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Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

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#41 NintendoReport



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:23 AM

I own a ps3 and a wii u so wouldn't say am biased towards 1 or the other. Soo much people compare these specs to what they run in an actual pc but yet try and emulate even a wii game which isnt by any means a powerfull console and u need a fairly decent pc to get games to run so it's not something u can compare. When u think how much of a leap it is from current gen 512 ram to 8gb DDR5 aswell just for starters there's a huge jump and when the first party studios use it to its full potential it will no dout put the wii u to shame. Don't get me wrong wii u is a massive step up from the wii but until wee see some first party games such as say zelda for wii u and say uncharted for ps4 and have something to really compare we can't really say.

End of the day no matter how powerful of a system you have games will only look as good as the people making them can get/ want them to.

But going by specs ps4 outdoes the wii u and no1 can deny that.

Nice post but don't assume the 8gigs of ram is just left for gaming, it's not... the ram will be needed for other features including OS. It will still have more ram available for games yes, but not the full 8 gigs.
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#42 Gnomishek



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:38 AM

Compare Zombi U to Killzone, compare some other Wii U games to that

Honestly, Wii U is nowhere close to that level. At least, for now it doesn't seem to be able to meet competition in terms of power. Just like Wii is not a match for PS360.
But again, power isn't everything. Nintendo focuses on innovative gameplay and its products are intended for a different kind of audience. As for me, I don't care about 'innovations' and stuff like that. I don't want to jump or shake my ass in front of the screen. If I feel like doing that, I go to the gym.
In my living room, give me my controller, my sofa and a few beers and I'm good. PS4 looks like an instant buy for me. Wii U doesn't, not until they deliver me my Zelda. No offence.

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#43 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 07:23 AM

Nice post but don't assume the 8gigs of ram is just left for gaming, it's not... the ram will be needed for other features including OS. It will still have more ram available for games yes, but not the full 8 gigs.

Its going to have a LOT of overhead.

#44 Hinkik


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:03 AM

Guys, it's a fact that PS4 will have better graphics, get over it already. Of course it won't be as huge leap as Wii to PS3 but I mean come on.

From what I saw it looked stronger than wii u, and it probably has more horsepower used for later. However, I think it didn't looks 3x-4x more powerful than wii u like the fanboys say. Also the Wii U's Power is also just being unlocked. I personally think they look about the same. I know I'll get some hate on this but it's just my opinion



Different graphic types, but similar on level.

If it isn't the same game on PS4 and Wii U, then you can't really compare since it's different artists who are working on each game.

And just for fun you can make a comparison how you want, you can make them look equal, wii u better or ps4 better.
For example:

Wii U (ZombiU)
Posted Image

PS4 (Killzone)
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Now the PS4 looks miles ahead of Wii U right? (Dont kill me if that's a prerender though :P)

Edited by Hinkik, 21 February 2013 - 09:04 AM.


#45 Crispy Bacon

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:49 AM

PS4 clearly has the advantage, but I don't think the power gap will be as large as Wii---->PS3/360. I can see a situation where Wii U=low/medium PC settings and PS4/Durango=High/Ultra PC settings. We need to see a full-fledged AAA game built from the ground up for Wii U to get an idea of where it sits tech-wise(I'm looking at you, Retro).
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#46 alan123


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:54 AM

Right then,

All i have seen all day is people (Nintendo fans & WiiU owners) going on about all the PS4 has got is prettier looking games & us WiiU owners are fine & should be happy, we have nothing to worry about we have Mario games & Zelda games in-coming, but this is the dumbest thing anyone can possibly say, because all these Mario & Zelda games we have coming are just the same games we have been playing for years & years, the only difference is the graphics are better, remembers Nintendo shouting about the WiiU & that at last we can play Mario games in HD !!!!!

The PS4 is clearly more powerful than the the WiiU that is a fact, the developers & publishers will make games for the PS4 for longer than they will make games for the WiiU.

People who own a PS3 will update to a PS4, ok not all of them will but a percentage will, how many Wii owners have or will update to a WiiU ? does anyone really still play with their Wii compared to the number that play on a PS3.

All the above references to the PS4 also apply to the X720 (next Xbox).

Nintendo need to pull something out of the bag now to ensure the WiiU can survive !

#47 namkotje



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:02 AM

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I'm going to have fun with both consoles. But the fact is, Wii U graphics can 't reach PS4/Durango graphics which isn't that bad, since the Wii U can also handle nice graphics imo.

I think most of the Nintendo fans here also have more then one platform. :)


#48 Crispy Bacon

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:06 AM

I think most of the Nintendo fans here also have more then one platform. :)

Yep. :) Got a Wii U day 1 and plan on getting a PS4 day 1 as well. Still waiting to see what Microsoft shows us.
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#49 namkotje



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:08 AM

Yep. :) Got a Wii U day 1 and plan on getting a PS4 day 1 as well. Still waiting to see what Microsoft shows us.

