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Ps4=Wii U in graphics IMO

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#61 NanamiGamerGrl17



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 01:53 PM

Guerilla Games has done more impressive things graphically with the ps3 then Naughty Dog have. Ther Last of Us may change that but for know Killzone 3 in graphical prowess still reigns supreme.

Well everything about that 'prerendered' trailer (note: we don't know it it was prerendered but I think it was) was done better in both Killzone 2 and 3, from lighting to character models to animations etc.

I would correct you there, the 3ds is not doiung better because of the games. Its more the price (and more notably) Mario and Monester Hunter.

But does'nt the Vita have less good games? I bought a Vita only for P4 and enjoyed GR everything else was a disspointment

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#62 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:10 PM

I love Nintendo, I love Wii U and I love 3DS, I'll die before I buy a Vita, but I might get PS4 cos' I used to love Sony, I want something that was as exciting as PS2, and I do think that Wii U might struggle against this.

#63 umegames


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:32 PM

Lets wait for naughty dogs game and Retro's game then compare.


#64 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 05:42 PM

im sick of this " the wii u hasnt shown us its full potential blah blah blah ps4 hasnt been RELEASED YET the wii u has been released for how long?? ps4 smashes it already killzone etc mite not be made of final hardware either so it could improve sorry but wii u loses this one

Wii U's X game, actually in this thread, looks just as amazing as anything else on PS4 so far. Oh, wait, is that surprising when both are next gen games?

What looks better, in your honest opinion. Perfect Dark Zero or Halo Reach? PDZ was a first wave of what was next gen. And the graphics weren't something that blew ppl away.

Why would you expect anything different with the Wii U?
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#65 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:02 PM

Wii U's X game, actually in this thread, looks just as amazing as anything else on PS4 so far. Oh, wait, is that surprising when both are next gen games?

What looks better, in your honest opinion. Perfect Dark Zero or Halo Reach? PDZ was a first wave of what was next gen. And the graphics weren't something that blew ppl away.

Why would you expect anything different with the Wii U?

Haha quite true, PDZ was Perfect Dark with motion blur.

What's funny is people forget what Nintendo did with this system two years ago at e3 with the Zelda demo. It still holds up today to be fair, X is just another animal entirely, these were some super motivated developers.

#66 MorbidGod


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 09:45 PM

Haha quite true, PDZ was Perfect Dark with motion blur.

What's funny is people forget what Nintendo did with this system two years ago at e3 with the Zelda demo. It still holds up today to be fair, X is just another animal entirely, these were some super motivated developers.

And that was done on unfinished hardware. Imagine what the Wii U can do now.

And yes, to the naysayers. I know the PS4 is unfinished hardware now. It's going to be able to blow us away. My only argument is that the Wii U is going to be able to blow us away too.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#67 Structures


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Posted 21 February 2013 - 10:02 PM

killzone is all bloom lol

also half of the ps4s power will be used for the streaming and video capture that's something you need to remember

Youtube Twitch.tv I stream Wii U Gameplay and PC Games

#68 routerbad



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Posted 21 February 2013 - 11:27 PM

And that was done on unfinished hardware. Imagine what the Wii U can do now.

And yes, to the naysayers. I know the PS4 is unfinished hardware now. It's going to be able to blow us away. My only argument is that the Wii U is going to be able to blow us away too.

I wholeheartedly agree. They are both great systems, though the Wii U is using more custom hardware than Sony, Sony built their system to offer oodles of potential on a familiar platform, which is great. Nintendo are OCD about hardware, and craft their hardware to provide consistent experiences without waste. You can expect every bit of Nintendo's CPU and GPU and Memory to work in perfect harmony and balance to that end.

#69 Nollog


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:02 AM

I don't really care.
The very fact this thread exists shows that they look somewhat on par, which leaves third parties with less excuses than last gen.

Edited by Nollog, 22 February 2013 - 12:03 AM.

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#70 Socalmuscle


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:54 AM

Compare Zombi U to Killzone, compare some other Wii U games to that

Honestly, Wii U is nowhere close to that level. At least, for now it doesn't seem to be able to meet competition in terms of power. Just like Wii is not a match for PS360.
But again, power isn't everything. Nintendo focuses on innovative gameplay and its products are intended for a different kind of audience. As for me, I don't care about 'innovations' and stuff like that. I don't want to jump or shake my ass in front of the screen. If I feel like doing that, I go to the gym.
In my living room, give me my controller, my sofa and a few beers and I'm good. PS4 looks like an instant buy for me. Wii U doesn't, not until they deliver me my Zelda. No offence.

