragons Dogma has the right idea in knowing how to flow with the times. I'm not saying they have to change the entire MH formula, but to have choppy cameras, lame lock-ons and lack of tutorials is simply inexcusable.

There are no right answers to my only 3 questions. Why? Because they're faults, not in-game strategic coding.
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#123 3Dude



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 07:11 AM

I can understand there are specific reasons for many things in regards to MH. I highly doubt everything though. The lacking camera and mediocre lock-on system don't seem to be done that way intentionally. I may not know the game, but it's simply not ideal when running around killing monsters. These are just a few examples. To be quite honest and frank, i didn't find much wrong with what I played. I've never been a graphics person, so the smudgy details on the characters and weapons didn't really bother me too much. Focusing on battle was at first...very unattractive. After a bit of trial and error, I discovered the battle system wasn't so bad at all. To me, all that was left was a complaint, not a question. Or if you insist, why isn't there a second analog stick for the camera? My performance seemed to have improved on the Wii U version where a 2nd stick is provided, over using what's given on the 3ds version. Another small peeve is that in order to fix it, you have to mess around with all these different camera options (yes, the very same you mentioned earlier) just to get it to your liking. Very inconvenient if you ask me. Now, entry barrier or not, bad camera work is noticeable if you're a real gamer. So what question would it be this time?
You had mentioned in a previous post that over the years, the camera has been designed around the combat. I'm here to say, i don't like the way they do things, at least on the portables. Sure, that is a matter of opinion, but developers themselves recognize the issue. I'm almost inclined to believe the reason behind integrating the camera to the battle (when used in that manner, because it's not that way by default)is simply their way of creating a workaround for an already existing issue. But me as a player, should not have to settle for work-arounds, comprende? Same reason why PendanticGamer doesn't have to settle for a crappy port. Thus, we're entitled to fuss, and complain all we like because we're paying customers. They are developing for US.
Do not misunderstand. A series like MH will always be under all this scrutiny because they work under the classic ways of their franchise. In this day in age, you'll have old and new gamers develop their own expectations of what they want in the game, regardless of their experience with it. So i understand perfectly well whats going on here. What you should understand is that game flaws like those to exist can't be excused simply because of its history. This is 2013. This is cut-throat buddy. From what you tell me, it seems like the dev team @ Dragons Dogma has the right idea in knowing how to flow with the times. I'm not saying they have to change the entire MH formula, but to have choppy cameras, lame lock-ons and lack of tutorials is simply inexcusable.
There are no right answers to my only 3 questions. Why? Because they're faults, not in-game strategic coding.

It actually is done that way on purpose, if they wanted too, they could have an qctual lock on system, but that would render many items and armor skills not in the actual demo pointless, and enrage series veterens for 'casualizing' the experience. The lock on that so helps you is already a point of contention among fans for breaking the game. It is after all, called monster HUNTER, not fighter, or battler, tracking, and keeping track of the monsters is an in game skill, and augmented via skills and powers, like the tracking skill or paintballs to mark the monsters. They continue to make monster hunter this way for US, not you. Its also why the production values of the franchise are so modest.

For you they (the monster hunter team) made dragons dogma, which has everything you desire at the expense of the things i hinted at earlier.

Edited by 3Dude, 22 February 2013 - 08:00 AM.



#124 Mc_Boing



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:46 PM

Wow! I'm used to the dynasty warriors games and I can't believe how slow these characters move! It was still pretty fun but dang, they need a run button or speed boosts.
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#125 Lord N

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 02:55 PM

It actually is done that way on purpose, if they wanted too, they could have an qctual lock on system, but that would render many items and armor skills not in the actual demo pointless, and enrage series veterens for 'casualizing' the experience. The lock on that so helps you is already a point of contention among fans for breaking the game. It is after all, called monster HUNTER, not fighter, or battler, tracking, and keeping track of the monsters is an in game skill, and augmented via skills and powers, like the tracking skill or paintballs to mark the monsters. They continue to make monster hunter this way for US, not you. Its also why the production values of the franchise are so modest.

For you they (the monster hunter team) made dragons dogma, which has everything you desire at the expense of the things i hinted at earlier.