Funny thing is, that for a lot of players it seems to be a taboo for having more then one console. It's either Wii U or PS4/PC/Nextbox, but not both... :P


#50 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:13 AM

Funny thing is, that for a lot of players it seems to be a taboo for having more then one console. It's either Wii U or PS4/PC/Nextbox, but not both... :P

I'll more than likely have more than one console, but Sony is going to have to show the same level of graphical fidelity when the system is running physics, AI, game code, handling PSeye input, encoding video in the background, holding PSN in the background, etc etc. to keep the same level of hype. That engine looks fantastic and I hope they can pull what they've done in the demo off, but I have to stay skeptical until then. Sony are notorious for showing footage they can't actually reproduce in game.

For the Zelda demo they weren't using final Wii U hardware either, it was developed toward the reference r7XX GPU that was the target at the time. If Sony were to tweak their hardware before launch and deliver even an interactive demo experience I would be sold as long as they came through on some of their better IPs. The KillZone demo looked amazing, but I doubt at least the intro was live gameplay. The regular gameplay footage part of it looked believable enough, and it still looked great, other than the lack of a HUD.

Edited by routerbad, 21 February 2013 - 10:20 AM.

#51 Greg1040



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:08 AM

Nice post but don't assume the 8gigs of ram is just left for gaming, it's not... the ram will be needed for other features including OS. It will still have more ram available for games yes, but not the full 8 gigs.

Thanks I didn't mean to come across as the whole 8gigs would be for gaming just meant the difference between the 2 consoles spec wise. I know some of that will be kept for os ect. Even if they had say 5gb for games it's still a huge increase but how they will use all this extra power compared to old consoles won't solely be on improving graphics the whole gameplay should hopefully be on another level.

End of the day if you have a wii u and its your only system your going to think its the next best thing and vice versa for any console you own.

I have my wii u for the likes of mario ect and its exclusive first party games I love and my ps3 for everything else and will be moving onto ps4 for the same reason as the support it will have will be huge.

Graphics isn't everything we all like to look at pretty things yeh but mario by all standards isn't anything amazing yet it's 1 of the best games out there for the wii.


Also this just popped up that devs weren't aware of the upgrade from the 4gb ddr5 to 8gb which will only aid in graphics more than Lilkly looking better than we saw.

Were all gamers we should get pretty excited as to what either MS , Nintendo or Sony bring out not be bashing on 1 another trying to justify how 1 compares to another.

#52 Crispy Bacon

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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:17 AM

Funny thing is, that for a lot of players it seems to be a taboo for having more then one console. It's either Wii U or PS4/PC/Nextbox, but not both... :P

Don't understand why, to be honest. I know pricing is a huge factor for some and, that alone, keeps many gamers from being able to purchase every console within a given generation. However, if you can afford it, I say go for it. More options never hurt anyone and you get the best of all worlds.

Edited by Crispy Bacon, 21 February 2013 - 11:18 AM.

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#53 Hunter



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:54 AM

Funny thing is, that for a lot of players it seems to be a taboo for having more then one console. It's either Wii U or PS4/PC/Nextbox, but not both... :P

I would like to have multiple consoles, but i have more important things to be spending my money on than 2 or 3 £300+ consoles. I chose Wii U because it will have Zelda. It will obviously have other games as well, but I mostly go it for Zelda because it beats every other game in the world IMO.

Edited by Hunter, 21 February 2013 - 11:54 AM.

#54 NanamiGamerGrl17



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:05 PM

Why do gamers care so ,much for graphics and not the game itself? Vita is powerful but 3DS is doing better due to the games. I don't remember all the graphics fans during the system gens prior to Gen 7.

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#55 Lunity


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:15 PM

I actually think Microsoft will show their hand at E3 with their new console and probably a new halo and gears of war game to boot I am quiet concerned about how Nintendo fits in all this the new Microsoft console will probably get excellent third party support like the PS4 and let's face facts Nintendo are struggling on this front I don't care about graphics either but releasing the usual mario and Zelda titles isn't going to cut it to be frank yes it will keep the Nintendo hardcore fans happy but where's the appeal to people who own 360s or PS3 and are looking to invest in a new console I'm talking about seeing the new bio shock on the wii u the new grand theft auto on the wii u wheres the games that sell the system to the masses I just don't see them at the moment these are the kind of games Nintendo should of had sorted at release and be shouting about now but where are they??? I own a Wii U because I like the niche games Nintendo make but the sad thing is I'm planning on getting the new Microsoft console as I don't think the Wii U will get the third party support in the future to keep me happy as it currently stands I can only see the Wii u getting left behind in the future unless Nintendo pull a miracle off I shouldn't be waiting for decent games to be released on a new console Nintendo!!!

