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Wii U clock speeds are found by marcan

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#61 PRP777


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:35 AM

We don't know the Wii U's full potential, even the hacker himself said so. You're basing the power of the Wii U off of a couple bad ports. You do realize that developers do not use the full potential of a console at launch, right?

Right that's why the competitors launch exclusives will look better then the Wii U's.

How do you know they lied...? Because the ports of the games from other consoles aren't 3X better? If Nintendo would have said "the clock frequencies of the CPU and GPU will be 3X as high as current consoles", that might have been a lie, judging from this. But they didn't. And come on, of course it will compete with Sony's and Microsoft's next consoles, even the Wii managed to compete with the 360 and the PS3, even though the difference in specs were probably much bigger than what will be the case between WiiU and the next Microsoft & Sony consoles.

That's why their 3rd party support sucked. It's funny how history repeats itself. The Wii's dead now and Sony and Microsofts consoles still thrive.

#62 Zinix



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:35 AM

Right that's why the competitors launch exclusives will look better then the Wii U's.

That's why their 3rd party support sucked. It's funny how history repeats itself. The Wii's dead now and Sony and Microsofts consoles still thrive.

Wait, what?

Launch PS3 and 360 games look awful, they didn't look as good as they do now.

I have Perfect Dark Zero and it looks like a Xbox game. The PS3 and 360 also had a bunch of ports as well when they launched.

Edited by Zinix, 29 November 2012 - 10:36 AM.

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#63 PRP777


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:40 AM

Wait, what?

Launch PS3 and 360 games look awful, they didn't look as good as they do now.

Launch PS3 and Xbox 360 games looked better then PS2 and xbox games. We're not talking about that we're talking about Launch PS4 and Xbox720 titles that will look better then the Wii U's exclusive launch titles. I'm willing to bet Sony will have God of War 4 and Uncharted 4 as launch titles.

#64 Zinix



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 10:46 AM

Launch PS3 and Xbox 360 games looked better then PS2 and xbox games. We're not talking about that we're talking about Launch PS4 and Xbox720 titles that will look better then the Wii U's exclusive launch titles. I'm willing to bet Sony will have God of War 4 and Uncharted 4 as launch titles.

Oh. I was confused for a second.

It's not deniable that the launch titles of the PS4 and 720 are going to look better than Wii U exclusive titles, the 720 and PS4 will be using 2012 hardware. Quality wise though it's mostly going to be ports of Wii U games, 360 games, and PS3 games. God of War 4 and Uncharted 4 won't be launch titles, quit living in lalala land

Edited by Zinix, 29 November 2012 - 11:11 AM.

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#65 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:00 AM

Oh. I was confused for a second.

It's not deniable that the launch titles of the PS4 and 720 are going to look better than Wii U exclusive titles, the 720 and PS4 will be using 2012 hardware. Quality wise though it's mostly going to be ports of Wii U games, 360 games, and PS3 games. God of War 4 and Uncharted 4 won't be launch titles, quit in living lalala land.

Exactly....that is very wishful thinking. Also, I would imagine MS will not have Halo 5 if their new console is coming out this time next year.
Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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#66 tshrimp


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:01 AM

1.24????? This has got to be some kind of April Fools joke. No way it is that slow and can run AC3, Batman, etc. If this is the case I might have a shiny slightly used Wii U for sale.

As for exclusives I have to go Sony, MS, then Nintendo. But this will always depend on what you like. This is why I have all the systems :)

If someone finds info on if this is actually correct or not please come back to this board. I though Nintendo was trying to get the hardcore gamer market this time arround, but with a system this slow that cannot happen. I am now every worried that the Wii U will go the way of my Vita. :(

#67 PRP777


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:11 AM

Oh. I was confused for a second.

It's not deniable that the launch titles of the PS4 and 720 are going to look better than Wii U exclusive titles, the 720 and PS4 will be using 2012 hardware. Quality wise though it's mostly going to be ports of Wii U games, 360 games, and PS3 games. God of War 4 and Uncharted 4 won't be launch titles, quit in living lalala land.

It's not a far stretch considering Uncharted Golden Abyss was a launch title for the PS Vita and it's arguably one of the best looking games for the handheld so far and it's not even using it's full resolution. If the new God of War game is coming out next year for the PS3 it's very likely that it will come out for the PS4 which I'm sure they will take the time to repolish the graphics.