Hmm...i dont know. It sounds like a way to justify the flaw. It isn't really "casualizing the experience" because all the right elements will still be present. The game will still be Monster Hunter and recognized as such. As with any change developers make, they always risk alienating their fanbase. Tweaks like the one's I mentioned won't rid MH of it's charm because the game is deeper than any of the flaws I mentioned. I managed just fine without the tutorial and I can work around the camera and lock-on. Despite the flaws i mentioned, as I said..I had a good time with it. I'm sure the seasoned vets wouldn't mind a few minor improvements that can give you the overall better experience.

And I get it. The monster tracking part of the game is extremely intriguing. I love it when they run. I don't need the lock-on for that, but while in combat, the manual camera controls, camera adjustments and lock-on are all really mediocre. As you said, the vets already know this and are apparently tired of listening to the same thing. I'm just letting the newcomers know what to expect because not everyone has played the game and not everyone knows what it has to offer. All I gotta say is just wait til MH4, you may be hearing from me again :P

Wow! I'm used to the dynasty warriors games and I can't believe how slow these characters move! It was still pretty fun but dang, they need a run button or speed boosts.

"R" is the run button when you're weapon is sheathed. You can't run while you have your weapon out.

It actually is done that way on purpose, if they wanted too, they could have an qctual lock on system, but that would render many items and armor skills not in the actual demo pointless, and enrage series veterens for 'casualizing' the experience. The lock on that so helps you is already a point of contention among fans for breaking the game. It is after all, called monster HUNTER, not fighter, or battler, tracking, and keeping track of the monsters is an in game skill, and augmented via skills and powers, like the tracking skill or paintballs to mark the monsters. They continue to make monster hunter this way for US, not you. Its also why the production values of the franchise are so modest.

For you they (the monster hunter team) made dragons dogma, which has everything you desire at the expense of the things i hinted at earlier.

See what I mean about tutorials? Our friend Mc_Boing here wouldn't be having issues finding out how to run if they had a tutorial. An option for it atleast would not take anything away from the game.
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#126 3Dude



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:31 PM

Hmm...i dont know. It sounds like a way to justify the flaw. It isn't really "casualizing the experience" because all the right elements will still be present. The game will still be Monster Hunter and recognized as such. As with any change developers make, they always risk alienating their fanbase. Tweaks like the one's I mentioned won't rid MH of it's charm because the game is deeper than any of the flaws I mentioned. I managed just fine without the tutorial and I can work around the camera and lock-on. Despite the flaws i mentioned, as I said..I had a good time with it. I'm sure the seasoned vets wouldn't mind a few minor improvements that can give you the overall better experience.
And I get it. The monster tracking part of the game is extremely intriguing. I love it when they run. I don't need the lock-on for that, but while in combat, the manual camera controls, camera adjustments and lock-on are all really mediocre. As you said, the vets already know this and are apparently tired of listening to the same thing. I'm just letting the newcomers know what to expect because not everyone has played the game and not everyone knows what it has to offer. All I gotta say is just wait til MH4, you may be hearing from me again :P
"R" is the run button when you're weapon is sheathed. You can't run while you have your weapon out.
See what I mean about tutorials? Our friend Mc_Boing here wouldn't be having issues finding out how to run if they had a tutorial. An option for it atleast would not take anything away from the game.

I Dont think i ever disagreed about the need for tutorials, in fact ive never done anything but the opposite, im pretty sure ive used the phrase 'highest entry barrier in gaming' at least half a dozen times now.

The lock on and auto camera you are looking for is game breaking to monster hunter, again, entire class specifications would be pointless. You have no clue about the things you are saying because you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Make the kind of changes you are asking for then why bother having psychics or gurus, on the team, or bother making paint balls or bullets if anyone can just effortlessly keep track of a monster whos greatest defense is how its ai speedily hides in your blind spots? or if you can tell how much health and stamina a monster has left by a meter on screen?

You have no idea how deep this hole goes. You cant even keep track of monsters yet (no one can when they first start... even with analog sticks), you probably dont pay attention to background monsters behavior while fighting yet, which is something ELSE you will complain about when you get sideswiped by a rathian or deviljho after missing all the warning signs that another predator has entered the environment of your quest uninvited. Would a tutorial help? uh yeah. But there isnt one in the game, it would be so massive if it was in game that it would be a 100 hour tutorial before the game even starts! Thats what forums and mh wiki are for. But do you guys ever, EVER think that you just dont know how to play and ASK HOW? NO, its always 'This games broken and has terrible controls, needs a run button, or to handicap monsters by removing their ability to hide or lose hunters with a lock on camera because im good at other games but suck at this so it cant be me'. And then when you find out it IS in the game, your first remark isnt 'Gee, i guess i shouldnt have jumped to conclusions'. No, of course not.