First, all we've seen from wii u are old gen ports and an exclusive that is old gen ported code at its core.

Second, we haven't actually seen what we know to be gameplay from ps4. But hopefully it should end up looking like that. The capcom demo looked cgi quality. Would be sweet.

Third, your jab at the wii u stating it's not as powerful as the ps3 or 360 shows how uninformed and trolling you are.

Criterion just reveal need for speed most wanted for wii u which trashes the 360 and can't be done on the 360. Its using PC assets.

And that was not even a major effort for criterion. They simply used the tools Nintendo gave them, hit the "use PC assets" switch in their build pipeline and boom! Out came the defi itive version of the game with graphical fidelity. It possible on ps360.

Done here.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 22 February 2013 - 01:11 AM.

#71 Gnomishek



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:32 AM

First, all we've seen from wii u are old gen ports and an exclusive that is old gen ported code at its core.

Second, we haven't actually seen what we know to be gameplay from ps4. But hopefully it should end up looking like that. The capcom demo looked cgi quality. Would be sweet.

Third, your jab at the wii u stating it's not as powerful as the ps3 or 360 shows how uninformed and trolling you are.

Criterion just reveal need for speed most wanted for wii u which trashes the 360 and can't be done on the 360. Its using PC assets.

And that was not even a major effort for criterion. They simply used the tools Nintendo gave them, hit the "use PC assets" switch in their build pipeline and boom! Out came the defi itive version of the game with graphical fidelity. It possible on ps360.

Done here.

Actually, not done. Because:

I'll omit the first one, so let's begin with the second. They showed us a few glimpses of what the actual gameplay will look like. Killzone and DriveClub look great. Better than pretty much everything we've seen on any current gen consoles up to these days. As for Deep Down, we don't know precisely whether it was CGI or gameplay footage, but it could be real. Have you noticed what seemed to be the inventory bar in the lower corner of the screen ?

Third. You didn't care to read my post properly and yet you stated that I'd been trolling. I never said that the Wii U is weaker than PS360. I said that the original Wii was and is underpowered comparing to its competitors. And it wasn't an attempt to attack Nintendo. It was just a dry fact.
I know that Wii U is more than capable of competing against PS360 in terms of 'horsepower'. But matching PS4 and NextBox/Durango (or whatever it's called) is quite another matter.

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#72 routerbad



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 11:51 AM

Actually, not done. Because:

I'll omit the first one, so let's begin with the second. They showed us a few glimpses of what the actual gameplay will look like. Killzone and DriveClub look great. Better than pretty much everything we've seen on any current gen consoles up to these days. As for Deep Down, we don't know precisely whether it was CGI or gameplay footage, but it could be real. Have you noticed what seemed to be the inventory bar in the lower corner of the screen ?

Third. You didn't care to read my post properly and yet you stated that I'd been trolling. I never said that the Wii U is weaker than PS360. I said that the original Wii was and is underpowered comparing to its competitors. And it wasn't an attempt to attack Nintendo. It was just a dry fact.
I know that Wii U is more than capable of competing against PS360 in terms of 'horsepower'. But matching PS4 and NextBox/Durango (or whatever it's called) is quite another matter.

I noted earlier that the inventory showed a sword equipped when the character looked to be carrying a torch. Killzone looked great, but the intro looked like CGI, which wouldn't be a problem.The Wii U will be capable of matching the next gen consoles in terms of graphical capability, but may need to make concessions later in the generation.

Drive club looked completely CGI.

Edited by routerbad, 22 February 2013 - 11:51 AM.

#73 3Dude



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:01 PM

I dont recall anyone ever questioning the leap to 16 bit consoles, or the leap to 3d.

The jumps just arent what they used to be.



#74 routerbad



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:04 PM

I dont recall anyone ever questioning the leap to 16 bit consoles, or the leap to 3d.

The jumps just arent what they used to be.

indeed, simpler days. back then though the only way to show what the console could do was to show what the console could do.