#68 3Dude



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:16 AM

1.24????? This has got to be some kind of April Fools joke. No way it is that slow and can run AC3, Batman, etc. If this is the case I might have a shiny slightly used Wii U for sale.
As for exclusives I have to go Sony, MS, then Nintendo. But this will always depend on what you like. This is why I have all the systems :)
If someone finds info on if this is actually correct or not please come back to this board. I though Nintendo was trying to get the hardcore gamer market this time arround, but with a system this slow that cannot happen. I am now every worried that the Wii U will go the way of my Vita. :(

This information is absolutely correct. Hector simply observed the feedback the wii u sent to his pc. At that point in time the wii u was most certainly at
1.25 Ghz, and responding like a ppc 750.

What we dont know is how this information actually applies to the wii u.

We will have this information shortly after Hector bypasses the arm securecore and gains access to the complete system. Then he can put it under load and see how high it clocks itself before it maxes out, and he can tell if its really a 750, or forced to act that way (mimmicking broadway) until 'starbuck' is bypassed, like the wii was with starlet.

Edited by 3Dude, 29 November 2012 - 11:17 AM.



#69 Desert Punk

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:17 AM

There is a chance the cpu uses dynamic frequency scaling. Later Power PC chips have this and it would aid cooling of the console which is very important considering its size. However the most important thing of all is the cpu speed quoted is 1.24ghz which is not a multiple of the original wii cpu speed which was 729mhz I think. So it seems highly likely the cpu has this to enable full compatibilty with wii games by scaling the frequency down to 729mhz. In which case its quite possible 1.24ghz is not the maximum cpu speed. I still think it will be around 1.8ghz a 50% increase on the stated speed. However its possible that Nintendo slowed the gpu from 600 to 550mhz and reduce cpu speed due to thermal issues.

Whatever its clearly current gen performance overall and is really Nintendo's entry into PS3/360 territory. I'm not convinced there is any serious cpu assistance in the gpu its too small and low power. However I feel the wii u is designed to maximise the performance of its low cost components and this will make up some of the gap with the 360 and PS3 which have some issues to maximising performance especially the ps3.

The wii u simply may not be able to replicate all games fully that are possible on 360 and PS3 but then the wii u has its own advantages with regard memory, optical drive and gpu plus of course the huge advantage of amazing Nintendo games.

Anyway hopefully we can have some realism about the wii u. It is a bit disppointing that Nintendo didn't make the wii u comfortably outperform the 360 and PS3 there is no getting around that but its still a far, far more powerful console than the wii and a huge generational jump from wii to wii u.




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Posted 29 November 2012 - 11:55 AM

I got the Wii U so I can enjoy Nintendo's games, as well as the third party games that come out for the system. If Sony and Microsoft make consoles that are a big jump, then I might get either system to enjoy the third party games that don't come to the Wii U.

Next gen or not, as long as the Wii U continues to get games that I'll enjoy playing, then I'll be happy with the system.


#71 3Dude



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:09 PM

No new Simd (No surprise really, as this is the only area 360 ports are having trouble, I expected low simd/floating point performance, but NOT this being the reason why) still just paired singles, One hardware thread per core (Devs better start studying back up on software multithreading).

It's an IPC monster for its clock and power draw. But still. Come on Nintendo.



#72 Medu


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:20 PM

These CPU specs were taken whent the system was at IDLE in a menu.
Most PCs now a days will cut the CPU power down to save energy. As soon as you fire up a game or do something heavy on the PC the CPU will function at peak capactiy. I know this because my friend said his PC was advertised at having a 3.0 GHz processor. While at the Windows desktop it only showed 1.5 Ghz. As soon as we launched a game, i went to the desktop and checked again and it was at 3.0 GHz just as the box said it should be. I changed his power settings and bam it was always listed as 3.0GHz.

Ill wait untill Nintendo gives us the real story.

This isn't based on a modern CPU, it's very old tech so it might not have that hardware.
Also the Wii U draws very similar power when idle and gaming- Anandtech reported it to be 30w vs 33w. This could be the CPU throttling but why include hardware to do that to save a whole 3 watts?