You cant even track monsters yet you think you know exactly what the series needs and whats a 'fault' with it?

Each individual part of a monster has its own health and stamina, we aim for crippling individual PEICES of the monster that you guys cant barely even hit yet. We aim to hit with certain PARTS of our weapons (greatsword gets a 1.25x damage boost if you hit with the middle of the sword.)

And we do it so consistantly and reliably, we can stop a charging monster dead in its tracks by nailing it between the eyes. Look it up on you tube.

Yet you cant even keep track of the monster yet without the computer doing it for you.

Fine, then spend the precious armor slots to earn a skill that always shows you where the monster is.

But no, you already want to destroy all that we get to do here thats been taken away everywhere else so you can simply feel like you are good at the game the second you pick it up.

These arent faults, its skill you just dont have. (no one, NO ONE has these skills when they first start playing monster hunter).

Dragons dogma does everything you ask for, it was made with the mh team SPECIFICALLY to see if a streamlined easier casualised monster hunter experience could attract mainstream interest, and yes, it does COMPLETELY change the game into not being monster hunter. Go play that, its a fantastic game.

Go monster bashing, complete with lock ons so you never get disoriented, lifebars so you know how much health the monster has, big glowing weak points you can lock on to so you dont miss, and levels, so if you find a monster is too hard, you can just grind levels until its easier, or use stat up items, or find better weapons or items in a chest.

Leave the hunting to us, or invest the time to develop the skills.

Oh, theres a game manual for the demo that explains things like the run button from the home menu. Kinda ironic.

Edited by 3Dude, 22 February 2013 - 05:34 PM.



#127 Mushlikeahusky



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:42 PM

Im starting to get better at it I can hold my own very well. Its going to be a lot of fun.
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#128 Dusean17



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 08:47 PM

Capcom plans to support PS4 I wonder will I get two great Monster Hunter games this year?


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#129 Lord N

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Posted 22 February 2013 - 09:19 PM

I Dont think i ever disagreed about the need for tutorials, in fact ive never done anything but the opposite, im pretty sure ive used the phrase 'highest entry barrier in gaming' at least half a dozen times now.

The lock on and auto camera you are looking for is game breaking to monster hunter, again, entire class specifications would be pointless. You have no clue about the things you are saying because you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Make the kind of changes you are asking for then why bother having psychics or gurus, on the team, or bother making paint balls or bullets if anyone can just effortlessly keep track of a monster whos greatest defense is how its ai speedily hides in your blind spots? or if you can tell how much health and stamina a monster has left by a meter on screen?

You have no idea how deep this hole goes. You cant even keep track of monsters yet (no one can when they first start... even with analog sticks), you probably dont pay attention to background monsters behavior while fighting yet, which is something ELSE you will complain about when you get sideswiped by a rathian or deviljho after missing all the warning signs that another predator has entered the environment of your quest uninvited. Would a tutorial help? uh yeah. But there isnt one in the game, it would be so massive if it was in game that it would be a 100 hour tutorial before the game even starts! Thats what forums and mh wiki are for. But do you guys ever, EVER think that you just dont know how to play and ASK HOW? NO, its always 'This games broken and has terrible controls, needs a run button, or to handicap monsters by removing their ability to hide or lose hunters with a lock on camera because im good at other games but suck at this so it cant be me'. And then when you find out it IS in the game, your first remark isnt 'Gee, i guess i shouldnt have jumped to conclusions'. No, of course not.

You cant even track monsters yet you think you know exactly what the series needs and whats a 'fault' with it?

Each individual part of a monster has its own health and stamina, we aim for crippling individual PEICES of the monster that you guys cant barely even hit yet. We aim to hit with certain PARTS of our weapons (greatsword gets a 1.25x damage boost if you hit with the middle of the sword.)

And we do it so consistantly and reliably, we can stop a charging monster dead in its tracks by nailing it between the eyes. Look it up on you tube.

Yet you cant even keep track of the monster yet without the computer doing it for you.

Fine, then spend the precious armor slots to earn a skill that always shows you where the monster is.

But no, you already want to destroy all that we get to do here thats been taken away everywhere else so you can simply feel like you are good at the game the second you pick it up.