#75 tboss



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:29 PM

I noted earlier that the inventory showed a sword equipped when the character looked to be carrying a torch. Killzone looked great, but the intro looked like CGI, which wouldn't be a problem.The Wii U will be capable of matching the next gen consoles in terms of graphical capability, but may need to make concessions later in the generation.

Drive club looked completely CGI.

only way i see wiiu keeping up is in games that use alot of effects. fully ussing every part of wiiu gpu. but lossing in games that enphisize things and drop others. poly count to tesselation or text res and lightinng. i see tgos limits. as for the dragon thing. beleavable if the game is ran in small rooms. like old metroid games

#76 syks-1


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 12:59 PM

lol i love my wii u but damn theres some hard out secrete fanboys on here,the killzone footage was ALL ingame and was EASY to see so...im not sure about deep down but it may look close to that when released.

The wii u WILL still amaze people with what it can do in the future but i havnt seen anything so far that matches what was shown on ps4!

Oh by the way,im not buying a ps4 at launch as im happy with my wii u, but i will be adding a ps4 when its been out a while and come down in price :)

#77 CBreeze5g


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:23 PM

The ps4 showing looked great. Killzone is one of my favorite franchises and shadow fall looked amazing. PS4 is undoubtly more powerful than the wiiu but not leagues ahead. Borh will be great consoles to own as I plan on getting both. Right now I'm working on getting a 3DS for Pokemon X/Y and after that I'll save up for a PS4. I'll then get a wiiu and eventually a vita. My wallet is aching already.

#78 routerbad



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:31 PM

lol i love my wii u but damn theres some hard out secrete fanboys on here,the killzone footage was ALL ingame and was EASY to see so...im not sure about deep down but it may look close to that when released.

The wii u WILL still amaze people with what it can do in the future but i havnt seen anything so far that matches what was shown on ps4!

Oh by the way,im not buying a ps4 at launch as im happy with my wii u, but i will be adding a ps4 when its been out a while and come down in price :)

We'll see at e3 won't we. That was the problem with the PS3, they showed what was supposed to have been ingame footage, then the game looked quite less detailed when it was released. As I've said before, I would love to see them pull it off and keep the procepoint low, but I have a problem believing that it wasn't. Mainly because of the reflection and refraction going on with glass surfaces in the demo. Image distortion through translucent surfaces while simultaneously reflecting the world around it. All of the other effects were believable to me other than that one.

#79 syks-1


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Posted 22 February 2013 - 01:36 PM

We'll see at e3 won't we. That was the problem with the PS3, they showed what was supposed to have been ingame footage, then the game looked quite less detailed when it was released. As I've said before, I would love to see them pull it off and keep the procepoint low, but I have a problem believing that it wasn't. Mainly because of the reflection and refraction going on with glass surfaces in the demo. Image distortion through translucent surfaces while simultaneously reflecting the world around it. All of the other effects were believable to me other than that one.

Lol yep we will see at e3.

#80 Socalmuscle


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Posted 23 February 2013 - 12:22 PM

The 8 Gigs is not just for games. It is for All that the system needs to do to function with all its features. The OS needs some of it right off the bat. With all the new features, a lot of more multi-tasking will be taking place. Which is exactly what RAM is for. Then of course there is the games. 8 gigs is now a standard for any decent gaming rig. They need at least this much to pull off all these things. Developers specifically asked for this change so they could make their games how they are meant to be. 8 Gigs is not only there to allow for all these things to function, but to do so smoothly for a seamless user friendly experience. This is not something they just threw money at to solve a problem. It was entirely necessary.

You missed the point. Of course 8 gb on't all be used for games.
Sony will also have to have working memory for realtime video encode, a highly inefficient way to copy wii u gamepad by funneling video to vita and it's cotrs back to ps4 via the Internet, OS, etc.

The point was games. Thanks.

And yes, it was money thrown at a problem. There are other ways to manage memory then to throw 8 gb of ddr5. lol

But the upside to Sonys inefficiency is that even lame developers can make their games look good.

Killsone was in game footage. But it was the art style that made it look great as it is. Almost a final fantasy look to the buildings.

And it evoked some deus ex as well.

Build a new deus ex on wii u from the ground up and it will probably look exactly like that.

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