#73 3Dude



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:33 PM

This isn't based on a modern CPU, it's very old tech so it might not have that hardware.
Also the Wii U draws very similar power when idle and gaming- Anandtech reported it to be 30w vs 33w. This could be the CPU throttling but why include hardware to do that to save a whole 3 watts?

Because it was the game that only needed those 3 watts, Anandtech reported those stats on new super mario bros u. Not exactly the most load demanding game they could have put in there.



#74 Structures


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 12:55 PM

the graphical jump isnt going to be as big as last generation so it doesnt really matter, also its the games and console that matter just look at the atari jaguar compared to snes

Youtube Twitch.tv I stream Wii U Gameplay and PC Games

#75 dyatir


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:17 PM

tell me a nintendo game that destroys gran turismo 5

Mario Kart, yes it's a karting game but still.

#76 Jeremygts



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:40 PM

This isn't based on a modern CPU, it's very old tech so it might not have that hardware.
Also the Wii U draws very similar power when idle and gaming- Anandtech reported it to be 30w vs 33w. This could be the CPU throttling but why include hardware to do that to save a whole 3 watts?

This is a PC that came out maybe 3-4 years ago, so its not exactly new tech either. 3 watts is watts. Im sure it runs cooler. i dont want my CPU at its max while im just in the miiverse or Eshop or watching netflix.

#77 tshrimp


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:55 PM

I know the CPU had been getting some ridicule, but assumed the reviewers just didn't have the facts yet, or that it was at least close to the Xbox and PS3. I even assumed it was faster than the other 2,but just not utilized properly as it was a new system. But to find out it is 1.25ghz is actually irritating. I want to go back to the time when I didn't know. As soon as my Xbox and PS friends get hold of this I have to put up with their crap. I was so looking forward to throwing the Wii U in their face. Now I get kicked about again. Hard to use the "good game" thing on them as all the systems have great 1st and 3rd part games IMO.

#78 Zinix



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:57 PM

It's not a far stretch considering Uncharted Golden Abyss was a launch title for the PS Vita and it's arguably one of the best looking games for the handheld so far and it's not even using it's full resolution. If the new God of War game is coming out next year for the PS3 it's very likely that it will come out for the PS4 which I'm sure they will take the time to repolish the graphics.

I doubt that Sony would rush out another Uncharted game, one just came out this year. If Sony releases God of War 4 on the PS3 and then releases it on the PS4, I'm certain it'll be the same version to save some money, but that's one man's opinion. Sony won't be releasing a beast of a next gen console, they're bleeding money currently and Nintendo is worth more then them. To further my point, the Vita isn't much of a beast of a handheld neither. Instead of doing real HD it does Sub-HD.

Point is Sony is in the red and aren't financially able to produce a beast like the PS3. Will it be more powerful than the Wii U? Yes, but not by much. Microsoft will have the most powerful console this gen.

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#79 GAMER1984



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 02:03 PM

I doubt that Sony would rush out another Uncharted game, one just came out this year. If Sony releases God of War 4 on the PS3 and then releases it on the PS4, I'm certain it'll be the same version to save some money, but that's one man's opinion. Sony won't be releasing a beast of a next gen console, they're bleeding money currently and Nintendo is worth more then them. To further my point, the Vita isn't much of a beast of a handheld neither. Instead of doing real HD it does Sub-HD.

Point is Sony is in the red and aren't financially able to produce a beast like the PS3. Will it be more powerful than the Wii U? Yes, but not by much. Microsoft will have the most powerful console this gen.

Nope! Sony will go down swinging before they abandon the fan base they got this gen. That's really all Sony has had this gen is "this game is only graphically poissble on our hardware. They will make sure they have the best hardware specs"for their devs". Sony position right now is to make sure their 1st and 2nd party games obliterate the competition in graphics. Its the look at me I'm bigger than you mentality.

#80 Zinix



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Posted 29 November 2012 - 02:09 PM

Nope! Sony will go down swinging before they abandon the fan base they got this gen. That's really all Sony has had this gen is "this game is only graphically poissble on our hardware. They will make sure they have the best hardware specs"for their devs". Sony position right now is to make sure their 1st and 2nd party games obliterate the competition in graphics. Its the look at me I'm bigger than you mentality.

With Sony using that mentality, they'll be dead before this gen is over. I could see them closing the Sony gaming division.

“Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of man, that state is obsolete.”— Rod Serling, “The Twilight Zone” The Obsolete Man

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