Known facts
Posted 06 April 2012 - 01:28 PM
I thought they did it for the 3ds as a replacement for analog stick, and so it could clamp down.
to me, this doesn't make sense since some people have been saying the circle pad is less precise than an analog stick and that its hard to grip.
Posted 06 April 2012 - 04:05 PM
Posted 07 April 2012 - 06:28 AM
On Wii-U, precompiled shaders are now built for 2.03 and up (and moved to Wii-U 2.03 SDK)."
Wii U will have 5.1 surround sound, and DRC means the upad.
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Posted 09 April 2012 - 10:25 AM
I don't understand why Nintendo put Circle pads on the Wii U controller...
I thought they did it for the 3ds as a replacement for analog stick, and so it could clamp down.
to me, this doesn't make sense since some people have been saying the circle pad is less precise than an analog stick and that its hard to grip.
Nintendo put circle pads on the Wii U controller so they are "easier to access."
So I guess if you have your finger on the touch screen and then you want to put it back onto the circle pad, you can just slide it on. Instead of lifting your finger to put it on a analog stick.
Thats what I recall. The 3DS circle pad is actually mildly hard to grip. While playing, more than once my finger slided to the top of the circle pad and I had to move it quickly to the middle so I could play normal again. (But this has happened only a couple times.)
Posted 17 April 2012 - 01:40 AM
"Added 5.1 and DRC Wii-U sound support.
On Wii-U, precompiled shaders are now built for 2.03 and up (and moved to Wii-U 2.03 SDK)."
Wii U will have 5.1 surround sound, and DRC means the upad.
Please explain, what does that mean?
Posted 17 April 2012 - 09:06 AM
Please explain, what does that mean?
Wii U will have 5.1 surround sound, and DRC means the upad.
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Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:10 PM
Posted 28 April 2012 - 07:28 PM
Dunno what it means.
Edited by Nollog, 28 April 2012 - 07:28 PM.
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Posted 30 April 2012 - 06:15 PM
Wii U will have 5.1 surround sound
Why not take a step forward and go at least 7.1?
Posted 01 May 2012 - 07:27 AM
Its one of the best quality multimedia (consoles, pc) speakers out there, and I think there is none 7.1... In their products.. (and this speakers cost a lot), they have studio performance specs.. For pro sound quality, you pick 2.1 and for amazing, excelent performance you pick 5.1 ... This brand is more like rolls royce in multimedia speakers.. I believe they know more things than us, why 7.1 isnt good.
Edited by Orion, 01 May 2012 - 07:37 AM.
Posted 02 May 2012 - 09:58 PM
Display Remote ControllerSince when has "DRC" been used to refer to the controller? And what does "DRC" mean?
Edited by 10k, 02 May 2012 - 10:04 PM.

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Posted 04 May 2012 - 03:55 PM
Tri-Core CPU clocked between 3-3.2GHz
At least 1GB of RAM, closer to 2GB of RAM total (1.75GB for developers, 256MB for the OS/Background)
5.1 Surround Sound DSP
Support up to 1080p (Most games running at 720p on TV and 480p on DRC)
Close to a 1TFLOP GPU (making it capable of Samaritan Demo at 720p and 30fps)
I would be happy with this.

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Posted 04 May 2012 - 05:28 PM
I think that's low-balling a little on RAM.So, latest rumors are:
Tri-Core CPU clocked between 3-3.2GHz
At least 1GB of RAM, closer to 2GB of RAM total (1.75GB for developers, 256MB for the OS/Background)
5.1 Surround Sound DSP
Support up to 1080p (Most games running at 720p on TV and 480p on DRC)
Close to a 1TFLOP GPU (making it capable of Samaritan Demo at 720p and 30fps)
I would be happy with this.
I'm pretty sure what ideaman said recently about the devkits showing a spec list only pretty much puts those "on par" comments into context.
A developer confronted with "CPU clock at 3.0 GHz Tri-Core" in the devkit spec list can say "On par with 360", because that would be an on-par clock frequency.
But with far more advanced technologies, and unknown factors a different chip brings to the game.
Coupling that with all the smaller, more specialised chips it's rumoured to use for (for example) sound, and it's plain to see it'll be better, as it should be.
People just like being negative.

