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#161 Desert Punk

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 04:21 AM

The trouble with atheism vs religion is atheism only has the evidence and facts where as religion is based on people's emotional needs and ego and when people are configured and pre-programmed that way there isn't much you can do about it. If I went to a muslim country and stood out in the open and politely explained there is no god based on the evidence they would get angry and probably kill me in some horrific way. They have been conditioned to believe in god and are not interested that there isn't a single fact that supports the existence of god. In fact religion has to act that way because not getting angry means listening to the evidence, processing it in your mind and forming your opinion based on that outcome. However with religion it doesn't work that way, people protect their belief as if atheists were somehow the enemy or working against them. However in normal life in most situations you form an opinion based on the evidence but sadly that isn't the case with religion.

Clearly I would like to live forever in some paradise and know the family I love will have the same outcome, atheism is a horrible reality that denies that possibilty. It is a hard sell to those who prefer a more comforting fantasy and I have no problem with them deluding themselves but it is a corruption of reality and its why much of the muslim world lives in such poverty and are so self-destructive and hateful of other cultures and oppressive to their own people. As an atheist I actually want to be wrong because there is nothing great or comforting about being an atheist except that you know you have a free mind that hasn't been conditioned by others.

#162 Coggit


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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:19 AM

I'm an Atheist. I think I always have been. I've always had a problem with the ideology of a superior being. Ironically, I used to go to a group that was in my local school (held by the local church) called "The Crusaders". I even won a Bible for being a member for 3 years and I got into trouble several times for doubting God's existance. I was christened also, but yeah, I've never really believed...

#163 Plutonas



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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:39 AM

WHAT atheism means to you... explain.. The today trend force you to believe in YAH or become atheist (As you dont deserve to believe in him - its a principal yah followers promoting to the other races) and originally is not an exclusive for jews... Yah exists in Chinese religion to, also in muslims.
yah names are " EL, ELAH (muslims), ELsedai (Chinese and korea), jachbe, yah and a couple of more... Also thats how israel got the name ( IS (goddess isis, RA (egyptian god) EL (yah) = Israel).
All these 3 races (jews, chinese and muslims) if you read their scripts.. their god calls them chosens... thats why they are so aggressive against white and black races.. its not funny but I find it stupid. All this things happening in the world, wars, deaths, blood.. its because of it. But they also hate its other, because there will be only 1 chosen.. lol hahaha

I personally believe in Chisto but as a part of the apollonian light.. in our ancient history we have God Apollonas (his original name is) - Faethon Foibos. All his teachings are identical, totally the same with Jesus... so thats how my country accepted jesus and we call our self's christians... because we consider him as a part of the apollonian light. We disguard any thing has to do with YAH (old testament) ... its not our part of our history and DNA.
BUT becarefull here... for us Apollonian teachings and idea, is more than a religion.. is philosophy, way of life and the way the world should be.
So I believe atheism is a trend, is a new kind of religion (a without spirit religion).. because even if you dont believe in anything, you turn to be materialists... you create new gods through nothing.. So at the end you end up believing in power, money, sex, etc. lol

Edited by Orion, 26 December 2012 - 07:58 AM.

#164 Nollog


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Posted 26 December 2012 - 09:41 AM

So I believe atheism is a trend, is a new kind of religion (a without spirit religion).. because even if you dont believe in anything, you turn to be materialists... you create new gods through nothing.. So at the end you end up believing in power, money, sex, etc. lol

inb4 poopystorm.
Any time you call atheism a religion, they go crazy and start calling you names.
I agree with you.

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#165 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:04 PM

I have many friend here that are atheist but to be honest I dislike atheism.Mainly due to the fact they believe we cease to exist after death and my dad is dead so the belief does offend me.

Besides I can prove that atheism is false.

Agreed. Stoning homosexuals and disobedient children is such a great thing to do in the name of God!

But in all seriousness, the fallaciousness of your post makes my eyes hurt.

Not all religions scourn homosexuality. As in matter in fact in Wicca it is embraced.


#166 CUD


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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:21 PM

I have many friend here that are atheist but to be honest I dislike atheism.Mainly due to the fact they believe we cease to exist after death and my dad is dead so the belief does offend me.

Besides I can prove that atheism is false.

Why would you be offended by there being no afterlife? I understand you wish there were an afterlife but being delusional wont solve anything but give you false hope.

You can prove atheism is false? Please do tell.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#167 Xiombarg


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Posted 26 December 2012 - 07:26 PM

I have many friend here that are atheist but to be honest I dislike atheism.Mainly due to the fact they believe we cease to exist after death and my dad is dead so the belief does offend me.

