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Are things really this dire?

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#81 BlueBlur


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:44 AM

If you haven't yet you should read this article

Nice article, mind if i make a thread about it?

#82 Link707



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:01 AM

Nice article, mind if i make a thread about it?

I don't mind.. It's not my article so do as you please

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#83 A W Reezy

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:13 AM

I still find it ironic that anyone can come to a Nintendo Wii U forum and complain about someone being a fanboy. Where else are Nintendo fanboys supposed to go? IGN? Please....

And for the person that mentioned that Zelda and Mario alone won't attract players to the Wii U vs. the mythical Xbox 720 and PS4, that is incorrect. I, myself bought a Wii U, instead of carrying on my Xbox LIVE membership for another year. Why? Because I want to play Nintendo first person games more than any other game out on the market at this point. It's just my personal taste and I'm sure I'm not alone. Do I enjoy Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc...? Of course I do. That's why I have a PC though....

#84 scotty79



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:34 AM

Some people really cant see the wood for the trees,the article well written as it maybe does not hold water with me.For a variety of reasons.

How can the sale of only 57k units in January be seen as a positive?
(outsold by both ps3 and xbox)

The bad press has been warranted and justified
(dont even get me started definitely not nintendo bashing)

The economy and employment are affecting wiiu sales?!
So by that measure seeing as the ps3 and xbox both outsold it 7 years in can we assume that those consoles are more popular with the unemployed?

Everybody who wants a wiiu has not bought one yet as they are waiting for games they would like to play
And waiting,and waiting,and waiting and listening to apologies from nintendo about same

Assurance that mario kart will sell more than 3 million units on the wiiu.
Nothing can be assured in a year with another console release,also today the times newspaper in the uk ran a piece suggesting that the ps4 will be priced around 300 pounds
http://uk.gamespot.c...out-300-pounds.if this turns out to be true or in the same region pricewise then I see huge problems shifting wiiu in the numbers necessary to assure anything regarding sales.

Didnt we already go over this with the 3ds?
No the 3ds does not face the same kind of competition as the wiiu will/has

Nintendo gets a lot of undue hate for their zelda,mario and pokemon "rehashes".
Probably because owners of hardware like me who spent money assured of "unprecedented partnerships" with 3rd parties now see that all that is on the horizon is the above suspects plus a few others.While the 3rd party games fall by the wayside.

I hear critics bash Nintendo for not bringing new franchises,yet they have failed to play xenoblade,last story also mentions kid icarus uprising as new franchise.
Where can I buy these titles for my wiiu please?I mean the article is about the wiiu right?Also goes on to criticise the ps3 and ms for having "a rambo-style guy" shooting things with regenerating health.Rehashing the same formula all the time.Er yeah right how about I get a job as creative director for kirby,mmm how will I ever come up with an idea for a new game?I know maybe open my laundry cupboard and make a title out of the first thing I see.Or if its becoming really to obvious we can just switch kirby for yoshi and use the same fabric related graphical ideas.Lets see Kirbys towel terror,thermal vest of doom,yoshis y- front yarn etc.Please

Nintendo is as old school as it gets and the other consoles have shooters with cover,exploding barrels and "typical white guy"?!
Orly?lol its becoming farcical at this stage,I think Im detecting a slight,yes slight bias in this article.As for the old school thats great just a shame the virtual console on my wiiu no worky right.If you are big into the old school then surely you would know that the snes was the most hands down old school system with all types of games.Among them more classics than any other system I owned.With titles like contra,turrican,street fighter all titles with hold on..a sterotypical white "rambo-style guy!Im just making the point that given a minute I could name games like these on any consle system ever yet you see them as a stick to beat ms and ps with.

Nintendo is no where near as desperate as sega was with the dreamcast?
Ok maybe financially I will give you that,but they took a risk and built the best console ever to bring a company down,light years ahead in certain areas but ultimatley didnt sell well enough to keep sega afloat.That aside wouldnt it be nice to see nintendo take a risk?As opposed to never taking any and oh stuff the 3rd party we will still have the 1st party nintendo fans to rely on.That is not going to expand their market share.Also ms seem t be going after the wii users in a big way with durango.So not safe to assume that the number of wii sales is/was nintendos market share.