Edited by Nollog, 04 May 2012 - 05:30 PM.
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Posted 05 May 2012 - 08:43 AM
I forgot to mention the eDRAM. It will have 4mb per core, so 12mb which is 2 more than the Xbox cpu. The CPU even at the same clock speed, will run circles around the 360 CPU because its a more efficient design.I think that's low-balling a little on RAM.
I'm pretty sure what ideaman said recently about the devkits showing a spec list only pretty much puts those "on par" comments into context.
A developer confronted with "CPU clock at 3.0 GHz Tri-Core" in the devkit spec list can say "On par with 360", because that would be an on-par clock frequency.
But with far more advanced technologies, and unknown factors a different chip brings to the game.
Coupling that with all the smaller, more specialised chips it's rumoured to use for (for example) sound, and it's plain to see it'll be better, as it should be.
People just like being negative.
As for the ram, it was Iherre I think who said "2-3GB of ram?" in the context of "no way, max is 2gb, 1 is the minimum.
I love Nintendo Nollog and I don't want to seem negative, it's just that I am being realistic and combining the fact that PR reps aren't hyping Wii U's power and Nintendo's strategy of this gen from using older hardware and giving it new uses, I don't see the wii U being s beast. It will be great for 2 years like the dreamcast, but then we know the HD twins will be superior. Nintendo knows this too and that's why they wont go heavy on the tech. They will just make it good enough. Needless to say the Wii U will be much closer to the Ps4 and 720 this gen, and we won't miss out on all these ports. It will run all the engines just with less intensive effects.
Cheer up

- Keviin likes this

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Posted 05 May 2012 - 09:21 AM
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Posted 06 May 2012 - 02:43 PM
I forgot to mention the eDRAM. It will have 4mb per core, so 12mb which is 2 more than the Xbox cpu. The CPU even at the same clock speed, will run circles around the 360 CPU because its a more efficient design.
As for the ram, it was Iherre I think who said "2-3GB of ram?" in the context of "no way, max is 2gb, 1 is the minimum.
I love Nintendo Nollog and I don't want to seem negative, it's just that I am being realistic and combining the fact that PR reps aren't hyping Wii U's power and Nintendo's strategy of this gen from using older hardware and giving it new uses, I don't see the wii U being s beast. It will be great for 2 years like the dreamcast, but then we know the HD twins will be superior. Nintendo knows this too and that's why they wont go heavy on the tech. They will just make it good enough. Needless to say the Wii U will be much closer to the Ps4 and 720 this gen, and we won't miss out on all these ports. It will run all the engines just with less intensive effects.
Cheer up
UUUUU wrong..
Xbox got ONLY 1 mb cache, thats why they luck in AI.. and are limited to new games processing. Also I believe wii U will not have 12mb cache, is extreme, but if it has that cache, its superb. I give a thumbs up for that..
To be more precise, I think xbox is 2x64kb L1 cache and 2x1mb or 1mb L2 cache..
Wii U is L1 4x32kb or 3x32kb depends the cores, L2 3or4X64kb cache and 3or4x4mb per core... but there is a possibility that nintendo will cut some cache... fore example 1mb per core or 2...
Edited by Orion, 06 May 2012 - 02:48 PM.
Posted 06 May 2012 - 03:08 PM
eDRAM is essentially L3 cache. The 360 has 10mb.UUUUU wrong..
Xbox got ONLY 1 mb cache, thats why they luck in AI.. and are limited to new games processing. Also I believe wii U will not have 12mb cache, is extreme, but if it has that cache, its superb. I give a thumbs up for that..
To be more precise, I think xbox is 2x64kb L1 cache and 2x1mb or 1mb L2 cache..
Wii U is L1 4x32kb or 3x32kb depends the cores, L2 3or4X64kb cache and 3or4x4mb per core... but there is a possibility that nintendo will cut some cache... fore example 1mb per core or 2...

Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Posted 06 May 2012 - 06:02 PM
XBOX360 does NOT have L3... only L1 and L2
The 10mb of edram is the gpu ram.. lol Many people get confused with that..
so lets make it clear...
XBOX got 512ram shared and 10mb edram especially for graphics... The cpu is L1 and L2 cache with 1mb.
Wii U is 3 or 4 cores... L1 3or4x32kb, L2 3or4x64kb, L3 3or4x 1 up to 4, OVERALL 4 up to 16mb of CPU CACHE.. THAT HAS Nothing to do with EDRAM. CPU makes bazillion of calculations and needs a special ram to process all this information to the system... Thats what cpu CACHE is needed.. more the better... or else it lags if its "1mb for instanse" lol
now wii U got extra edram 512mb apparently and an extra 1 gig of shared ram... Now its more clear for u? (its not clear yet, how much ram and gpu ram, wii U got, so this is just a speculation).
Dont get confused guys with EDRAM as CPU cache... cpu cache has NOTHING to do with system memory, it is a special ram ESPECIALLY for the cpu cores ... nothing else. Thats how we say "xbox and ps3 dont have GREAT AI potential" because they got 1 or 2 mb cache. So the cpu calculations in RTS or FPS games is limited, or past due for the new games and engines.. Especially for XBOX, that does not have dedicated sound chip, and the cpu takes this burden to calculate also the sound of the games.
so wii U is bob-omb.. lol
read this table of specs... look at the xbox cpu table and look down bellow the GPU section... http://hardware.team...ecifications/p1
So guys, get excited even more, Wii U is more than you think..... thats what I am screaming to you all this months, but it seems nobody understand it.. lol
Edited by Orion, 06 May 2012 - 06:24 PM.
Posted 12 May 2012 - 11:56 PM
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