Okay, a quick bump.
I really suggest that we have a Spam Centre. It means that we actually have a place for so called spam threads. By simply ignoring threads, you're basically saying we allow such threads. I don't think having threads about raped 8 year olds to be appropriate on any forum dedicated to anything other than child predator sites. It may be news, but it's distasteful.
Still, I can see why people would want to comment, and so a new sub forum called the Spam Centre should be formed. It would be the be all and all of ignoring. If you don't want to see crap, don't click it, but I'm not gonna bother sifting through trash in other sections all day long. Deleting topics will have less impact stop the influx of crap topics than a spam centre will.
I just want to add on to this and say that it has to be called "Spam Centre"
If it gets called "Spam Center" then it does not receive my endorsement. Centre just sounds incredibly elegant and classy, while Center seems trashy. But you could argue that calling it Center would be more fitting because it sounds trashy and its where the trashy threads would go but I think that Centre is the best way to go on this one