March is going to be a big month for the wiiu
I agree as Im currently unsure as to whether to just bite the bullet and put it up for a while until something I want to play comes along.Also the release schedule for wiiu looks threadbare and devoid of triple AAA multiplatform titles.Also will know tomorrow if the space I keep it in could be better utilised with a ps4/orbis.

Nintendo is destroying the sales chart in japan
Agree totally but not with any of its wiiu available titles.Also been gaming 25years and seen the japanese market become less influential on the rest of the worlds gaming habits.I mean in the 90s if I played anything it came from either japanese publishers or ideas.Not so now the market has changed and continus to do so.A lot of the bigger companies realise that commercial success in gaming does not hinge on japanese success.Im glad that many on here like japanese style games but to be honest I and others like me have been there and done that.

Sorry if this whole thing seems bad tempered I just fail to see how everyone is convincing themselves nothing is wrong when the console is making the exact same mistakes it made with the wii (as regards third party support).Things will be a lot tougher for nintendo this time and the lanch line up and the current batch of things on the horizon alone wont save the wiiu.Granted nintendo are not at risk financially as a company but I fear for the wiiu.Up against newer tech from big players who are prepared to take risks, something nintendo werent prepared to do.
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#85 KarlMarx1818



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:08 PM

I think it's fair to say that the Wii U future is unclear, people are concerned about sales, the price, the lack of AAA titles and 3rd party support.

When you really care about something, Nintendo, a football club, a band, it can be pretty hard standing on the sidelines watching them fail. It's that sense of powerlessness as they make mistakes that bugs me.

So I figured I'd come up with a few positive things I can do to ensure Nintendo don't go all Sega on us.

1) Word of Mouth: Keep telling people about the Wii U, (Explaining it's more than a gamepad) Tweet and Facebook about it. F-Zero bargain offer comes out, I'm gonna tweet about it!

2) Contact TV-On Demand services. People have come to expect TV-on-Demand on their console. Here in the UK we have the hugely popular BBC iplayer for all the main consoles but not yet on I wii U. I will email them having a moan!

3) Get some mates round. The best way to understand the Wii U is to play so I better get a few beers in, get few friends to dust off their wiimotes and have an evening of asymmetrical play!

4) Stay Positive. There is a sense of self fulfilling prophecy about all of this. If we keep saying it's going to fail then whose going to buy one. Constructive criticism is one thing but I will avoid moaning moaning sake.

Anyway that's my way of thinking about all of this. Bring on F-Zero and Pikmin 3.

#86 taz546565


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:13 PM

problem is people have very short attention spans and unfortunately consoles take a good while too see the best from them the wii u is doing exactly as well as i thought it would be by this point.

wii u premium, new super mario bros u, darksiders 2, call of duty black ops 2, zombiu


blue 3ds xl, resident evil revelations, zelda ocarina of time

#87 nothinglost


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:21 PM

I had a few friends over last night that had not previously played Wii U......

Guess what?

They were blown away by Zombie U, Batman and Super Mario Bros U.

They both kept saying "This is gonna change games."

Seeing friends reactions to the systems and it's unique features is always a thrill for me.

The Wii U will sell a ton of systems over time. This almost always happens at every launch (and the following 4 - 6 months after) with every system.

Once more 1st & 3rd party games start filling up the shelves we'll see a huge increase in public awareness of how amazing this console really is.

#88 Julio93


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:54 PM

What i don't undestand is that gamers bash on the Wii U just because of its launch and its lack of 3rd party support. Sure its not what Nintendo predicted but still, overtime it will have the attention it needs, take the Ps3 for example, It had very poor games and no ports until 2008 where devs finally developed some great games for it and the system started selling well, this is 4 months later, yet trolls are bashing on it like if it was in the market for 5 years. Once the fall kicks in, the wii U would sell more when the games we've waited show up like MGS4 was for the million fans of MGS.



#89 Plutonas



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 12:59 PM

lets do some yoga.. lol

#90 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 19 February 2013 - 01:19 PM

I apperciate your morale and support but let me assure you that Nintendo is just fine. I honestly cant see them doing something real stupid. Plus if anything Nintendo is good at learning from their mistakes unlike how Sega was.


#91 LK9T9


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 01:36 PM

You place too much faith in Mario and Zelda, Smash Bros i can understand but that won't be released till after 4 years which by then would be too late to save the Wii U.