These arent faults, its skill you just dont have. (no one, NO ONE has these skills when they first start playing monster hunter).

Dragons dogma does everything you ask for, it was made with the mh team SPECIFICALLY to see if a streamlined easier casualised monster hunter experience could attract mainstream interest, and yes, it does COMPLETELY change the game into not being monster hunter. Go play that, its a fantastic game.

Go monster bashing, complete with lock ons so you never get disoriented, lifebars so you know how much health the monster has, big glowing weak points you can lock on to so you dont miss, and levels, so if you find a monster is too hard, you can just grind levels until its easier, or use stat up items, or find better weapons or items in a chest.

Leave the hunting to us, or invest the time to develop the skills.

Oh, theres a game manual for the demo that explains things like the run button from the home menu. Kinda ironic.

Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. Nothing is getting done anymore.
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#130 Lupaie



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:26 PM

Okay, my first try at MH3 with the demo resulted as foreseenin a quick death. Little things like invisible walls, slow walking and not all to good graphics were expected, maybe not this bad but.... I can forgive them because it feels like an incridible deep game. With a clear substance over eyecandy approach I will definately buy this game.

First lesson: after dying with a bowman I choose to opt for swords which made the targeting system obsolete. I had a real hard time with that targeting. Swords are twice as easy.

Is it correct that in the demo I can not upgrade my character?

Is there a character select screen in the full game before every mission or is it only your own setup character?

More question to follow ;)

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#131 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 23 February 2013 - 01:12 AM

So, I'm actually going to call out Cerberuz on this one because I can trust his opinion on Monster Hunter as proven before.

How is the demo for Wii U/3DS?

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#132 dark_rabbid


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 05:13 AM

Okay, my first try at MH3 with the demo resulted as foreseenin a quick death. Little things like invisible walls, slow walking and not all to good graphics were expected, maybe not this bad but.... I can forgive them because it feels like an incridible deep game. With a clear substance over eyecandy approach I will definately buy this game.
First lesson: after dying with a bowman I choose to opt for swords which made the targeting system obsolete. I had a real hard time with that targeting. Swords are twice as easy.
Is it correct that in the demo I can not upgrade my character?
Is there a character select screen in the full game before every mission or is it only your own setup character?
More question to follow ;)

there isn't a character select screen in the main game you choose all your gear before you head out of the town. Once you use the charectors creator in the beginning that's the character you use for the rest of the game, unless you start over. Also this is what you did In tri for wii so I would assume that it is the same in this case.

Also for those who get the wiiu version and it's there first time, you'll love the online but do not neglect the single player eventually you unlock a mini farm/garden thing that lets you reproduce items found in the wild and some are very very rare and supper cool. On tri the garden wasn't on the online part but the items could travel between on/offline. I hope they kept the farm.
Also for those who are haveing trouble withthecontrols the wii mote on tri seemed to be easier use.

#133 Gamejunkie



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 05:47 AM

You do realize that every single portable monster hunter ever made worked just fine with only one analog stick right?
You do realize the portable monster hunters vastly outnumber console monster hunters, and thus the vast majority of monster hunter games only used one analog stick.
Use the damn camera ai's, thats the sole purpose for their invention when the series was moved to psp.
Monster hunter has the highest entry barrier in gaming. You are going to hear this a lot from people who play monster hunter because we are damn sick of 15 years of noobs throwing the same crap all over the place because they dont know how to play.
Its not the game, its not the platform, its you.
Usually its because of something you just dont know about, the rest fthe time, its just lack of skill.

Trust me, i know you are going to get upset with the controls and the complete and absolute lack of any instruction. We ALL did at one point. None of us know all the moves for the game. Most of us specialize at most, with only a handful of the weapons, and posess more limited information, or even no information on other weapons. When we want to begin learning a new weapon, first thing we do is head straight for monster hunter wiki, as there are no in game tutorials, or iformation in the book that scratches the complexity of each weapon.
Im just telling you, dont come into a monster hunter thread, knowing you dont know anything about monster hunter, and then making statements about how its supposed to be, or how it MUST be played, or whats wrong with it.
People new to the series have been doing it in every monster hunter thread for over 10 years. Those of us who are series fans, have grown very, very, tired of hearing it all everytime monster hunter is exposed to the masses.
Monster hunter LITERALLY has a strategy or purpose to everything. Trust me, weve heard every complaint or 'problem' hundreds to thousands of times before in every mhthread weve tried to enjoy.... And there is Almost ALWAYS a design mechanic solution in the game.
For example with your experience of the second analog stick being the MUST have solution only demonstrates your inexperience with the game.
Simply put, the games been designed around 1 analog stick camera control for a very long time. This changes things you probably wouldnt even imagine. Monsters have been designed to react to the speed of an ai camera doing a 180, not an analog stick.
The wii u version also includes the camera ai options of the 3ds/psp games... despite having two analog sticks. And i use them over the option of an analog controlled camera when fighting monsters.
Because it is impossible for the analog stick to scroll fast enough to find a raging monster mid spam before it attacks you again. It was actually one of series fans biggest complaints about tri. The analog camera just didnt seem to be as fast as 'the claw'.