I actually think Microsoft will show their hand at E3 with their new console and probably a new halo and gears of war game to boot I am quiet concerned about how Nintendo fits in all this the new Microsoft console will probably get excellent third party support like the PS4 and let's face facts Nintendo are struggling on this front I don't care about graphics either but releasing the usual mario and Zelda titles isn't going to cut it to be frank yes it will keep the Nintendo hardcore fans happy but where's the appeal to people who own 360s or PS3 and are looking to invest in a new console I'm talking about seeing the new bio shock on the wii u the new grand theft auto on the wii u wheres the games that sell the system to the masses I just don't see them at the moment these are the kind of games Nintendo should of had sorted at release and be shouting about now but where are they??? I own a Wii U because I like the niche games Nintendo make but the sad thing is I'm planning on getting the new Microsoft console as I don't think the Wii U will get the third party support in the future to keep me happy as it currently stands I can only see the Wii u getting left behind in the future unless Nintendo pull a miracle off I shouldn't be waiting for decent games to be released on a new console Nintendo!!!

I actually think Microsoft will show their hand at E3 with their new console and probably a new halo and gears of war game to boot I am quiet concerned about how Nintendo fits in all this the new Microsoft console will probably get excellent third party support like the PS4 and let's face facts Nintendo are struggling on this front I don't care about graphics either but releasing the usual mario and Zelda titles isn't going to cut it to be frank yes it will keep the Nintendo hardcore fans happy but where's the appeal to people who own 360s or PS3 and are looking to invest in a new console I'm talking about seeing the new bio shock on the wii u the new grand theft auto on the wii u wheres the games that sell the system to the masses I just don't see them at the moment these are the kind of games Nintendo should of had sorted at release and be shouting about now but where are they??? I own a Wii U because I like the niche games Nintendo make but the sad thing is I'm planning on getting the new Microsoft console as I don't think the Wii U will get the third party support in the future to keep me happy as it currently stands I can only see the Wii u getting left behind in the future unless Nintendo pull a miracle off I shouldn't be waiting for decent games to be released on a new console Nintendo!!!

#56 tboss



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:35 PM

ps4 better duh. y do u need to reiderate that? ps4 is also most likly to win spec race. not getting 720. but sleeping dogs would be the first balpark comparisen game if the wiiu version isnt a port. ps4 prefirmed as expected. ps4 should have highest piont before optimizing, wiiu lowest but most room to push from optimization. ps4 lowest but sstill higher total. 720 somewhere inbetween. 720 should lose ground ps4 gain some wiiu gain some. compared to last gen

#57 PedanticGamer


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 12:53 PM

Well, Playstation wouldn't exist without Nintendo anyway...

Guerilla Games has done more impressive things graphically with the ps3 then Naughty Dog have. Ther Last of Us may change that but for know Killzone 3 in graphical prowess still reigns supreme.

In all fairness, I don't think any Killzone game has yet to live up to the original pre-rendered K2 trailer

Well everything about that 'prerendered' trailer (note: we don't know it it was prerendered but I think it was) was done better in both Killzone 2 and 3, from lighting to character models to animations etc.

Why do gamers care so ,much for graphics and not the game itself? Vita is powerful but 3DS is doing better due to the games. I don't remember all the graphics fans during the system gens prior to Gen 7.

I would correct you there, the 3ds is not doiung better because of the games. Its more the price (and more notably) Mario and Monester Hunter.

Edited by PedanticGamer, 21 February 2013 - 12:52 PM.

#58 Bootortle



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:04 PM

Girls, girls, you're both pretty.

Seriously, the PS4 looks good, but I wasn't shocked at all. I was pretty much expecting this. But before anything, I still need to get a Wii U. And Fire Emblem Awakening. Not in that order.
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#59 ElderKnight77


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:49 PM

Graphics wise the diffrence between Wii U and PS4 (with what we have seen so far) is not the gulf that was between Wii and PS360. The closest comparison I could probably say is the diffrence between 3DS and PSV. PSV definitely the more superior hardware with 10x the RAM and double the cores; yet the 3DS doesn't look to shabby with similar textures and effects (despite not having superior/equal AA and polygon push). It will definitely come out to creativity and how much investment 3rd parties are willing to invest in games. Clearly the current gen could still hold it's own compared to launch titles for PS4(maybe 720); and the diffrence won't be apparent until 2nd or 3rd gen of games from those systems. The Wii U, being a step up to those systems (like 3DS to PSP) would probably hold it's own for a while and would still have beautiful games using art direction instead of polys. My 2 cents.

#60 Manni01


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:50 PM

Most likely i am going to wait for bayonetta 2 to come out and see how a wii u game that has been built from ground up look like.......

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