Posted 18 November 2012 - 01:43 PM
I unpackage this thing (the Wii U Deluxe) thinking that the stand which comes with it would be worth something. Instead I find out that it is two pieces of plastic. But once you fit these two pieces of plastic on the bottom of your Wii U, you will find that they work well.
Something else you will notice is that the Gamepad is almost the size of the system. It has a screen bigger than the PS Vita's. And for being such a large Gamepad, it's surprisingly comfortable in your hands.
The Gamepad's included cradle currently puzzles me. All you need is the stand to charge it on.
The power brick to this system is pretty large, as you know. It is larger than the Wii's. The Gamepad also has a smaller power brick. When stood straight up, the actual depth of the console is larger than the Wii's depth.
Playing a Wii game is a bit more difficult than playing a Wii game natively on the Wii, because it will take longer to start up, or at least from my experience of starting up Madden 13 Wii for the first time.
The Wii U discs actually smudge easily. I dropped one on the carpet and then tried to wipe it off, and it created a horrible mess of blotches, fingerprints, etc.
A nice addition was having my picture taken by the Gamepad so that the system can help choose the features of my Mii. It was a little off, but it still saved me a minute or two.
I have yet to play Nintendo Land, so I will have to do that.
I give bonus points for including a HDMI cable, even though we've known that they were included with both Wii Us.
My score: 8.75/10
Taking a picture with the Gamepad
The Gampad itself
Cheap stand
Taking awhile for a Wii game to start up. Hopefully there is an option for a shortcut the next time you start it up.
My horrible experience downloading an update, which took 7 hours when it should have taken 60 minutes.
Posted 18 November 2012 - 01:55 PM
The only thing I want is some extra apps like drawing and some board games and all :] Hopefully they will be available for cheap in the eShop. The stand isn't that cheap, it does what it needs to. And also a camera app would be cool too :3 Although you can only take pics of yourself, it's still cool. I'm not saying I expect it in the eShop, because it's only the first day.
But overall, I would give Wii U a 9.5/10 :] I looooove it.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 02:10 PM
Posted 28 November 2012 - 02:32 PM
Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:17 PM
I gave it a 10 because of the risk Nintendo took to put this system on the market. First console they are selling at a loss, first console with an online community that lets you draw willys. (look at other thread posted) Umm first HD console for Nintendo. I think the OS GUI is awesome, i can have the mini miiverse displayed on my tablet or TV, I can either point my Wiimote at the TV to navigate menus, use the Dpad, thumbstick, OR touch sceen. Possible connectivity with 3DS. Eshop, digital download reward system for deluxe model owners. Backwards compatible, uses exsisting Wiimotes/classic controllers. I can use the tablet to run my TV on/off, select/change TV input. I can change my Direct TV channels, navigate the guide with the Dpad, and use A to select what channel i want.
Thats all i can think of now...
Edited by Jeremygts, 28 November 2012 - 03:19 PM.
Posted 28 November 2012 - 03:26 PM
Posted 28 November 2012 - 05:54 PM
Slow loadings in Wii U menu? I don't mind at all.
Freezes? It only froze one time and everything freezes in this world so no problemo
GamePad? One word: Epic
Graphics? Yet to be seen with upcoming games. Mostly I care about the resolution and Wii U supports 1080 in the games I have so it's cool
GamePad Battery? So what? Take a 1 hour break every 3 hours