Stop insulting people's intelligence and acting like such a blooming elitist. It doesn't do anything for your credibility and if anything harms it. Just because you're such a so called expert at the game doesn't mean you can criticise others who find flaws with it. The game isn't simple to grasp or easy to play and a tutorial whilst needed in many other games is absolutely required in this game especially in the demo which itself has limited number of plays. Not to mention just because you're happy to play it with one analogue stick doesn't mean that's the best way to play it and that two stocks would not make it better.

Your reasoning makes little sense. I don't care how tired you and every other Monster Hunter fanboy (that's right, i said it, fanboy) is of hearing the same complaints on a thread. If it applies to the game, I'm going to talk about it. That being said, going back to my original point, there is NO reason why there shouldn't be a tutorial.
If anyone has a problem with me speaking my mind, then that's your problem, not mine. It's not like I'm speaking blasphemy.

Good on you.

When a game fails to make the player make sense of it's controls through a tutorial or through actual gameplay, that is the fault of the game. Just because the mass has gotten used a flaw doesn't mean it's not a flaw anymore... it just means the mass has looked past it. For the demo, the first look into a game new players have hands on, to ignore a newer audience base.. that's awful.
That being said, that was his opinion based off the demo as a new player being introduced to a game without guidance, giving advice to other players who may have an issue with this. New players shouldn't have to go on a Wikipedia to learn to play the game. You're speaking through the lenses of elitism.


#134 PedanticGamer


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:01 AM

Your reasoning makes little sense. I don't care how tired you and every other Monster Hunter fanboy (that's right, i said it, fanboy) is of hearing the same complaints on a thread. If it applies to the game, I'm going to talk about it. That being said, going back to my original point, there is NO reason why there shouldn't be a tutorial.

If anyone has a problem with me speaking my mind, then that's your problem, not mine. It's not like I'm speaking blasphemy.

Remember I was clearly not a fan because I wasn't happy with a cheaply done port.

#135 CUD


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:05 AM

Well I played the demo on 3DS today and my first impressions are pretty bad to be honest. The controls are bad, the environments are just wide open areas with nothing to do and, as others have pointed out, the demo is lacking in a tutorial so a new MH player like myself is left clueless.

I died fighting the boss on easy difficulty since I hadn't really got to grips with the combat system and the damn camera controls were frustrating as heck; that damn boss kept charging so fast I'd lose where he was then I discovered there was some kind of lock on enemy system but I still couldn't defeat the boss since the combat system wasn't explained at all...

Edited by CUD, 23 February 2013 - 05:45 PM.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#136 Fig


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:11 AM

I agree with Demon Lord and CUD. I'm also a new player, and the lack of a tutorial was frustrating. How do they plan on expanding their market if they don't tell noobs how to play a very detailed and nuanced game? If I were 15 I would have rage quit by now. Luckily a guy on Miiverse told me how to AI the camera to the monster. Now I need to figure out how to do combos. I'm 0/3 in my quests now. I can't kill that dang giant rabbit.

Edited by Fig, 23 February 2013 - 06:12 AM.

#137 dark_rabbid


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:28 AM

I agree with Demon Lord and CUD. I'm also a new player, and the lack of a tutorial was frustrating. How do they plan on expanding their market if they don't tell noobs how to play a very detailed and nuanced game? If I were 15 I would have rage quit by now. Luckily a guy on Miiverse told me how to AI the camera to the monster. Now I need to figure out how to do combos. I'm 0/3 in my quests now. I can't kill that dang giant rabbit.