That's mere speculation. Smash 4 could come out early next year for all we know. The new LoZ will most likely take longer though.


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#92 alan123


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 02:17 PM

give me something to be positive about & i will be, i din't see anything positive about buying a console & then having to wait six months or more for something to play on it, i have NSMBU, ZombiU & Black Ops 2, there is nothing coming out until, Pikmin 3 or Yoshi Yarn which are months & months away, in fact they don;t have dates yet, do they ?

#93 Stephen



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 02:24 PM

I had a few friends over last night that had not previously played Wii U......

Guess what?

They were blown away by Zombie U, Batman and Super Mario Bros U.

They both kept saying "This is gonna change games."

Seeing friends reactions to the systems and it's unique features is always a thrill for me.

The Wii U will sell a ton of systems over time. This almost always happens at every launch (and the following 4 - 6 months after) with every system.

Once more 1st & 3rd party games start filling up the shelves we'll see a huge increase in public awareness of how amazing this console really is.

I also had some freinds round, We played ZombiU, Nssbu and Nintendoland.
I got mixed messages, one of the completely hated the thing and showed no interest in what the gamepad could do. he kept on saying its not that big of a jump from this gen.
the other really enjoyed the game ZombiU and could not get over the gamepad and asymmetrical gameplay.
The other was completely neutral in the whole situation and just enjoyed the game, not disappointed but he wasn't blown away by it.
I really can't begin to predict the future of Wii U. there seems to be allot of mixed messages around it, some people saying it will sell as much as the wii did, and other's saying it will flop.

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#94 Fiery



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Posted 19 February 2013 - 02:43 PM

lets do some yoga.. lol

1...2....3.. Bring it back now y'all.

#95 PedanticGamer


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 02:51 PM

What i don't undestand is that gamers bash on the Wii U just because of its launch and its lack of 3rd party support. Sure its not what Nintendo predicted but still, overtime it will have the attention it needs, take the Ps3 for example, It had very poor games and no ports until 2008 where devs finally developed some great games for it and the system started selling well, this is 4 months later, yet trolls are bashing on it like if it was in the market for 5 years. Once the fall kicks in, the wii U would sell more when the games we've waited show up like MGS4 was for the million fans of MGS.

The ps3 launched with an amazing exclusive game with extensive multiplayer options with Resistance.

#96 MechaGS


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:49 PM

I have to admit that I only really bought the Wii U for the Nintendo games and some of the upcoming third party titles. I did the same with the Wii (which I got later in it's lifecycle) because I like Nintendo's first party offerings but lets face it Nintendo has never been all that friendly with third party developers because of their style and quirks.

I do believe this console will do fine once titles start hitting it. Especially the likes of Yoshi's Yarn, Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101. People just need to give it time.

The ps3 launched with an amazing exclusive game with extensive multiplayer options with Resistance.

Hate to say it but I never did like Resistance, I found them all to be shoddy shooters. Killzone 3 was the best shooter on PS3 but that didn't really hit until late on.

Edited by MechaGS, 19 February 2013 - 03:50 PM.

#97 CUD


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 04:33 PM

I'm positive the Wii U will fail.

Oh, that's not the kind of positivity you meant.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#98 Julio93


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:28 PM

The ps3 launched with an amazing exclusive game with extensive multiplayer options with Resistance.

Yeah that's true, but when the sequel came out nobody hardly anyone bought them, IGN stated that Motorstorm sold over 1 million copies asa launch title, but the others did not, why? Simply because PS3 owners needed something to play. I haven't played Resistance but i heard it was really good competing with Gears of War 1 at the time.



#99 BlueBlur


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 05:53 PM

I'm positive the Wii U will fail.

Oh, that's not the kind of positivity you meant.

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#100 PedanticGamer


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Posted 19 February 2013 - 07:54 PM

Yeah that's true, but when the sequel came out nobody hardly anyone bought them, IGN stated that Motorstorm sold over 1 million copies asa launch title, but the others did not, why? Simply because PS3 owners needed something to play. I haven't played Resistance but i heard it was really good competing with Gears of War 1 at the time.

Well Resistance 2 was in many ways a slap in the face to fans which is why the series declined so quickly. As for Motorstorm, I can't comment, but oversaturation is a possibility as there does seem to be a few of those games out there.

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