Posted 01 December 2012 - 11:44 PM

I'm giving it a ten, it's the best console I have ever brought.
Posted 02 December 2012 - 08:48 PM
At one point Nintendo was the king of consoles. Who could forget the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and the Nintendo 64? Who could possibly decrown the almighty Nintendo?
Well....Nintendo could. Nintendo has been in a spiraling decline since the glory days of the Nintendo 64. The Gamecube released and was actually more powerful than the PS2, and yet it failed to get the 3rd party support that the PS2 had. So how would Nintendo follow up with their next console? By releasing the Gamecube again!!!!!!! But this time they gave it a new mask and added some motion controllers. How long would it take for consumers to see through Nintendo's tricks? About as long as it took you to figure out the cheat in 100 pin Wii bowling!!!!!!
But with all of that said, why would anyone want to buy a console that still shares the tainted name that is the "Wii"? Continue reading to see if you are being tricked by Nintendo for a second time.
The Console
Lets start with the front of the console.
Power button
Eject button
Sync button
Slot for inserting disc
SD card reader
2 USB ports
The rear of the console.
Power and sensor bar ports
2 USB ports
HDMI port
The console itself feels pretty sturdy. It looks similar to the original Wii, but it has more rounded edges and is longer in depth. Since the Wii U does not support Gamecube games, there are no external controller ports, or Gamecube memory card slots.
The Wii U also supports 25gb Blu-Ray based discs.
I purchased the 8gb model because I knew Nintendo allowed for external storage. I had a 16gb USB thumb drive laying around, so I decided to use that for now. Nintendo has stated that they recommend you do not go over 2TB, and that your external hard drive should have it's own power source.
You will want to power the Wii U down before plugging in the external storage. Once you power back on, you will be prompted on screen to format the drive so the Wii U can access it. Once you format the drive, you are done. You will know that the Wii U is reading the external drive by the blue hdd logo in the bottom left corner of the tablet screen.
The tablet controller
This controller features a 6.2" touchscreen. This is easily the key feature of the Wii U. The controller has your standard buttons and dual analog sticks. It sports a front facing camera and a stylus tucked at the top of the controller. There is also a home button which acts the same as the PS3 and Xbox 360 center buttons. The tablet also has two speakers and a microphone.
This controller does have one button that no other gaming controllers have, the TVii button. This button will allow you to use your tablet to control your cable box and or TV without the need of any other remotes. Getting the tablet to connect to the cable box and tv was very easy to do. Simply follow the on screen steps and choose your cable provider, followed by your TV manufacturer. It is really as simple as that.
The tablet does more than just change your channels though, it allows you to access your Wii U without even turning your TV on. You can access your Miiverse, eShop, system settings, Netflix, and pretty much anything else the Wii U offers.
I decided to test out Netflix and I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly the movies go from the tv, to your tablet. Once you press the swap button, the movie is immediately transferred to tablet without any delay.
The tablet also has a gyroscope and rumble feature.
Update - The gamepad seems to drain very quickly when you transfer the output from the TV, to your gamepad. You will pretty much want to keep the controller plugged in if you decide you want to play your games in bed or something.

The Operating system and apps
The Wii U OS is pretty similar to the 3DS and original Wii. You have 3 rows with 5 squares across which represent your channels. By pressing the right and left trigger buttons, you can scroll through 6 pages. The pages will remain empty until you download more games, apps, movies, etc.
When you first load up your console, you will notice that you already have the following apps. Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Video, YouTube, Miiverse, Mii maker, System Settings, Daily Log, and Parental Controls. Hulu Plus, Amazon Video, and YouTube are currently not available for use. Those services, and the TVii service, will be available sometime in December.
Miiverse is an interesting way to communicate with other Wii U users. Through Miiverse, you will find "Communities". These are tied in to specific games. Each game that is released for the Wii U, will have it's own community. Here you can chat with other players about the game you are playing. You will get a notification when someone replies to your question, or your answer.
You can click your "Activity Feed" to quickly locate all of your posts in case you forgot where you were last. You can also follow or send friend requests through these communities. There is also a "Search User" option to locate other users.
I have noticed that closing down some apps can take up to 10 seconds before getting back to the home page. Hopefully Nintendo will be able to speed this up with future updates.
The Miiverse is really everything you need for online communications. Messages and notifications are also viewed here. You can also take in game screenshots through Miiverse. While playing a game, go to your Miiverse and from there you will be able to take snapshots.
From what you have been reading so far, I assume you noticed that the friend codes are no longer being used. Nintendo has finally allowed you to create your own username which is locked to your console.
Mii Maker
Unfortunately, the Mii Maker has not changed. It is exactly the same as the Wii and 3DS. I was really hoping for more realistic Mii's, but I guess Nintendo wanted to make sure your Mii would still work with original Wii titles.
The shop is nicely represented. There are plenty of retail games to purchase and download, but there are no demo's at this time. I also noticed that there are no classic games available yet.