Don't worry to much about tutorials the game does actually have them they start off having you scavenge for items etc to get you used to it and fighting smaller stuff. They actually had you fighting creatures that(although I don't rember the rabbit on tri) should be placed half way through the game aprox. The snow world was about the middle of the game, so that wasn't very nice to do.....capcom. What they should have did was gave you the scavenge missions and the great jaggi monster for a boss would have not only been easier on new players but got you used to the game the way the actual game does.

#138 Fig


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 06:37 AM

Don't worry to much about tutorials the game does actually have them they start off having you scavenge for items etc to get you used to it and fighting smaller stuff. They actually had you fighting creatures that(although I don't rember the rabbit on tri) should be placed half way through the game aprox. The snow world was about the middle of the game, so that wasn't very nice to do.....capcom. What they should have did was gave you the scavenge missions and the great jaggi monster for a boss would have not only been easier on new players but got you used to the game the way the actual game does.

Yeah, I can tell its a poor demo. Not saying the game will be bad, I'm saying it is literally a poor demonstration. Less patient players will probably give up in 15 mins or less.

#139 3Dude



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 09:25 AM

Capcom plans to support PS4 I wonder will I get two great Monster Hunter games this year?

Capcom supported the ps3,and the vita. And the only mh game to come to ps3 after tri was canceled for ps3 and moved to wii to lower production costs was a psp monster hunter. Its
unlikely capcom will ever make a mh for ps4, or 720, or even wii u. (ultimate is a 3ds game). And if they did it would never come stateside. It would cost too much, and doesnt sell enough in na to warrant a localization for such an expensive mh.

Monster hunters main platform is the 3ds now. Which also just so happens to be the cheapest platform to make a high quality title (in relation to system capabilities), as its the least powerful of the modern platforms. A pattern you will notice with mh, it always appears on the least powerful platform that it can run on.

For powerful systems, capcom and the mh team have created dragons dogma, a franchise designed to appeal a more mainstream audience and hopefully sell enough to make more than they spent making it. Capcom already released an epic looking teaser for it on the ps4.

Yeah, I can tell its a poor demo. Not saying the game will be bad, I'm saying it is literally a poor demonstration. Less patient players will probably give up in 15 mins or less.

Its not just the demo. Its the entire franchise. The tutorial in tri merely teaches you what you must do to prepare for a hunt. If you want to learn how to play, go to the monster hunter wiki, its entirely too complicated and vast to put in a tutorial or instruction manual anyways.

Past that, its skill. It is a very very very skill demanding game. Its not meant to attract the mainstream, thats why they made dragons dogma.

Well I played the demo on 3DS today and my first impressions are pretty bad to be honest. The controls are bad, the environments are just wide open areas with nothing to do and, as others have pointed out, the demo is lacking in a tutorial so a new MH player like myself is left clueless.
I died fighting the boss on easy difficulty since I hadn't really got to grips with the combat system and the damn camera controls were frustrating as heck; that damn boss kept charging so fast I'd lose where he was then I discovered there was some kind of lock on enemy system but I still couldn't defeat the boss since the combat system was explained at all...

To you and everyone else, every move in the combat system is included in the manual. If you cant even figure out to look at the manual, before going online to complain about things the manual explains, you should NOT be playing monster hunter

Okay, my first try at MH3 with the demo resulted as foreseenin a quick death. Little things like invisible walls, slow walking and not all to good graphics were expected, maybe not this bad but.... I can forgive them because it feels like an incridible deep game. With a clear substance over eyecandy approach I will definately buy this game.
First lesson: after dying with a bowman I choose to opt for swords which made the targeting system obsolete. I had a real hard time with that targeting. Swords are twice as easy.
Is it correct that in the demo I can not upgrade my character?
Is there a character select screen in the full game before every mission or is it only your own setup character?
More question to follow ;)

There is no character upgrading in monster hunter. You never level up, your base stats never get higher.

All stats are directly related to the armor and weapons equipped.

You cant level up your character to get past monsters you are having trouble with.

The only way you can improve your character is to make armor and weapons with better stats and skills from monsters you defeated. If you cant defeat the monster... you cant get stronger.... and you cant advance in the game.

Edited by 3Dude, 23 February 2013 - 09:20 AM.



#140 Lupaie



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Posted 23 February 2013 - 10:34 AM

What can I do with the loot? I found out that i had to return to camp but once opening the chest nothing is selectable or activatible.

What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left

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