I don't really understand how that offends you. It's almost the same at being offended by Hinduism, as someone dead may be reincarnated as a flea or something worse. It's understandable to be offended by atheists, but not the idea that there are people who don't think the same way you do.

Besides I can prove that atheism is false.

You cannot disprove a negative, atheism is the disbelief or lack of belief in a god(s). That is the definition of atheism, atheists can still believe in an afterlife, unicorns, reptile aliens that control the world, etc... even if it isn't logical, as they don't require a god to exist.

#168 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 04:11 PM

Why would you be offended by there being no afterlife? I understand you wish there were an afterlife but being delusional wont solve anything but give you false hope.

You can prove atheism is false? Please do tell.

One word. Ghosts....


#169 Xiombarg


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Posted 27 December 2012 - 04:16 PM

One word. Ghosts....

I really hope you don't get too much backlash, I love your counterargument.
I'm an atheist, and I will admit that I have no definite stance on ghosts. I am going to get hate for this (from either side), but I think ghosts are more possible than god(s).

#170 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 27 December 2012 - 04:28 PM

Why would you be offended by there being no afterlife? I understand you wish there were an afterlife but being delusional wont solve anything but give you false hope.

You can prove atheism is false? Please do tell.

I could prove you wrong but it would take all nite so I will just let you know that science cant prove everything.

I really hope you don't get too much backlash, I love your counterargument.
I'm an atheist, and I will admit that I have no definite stance on ghosts. I am going to get hate for this (from either side), but I think ghosts are more possible than god(s).

How can you possibly believe in ghosts but not a spiritual world. So thus you dont believe in ghosts or you just contradicted yourself.


#171 Xiombarg


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Posted 27 December 2012 - 04:36 PM

How can you possibly believe in ghosts but not a spiritual world. So thus you dont believe in ghosts or you just contradicted yourself.

Again, Atheism is only in regard to the existence of god(s), not an afterlife, ghosts, etc.
This is also the reason why many theists and atheists hate me (along with calling myself an apatheist). It allows me to make points like this and that can possibly be hypocritical in nature.

#172 Nollog


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Posted 27 December 2012 - 06:53 PM

Never try to use logic against an atheist.
It's a one way street with many of them.

They can lol at your belief and call you delusional, but you can't say they're delusional for believing in evolution or spherical worlds.

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#173 Hunter



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Posted 28 December 2012 - 01:53 AM

They can lol at your belief and call you delusional, but you can't say they're delusional for believing in evolution

But it isnt delusional to believe in something which has huge amounts of evidence to back it up.

#174 Nollog


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:11 AM

But it isnt delusional to believe in something which has huge amounts of evidence to back it up.

Evidence can be proved and disproved.
Your feels can't, bro.
Lift that.

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#175 CUD


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:13 AM

One word. Ghosts....

...I'm not sure what relevance that has other than it being something else that doesn't exist.

I could prove you wrong but it would take all nite so I will just let you know that science cant prove everything.

You can't give me the simplified version? Seriously I want to hear your reasoning, if you do not even provide an argument you cannot claim to be able to prove me wrong.

Saying science can't prove anything doesn't prove anything either... You're going to need to elaborate on that point. Science attempts to prove many a mystery whereas religion makes no such attempt, instead using fantasy to explain which they cannot.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#176 Nollog


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Posted 28 December 2012 - 06:16 AM

Saturn is extrapolating that ghosts are the spirits, or souls of individuals, which points to a spiritual node inside each of us, which is part of some religions, but often unrelated to a deity.
She believes that for an atheist to believe in ghosts, they must also believe in a deity to which the ghost has displeased in some way.
I think.

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#177 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 28 December 2012 - 03:27 PM

I thinl I should leave this topic. After all religion usually leads to arguments.


#178 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 28 December 2012 - 04:28 PM

That's the whole point of the religion, God gave everyone free will. You have the choice to be good or sin, no one every said the path to heaven would be easy.

Free will is actually an illusion. Check out Free Will by Sam Harris.... quite an amazing read.

I have many friend here that are atheist but to be honest I dislike atheism.Mainly due to the fact they believe we cease to exist after death and my dad is dead so the belief does offend me.

Besides I can prove that atheism is false.

Not all religions scourn homosexuality. As in matter in fact in Wicca it is embraced.

Wicca is pure superstition. I don't consider it a real religion. Besides, how many of them are still around?

#179 giggity3000


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:27 AM

Posted Image


#180 Hinkik


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Posted 29 December 2012 - 08:33 AM

There is no evidence that there is a god. Nor does it exist any evidence that god doesn't exist.


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