Right now I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by well the system works. The tablet controller is more than just a gimmick seeing how I can use it with more than just the Wii U itself. I tested the tablet with Zombi U and Assassin's Creed 3, and I can see how this controller could be a huge selling point. Just being able to see a full map on screen while playing AC3, would make me choose this console over another. Zombi U takes it to a whole new level though. You can read all about it when I review the game later this week.
Is the Wii U perfect? Of course not. Could it replace your PS3 or Xbox 360? Maybe later on down the road, I do not think anyone should go sell their system and pick up a Wii U. But I do think the Wii U could be very successful and Nintendo may be able to redeem a portion of their once enormous reputation.
External storage allowed
Multi functional tablet controller
Tablet has pretty decent battery life (When not streaming movies or games)
Blu-Ray format (None of that multi disc crap to worry about)
Backwards compatible with Wii (after the huge initial firmware update)
Supports stereoscopic 3D
Play the games directly on the tablet or TV
No trophy/achievement support
User ID is locked to console
eShop is lacking in content
Slight delay when closing apps
Tablet uses it's own charging power source
TVii and other streaming apps are not yet available
A huge firmware update during initial setup (takes 60-90mins)
Does not have a media player
Gamepad battery drains very quickly when playing games directly on to the device.
What exactly is Miiverse?
The Wii U offers a virtual community where Wii U owners can share pictures, exchange messages, find new friends, and find help. Nintendo has done more than just bring a new controller to the public, they brought a virtual world to the console.
Everything you do in the Miiverse is stored on to your profile. All the pictures your draw, all the messages you leave. You can also easily locate all of the new activity by your friends. What they are playing, what they are drawing, and what they are saying.
When you first load up the Miiverse, you see there are 5 tabs.
User Menu - By clicking this option, you will have access to your profile, favorite communities, blocked users, search users, and settings/other. Your profile tells you how many posts, friends, following, and followers. You can click on "Yeah" when you like someones drawing or written message. This works exactly like our "like" feature on our forum.
Activity Feed - This feature shows you all of the activity from you and your friends. For example, F34R posted, "I like watermelon" in the Nintendo Land Plaza. Ray showed a picture of him getting the top time in New Super Mario Bros U.
Communities - Here you will find communities which act very much like sub forums for each game and app.
Messages - Here you will receive messages from anyone if your settings allow it.
Notifications - Here you will receive notice of new friend requests, and replies to anything you post in the community.

What is really nice about these communities is that you can access them at any time by pressing the "Home" button on your gamepad. Lets say you are playing Black Ops 2 and you are stuck at a certain spot. You can press the "Home" button and click on Miiverse. This will automatically take you to the Black Ops 2 community where you can then share your screenshot, and ask for help. I have noticed that it almost always only takes under a min before someone replies.
This is just the beginning of what this new feature can bring to the console. The Wii U is more than just a fancy controller, it is a whole new way to stay connected with friends and other players.

Hope this review helps anyone on the fence as to whether or not the Wii U is right for them.
Edited by Lethal, 03 December 2012 - 06:01 AM.
- DeviousOne and LuckyLuxy like this
Posted 12 December 2012 - 09:04 AM

Posted 26 December 2012 - 12:20 PM
How about making a sticky thread as a directory. Have links to all the separate reviews. I do not even want to make threads here if they are going to be moved around without my knowledge..
Posted 28 December 2012 - 09:11 AM
Posted 28 December 2012 - 02:39 PM
wii u premium, new super mario bros u, darksiders 2, call of duty black ops 2, zombiu
blue 3ds xl, resident evil revelations, zelda ocarina of time
Posted 30 December 2012 - 10:13 AM
But boy, i was wrong.
Posted 07 January 2013 - 04:59 PM
Edited by downundermike, 07 January 2013 - 04:59 PM.
Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:45 AM
Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:48 AM
Posted 03 March 2013 - 02:47 PM
i gave it a 10/10 i love the gamepad its really awesome playing games without the tv. Also watching other tv chanels so you never miss ur favourite progams while playing games
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:42 PM
I gave it a 9- would rate it a 9.5 if I could....... Might get closer to a ten when more games come out.
I've had a blast with mine- got it in mid April. No regrets with the purchase. Wish the Gamepad battery lasted longer- and that we could use a second game pad, if nothing else as a controller. Load times can be a little slow. Otherwise, if you are considering a Wii U- this is an awesome system.
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